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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcore, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcore, County Meath
Ashe James Kilcorney Rathcore Meath Bailey Peter Baconstown Rathcore Meath Ballasty Bryan Baconstown Rathcore Meath Ballasty James Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Ballasty James Baconstown Rathcore Meath Barrington Edward Johnstown Rathcore Meath Barrington Edward Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Barry Robert Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Barry Robert Ardrums, Little Rathcore Meath Beglan Elizabeth Newcastle Rathcore Meath Beglan John Connellstown Rathcore Meath Birmingham John Rathroane Rathcore Meath Blake Thomas Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Boggan Edward Rathroane Rathcore Meath Boggan James Rathroane Rathcore Meath Boggan Matthew Baconstown Rathcore Meath Bourke Sarah Johnstown Rathcore Meath Boylan Thomas Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Boyne Michael Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Boyne Michael Town of Innfield,Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Brally Patrick Baconstown Rathcore Meath Brien Christian Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Brien Patrick Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Brien Patrick Rathcore Rathcore Meath Brien Patrick Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Brierton Patrick Newcastle Rathcore Meath Brogan Thomas Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Butler John Baconstown Rathcore Meath Butler Lawrence Baconstown Rathcore Meath Butler Matthew Baconstown Rathcore Meath Byrne Bridget Oldtown Rathcore Meath Byrne Esther Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Byrne Garrett Rathroane Rathcore Meath Byrne James Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Byrne James Rathcore Rathcore Meath Byrne Jane Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Byrne John Rathroane Rathcore Meath Byrne Mary Oldtown Rathcore Meath Byrne Michael Ballinderry Rathcore Meath Byrne Michael Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Byrne Michael Rathroane Rathcore Meath Byrne Thomas Rathroane Rathcore Meath Callaghan John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Carey John Rathroane Rathcore Meath Carleton Anne Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Carney Edward Newcastle Rathcore Meath Carney Michael Newcastle Rathcore Meath Case Bridget Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Chandler Edward Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Chandler Richard Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Chandler Richard Rathcore Rathcore Meath Clarke James Ballynakill Rathcore Meath Clarke John Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Clifford David Kilcorney Rathcore Meath Codd John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Coffey John Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Coffey Michael Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Coffey Michael Rathroane Rathcore Meath Coffey Patrick Rathroane Rathcore Meath Coffey Peter Rathroane Rathcore Meath Coffey Richard Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Coffey Rose Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Coffey William Rathroane Rathcore Meath Colclough Catherine Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Coleman Honoria Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Cone Patrick Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Conlan Thomas Newcastle Rathcore Meath Connaghton Michael Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Connell Patrick Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Connell Thomas Johnstown Rathcore Meath Connell Thomas Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Connolly Anne Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Connolly Christopher Ballynakill Rathcore Meath Connolly John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Connolly Michael Oldtown Rathcore Meath Connolly Patrick Ballycarn Rathcore Meath Connolly Patrick Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Connoly John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Connoly Patrick Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Connor Thomas Rathcore Rathcore Meath Connor Thomas Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Coote William Rathcore Rathcore Meath Corcoran Archibald Baconstown Rathcore Meath Cormack Bernard Rathcore Rathcore Meath Cormack Ellen Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Cosgrave Bridget Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Cosgrave Elizabeth Rathroane Rathcore Meath Cosgrave James Baconstown Rathcore Meath Cosgrave James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Cosgrave John Newcastle Rathcore Meath Cosgrave Michael Rathroane Rathcore Meath Cosgrave Patrick Baconstown Rathcore Meath Coyne Mary Rathroane Rathcore Meath Crean Mary Rathcore Rathcore Meath Crinigan Lawrence Newcastle Rathcore Meath Cross Patrick Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Cullen Michael Rathroane Rathcore Meath Cummins Edward Newcastle Rathcore Meath Cummins Edward Rathroane Rathcore Meath Daly Bridget Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Daly Bridget Glegarrow Rathcore Meath Daly Eleanor Rathroane