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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killallon, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killallon, County Meath
Anderson John Killacroy Killallon Meath Annesley ??? Boherard Killallon Meath Annesley ??? Loughanderg Killallon Meath Annesley ??? Monennican Killallon Meath Annesley ??? Rathbrack Killallon Meath Ball James Boherard Killallon Meath Ball John Boherard Killallon Meath Ball John Galboystown Killallon Meath Ball John Hartstown Killallon Meath Ball Patrick Hartstown Killallon Meath Bannin Margaret Gibbonstown Killallon Meath Battersby Charles Clongowny Killallon Meath Battersby Henry Keenaghan Killallon Meath Battersby Robert Lakefield Killallon Meath Battersby Robert Pigotstown Killallon Meath Battersby Thomas Kingsmountain Killallon Meath Beglan Lawrence Boherard Killallon Meath Bennett Alice Galboystown Killallon Meath Bennett Bryan Geehanstown Killallon Meath Bennett Joseph Geehanstown Killallon Meath Bennett Mary Geehanstown Killallon Meath Bennett Patrick Loughanderg Killallon Meath Bennett Patrick Newtown Killallon Meath Bennett Patrick Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Blackburne Rev. Anth. Boherard Killallon Meath Blackburne Rev. Anthy. Glebe Killallon Meath Brady Bernard Herbertstown Killallon Meath Brady Bryan Herbertstown Killallon Meath Brady Thomas Kingsmountain Killallon Meath Bray James Stranaboll Killallon Meath Briody Hugh Shanco Killallon Meath Briody James Shanco Killallon Meath Briody Philip Shanco Killallon Meath Byrne Catherine Herbertstown Killallon Meath Caffrey John Seraghstown Killallon Meath Caffrey Owen Seraghstown Killallon Meath Caffrey Thomas Seraghstown Killallon Meath Cahill Owen Dunnagorran Killallon Meath Cahill Owen Seraghstown Killallon Meath Carolan Margaret Geehanstown Killallon Meath Carolan Matthew Geehanstown Killallon Meath Carr Anne Cloneveran Killallon Meath Carr Anne Rathbrack Killallon Meath Carr Anne Stranaboll Killallon Meath Carr Michael Killacroy Killallon Meath Carr Michael Rathbrack Killallon Meath Carr Thomas Stranaboll Killallon Meath Carroll Alice Stranaboll Killallon Meath Carroll Thomas Geehanstown Killallon Meath Clancy Bridget Galboystown Killallon Meath Clarke Hannah Hartstown Killallon Meath Coffey Joseph Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Coffey Patrick Kingsmountain Killallon Meath Conlan Luke Geehanstown Killallon Meath Connell Bryan Herbertstown Killallon Meath Connell James Herbertstown Killallon Meath Connell James Pigotstown Killallon Meath Connell Jeremiah Hartstown Killallon Meath Connell Michael Shanco Killallon Meath Connell Thomas Pigotstown Killallon Meath Connell William Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Cooke William Galboystown Killallon Meath Cox John Galboystown Killallon Meath Coyle James Geehanstown Killallon Meath Coyle Michael Lakefield Killallon Meath Coyle Thomas Pigotstown Killallon Meath Crawford William Loughanbrean Killallon Meath Crawford William Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Cullen Henry Keenaghan Killallon Meath Cummiskey Bryan Glebe Killallon Meath Cummiskey Thomas Dunnagorran Killallon Meath Cummisky Mary Geehanstown Killallon Meath Cunneen Owen Galboystown Killallon Meath Cunneen Thomas Galboystown Killallon Meath D'Arcy James Boherard Killallon Meath Darnley ??? Pigotstown Killallon Meath Davin Anne Galboystown Killallon Meath Davy Thomas Shanco Killallon Meath Dixon Hugh Hartstown Killallon Meath Donaldson Jane Hartstown Killallon Meath Dowd Patrick Loughanbrean Killallon Meath Dowd