Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newtown, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newtown, County Meath
Brien Michael Newtown Newtown Meath Brien Patk. Newtown Newtown Meath Brien Patrick Newtown Newtown Meath Brien Patrick Peru Newtown Meath Carolan Patrick Ballair Newtown Meath Currigan Daniel Newtown Newtown Meath Dolan Joseph Newtown Newtown Meath Dunn Philip Ballair Newtown Meath Farley Catherine Newtown Newtown Meath Farley John Newtown Newtown Meath Farley Matthew Newtown Newtown Meath Farley Philip Newtown Newtown Meath Farnen Michael Deerpark Newtown Meath Gearty Lawrence Ballair Newtown Meath Glasby Catherine Peru Newtown Meath Mc Guinn Owen Newtown Newtown Meath Reilly Charles Clonagara Newtown Meath Reilly Patrick Newtown Newtown Meath Smith Henry Deerpark Newtown Meath Smith Henry Newtown Newtown Meath Smith John Newtown Newtown Meath Smith Samuel Newtown Newtown Meath Trench Rev. F. F. Newtown Newtown Meath Walker Alexander Ballair Newtown Meath