Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Andrews Christopher Lunderstown Duleek Meath Ball Laurence Bellewstown Duleek Meath Bannon Catherine Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Bannon Edward Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Bannon Mary Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Bannon Michael Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Barnett John Commons Duleek Meath Barnett Patrick Redmountain Duleek Meath Barnett Thomas Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Batty Rev. Edward Abbeyland Duleek Meath Batty Rev. Edward Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Batty Rev. Edward Commons Duleek Meath Beahan Owen Commons Duleek Meath Beahan Owen Knockisland Duleek Meath Bedfort William Platin Duleek Meath Bell Mary Abbeyland Duleek Meath Bellew Thomas Newtown Duleek Meath Bellow William Platin Duleek Meath Berl Nicholas Commons Duleek Meath Birle Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Birle Rose Platin Duleek Meath Bowery Patrick Collierstown Duleek Meath Boylan Margaret Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Boylan Thomas Beaumont Duleek Meath Boylan Thomas Bellewstown Duleek Meath Boylan Thomas Carnes East Duleek Meath Boylan Thomas Collierstown Duleek Meath Boylan Thomas Hilltown Great Duleek Meath Boylan Thomas Hilltown Little Duleek Meath Boylan Thomas Lunderstown Duleek Meath Boyle Denis Collierstown Duleek Meath Boyle Michael Roughgrange Duleek Meath Boyle Thomas Garballagh Duleek Meath Bracken Patrick Bellewstown Duleek Meath Brady Felix Commons Duleek Meath Brady James Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Brady Mary Carranstown Duleek Meath Branagan James Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Branagan Matthew Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Branagan Michael Commons Duleek Meath Branagan Peter Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Branagan Vincent Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Brannan William Scatternagh Duleek Meath Brennan Patrick Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Brian John Platin Duleek Meath Brien Anne Commons Duleek Meath Brien Thomas Downestown Duleek Meath Browne Henry Boolies Little Duleek Meath Browne John Knockisland Duleek Meath Browne Thomas Knockisland Duleek Meath Brunkert Christopher Platin Duleek Meath Burke Patrick Lunderstown Duleek Meath Burnes Thomas Boolies Great Duleek Meath Burns Bridget Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Burns James Boolies Great Duleek Meath Burns James Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Byrne Elizabeth Deenes Duleek Meath Byrne John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Byrne Michael Lougher Duleek Meath Caffery Matthew Abbeyland Duleek Meath Caffrey James Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Caffrey Matthew Boolies Great Duleek Meath Caffrey Michael Boolies Great Duleek Meath Callaghan Andrew Bellewstown Duleek Meath Callaghan Christopher Carranstown Duleek Meath Callaghan Judith Knockisland Duleek Meath Callaghan Peter Lunderstown Duleek Meath Callan Bridget Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Callan John Commons Duleek Meath Callender John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Callender Margaret Commons Duleek Meath Callender Mary Commons Duleek Meath Callenter Patrick Knockisland Duleek Meath Campbell Patrick Carranstown Duleek Meath Canlin Hugh Platin Duleek Meath Caraher Patrick Lougher Duleek Meath Carey Charlotte Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Carey Francis Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Carey Margaret Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Carey Mary Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Carlon Patrick Roughgrange Duleek Meath Carney Edmond Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Carney James Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Carpenter John Blackditch Duleek Meath Carpenter John Gafney Duleek Meath Carpenter Joseph Platin Duleek Meath Carregan John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Carroll Hugh Bellewstown Duleek Meath Carroll James Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Carroll James The Green,(Commons) Duleek Meath Carroll Mary The Green,(Commons) Duleek Meath Carroll Michael Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Carroll Patrick Collierstown Duleek Meath Carroll Robert Commons Duleek Meath Carroll Simon Platin Duleek Meath Carter John Lougher Duleek Meath Carthan Margaret Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Cawlin Michael Platin Duleek Meath Chambers James Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Chandler Jane Church),Lane (Back,(Commons) Duleek Meath Chandler Jane Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Clare John Bellewstown Duleek Meath Clarke Christopher Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Clarke Christopher Prioryland