Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kentstown, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kentstown, County Meath
Brady Christopher Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Byrne James Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Campbell Michael Tuiterath Kentstown Meath Campbell Thomas Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Carpenter Thomas Curraghtown Kentstown Meath Carpenter Thomas Knockharley Kentstown Meath Carr John Kentstown Kentstown Meath Carter Richard Curraghtown Kentstown Meath Carter Richard Veldonstown Kentstown Meath Carter Richard, Jr. Curraghtown Kentstown Meath Carter Thomas Tuiterath Kentstown Meath Cummiskey Eliza Kentstown Kentstown Meath Daly Mary Veldonstown Kentstown Meath Daly Patrick Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Devin James Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Donnelly John Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Donnelly Patrick Kentstown Kentstown Meath Duffy Edward Curraghtown Kentstown Meath Duffy James Kentstown Kentstown Meath Duffy Patrick Kentstown Kentstown Meath Farrell Christopher Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Farrelly James Kentstown Kentstown Meath Finlay William Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Flood Thomas Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Flood Thomas Tuiterath Kentstown Meath Grays James Kentstown Kentstown Meath Hogan Edward Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Hogan Edward Tuiterath Kentstown Meath Holmes George Veldonstown Kentstown Meath Holmes Joseph Veldonstown Kentstown Meath Holmes William Veldonstown Kentstown Meath Kinshella James Kentstown Kentstown Meath Kinshella James Veldonstown Kentstown Meath Kinshella Laurence Knockharley Kentstown Meath Kinshella Lawrence Curraghtown Kentstown Meath Kinshella Patrick Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Lambert Rev. ??? Kentstown Kentstown Meath Larkin Thomas Kentstown Kentstown Meath Levinge Mary Knockharley Kentstown Meath Magrane Richard Tuiterath Kentstown Meath Maguire Patrick Curraghtown Kentstown Meath Maguire Thomas Kentstown Kentstown Meath Manning John Tuiterath Kentstown Meath Mara Patrick Kentstown Kentstown Meath Martin Charles Knockharley Kentstown Meath Mathews Thomas Kentstown Kentstown Meath Mc Grane Richard Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Mc Guirk Richard Kentstown Kentstown Meath Mc Loughlin George Knockharley Kentstown Meath Mc Namara Denis Kentstown Kentstown Meath Mc Namara Patrick Kentstown Kentstown Meath Meade James Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Morgan Christopher Kentstown Kentstown Meath Morgan Harriet Kentstown Kentstown Meath Mullen Michael Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Murray Arthur Curraghtown Kentstown Meath O'Brien Charles Curraghtown Kentstown Meath O'Brien Margaret Knockharley Kentstown Meath O'Brien Patrick Curraghtown Kentstown Meath Ownan Thomas Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Phew Francis Knockharley Kentstown Meath Philips Alice Knockharley Kentstown Meath Reilly James Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Reilly James Kentstown Kentstown Meath Reilly Patrick Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Rice Robert Kentstown Kentstown Meath Slevin Patrick Kentstown Kentstown Meath Smith Charles Tuiterath Kentstown Meath Smith Stephen Kentstown Kentstown Meath Solahan Michael Kentstown Kentstown Meath Somerville Baronet William M. Tuiterath Kentstown Meath Somerville Baronet Wm. M. Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Somerville Baronet Wm. M. Kentstown Kentstown Meath Soran Michael Flemingstown Kentstown Meath Wall Charles Curraghtown Kentstown Meath Wall Richard Curraghtown Kentstown Meath