Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rataine, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rataine, County Meath
Antony Christopher Rataine Rataine Meath Antony John Shanbo Rataine Meath Antony Robert Rataine Rataine Meath Brady James Philpotstown Rataine Meath Brennan William Rataine Rataine Meath Bruyerly John Clonmalevin Rataine Meath Byrne Catherine Rataine Rataine Meath Clancy Bridget Philpotstown Rataine Meath Costigan William Philpotstown Rataine Meath Cullen James Rataine Rataine Meath Fagan William Rataine Rataine Meath Fay Anne Shanbo Rataine Meath Fay Johanna Philpotstown Rataine Meath Flood Luke Philpotstown Rataine Meath Fulham Michael Bellewstown Rataine Meath Gallagher Peter Rataine Rataine Meath Gibney James Rataine Rataine Meath Kelly John Shanbo Rataine Meath Kelly Richard Bellewstown Rataine Meath Kelly Richard Clonmalevin Rataine Meath King James Shanbo Rataine Meath King William Shanbo Rataine Meath Loghran Francis Rataine Rataine Meath Loughran Patrick Shanbo Rataine Meath Magennis James Shanbo Rataine Meath Magennis Mary Shanbo Rataine Meath Martin Rose Bellewstown Rataine Meath Mc Cabe John Bellewstown Rataine Meath Mc Carthy Nicholas Rataine Rataine Meath Mc Loughlin Bridget Bellewstown Rataine Meath Mulligan Edward Philpotstown Rataine Meath Mulligan Eliza Philpotstown Rataine Meath Mulvany Patrick Shanbo Rataine Meath Mulvy Joseph Philpotstown Rataine Meath Murray Bridget Rataine Rataine Meath Murray Laurence Rataine Rataine Meath Neville Richard Rataine Rataine Meath O'Loughran Francis Shanbo Rataine Meath O'Loughran Patrick Shanbo Rataine Meath O'Loughran Thomas Shanbo Rataine Meath O'Reilly Rev. Terence Rataine Rataine Meath Rafferty John Philpotstown Rataine Meath Reilly James Bellewstown Rataine Meath Reilly Michael Bellewstown Rataine Meath Reynolds Ellen Shanbo Rataine Meath Stanley Mary Philpotstown Rataine Meath Tablin Mary Shanbo Rataine Meath Timulty Loughlin Clonmalevin Rataine Meath Young Anna S. Philpotstown Rataine Meath Young Anna S. Rataine Rataine Meath