Duleek Meath Clarke Ellen Boolies Great Duleek Meath Clarke James Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Clarke John Bellewstown Duleek Meath Clarke John Collierstown Duleek Meath Clarke Mary Lunderstown Duleek Meath Clarke Mary Prioryland Duleek Meath Clarke Owen Boolies Great Duleek Meath Clarke Patrick Lougher Duleek Meath Clarke Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Clarke Thomas Lougher Duleek Meath Clarke Thomas Platin Duleek Meath Cluskey Charles Commons Duleek Meath Cluskey Thomas Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Cluskey Thomas Newtown Duleek Meath Clusky Christopher Bellewstown Duleek Meath Coleman Alice Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Coleman Alice Commons Duleek Meath Coleman John Commons Duleek Meath Coleman Matthew Carranstown Duleek Meath Coleman Matthew Lunderstown Duleek Meath Coller Anne Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Coller John Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Coller Richard Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Collier John Collierstown Duleek Meath Collier Joseph Cooksgrove Duleek Meath Conlan James Commons Duleek Meath Conlon James Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Conlon James Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Conlon John Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Conlon Nicholas Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Connell Jane Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Connell Nicholas Commons Duleek Meath Connell Nicholas Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Connell Patrick Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Connell Patrick Chapel Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Connelly Anne Platin Duleek Meath Connelly James Platin Duleek Meath Connelly Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Connor Michael Collierstown Duleek Meath Connors Michael Commons Duleek Meath Coogan John Collierstown Duleek Meath Coogan Margaret Collierstown Duleek Meath Cooper John Platin Duleek Meath Corcoran John Drumman Duleek Meath Corrigan Arthur Town of Duleek Main Street,Commons Duleek Meath Corrigan Patrick Collierstown Duleek Meath Costelloe James Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Costelloe James Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Cottington Matthew Lunderstown Duleek Meath Courtney Christopher Boolies Great Duleek Meath Courtney Christopher Collierstown Duleek Meath Courtney Christr. Collierstown Duleek Meath Courtney James Collierstown Duleek Meath Courtney John Carnes West Duleek Meath Courtney John Lunderstown Duleek Meath Courtney Michael Garballagh Duleek Meath Courtney Owen Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Courtney Patrick Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Courtney Patrick Carnes East Duleek Meath Courtney Patrick Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Courtney Richard Collierstown Duleek Meath Courtney Thomas Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Courtney Thomas Collierstown Duleek Meath Cowley Thomas Bellewstown Duleek Meath Cowley Thomas Garballagh Duleek Meath Coyle Rep. Walter Lougher Duleek Meath Crean Rose Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Creed Alice Boolies Great Duleek Meath Crosbie Jane Collierstown Duleek Meath Cullen Edmond Boolies Great Duleek Meath Cullen Philip Carranstown Duleek Meath Cumiskey Martin Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Cumisky Jane Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Cumisky Peter Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Cunningham Christr. Collierstown Duleek Meath Cunningham Patrick Boolies Great Duleek Meath Curran Patrick Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Cusack John W. Bellewstown Duleek Meath D'Arcy John Beaumont Duleek Meath Daly Patrick Commons Duleek Meath Daly Patrick Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Daly Simon Commons Duleek Meath Daly Simon The Green,(Commons) Duleek Meath Darbey Francis Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Darby Catherine Collierstown Duleek Meath Daw Christopher Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Daw Christopher Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Daw Luke Church),Lane (Back,(Commons) Duleek Meath Daw Luke Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Daw Rose Commons Duleek Meath Derham Peter Scatternagh Duleek Meath Devine John Commons Duleek Meath Devine John Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Devine John Roughgrange Duleek Meath Devine Thomas Boolies Great Duleek Meath Dignam Edward Platin Duleek Meath Dillon John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Doherty Michael Platin Duleek Meath Donegan James Roughgrange Duleek Meath Donnell Christopher Commons Duleek Meath Donnelly Edward Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Donnelly Matthew Beaumont Duleek Meath Donnelly Patrick