Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adams George Aclare Cottage Demesne Drumcondra Meath Adams George Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Ball Margaret Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Barlow John Ballymacolgan Drumcondra Meath Barlow John Newstone Drumcondra Meath Bartle Patrick Drumbride Drumcondra Meath Behan Catherine Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Berry Michael Newstone Drumcondra Meath Bird Philip Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Blaker John R. Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Boland John Largy Drumcondra Meath Bradley John Greenan Drumcondra Meath Bradley Laurence Aclare Cottage Demesne Drumcondra Meath Brady Bridget Rathlagan Drumcondra Meath Brady James Corstown Drumcondra Meath Brady Owen Kearntown Drumcondra Meath Brady Owen Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Brennan Owen Greenan Drumcondra Meath Byrne Anne Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Byrne Francis Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Byrne George Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Byrne James Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Byrne Michael Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Byrne Owen Clonbartan Drumcondra Meath Byrne Richard Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Callan Andrew Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Callan John Balrath Drumcondra Meath Callan John Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Callan Laurence Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Callan Michael Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Callan Michael Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Callan Patrick Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Campbell John Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Campbell John Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Campbell Patrick Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Carey Mary Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Carey Patrick Newstone Drumcondra Meath Carolan Jane Aclare Cottage Demesne Drumcondra Meath Carolan Margaret Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Carolan Peter Drumsillagh Drumcondra Meath Carolan Peter Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Carroll Andrew Aclare House Demesne Drumcondra Meath Carroll Edward Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Carroll Henry Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Carroll James Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Carroll Nicholas Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Carroll Peter Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Carroll Thomas Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Carry Bernard Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Carry James Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Carry John Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Carry Michael Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Cassidy Henry Mooneystown Drumcondra Meath Cassidy James Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Cassidy John Aclare House Demesne Drumcondra Meath Cassidy John Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Cassidy Patrick Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Cassidy Thomas Newstone Drumcondra Meath Cellier Mary Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Clarke Owen Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Clarke Patrick Roosky Drumcondra Meath Clarke Redmond Newstone Drumcondra Meath Clinton Edward Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Collier Mary Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Conlan Owen Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Conlan Richard Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Connell Matthew Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Connolly John Largy Drumcondra Meath Connor William Newstone Drumcondra Meath Cooney ??? Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Corballis James Greenan Drumcondra Meath Corbally Bryan Corstown Drumcondra Meath Corbally Mary Greenan Drumcondra Meath Corbally Patrick Corstown Drumcondra Meath Crawley John Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Crawley Peter Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Crawley William Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Cretan John Ballymacolgan Drumcondra Meath Crosby John Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Cunningham Michael Largy Drumcondra Meath Cunningham Michael Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Curran Denis Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Devin Jane Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Doogan Bridget Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Doogan Thomas Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Dougherty Patrick Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Dougherty Patrick Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Dougherty Patrick Roosky Drumcondra Meath Dougherty Peter Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Dowdall Thomas Drumbride Drumcondra Meath Downey James Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Duff Christina Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Duff John Largy Drumcondra Meath Duffy Edward Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Dunbar Anne Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Dunbar John Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Durnin James Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Early Simon Newstone Drumcondra Meath Englishby John Balrath Drumcondra Meath Englishby Thomas Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Farrelly James Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Farrelly John Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Farrelly Myles Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Farrelly Myles Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Fay James Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Fay James Rathtrasna Drumcondra Meath Finnegan James Roosky Drumcondra Meath Fitzpatrick Patrick Rathlagan Drumcondra Meath Fitzpatrick Thomas Rathlagan Drumcondra Meath Flood Marks Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Forbes Arthur Sallybrook Drumcondra Meath Forbes Arthur K. Ballymacolgan Drumcondra Meath Forbes Arthur K. Newstone Drumcondra Meath Foster Margaret Roosky Drumcondra Meath Foster Thomas Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Foster Thomas Largy Drumcondra Meath Foster Thomas Rathtrasna Drumcondra Meath Foster Thomas Roosky Drumcondra Meath Fowler Patrick Ballymacolgan Drumcondra Meath Gaffney Walter Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Gaynor Bernard Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Geoghegan Thomas Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Gerrard Edward Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Gerrard Mary Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Ginnety Peter Greenan Drumcondra Meath Ginnety Peter Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Ginshenan Owen Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Gorman James Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Gunnell William Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny Catherine Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny James Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny John Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny Patrick Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny Patrick Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny Patrick Rathtrasna Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny Thomas Aclare House Demesne Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny Thomas Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Halfpenny Thomas Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Hamill John Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Hamill Owen Kearntown Drumcondra Meath Hamill Patrick Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Hamill Thomas Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Hamill Thomas Rathtrasna Drumcondra Meath Hamilton Rev. Edw. M. Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Hamilton Rev. Edward M. Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Hammill Thomas Newstone Drumcondra Meath Hanlon Margaret Largy Drumcondra Meath Harlan John Aclare House Demesne Drumcondra Meath Heery Judith Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Heery Margaret Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Heery Michael Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Heery Michael Largy Drumcondra Meath Henry Francis Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Hickey Elizabeth Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Hickey Thomas Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Hill Bridget Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Hill Bridget Rathtrasna Drumcondra Meath Hoey Matthew Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Hoey Matthew Newstone Drumcondra Meath Hoey Peter Greenan Drumcondra Meath Hoey Thomas Rathlagan Drumcondra Meath Hughes Margaret Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Irwin George Greenan Drumcondra Meath Irwin John Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Irwin William Corstown Drumcondra Meath Keal Owen Newstone Drumcondra Meath Kean John Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Kearn Patrick Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Kearn Patrick Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Kearn Patrick Roosky Drumcondra Meath Keelan Bernard Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Keelan Bridget Roosky Drumcondra Meath Keelan James Aclare Cottage Demesne Drumcondra Meath Keelan James Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Keelan Laurence Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Keelan Patrick Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Keelan Thomas Aclare House Demesne Drumcondra Meath Keil Patrick Greenan Drumcondra Meath Keiran James Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Keiran Joseph Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Keiran Laurence Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Keiran Laurence Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Kelly Patrick Greenan Drumcondra Meath Kienan John Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Kindelan George Corstown Drumcondra Meath Kinlan Henry Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Lane James Newstone Drumcondra Meath Ledwich James Rathlagan Drumcondra Meath Ledwich Thomas Largy Drumcondra Meath Lynch James Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Lynch Mary Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Lynch William Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Magenniss Judith Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Markey Patrick Largy Drumcondra Meath Markey Thomas Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Martin Francis Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Martin Patrick Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Mason Edward Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Mathews James Aclare Cottage Demesne Drumcondra Meath Mathews James Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Mathews James Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Mathews Peter Roosky Drumcondra Meath Mathews Rose Drumbride Drumcondra Meath Mathews Sylvester Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Matthews Hugh Greenan Drumcondra Meath Mc Adam Susanna Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Mc Ardle Margaret Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Mc Cabe Anne Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Mc Cabe Felix Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Mc Cabe Patrick Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Mc Cartney Thomas Balrath Drumcondra Meath Mc Connell Hugh Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Mc Connell Thomas Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Mc Cormack Patrick Largy Drumcondra Meath Mc Donnell Henry Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Mc Donnell Laurence Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Mc Donnell Margaret Greenan Drumcondra Meath Mc Enrue James Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Mc Enrue Owen Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Mc Enteggart Bernard Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Mc Gahan John Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Mc Guinness Bernard Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Mc Keever Laurence Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Mc Kenna James Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Mc Kenna Judith Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Mc Kenna Patrick Largy Drumcondra Meath Mc Mahon Andrew Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Mc Taigue Bernard Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Mead Edward Newstone Drumcondra Meath Mead Patrick Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Mead Patrick Roosky Drumcondra Meath Meehan Michael Greenan Drumcondra Meath Merry James Corstown Drumcondra Meath Monaghan Mary Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Monaghan William Rathlagan Drumcondra Meath Moonan Elizabeth Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Moonan Elizabeth Drumsillagh Drumcondra Meath Moonan James Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Mooney Mary Largy Drumcondra Meath Mooney Michael Largy Drumcondra Meath Moore Catherine Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Moore Jane Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Morrison Patrick Balrath Drumcondra Meath Mullen Bridget Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Murphy John Corstown Drumcondra Meath Murphy Patrick Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Murray Bridget Greenan Drumcondra Meath Murray Bryan Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Murray Byran Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Murray Eneas Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Murray Terence Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Nulty James Largy Drumcondra Meath Nulty James Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Nulty Patrick Largy Drumcondra Meath Nulty Patrick Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Nulty Thomas Largy Drumcondra Meath O'Brien Bartholomew Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath O'Brien Francis Balrath Drumcondra Meath O'Brien Rev. Edward Largy Drumcondra Meath Ogle Geo. Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Ogle George Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Ogle Henry Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Ogle Mary Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Ogle Thomas Drumbride Drumcondra Meath Owens Christina Birdhill Drumcondra Meath Owens Christina Drumsillagh Drumcondra Meath Owens Robert Kearntown Drumcondra Meath Palmer John Ballymacolgan Drumcondra Meath Philips John Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Philips Margaret Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Phillips James Newstone Drumcondra Meath Reilly Bryan Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Reilly Charles Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Reilly Edward Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Reilly James Drumgill, Upper Drumcondra Meath Reilly Patrick Newstone Drumcondra Meath Rogers Patrick Largy Drumcondra Meath Rogers Richard Rathtrasna Drumcondra Meath Rogers Thomas Largy Drumcondra Meath Saul Denis Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Saul Peter Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Saul Peter Kilriffin Drumcondra Meath Seville Peter Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Sheekey John Newstone Drumcondra Meath Sheekey Patrick Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Sheenan Michael Breslanstown Drumcondra Meath Shekleton Samuel Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Aclare House Demesne Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Balrath Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Birdhill Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Clonbartan Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Corstown Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Kearntown Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Mooneystown Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Singleton Henry C. Rathtrasna Drumcondra Meath Skelly James Greenan Drumcondra Meath Skelly Patrick Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Smith Bridget Largy Drumcondra Meath Smith Bridget Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Smith Patrick Mooneystown Drumcondra Meath Stein Laurence Greenan Drumcondra Meath Strong George Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Sullivan Catherine Drumgill, Lower Drumcondra Meath Swain Wm. Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Sweeney Hugh Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Taaffe James Greenan Drumcondra Meath Taaffe Patrick Corstown Drumcondra Meath Thornton Patrick Largy Drumcondra Meath Tully Hugh Aclare Cottage Demesne Drumcondra Meath Victory William Newstone Drumcondra Meath Wall Catherine Largy Drumcondra Meath Wall Laurence Ballyhoe Drumcondra Meath Walsh John Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Walsh Michael Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Walsh Simon Corstown Drumcondra Meath Ward John Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Ward Owen Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Ward Patrick Drumbride Drumcondra Meath Ward Patrick Greenan Drumcondra Meath Ward Patrick Kellystown Drumcondra Meath Waters James Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath Williamson Mary Mullaghmore Drumcondra Meath Woods William Mullyandrew Drumcondra Meath Young Elizabeth Drumcondra Drumcondra Meath