Fáilte Romhat
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Barrett Patrick Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Beggs John Fordstown Girley Meath Bellew Patrick Girley Girley Meath Booker John Clonleasan Girley Meath Booker Thomas Clonleasan Girley Meath Bradley Catherine Newtown Girley Girley Meath Brady Bryan Cloncat Girley Meath Brady Edward Girley Girley Meath Brady Eliza Newtown Girley Girley Meath Brady Thomas Cloncat Girley Meath Brady Thomas Girley Girley Meath Brennan William Fordstown Girley Meath Carr Anne Girley Girley Meath Carroll Thomas Newtown Girley Girley Meath Carry Owen Fordstown Girley Meath Carry Owen Girley Girley Meath Carry Owen Newtown Girley Girley Meath Cassell John Girley Girley Meath Casserly Patrick Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Casserly Thomas Fordstown Girley Meath Chamberlain William Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Clarke John Fordstown Girley Meath Clarke John Girley Girley Meath Clarke Matthew Girley Girley Meath Commisky Charles Newtown Girley Girley Meath Commisky Margaret Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Commisky Thomas Newtown Girley Girley Meath Connaty Mary Girley Girley Meath Connaty Patrick Girley Girley Meath Connell Christopher Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Connell Michael Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Connell Patrick Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Corrigan Anne Fordstown Girley Meath Culkir Patrick Newtown Girley Girley Meath Daly Bernard Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Daly Michael Fordstown Girley Meath Dillon Anne Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Dillon Anne Girley Girley Meath Dillon Christopher Girley Girley Meath Dooley Matthew Fordstown Girley Meath Duffy James Cloncat Girley Meath Dugdale Henry Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Fagan Andrew Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Finegan John Girley Girley Meath Fitzsimon Barthmw. Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Fitzsimons Patrick Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Fox Bryan Newtown Girley Girley Meath Fox Matthew Girley Girley Meath Fox Patrick Girley Girley Meath Gauntly Margaret Girley Girley Meath Gegan Sylvester Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Gibney Anne Cloncat Girley Meath Gibney Bridget Cloncat Girley Meath Gilsenan Owen Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Govern Peter Girley Girley Meath Govern Thomas Newtown Girley Girley Meath Griffin Patrick Girley Girley Meath Growney Hugh Drewstown, Great Girley Meath Growney Owen Girley Girley Meath Halfpenny William Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Halpin Catherine Girley Girley Meath Halpin John Girley Girley Meath Hart Walter Fordstown Girley Meath Hoey James Girley Girley Meath Hopkins Bridget Newtown Girley Girley Meath Kane James Drewstown, Great Girley Meath Kearney John Newtown Girley Girley Meath Keating John Fordstown Girley Meath Kelly Edward Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Kiernan James Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Kiernan James Fordstown Girley Meath Lamb Catherine Girley Girley Meath Lenehan William Newtown Girley Girley Meath Lynch Daniel Fordstown Girley Meath Lynch James Girley Girley Meath Lynch John Cloncat Girley Meath Lynch Mark Girley Girley Meath Lynch Patrick Drewstown, Great Girley Meath Lynch Thomas Newtown Girley Girley Meath Martin John Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Martin John Cloncat Girley Meath Masterson Laurence Girley Girley Meath Mc Cabe Michael Fordstown Girley Meath Mc Cabe Michael Newtown Girley Girley Meath Mc Cann Terence Cloncat Girley Meath Mc Guinness James Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Mc Kew Catherine Newtown Girley Girley Meath Mc Veagh Ferdinand Drewstown, Great Girley Meath Monaghan Thomas Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Mooney Thomas Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Moore Michael Fordstown Girley Meath Moore Peter Fordstown Girley Meath Moore Thomas Fordstown Girley Meath Mullen John Girley Girley Meath Nalty Christopher Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Noble Rev. Robert Newtown Girley Girley Meath Nugent Michael Fordstown Girley Meath Nulty Thomas Girley Girley Meath Owens Anne Cloncat Girley Meath Owens Bryan Cloncat Girley Meath Reilly Catherine Girley Girley Meath Reilly Christopher Girley Girley Meath Reilly James Girley Girley Meath Reilly Peter Drewstown, Great Girley Meath Rock John Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Rothwell Richard Girley Girley Meath Ruxton John Girley Girley Meath Sheridan Anne Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Sheridan James Fordstown Girley Meath Smith John Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Smith Michael Chamberlainstown Girley Meath Taaffe Garrett Fordstown Girley Meath Taaffe Garrett Newtown Girley Girley Meath Taaffe Nicholas Girley Girley Meath Tandy Thomas Cloncat Girley Meath Tandy Thomas Johnsbrook Girley Meath Taylor Thomas E. Fordstown Girley Meath Timmins Michael Fordstown Girley Meath Tormey Edward Fordstown Girley Meath Tully John Girley Girley Meath Tully Luke Girley Girley Meath Ward Thomas Girley Girley Meath