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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilmoon, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilmoon, County Meath
Ackersly William Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Arnold Thomas Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Austin Catherine Allcollege Kilmoon Meath Bartley Patrick Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Begg Patrick Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Birmingham Barthw. Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Birmingham Thomas Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Blake Alice Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Brady Francis Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Branigan Jane Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Branigan Margaret Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Brien George Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Caddel Matthew Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Cahill Michael Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Callaghan Patrick Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Carberry Patrick Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Carpenter James Allcollege Kilmoon Meath Carpenter James Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Cleary John Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Clinch Anne Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Collier Matthew Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Connell Catherine Irishtown Kilmoon Meath Connolly Bernard Allcollege Kilmoon Meath Connolly Thomas Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Connor Thomas Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Corrigan Thomas Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Coyle Thomas Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Coyle Thomas Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Dawson John Irishtown Kilmoon Meath Dignan Patrick Allcollege Kilmoon Meath Dowling John Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Farrell Peter Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Fitzpatrick Thomas Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Flood Thomas. Edward Cushinstown Kilmoon Meath Gaffney James Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Gorges Hamilton Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Gorges Hamilton Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Gossin Patrick Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Gough James Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Gough Patrick Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Hand Peter Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Hogan Mr. Edward Cushinstown Kilmoon Meath Kennedy Anne Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Keogh James Allcollege Kilmoon Meath Keogh James Ballyhack Kilmoon Meath Keogh James Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Keogh John Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Kevitt Thomas Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Landy Patrick Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Leonard Richard Cushinstown Kilmoon Meath Leonard Richard Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Long Peter Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Macken Patrick Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Maguinness John Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Maguire Edward Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Maguire Thomas Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Maily Patrick Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Mathews Nicholas Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Mc Dermott Catherine Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Mc Dermott Christr. Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Mc Dermott Jane Ballyhack Kilmoon Meath Mc Dermott Terence Kilbrew Kilmoon Meath Mc Dermott William Irishtown Kilmoon Meath Mc Dermott William Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Mc Donnell William Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Mc Donough Mary Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Mc Donough Thomas Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Mc Evoy James Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Mc Govern John Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Mc Govern Peter Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Mc Nally John Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Melady Michael Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Merryman John Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Murphy Andrew Ballyhack Kilmoon Meath Murphy Andrew Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Murphy James Kilbrew Kilmoon Meath Plunkett Mary Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Quinn James Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Radcliffe Rev. Stephen Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Roberts Rose Coolfore Kilmoon Meath Sherry John Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Smith John Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Smith John Yellowshar Kilmoon Meath Tankard Mary Kilmoon Kilmoon Meath Tierney Elizabeth Irishtown Kilmoon Meath Tierney Patrick Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Tierney Richard Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Tyrrell Richard Cushinstown Kilmoon Meath Walsh Judith Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Weeding James Primatestown Kilmoon Meath Weeding Patrick Primatestown Kilmoon Meath White William Primatestown Kilmoon Meath