Carranstown Duleek Meath Donnelly Peter Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Donnelly Richard Thomastown Duleek Meath Donnelly Thomas Garballagh Duleek Meath Doolin James Platin Duleek Meath Doory James Knockisland Duleek Meath Dorey James Carnes West Duleek Meath Dowling Andrew Newtown Duleek Meath Dowling Mary Commons Duleek Meath Dowling Mary Newtown Duleek Meath Dowling Patrick Riverstown Duleek Meath Downey John Commons Duleek Meath Downey Mary Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Downey Thomas Lunderstown Duleek Meath Doyle Patrick Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Dromgoole Andrew Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Dromgoole Robert Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Dulahan Thomas Beaumont Duleek Meath Dummokin George Scatternagh Duleek Meath Dummokin Patrick Bellewstown Duleek Meath Dummokin Patrick Carnes West Duleek Meath Dunn Luke Collierstown Duleek Meath Dunn Patrick Carnes East Duleek Meath Dunn Thomas Carnes East Duleek Meath Dunne James Lougher Duleek Meath Dunne Patrick Garballagh Duleek Meath Dyas Richard Platin Duleek Meath Elliott Harriet Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Ennis Peter Carnes West Duleek Meath Ennis Peter Collierstown Duleek Meath Ennis Peter Ongenstown Duleek Meath Enright John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Evans Nicholas Abbeyland Duleek Meath Everett James Beaumont Duleek Meath Everett James Garballagh Duleek Meath Everett James Mullaghfin Duleek Meath Everett James Thomastown Duleek Meath Fagan Christopher Boolies Great Duleek Meath Fagan Henry Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Fagan John Gillinstown Duleek Meath Fagan Patrick Boolies Great Duleek Meath Fairan Thomas Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Farelly Mary Platin Duleek Meath Farnan George Cooksgrove Duleek Meath Farnan John Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Farrell James Chapel Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Farrelly Anne Lunderstown Duleek Meath Faye Laurence Platin Duleek Meath Fee Bernard Platin Duleek Meath Finegan John Commons Duleek Meath Finnegan Bridget Platin Duleek Meath Finnegan William Platin Duleek Meath Fitzharris Catherine Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Fitzharris John Commons Duleek Meath Fitzsimons Michael Downestown Duleek Meath Fitzsimons Nicholas Corballis Duleek Meath Fitzsimons Nicholas Gillinstown Duleek Meath Flanagan Mary Platin Duleek Meath Flood Margaret Lougher Duleek Meath Flood Peter Bellewstown Duleek Meath Flood Thomas Carranstown Duleek Meath Flood Thomas Caulstown Duleek Meath Flood Thomas Knockisland Duleek Meath Flood Thomas Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Flood Thomas Platin Duleek Meath Flood Thomas Prioryland Duleek Meath Flynn Bridget Newtown Duleek Meath Foster Patrick Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Fox Michael Gafney Duleek Meath Fox Richard Platin Duleek Meath Foye Nicholas Carranstown Duleek Meath Gallagher Edmond Hilltown Little Duleek Meath Gallagher John Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Gallagher Patrick Gillinstown Duleek Meath Gallagher Simon Boolies Little Duleek Meath Gallagher Simon Deenes Duleek Meath Gallaher John Garballagh Duleek Meath Garahan Thomas Platin Duleek Meath Gargan Eliza Ongenstown Duleek Meath Gargan Joseph Collierstown Duleek Meath Gargan Michael Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Gargan Thomas Ongenstown Duleek Meath Garnett Cope Boolies Great Duleek Meath Garvey Margaret Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Garvey Margaret Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Gavan Elizabeth Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Geraghty Bridget Commons Duleek Meath Geraghty James Commons Duleek Meath Geraghty Michael Collierstown Duleek Meath Geraghty Thomas Commons Duleek Meath Geraghty Thomas Gillinstown Duleek Meath Geraty Christopher Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Geraty Thomas Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Gernon James, Jr. Athcarne Duleek Meath Gernon James, Jr. Boolies Little Duleek Meath Gernon James, Jr. Reask Duleek Meath Gibney Elizabeth Platin Duleek Meath Gibney Michael Platin Duleek Meath Gibney Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Gibney Thomas Platin Duleek Meath Gibney William Beaumont Duleek Meath Gibney William Platin Duleek Meath Gilligan James Gillinstown Duleek Meath Ginity John Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Gogan Michael Corballis Duleek Meath Gogan Michael Roughgrange Duleek Meath Gogan Patrick Corballis Duleek Meath Gogan Patrick Knockisland Duleek Meath Gogan Patrick Redmountain Duleek Meath Gogan Patrick Roughgrange Duleek Meath Gogarty Laurence Corballis Duleek Meath Gogarty Laurence Roughgrange Duleek Meath Gogarty Michael Collierstown Duleek Meath Gorman James Garballagh Duleek Meath Gorman John