Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Battersby John Bobsville Diamor Meath Battersby John Diamor Diamor Meath Battersby Rev. Robert Diamor Diamor Meath Battersby Rev. Robt. Bobsville Diamor Meath Battersby Robert Diamor Diamor Meath Battersby Thomas Philipstown Diamor Meath Booker John Diamor Diamor Meath Brady Bartholomew Patrickstown Diamor Meath Brady Bryan Patrickstown Diamor Meath Brady Michael Patrickstown Diamor Meath Caffrey Catherine Patrickstown Diamor Meath Caffrey Mary Lordstown Diamor Meath Caffrey Thomas Corstown Diamor Meath Caffrey Thomas Patrickstown Diamor Meath Chance Francis Diamor Diamor Meath Clarke Hugh Diamor Diamor Meath Clarke James Patrickstown Diamor Meath Connell Edward Corstown Diamor Meath Cregan John Martinstown Diamor Meath Cummisky Catherine Martinstown Diamor Meath Donoher Patrick Diamor Diamor Meath Farmer Anne Lordstown Diamor Meath Farmer Henry Lordstown Diamor Meath Farrell Michael Diamor Diamor Meath Foley Patrick Diamor Diamor Meath Fox Daniel Patrickstown Diamor Meath Fox Mary Patrickstown Diamor Meath Gavin Bryan Patrickstown Diamor Meath Gavin Mary Corstown Diamor Meath Gillick John Patrickstown Diamor Meath Gillick Laurence Patrickstown Diamor Meath Gilshenan Michael Belview Diamor Meath Gilshenan Michael Dogstown Diamor Meath Goodwin Richard Diamor Diamor Meath Heany Nicholas Corstown Diamor Meath Kelly Edmond Patrickstown Diamor Meath Lynch James Belview Diamor Meath Lynch Joseph Balrath Diamor Meath Mackey John Patrickstown Diamor Meath Mc Cabe Anne Martinstown Diamor Meath Mc Cabe Henry Patrickstown Diamor Meath Mc Cormack Richard Diamor Diamor Meath Monaghan Christopher Patrickstown Diamor Meath Muldoon John Lordstown Diamor Meath Naper James Corstown Diamor Meath Naper James W. L. Corstown Diamor Meath Reilly Anne Philipstown Diamor Meath Reilly Bryan Philipstown Diamor Meath Reilly John Lordstown Diamor Meath Reilly Matthew Patrickstown Diamor Meath Reilly Matthew Williamstown Diamor Meath Robert James Corstown Diamor Meath Robinson Isabella Martinstown Diamor Meath Rotheram Edward Belview Diamor Meath Rotheram Edward Corstown Diamor Meath Rotheram Edward Patrickstown Diamor Meath Rotheram Edward, Jr. Patrickstown Diamor Meath Rourke Michael Corstown Diamor Meath Simons James Corstown Diamor Meath Smyth Bryan Patrickstown Diamor Meath Smyth John Balrath Diamor Meath Smyth Thomas Corstown Diamor Meath Togher Edward Patrickstown Diamor Meath Tuite John Corstown Diamor Meath Tuite Patrick Patrickstown Diamor Meath Tuite William Corstown Diamor Meath Wade William B. Clonabreany Diamor Meath Wade William B. Diamor Diamor Meath Wade William B. Firpark Diamor Meath Wade William B. Hamlinstown Diamor Meath Wade William B. Martinstown Diamor Meath