Patrick Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Dowling Rev. James Boherard Killallon Meath Ennis Edward Geehanstown Killallon Meath Fagan James Seraghstown Killallon Meath Farmer Margaret Newtown Killallon Meath Farmer Thomas Herbertstown Killallon Meath Farrelly Mary Herbertstown Killallon Meath Farrelly Michael Hartstown Killallon Meath Fegan Christopher Seraghstown Killallon Meath Fegan Margaret Seraghstown Killallon Meath Fegan Michael Killacroy Killallon Meath Fegan Peter Seraghstown Killallon Meath Fennell Philip Galboystown Killallon Meath Finnan John Herbertstown Killallon Meath Fitzgerald Bridget Seraghstown Killallon Meath Fitzgerald Garrett Seraghstown Killallon Meath Fitzgerald Oliver Seraghstown Killallon Meath Fitzsimon Patrick Monennican Killallon Meath Fitzsimon Thomas Clongowny Killallon Meath Flood Lawrence Rathbrack Killallon Meath Flood Lawrence Seraghstown Killallon Meath Flood Michael Galboystown Killallon Meath Flood Michael Rathbrack Killallon Meath Fox Matthew Pigotstown Killallon Meath Friory Patrick Seraghstown Killallon Meath Gaffney Christopher Hartstown Killallon Meath Garry John Glebe Killallon Meath Gaynor James Monennican Killallon Meath Gibney Thomas Dunnagorran Killallon Meath Gillick James Galboystown Killallon Meath Gillick Rose Galboystown Killallon Meath Gilmore Thomas Stranaboll Killallon Meath Gilshenan Christopher Hartstown Killallon Meath Gilshenan Hannah Stranaboll Killallon Meath Gilshenan James Seraghstown Killallon Meath Gilshenan Patrick Killacroy Killallon Meath Gilshenan Patrick Seraghstown Killallon Meath Gilshenan Simon Shanco Killallon Meath Gilshenan Thomas Boherard Killallon Meath Glennan Joseph Galboystown Killallon Meath Glennan Matthew Cloneveran Killallon Meath Glennan Patrick Geehanstown Killallon Meath Glennan Patrick Newtown Killallon Meath Glennan Walter Galboystown Killallon Meath Glennan Walter Loughanderg Killallon Meath Glennon James Hartstown Killallon Meath Glennon Thomas Killacroy Killallon Meath Goodwin Daniel Pigotstown Killallon Meath Googerty Thomas Gibbonstown Killallon Meath Halligan Eliza Galboystown Killallon Meath Halton Patrick Shanco Killallon Meath Hand Margaret Hartstown Killallon Meath Heany Philip Galboystown Killallon Meath Hill John Hartstown Killallon Meath Kearney Patrick Hartstown Killallon Meath Keeffe William Herbertstown Killallon Meath Keegan Patrick Loughanderg Killallon Meath Keericon Michael Galboystown Killallon Meath Keevan Patrick Hartstown Killallon Meath Kellett James Keenaghan Killallon Meath Kellett John Herbertstown Killallon Meath Kelly Catherine Galboystown Killallon Meath Kelly Eleanor Stranaboll Killallon Meath Kelly Michael Stranaboll Killallon Meath Kelly Patrick Hartstown Killallon Meath Kelly Peter Stranaboll Killallon Meath Kennedy Michael Seraghstown Killallon Meath Kennedy Thomas Newtown Killallon Meath Kennedy Walter Galboystown Killallon Meath Keogan Thomas Herbertstown Killallon Meath Kerley Patrick Hartstown Killallon Meath Kiernan Nicholas Hartstown Killallon Meath Lalor Robert Galboystown Killallon Meath Leacy James Stranaboll Killallon Meath Lenehan Thomas Galboystown Killallon Meath Leonard Peter Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Leonard Rose Galboystown Killallon Meath Levy John Boherard Killallon Meath Loughlin Anne Herbertstown Killallon Meath Loughlin John Herbertstown Killallon Meath Loughlin Mary Herbertstown Killallon Meath Lynch Daniel Galboystown Killallon Meath Lynch John Keenaghan Killallon Meath Lynch Lawrence Seraghstown Killallon Meath Magann Matthew Loughanbrean Killallon Meath Magennis Bridget Hartstown Killallon Meath Magennis