Garballagh Duleek Meath Gough James Carranstown Duleek Meath Gough James Collierstown Duleek Meath Gradwell John Platin Duleek Meath Graham John Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Gray Owen Platin Duleek Meath Green Anne Gaulstown Duleek Meath Greene Andrew Platin Duleek Meath Greene Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Greene Patrick Riverstown Duleek Meath Greene Patrick Scatternagh Duleek Meath Grendon Michael Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Grendon Michael Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Griffin William Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Groaghy Catherine Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hade Nicholas Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hairy Thomas Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Halfpenny Matthew Boolies Great Duleek Meath Halfpenny William Commons Duleek Meath Hall John Collierstown Duleek Meath Hall Thomas Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hammel Patrick Beaumont Duleek Meath Hammon Thomas Platin Duleek Meath Hand Margaret Boolies Great Duleek Meath Hanley Michael Beaumont Duleek Meath Hanley Stephen Church Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hanlon Rev. Matthew Commons Duleek Meath Hanlon Rev. Matthew The Green,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hanly Nicholas Collierstown Duleek Meath Hanly Stephen Commons Duleek Meath Hanly Stephen Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hanly Thomas Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Harford Matthew Carnes East Duleek Meath Hartford Christopher Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hartford Margaret Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hatch John Commons Duleek Meath Hatch John Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hatch Nicholas Balsaran Duleek Meath Hatch Nicholas Commons Duleek Meath Hatch Nicholas Knockisland Duleek Meath Hatch Nicholas Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Heade Nicholas Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Healy Mary Gillinstown Duleek Meath Heaney James Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Heaney James, Jr. Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Heaney John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Heaney Mary Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Heaney Patrick Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Heaney Rose Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Heney Judith Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Heney Richard Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Henry John Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hickey James Commons Duleek Meath Hickey Mary Bellewstown Duleek Meath Hickey Rose Collierstown Duleek Meath Higgins John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Hill Elizabeth Commons Duleek Meath Hill Elizabeth The Green,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hoey Andrew Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hoey Mary Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hoey Mary Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hogan Edward Carranstown Duleek Meath Hogan Edward Caulstown Duleek Meath Hogan Edward Knockisland Duleek Meath Hogan Edward Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hogan Edward Platin Duleek Meath Hogan Edward Prioryland Duleek Meath Hogan Patrick Commons Duleek Meath Hoye Lawrence Gafney Duleek Meath Hughes Sarah Commons Duleek Meath Hughes Thomas Kellystown Duleek Meath Hussey Peter Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Hynes Matthew Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Johnston John Platin Duleek Meath Johnston Margaret Lougher Duleek Meath Johnston Walter Lougher Duleek Meath Jones Anne Collierstown Duleek Meath Kaile Richard Commons Duleek Meath Kane James Platin Duleek Meath Kane Patrick Balsaran Duleek Meath Kearney Mary Commons Duleek Meath Kearney Peter Commons Duleek Meath Keever Mary Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Kelch Simon Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Kelly Francis J. Garballagh Duleek Meath Kelly Francis J. Thomastown Duleek Meath Kelly John Commons Duleek Meath Kelly Thomas Commons Duleek Meath Kelly William Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Kennane Michael Riverstown Duleek Meath Kennedy Patrick Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Kinehan Bridget Lougher Duleek Meath King Bryan Clonlusk Duleek Meath King James Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Kinshela Laurence Downestown Duleek Meath Langan John Collierstown Duleek Meath Langan Matthew Collierstown Duleek Meath Lee John Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Lenning Edmond Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Lennon Patrick Carranstown Duleek Meath Lennon William Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Leonard John Commons Duleek Meath Leonard Joseph Platin Duleek Meath Loughnan John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Loughnan Matthew Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Loughnan Patk. Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Louth Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Ludlow John Carranstown Duleek Meath Ludlow Michael Collierstown Duleek Meath Ludlow Patrick Collierstown Duleek Meath Lynam Margaret Riverstown Duleek Meath Lynam Margaret Scatternagh Duleek Meath Lynam Mary Scatternagh Duleek Meath Lynch James Cafney Little Duleek Meath Lynch James Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Lynch James Platin Duleek Meath Lynch Matthew Commons Duleek Meath Lynch Robert Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Lynch Walter Commons Duleek Meath Madden James Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Madden Nicholas Roughgrange Duleek Meath Madden Thomas Collierstown Duleek Meath Magin Patrick Bellewstown Duleek Meath Magrane Ellen Commons Duleek Meath Magrane Ellen Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Magrane Patrick Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Maguire Anne Collierstown Duleek Meath Maguire John Collierstown Duleek Meath Maguire John Commons Duleek Meath Maguire Patrick Collierstown Duleek Meath Maher James Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mallen Richard Commons Duleek Meath Maney John Platin Duleek Meath Markey Francis Platin Duleek Meath Markey James Drumman Duleek Meath Markey James Rahill Duleek Meath Martin Anne Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Martin Patrick Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Martin Peter Platin Duleek Meath Mathews Anne Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mathews Edward Newtown Duleek Meath Mathews James Gafney Duleek Meath Mathews James Platin Duleek Meath Mathews Mary Platin Duleek Meath Mathews Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Matthews Anne Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Matthews James Carranstown Duleek Meath Matthews Thomas Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Maxwell John Waring Bellewstown Duleek Meath Mc Allister Charles Commons Duleek Meath Mc Cabe James Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Cabe James Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Cabe John Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Cabe John Platin Duleek Meath Mc Cabe Margaret Platin Duleek Meath Mc Cabe Roger Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Cann John Beaumont Duleek Meath Mc Cormack John Roughgrange Duleek Meath Mc Cormack William Boolies Great Duleek Meath Mc Cormick Margaret Platin Duleek Meath Mc Court John Boolies Great Duleek Meath Mc Court John Boolies Little Duleek Meath Mc Cullagh Peter Roughgrange Duleek Meath Mc Dermott Rep. Thos. Roughgrange Duleek Meath Mc Donagh Owen Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Donald James Knockisland Duleek Meath Mc Donnell Anthony Carranstown Duleek Meath Mc Donnell Anthony Caulstown Duleek Meath Mc Donnell Anthony Platin Duleek Meath Mc Donnell Daniel Gafney Duleek Meath Mc Donnell Edward Boolies Great Duleek Meath Mc Donnell Edward Commons Duleek Meath Mc Donnell James Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Mc Donnell James Roughgrange Duleek Meath Mc Entagart Patrick Commons Duleek Meath Mc Gann Charles Carnes West Duleek Meath Mc Ginn Thomas Collierstown Duleek Meath Mc Guinness Bernard Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Guinness Catherine Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Guinness John Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Guinness Judith Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Keever James Church),Lane (Back,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Kenna Christopher Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Kenna John Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Kenna Thomas Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Keon John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Mc Keon John Platin Duleek Meath Mc Keon Luke Platin Duleek Meath Mc Keon Margaret Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mc Keon Matthew Downestown Duleek Meath Mc Keon Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Mc Keon Peter Commons Duleek Meath Mc Kone James Garballagh Duleek Meath Mc Kone John Gillinstown Duleek Meath Mc Kone Michael Garballagh Duleek Meath Mc Loughlin Matthew Collierstown Duleek Meath Mc Manus Patrick Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath McGinn Miss Anne Carranstown Duleek Meath Meade James Carranstown Duleek Meath Meade James Platin Duleek Meath Medcalf Frederick Platin Duleek Meath Miles Edward Beaumont Duleek Meath Molloy Nicholas Carranstown Duleek Meath Monaghan Matthew Roughgrange Duleek Meath Monahan Matthew Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Monahan