Rathcore Meath Daly James Connellstown Rathcore Meath Daly John Newcastle Rathcore Meath Daly John Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Daly John Town of Innfield,Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Daly Patrick Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Daly Peter Town of Innfield,Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Daly Richard Newcastle Rathcore Meath Daly Robert Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Daly Thomas Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Deering Christian Baconstown Rathcore Meath Deering Christian Rathroane Rathcore Meath Deering John Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Delany Patrick Newcastle Rathcore Meath Delany Thomas Newcastle Rathcore Meath Devine William Newcastle Rathcore Meath Dinneny Simon Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Donegan James Newcastle Rathcore Meath Donegan Michael Rathcore Rathcore Meath Donegan Richard Newcastle Rathcore Meath Donegan Thomas Connellstown Rathcore Meath Donegan Thomas Newcastle Rathcore Meath Donegan Thomas Rathcore Rathcore Meath Donnelly Bernard Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Donnelly Bernard, Jr. Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Donnelly Elizabeth Ballycarn Rathcore Meath Donohoe Bridget Oldtown Rathcore Meath Donohoe Hugh Newcastle Rathcore Meath Donohoe Michael Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Doolin Elizabeth Rathcore Rathcore Meath Doran Anne Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Doran Pierce Baconstown Rathcore Meath Douglas George Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Douglas Richard Baconstown Rathcore Meath Douglas Richard Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Douglass John Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Doyle Mary Newcastle Rathcore Meath Duffy Catherine Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Duffy Laurence Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Duffy Patrick Rathcore Rathcore Meath Dunn John Baconstown Rathcore Meath Dunn Thomas Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Dunne Bridget Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Dunne Daniel Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Dunne Mary Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Dunne Michael Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Dunne Richard Johnstown Rathcore Meath Dunne Richard Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Durgin John Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Dwyer Elizabeth Baconstown Rathcore Meath Ennis James Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Ennis Matthew Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Ennis Peter Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Ennis Peter Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Fagan Anne Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Fagan Peter Ballynakill Rathcore Meath Farrell Catherine Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Farrell James Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Farrell Thomas Rathroane Rathcore Meath Farrelly James Rathroane Rathcore Meath Featherstone James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Feelin Catherine Johnstown Rathcore Meath Fegan James Newcastle Rathcore Meath Fegan John Connellstown Rathcore Meath Fegan Thomas Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Fegan Thomas Connellstown Rathcore Meath Ferguson David Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Ferguson David Town of Innfield,Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Ferguson John Rathroane Rathcore Meath Fitzgerald James Baconstown Rathcore Meath Flanagan Bryan Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Flanagan Laurence Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Flynn James Oldtown Rathcore Meath Flynn Jane Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Flynn John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Flynn Julia Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Flynn Michael Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Flynn Michael Rathroane Rathcore Meath Flynn Pierce Baconstown Rathcore Meath Flynn Thomas Rathcore Rathcore Meath Flynn Timothy Baconstown Rathcore Meath Flynn Timothy Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Foran James Oldtown Rathcore Meath Foran Timothy Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Fowler Mary Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Fowler Patrick Newcastle Rathcore Meath Fowler Robert Baconstown Rathcore Meath Fowler Robert Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Fullam Catherine Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Fylan Patrick Rathroane Rathcore Meath Galvin John Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Galvin William Rathroane Rathcore Meath Gargan Catherine Baconstown Rathcore Meath Garry Michael Connellstown Rathcore Meath Garry Peter Connellstown Rathcore Meath Gaynor John Rathcore Rathcore Meath Gaynor Joseph Rathroane Rathcore Meath Gaynor Patrick Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Gibbons Patrick Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Gibbons Walter Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Gilligan Patrick Baconstown Rathcore Meath Gorman Michael Rathroane Rathcore Meath Gorman