Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clongill, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clongill, County Meath
Blake Thomas Clongill Clongill Meath Brady James Clongill Clongill Meath Garnett Samuel Arch Hall Clongill Meath Garnett Samuel Fletcherstown Clongill Meath Garnett Samuel Oristown Clongill Meath Gerrard John Clongill Clongill Meath Gibney Sarah Oristown Clongill Meath Gogherty Christopher Dowthstown Clongill Meath Hand Bryan Clongill Clongill Meath Hoey Patrick Clongill Clongill Meath Lee Christopher Oristown Clongill Meath Lynch John Clongill Clongill Meath Martin Hugh Clongill Clongill Meath Martin John Clongill Clongill Meath Martin Mary Clongill Clongill Meath Martin Thomas Clongill Clongill Meath Mc Guire Patrick Fletcherstown Clongill Meath Rogers Sarah Fletcherstown Clongill Meath Sheridan Owen Dowthstown Clongill Meath Smith James Clongill Clongill Meath Stopford Rev. Thos. A. Clongill Clongill Meath Stopford Rev. Thos. A. Glebe Clongill Meath Sweeny Peter Arch Hall Clongill Meath Sweeny Peter Clongill Clongill Meath Tormey Philip Clongill Clongill Meath Tracy John Clongill Clongill Meath White Patrick Oristown Clongill Meath