Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Burry, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Burry, County Meath
Bell Ellen Ethelstown Burry Meath Bell John Scurlockstown Burry Meath Brien Mary Scurlockstown Burry Meath Brooks Anne Scurlockstown Burry Meath Caffrey Bryan Balgeeth Burry Meath Caffrey Bryan Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Carolan Michael Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Casserly James Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Casserly John Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Casserly Laurence Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Casserly Patrick Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Clarke John Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Duff James Balgeeth Burry Meath Duff James Chapelbride Burry Meath Dugdale Anne Scurlockstown Burry Meath Dyas John Balrath Demesne Burry Meath Dyas John Barfordstown Burry Meath Dyas John Pepperstown Burry Meath Dyas Richard Balgeeth Burry Meath Dyas Richard Rodstown Burry Meath Fagan Anne Scurlockstown Burry Meath Farley Patrick Balrath Demesne Burry Meath Flesh Edward Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Flesh John Scurlockstown Burry Meath Flesh Thomas Scurlockstown Burry Meath Flood Edward Scurlockstown Burry Meath Fryary Denis Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Fryary Patrick Barfordstown Burry Meath Gilsenan Thomas Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Halfpenny Nicholas Scurlockstown Burry Meath Hart Bryan Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Hopkins Margaret Boolies Burry Meath Kelly Michael Ethelstown Burry Meath Keogan Anne Scurlockstown Burry Meath Lynagh Patrick Barfordstown Burry Meath Lynch Bryan Scurlockstown Burry Meath Madden Philip Balrath Demesne Burry Meath Martin John Balrath Demesne Burry Meath Masterson Patrick Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Mc Bride James Scurlockstown Burry Meath Mc Cann John Scurlockstown Burry Meath Mc Guinness Catherine Scurlockstown Burry Meath Mc Guinness John Scurlockstown Burry Meath Mc Guinness John Toberultan Burry Meath Mc Guinness Patrick Scurlockstown Burry Meath Meredyth Baronet Henry Scurlockstown Burry Meath Mooney James Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Murray Fanny Scurlockstown Burry Meath Murray John Toberultan Burry Meath Nevin Patrick Scurlockstown Burry Meath Nicholl Robert Boolies Burry Meath Nicholl Robert Chapelbride Burry Meath Nicholl Robert Rafeehan Burry Meath Nicholson John Balgeeth Burry Meath Nicholson John Balrath Demesne Burry Meath Nicholson John Barfordstown Burry Meath Nicholson John Chapelbride Burry Meath Nicholson John Ethelstown Burry Meath Nicholson John Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Nicholson Nathaniel Ethelstown Burry Meath Nicholson Nathaniel Garistown Burry Meath O'Brien Terence Scurlockstown Burry Meath O'Reilly Philip Balrath Demesne Burry Meath O'Reilly Philip Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Phillips Sterne Toberultan Burry Meath Quinn Mary Scurlockstown Burry Meath Reilly Felix Scurlockstown Burry Meath Reilly James Rafeehan Burry Meath Reilly Mary Scurlockstown Burry Meath Reilly Michael Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Reynolds Peter Barfordstown Burry Meath Reynolds Peter Toberultan Burry Meath Rothwell John Barfordstown Burry Meath Rothwell Richard Irishtown Burry Meath Smith James Scurlockstown Burry Meath Smith Matthew Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Smith Thomas Balgeeth Burry Meath Smith Thomas Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Smith Thomas, Jr. Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath Tanham Thomas Scurlockstown Burry Meath Wynne John Scurlockstown Burry Meath Yore George Springville, or Dandlestown Burry Meath