Patrick Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Montgomery Robert Boolies Great Duleek Meath Mooney John Lougher Duleek Meath Mooney John Platin Duleek Meath Mooney Lawrence Commons Duleek Meath Mooney Michael Corballis Duleek Meath Mooney Patrick Commons Duleek Meath Mooney Patrick Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mooney Patrick Redmountain Duleek Meath Mooney Richard Commons Duleek Meath Mooney Richard Newtown Duleek Meath Mooney Robert Commons Duleek Meath Mooney Robert Deenes Duleek Meath Mooney Robert Lunderstown Duleek Meath Mooney Robert Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mooney William Commons Duleek Meath Mooney William The Green,(Commons) Duleek Meath Moore Bridget Carranstown Duleek Meath Moore Emily Sneeoge Duleek Meath Moore Jane Knockisland Duleek Meath Moore Mary Carranstown Duleek Meath Moore Michael Corballis Duleek Meath Moore Michael Roughgrange Duleek Meath Moore Peter Corballis Duleek Meath Moore Peter Roughgrange Duleek Meath Moore Richard Knockisland Duleek Meath Moore Richard Roughgrange Duleek Meath Morrissy Michael Hilltown Great Duleek Meath Moss Michael Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Moss Michael Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mossman Sarah Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mullen John Lougher Duleek Meath Mulligan Denis Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Mullin Michael Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Mullins Mary Lunderstown Duleek Meath Murphy Anne Collierstown Duleek Meath Murphy James Collierstown Duleek Meath Murphy Michael Collierstown Duleek Meath Murphy Peter Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Murphy Thomas Collierstown Duleek Meath Murray John Roughgrange Duleek Meath Murray Mary Church Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Murray Patrick Garballagh Duleek Meath Murtagh James Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Murtagh John Courlstown Duleek Meath Murtagh Matthew Lougher Duleek Meath Murtagh Thomas Gillinstown Duleek Meath Neill Jane Commons Duleek Meath Neill Mary Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Neill Peter Commons Duleek Meath Nixon John Deenes Duleek Meath Nixon Richard Platin Duleek Meath Norris William Roughgrange Duleek Meath O'Hanlon Rev. Matthew Garballagh Duleek Meath O'Hanlon Rev. Patrick Collierstown Duleek Meath Osborne John Carnes East Duleek Meath Osborne William Carnes East Duleek Meath Owens Bridget Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Pendry William Church Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Pendry William Commons Duleek Meath Pendry William Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Pentony Thomas Platin Duleek Meath Pentony William Clonlusk Duleek Meath Pentony William Corballis Duleek Meath Plunkett Ellen Collierstown Duleek Meath Potter Thomas Lougher Duleek Meath Purtle Catherine Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Quail Michael Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Quigley James Chapel Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Quigley James Church),Lane (Back,(Commons) Duleek Meath Quigley James Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Quigley Patrick Commons Duleek Meath Quiqley James Commons Duleek Meath Quiqley Patrick Commons Duleek Meath Quiqley Thomas Commons Duleek Meath Reddy Edward Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Reedy Thomas Garballagh Duleek Meath Reid Catherine Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Reid Elizabeth Collierstown Duleek Meath Reid Patrick Collierstown Duleek Meath Reilly Bartholowmew Lunderstown Duleek Meath Reilly Catherine Boolies Great Duleek Meath Reilly George Chapel Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Reilly James Boolies Little Duleek Meath Reilly John Boolies Great Duleek Meath Reilly Laurence Collierstown Duleek Meath Reilly Margaret Lunderstown Duleek Meath Reilly Patrick Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Reilly Patrick Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Reilly Thomas Collierstown Duleek Meath Reilly Thomas Lunderstown Duleek Meath Reilly William Boolies Great Duleek Meath Reilly William Collierstown Duleek Meath Reynolds Lawrence Garballagh Duleek Meath Richy William Lunderstown Duleek Meath Rooney James Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Rooney Patrick Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Russell James Boolies Great Duleek Meath Russell James Platin Duleek Meath Russell Thos. Boolies Great Duleek Meath Ryan Felix Commons Duleek Meath SMYTHjun Michael Commons Duleek Meath Sampson Mary Redmountain Duleek Meath Sampson Thomas Redmountain Duleek Meath Sarsfield Margaret Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Scally Patrick Garballagh Duleek Meath Shaffrey John Church),Lane (Back,(Commons) Duleek Meath Shalvey Brien Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Sheeran John