Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Loughcrew, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Loughcrew, County Meath
Abercrombie Geo. Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Alwell John Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Alwell Patrick Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Balfe Patrick Ballynamona Loughcrew Meath Blandford James Mullagh Loughcrew Meath Blandford Thomas Carnbane Loughcrew Meath Brady Edward Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Brady James Belleek Loughcrew Meath Brady Peter Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Brady Terence Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Brady Thomas Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Brien Patrick Newtown Loughcrew Meath Caffrey Anne Belleek Loughcrew Meath Caffrey Elizabeth Drumone Loughcrew Meath Callwell Catherine Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Connell Anne Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Connell James Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Connell Philip Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Corrigan Patrick Belleek Loughcrew Meath Cowley Peter Belleek Loughcrew Meath Coyle Anne Belleek Loughcrew Meath Coyle Patrick Ballynamona Loughcrew Meath Coyle Patrick Drumone Loughcrew Meath Cullen James Belleek Loughcrew Meath Cullen Philip Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Cummisky Bryan Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Cunningham Patrick Forkill Loughcrew Meath Daly Daniel Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Darlon Alexander J. Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Darlon Alexander J. Rahaghy Loughcrew Meath Egington Thomas Belleek Loughcrew Meath Egington Thomas Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Eginton James Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Fegan Bryan Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Finnan Patrick Glebe Loughcrew Meath Flood Thomas Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Flood William Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Fox Peter Carnbane Loughcrew Meath Gadigan James Mullagh Loughcrew Meath Gaffney Henry Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Gaffney Thomas Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Gahern Michael Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Gavin John Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Gavin Owen Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Gavin Patrick Carnbane Loughcrew Meath Gibney Catherine Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Gibney Catherine Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Gibney Matthew Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Gibney Thomas Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Gilligan Michael Drumone Loughcrew Meath Gilligan Thomas Drumone Loughcrew Meath Grace Mary Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Grace Patrick Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Gray Richard Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Gray Robert Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Growney Thomas Carnbane Loughcrew Meath Harmon William S. Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Harmon William S. Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Heany Bryan Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Heany Mary Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Heany Nicholas Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Heany Nicholas, Jr. Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Kearney John Galleastown Loughcrew Meath Kearney Patrick Galmoystown Loughcrew Meath Kernan James Belleek Loughcrew Meath Kernan Jn. Belleek Loughcrew Meath Kernan John Belleek Loughcrew Meath Kernan John Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Kernan Michael Belleek Loughcrew Meath Kernan Michl. Belleek Loughcrew Meath Kernan Thomas Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Kieran Bernard Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Kiernan John Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Kiernan Rose Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Kiernan William Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Leonard Rev. George Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Little Anne Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Lynch James Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Lynch Mary Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Lynch Michael Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Lynch Owen Thomastown Loughcrew Meath Lynch Patrick Rahaghy Loughcrew Meath Lynch Philip Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Mahon Bryan Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Mahon Edward Belleek Loughcrew Meath Mahon Thomas Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Manley Patrick Glebe Loughcrew Meath Markey John Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Masterson John Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Mc Glinn Andrew Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Mc Grath Cornelius Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Mc Grath Michael Galmoystown Loughcrew Meath Mc Namee John Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Mc Namee Laurence Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Mc Namee Rose Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Monaghan Barthw. Drumone Loughcrew Meath Monaghan William Galleastown Loughcrew Meath Mortimer Samuel Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Muldoon Michael Thomastown Loughcrew Meath Murray James Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Naper James Ballynamona Loughcrew Meath Naper James Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Naper James Newtown Loughcrew Meath Naper James W. L. Forkill Loughcrew Meath Naper James W. L. Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Naper James W. L. Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Naper James W. L. Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Naper James W. L. Mullagh Loughcrew Meath Naper James W. L. Newtown Loughcrew Meath Naper James W. L. Rahaghy Loughcrew Meath Nulty James Forkill Loughcrew Meath O'Rorke Rev. Thomas Glebe Loughcrew Meath Peton James Belleek Loughcrew Meath Purcell Patrick Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Rafferty Nicholas Belleek Loughcrew Meath Reilly Margaret Drumone Loughcrew Meath Reilly Patrick Belleek Loughcrew Meath Reilly Thomas Carnbane Loughcrew Meath Reilly Thomas Drumone Loughcrew Meath Reilly Thomas Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Robert Henry Belleek Loughcrew Meath Rotheram Edward Ballynamona Loughcrew Meath Rotheram Edward Galleastown Loughcrew Meath Rotheram Edward Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Ryan Bridget Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Ryan Michael Belleek Loughcrew Meath Ryan Michael Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Sandum Anne Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Sandum Michael Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Sheridan Edward Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Sheridan Eliza Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Sheridan John Drumone Loughcrew Meath Sheridan John Loughcrew Loughcrew Meath Sheridan Patrick Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Simons Anne Thomastown Loughcrew Meath Simons Bryan Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Smith James Belleek Loughcrew Meath Smith James Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Stephens Margaret Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Stuart Alexander Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Timmons William Ballynamona Loughcrew Meath Tuite Matthew Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Tuite Matthew Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Tully Bryan Knocklough Loughcrew Meath Tully Mary Drumsawry or Summerbank Loughcrew Meath Tully Michael Belleek Loughcrew Meath Wade William Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath Wade William Rahaghy Loughcrew Meath Willis Bell Knockbrack Loughcrew Meath