Thomas Town of Innfield,Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Gorman William Ballinderry Rathcore Meath Goslin Samuel Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Grady Margaret Johnstown Rathcore Meath Grady Margaret Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Gray Thomas Rathcore Rathcore Meath Gray William Rathcore Rathcore Meath Gregan Edward Newcastle Rathcore Meath Gregan Hugh Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Gregan John Newcastle Rathcore Meath Gresson Wray Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Greville John Jordanstown Rathcore Meath Griffin James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Griffin Micheal Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Groucock William Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Gunning Elizabeth Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Gurry Bridget Baconstown Rathcore Meath Guy Lawrence Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Hannon Owen Rathroane Rathcore Meath Hannon Peter Rathroane Rathcore Meath Hannon Thomas Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Harris Michael Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Harris Michael Newcastle Rathcore Meath Harvey Richard Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Haydon Thomas Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Heffernan Bridget Baconstown Rathcore Meath Hill Edward Rathroane Rathcore Meath Hogan Anne Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Holmes William Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Hope Garret Baconstown Rathcore Meath Hope Laurence Baconstown Rathcore Meath Houlton Edward Newcastle Rathcore Meath Houlton John Rathroane Rathcore Meath Hughes Thomas Rathroane Rathcore Meath Hyland Bernard Ballycarn Rathcore Meath Hyland Margaret Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Kane Catherine Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Kavanagh James Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Keane Francis Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Kearney Patrick Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Keeffe Denis Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Keeffe Edward Baconstown Rathcore Meath Keeffe John Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Keegan James Johnstown Rathcore Meath Keegan Joseph Newcastle Rathcore Meath Kellett Richard Ballynakill Rathcore Meath Kellett Richard Newcastle Rathcore Meath Kelly Catherine Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Kelly Elizabeth Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Kelly James Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Kelly John Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Kelly Patrick Rathcore Rathcore Meath Kennedy Bryan Rathcore Rathcore Meath Kennedy John Oldtown Rathcore Meath Kennedy Matthew Oldtown Rathcore Meath Kenny John Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Kenny William Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Keogan Thomas Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Keogh Elizabeth Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Kerr James Rathroane Rathcore Meath Kiernan Bridget Rathroane Rathcore Meath Kinahan Michael Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath King Patrick Rathcore Rathcore Meath Langford Lord ??? Baconstown Rathcore Meath Lawler John Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Leavy James Johnstown Rathcore Meath Leavy Matthew Rathroane Rathcore Meath Ledwidge Edward Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Ledwidge Edward Ballycarn Rathcore Meath Ledwidge Patrick Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Lee Thomas Rathroane Rathcore Meath Lennon Charles Newcastle Rathcore Meath Leonard John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Lewis Mary Baconstown Rathcore Meath Linagh Mary Rathroane Rathcore Meath Loughlin Hugh Newcastle Rathcore Meath Loughlin John Newcastle Rathcore Meath Loughlin Patrick Newcastle Rathcore Meath Loughlin William Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Magee Edward Rathroane Rathcore Meath Magee John Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Magrath Elizabeth Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Maguire Catherine Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Maguire John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Maher Patrick Ballycarn Rathcore Meath Maher Patrick Johnstown Rathcore Meath Maher Patrick Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Mallin Thomas Johnstown Rathcore Meath Malone Edward Johnstown Rathcore Meath Malone James Johnstown Rathcore Meath Malone Patrick Town of Innfield,Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Malone William Rathroane Rathcore Meath Mangan Nicholas Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Masterson James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Mathews Rev. James Rathcore Rathcore Meath Matthews Rev. James Jordanstown Rathcore Meath Matthews Thomas Jordanstown Rathcore Meath Mc Carry Bridget Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Mc Carry James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Mc Carry Mary Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Mc Connell John Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Mc Cormack Patrick Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Mc