Carranstown Duleek Meath Sheeran John Commons Duleek Meath Sheeran Patrick Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Sheeran Peter Carranstown Duleek Meath Sheeran Thomas Commons Duleek Meath Sheil Nicholas Boolies Great Duleek Meath Sheil Richard Carnes West Duleek Meath Sheil Thomas Boolies Great Duleek Meath Sheridan Patrick Garballagh Duleek Meath Sherlock John Carnes West Duleek Meath Sherlock Rose Carnes West Duleek Meath Sherlock Rose Cooksgrove Duleek Meath Sherry Thomas Collierstown Duleek Meath Skenny John Carnes East Duleek Meath Smith Francis Knockisland Duleek Meath Smith Henry Boolies Little Duleek Meath Smith Henry Deenes Duleek Meath Smith Henry Johnstown Duleek Meath Smith Henry Keenoge Duleek Meath Smith Henry Lunderstown Duleek Meath Smith Henry Mullaghfin Duleek Meath Smith Henry Platin Duleek Meath Smith Henry Prioryland Duleek Meath Smith James Commons Duleek Meath Smith James Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Smith John Boolies Great Duleek Meath Smith John Commons Duleek Meath Smith John Platin Duleek Meath Smith Michael Commons Duleek Meath Smith Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Smith St. George W. Abbeyland Duleek Meath Smith St. George W. Carranstown Duleek Meath Smith St. George W. Knockisland Duleek Meath Smith St. George Wm. Prioryland Duleek Meath Smith Stephen Lunderstown Duleek Meath Smith Thomas Garballagh Duleek Meath Smith William Bellewstown Duleek Meath Smyth John Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Smyth Mary Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Smyth Michael Commons Duleek Meath Soran Margaret Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Soran Michael Garballagh Duleek Meath Soran Michael Kellystown Duleek Meath Staples Richard Commons Duleek Meath Staples Thomas Commons Duleek Meath Surry Bryan Drumman Duleek Meath Taafe Christopher Platin Duleek Meath Taafe Mary Platin Duleek Meath Taafe Patrick Platin Duleek Meath Taaffe William Carranstown Duleek Meath Taffe William Carranstown Duleek Meath Tallon Bridget Commons Duleek Meath Teeling Garret Carranstown Duleek Meath Teeling John Bellewstown Duleek Meath Ternan Patrick Mullaghfin Duleek Meath Thomond Rep. Marchione. Of Commons Duleek Meath Tiernan Barthmw. Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Tiernan James Collierstown Duleek Meath Tiernan Patrick Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Tiernan Peter Collierstown Duleek Meath Townley James Hilltown Great Duleek Meath Traynor Anne Commons Duleek Meath Treanor Bryan Lunderstown Duleek Meath Trotter William Commons Duleek Meath Trotter William Longford Duleek Meath Tumelty Marcus Collierstown Duleek Meath Verdon John Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath Verdon Robert Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath Wall Catherine Knockisland Duleek Meath Wall Christopher Boolies Great Duleek Meath Wall Christopher Commons Duleek Meath Wall Christopher Prioryland Duleek Meath Wall John Bellewstown Duleek Meath Wall Michael Commons Duleek Meath Wall William Boolies Great Duleek Meath Walsh Richard Corballis Duleek Meath Walsh Richard Riverstown Duleek Meath Walsh Robert Keenoge Duleek Meath Walsh Thomas Roughgrange Duleek Meath Ward Hugh Platin Duleek Meath Ward James Platin Duleek Meath Warren Charles Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Warren Henry Drumman Duleek Meath Warren Henry Gillinstown Duleek Meath Warren John Gafney Duleek Meath Warren John Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Warren Laurence Bellewstown Duleek Meath Wasser James Downestown Duleek Meath Wasser James Gillinstown Duleek Meath Weldon Bridget Scatternagh Duleek Meath Weldon James Riverstown Duleek Meath Whearty Thomas Collierstown Duleek Meath Wherty Anne Commons Duleek Meath Wherty John Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath White Anne Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath White Francis Commons Duleek Meath White James Back Of The Moat,(Commons) Duleek Meath White James Colgan Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath White James Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath White John Main Street,(Commons) Duleek Meath White Joseph Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath White Patrick Commons Duleek Meath White Patrick Larrix Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath White Patrick Platin Duleek Meath White Richard Commons Duleek Meath White Thomas Commons Duleek Meath White Thomas Garballagh Duleek Meath White Thomas Platin Duleek Meath Wilkinson Edmond Riverstown Duleek Meath Wilkinson William Gaskinstown Duleek Meath Winters Francis Collierstown Duleek Meath Winters Patrick Lane,(Commons) Duleek Meath Wogan Margaret Boolies Great Duleek Meath Wogan Matthew Boolies Great Duleek Meath Wogan Michael Boolies Great Duleek Meath Wogan Patrick Boolies Great Duleek Meath Yore Patrick Church),Lane (Back,(Commons) Duleek Meath