Patrick Galboystown Killallon Meath Magennis Patrick Hartstown Killallon Meath Magennis Richard Shanco Killallon Meath Maguire Thomas Loughanderg Killallon Meath Mahon Thomas Keenaghan Killallon Meath Malone Peter Galboystown Killallon Meath Martin Anne Galboystown Killallon Meath Martin Owen Dunnagorran Killallon Meath Masterson John Newtown Killallon Meath Mc Cullagh Thomas Stranaboll Killallon Meath Mc Donnell John Galboystown Killallon Meath Mc Donnell Mary Gibbonstown Killallon Meath Mc Donnell Mary Hartstown Killallon Meath Mc Evey James Seraghstown Killallon Meath Mc Evey Patrick Seraghstown Killallon Meath Mc Keon Christopher Stranaboll Killallon Meath Mc Mahon Mary Geehanstown Killallon Meath Mc Namee William Loughanderg Killallon Meath Mc Quade Arthur Galboystown Killallon Meath Mc Quade Thomas Galboystown Killallon Meath Mc Quaid Arthur Hartstown Killallon Meath Mc Quaid Arthur, Jr. Hartstown Killallon Meath Monaghan Matthew Hartstown Killallon Meath Monaghan Matthew Loughanderg Killallon Meath Monaghan Matthew Shanco Killallon Meath Mulligan John Galboystown Killallon Meath Murray Matthew Loughanbrean Killallon Meath Murray Matthew Monennican Killallon Meath Nugent John Geehanstown Killallon Meath Nulty John Kingsmountain Killallon Meath Oakes James Geehanstown Killallon Meath Rabbit Patrick Killacroy Killallon Meath Reilly Anne Loughanbrean Killallon Meath Reilly Bryan Galboystown Killallon Meath Reilly Christopher Seraghstown Killallon Meath Reilly James Seraghstown Killallon Meath Reilly James Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Reilly Jane Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Reilly John Galboystown Killallon Meath Reilly John Seraghstown Killallon Meath Reilly Michael Galboystown Killallon Meath Reilly Michael Gibbonstown Killallon Meath Reilly Michael Loughanderg Killallon Meath Reilly Michael Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Reilly Owen Cloneveran Killallon Meath Reilly Owen Killacroy Killallon Meath Richardson William Galboystown Killallon Meath Robinson Margaret Galboystown Killallon Meath Robinson Thomas Gibbonstown Killallon Meath Rooney Patrick Dunnagorran Killallon Meath Rooney Patrick Galboystown Killallon Meath Rourke Michael Galboystown Killallon Meath Ryan Thomas Gibbonstown Killallon Meath Sallary James Hartstown Killallon Meath Scott James Stirrupstown Killallon Meath Shaw Matthew Rathbrack Killallon Meath Shaw Patrick Rathbrack Killallon Meath Shaw Richard Rathbrack Killallon Meath Sheilds Hugh Monennican Killallon Meath Sheils Rose Monennican Killallon Meath Sheils Wade Gibbonstown Killallon Meath Sheridan Bryan Shanco Killallon Meath Sheridan Patrick Galboystown Killallon Meath Sheridan Patrick Herbertstown Killallon Meath Sheridan Thomas Herbertstown Killallon Meath Sheridan Thomas Loughanbrean Killallon Meath Sheridan William Herbertstown Killallon Meath Simons Peter Seraghstown Killallon Meath Smith Catherine Geehanstown Killallon Meath Smith Henry Hartstown Killallon Meath Smith John Dunnagorran Killallon Meath Smith John Galboystown Killallon Meath Smith Patrick Geehanstown Killallon Meath Smith Thomas Herbertstown Killallon Meath Smyth Anne Hartstown Killallon Meath Smyth Cormack Galboystown Killallon Meath Smyth Michael Geehanstown Killallon Meath Tighe Lawrence Hartstown Killallon Meath Tracy George Galboystown Killallon Meath Travers Henry Galboystown Killallon Meath Vaughan James Geehanstown Killallon Meath Vaughan Patrick Geehanstown Killallon Meath Wade William B. Gibbonstown Killallon Meath Winslow Mary Rathbrack Killallon Meath Winslow Patrick Geehanstown Killallon Meath