Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Collon, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Collon, County Meath
Amberson John Starinagh Collon Meath Barnes Denis Starinagh Collon Meath Barnes James Starinagh Collon Meath Barnes John Starinagh Collon Meath Barnes Richard Starinagh Collon Meath Bellew Laurence Broomfield Collon Meath Bingham Robert Starinagh Collon Meath Bourke Thomas Starinagh Collon Meath Boylan Connor Starinagh Collon Meath Boylan Edward Starinagh Collon Meath Boylan Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Brien James Starinagh Collon Meath Brien Michael Starinagh Collon Meath Briscoe Edward Starinagh Collon Meath Broden Thomas Starinagh Collon Meath Byrne Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Campbell Margaret Starinagh Collon Meath Campbell Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Connolly Edward Starinagh Collon Meath Connolly Michael Starinagh Collon Meath Connolly Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Conyngham Peter Starinagh Collon Meath Crawley Matthew Starinagh Collon Meath Denneny Ellen Starinagh Collon Meath Downey Matthew Glassallen Collon Meath Drew James Broomfield Collon Meath Drumgoole John Starinagh Collon Meath Falkner Michael Starinagh Collon Meath Ferrard ??? Broomfield Collon Meath Ferrard ??? Glassallen Collon Meath Ferrard ??? Starinagh Collon Meath Finnegan Jane Starinagh Collon Meath Fleming Catherine Starinagh Collon Meath Fleming John Starinagh Collon Meath Fleming Thomas Broomfield Collon Meath Floyde Peter Starinagh Collon Meath Ginnitty William Starinagh Collon Meath Gorman Peter Broomfield Collon Meath Goveran James Starinagh Collon Meath Greaves Thomas Starinagh Collon Meath Griffith Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Halpin William Starinagh Collon Meath Hamil Anne Glassallen Collon Meath Hanratty Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Kealy Nicholas Broomfield Collon Meath Keeley Michael Broomfield Collon Meath Kerr Andrew Starinagh Collon Meath Lambert John Starinagh Collon Meath Lawless Nicholas Starinagh Collon Meath Lawless Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Magrane Matthew Starinagh Collon Meath Massereene Viscount ??? Broomfield Collon Meath Massereene Viscount ??? Glassallen Collon Meath Massereene Viscount ??? Starinagh Collon Meath Mathews Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Mc Donnell Patrick Starinagh Collon Meath Mc Donough Margaret Broomfield Collon Meath Mc Donough Margt. Broomfield Collon Meath Mc Givney Luke Starinagh Collon Meath Mc Guiness Mary Starinagh Collon Meath Mc Guinness Matt Starinagh Collon Meath Mc Keever Jane Starinagh Collon Meath Mc Keever Joseph Starinagh Collon Meath Mc Keever Samuel Starinagh Collon Meath Mc Kelvy William Starinagh Collon Meath Moonan Anne Starinagh Collon Meath Moonan James Glassallen Collon Meath Moonan James Starinagh Collon Meath Moonan Mary Starinagh Collon Meath Moonan Michael Starinagh Collon Meath Moonan Thomas Starinagh Collon Meath Moonen Thomas Broomfield Collon Meath Mulholland Thomas Starinagh Collon Meath Pentony John Glassallen Collon Meath Quinn Bryan Glassallen Collon Meath Ray Jane Broomfield Collon Meath Reilly John Starinagh Collon Meath Reilly Mary Starinagh Collon Meath Reilly Richard Starinagh Collon Meath Shaw Lawrence Starinagh Collon Meath Simpson William Glassallen Collon Meath Smith Ellen Starinagh Collon Meath Tiernan Alice Broomfield Collon Meath Tiernan Paul Broomfield Collon Meath Trainor Mary Anne Starinagh Collon Meath Weldon Nicholas Broomfield Collon Meath Whearty Philip Starinagh Collon Meath Woods Sarah Starinagh Collon Meath Woods William Starinagh Collon Meath