Donnell John Oldtown Rathcore Meath Mc Entyre Michael Rathroane Rathcore Meath Mc Loughlin Edward Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Mc Loughlin Patrick Baconstown Rathcore Meath Meehan George Newcastle Rathcore Meath Meehan Margaret Baconstown Rathcore Meath Meehan Richard Baconstown Rathcore Meath Meehan Richard Jordanstown Rathcore Meath Meehan Richard Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Meehan Richard Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Metcalf Henry Newcastle Rathcore Meath Minor John Rathroane Rathcore Meath Molloy Margaret Rathroane Rathcore Meath Monaghan Willam Johnstown Rathcore Meath Monaghan William Johnstown Rathcore Meath Monks John Town of Innfield,Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Mooney Elizabeth Connellstown Rathcore Meath Mooney Timothy Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Moore John Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Moore O'Ferrall Richd. Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Moran Edward Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Mulally William Newcastle Rathcore Meath Mulkeeran Patrick Ballinderry Rathcore Meath Mullaher Margaret Rathroane Rathcore Meath Mullally John Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Mullally John Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Mullally William Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Mulligan Anne Rathroane Rathcore Meath Mulligan Bryan Rathroane Rathcore Meath Mulligan Mary Ballynakill Rathcore Meath Mulligan Mary Connellstown Rathcore Meath Murphy James Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Murphy John Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Murray Alice Newcastle Rathcore Meath Murray Daniel Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Murray Edward Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Murray James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Murray Jane Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Murry Edward Newcastle Rathcore Meath Murtagh James Rathroane Rathcore Meath Neill Con Rathroane Rathcore Meath Nolan James Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Nolan Patrick Ballinderry Rathcore Meath Nugent Daniel Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Nugent Jane Rathcore Rathcore Meath Nugent Mary Rathcore Rathcore Meath Nugent Richard Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Nulty Patrick Rathcore Rathcore Meath O'Brien Edward Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath O'Carroll Thomas Connellstown Rathcore Meath Olaghan Hanna Connellstown Rathcore Meath Parkinson Thomas Baconstown Rathcore Meath Payne Anne Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Pinders Patrick Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Plunkett Rose Ballinderry Rathcore Meath Proctor Patrick Ballinderry Rathcore Meath Proctor Patrick Clonguiffin Rathcore Meath Purdon Bartholomew Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Purdon Bartholomew Oldtown Rathcore Meath Purdon Edward Ballynakill Rathcore Meath Purdon Henry Ballynakill Rathcore Meath Quinn James Kilcorney Rathcore Meath Quinn Mary Rathroane Rathcore Meath Ratigan Catherine Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Ratigan Jane Kilcorney Rathcore Meath Raymond James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Reilly James Baconstown Rathcore Meath Reilly Lawrence Baconstown Rathcore Meath Reilly Michael Ardrums, Little Rathcore Meath Reilly Terence Connellstown Rathcore Meath Reilly Thomas Ballinderrin Rathcore Meath Reilly Thomas Connellstown Rathcore Meath Reilly Thomas Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Reynolds James Rathroane Rathcore Meath Reynolds John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Reynolds Mary Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Reynolds Thomas Rathcore Rathcore Meath Rielly Owen Kilmurry Rathcore Meath Rourke John Johnstown Rathcore Meath Rourke John Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Rourke John Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Russell Thomas Newcastle Rathcore Meath Rynd Catherine Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Rynd James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Rynd Rev. James Johnstown Rathcore Meath Rynd Robert Rathcore Rathcore Meath Rynd Robert F. Jordanstown Rathcore Meath Rynd Robert F. Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Rynd Robert F. Town of Innfield,Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Scully Michael Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Shanley John Jordanstown Rathcore Meath Shanly Bryan Rathcore Rathcore Meath Shanly James Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Shanly Patrick Newcastle Rathcore Meath Sheils John Rathroane Rathcore Meath Sheridan James Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Sheridan Lawrence Ballinderry Rathcore Meath Sherlock Patrick Rathroane Rathcore Meath Slevin Thomas Rathcore Rathcore Meath Smith Anne Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Stone Thomas Connellstown Rathcore Meath Sullivan William Newcastle Rathcore Meath Taaffe Marcella Rahinstown Rathcore Meath Tallon James Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Teelan Patrick Newcastle Rathcore Meath Tevlin Michael Rathroane Rathcore Meath Tevlin Thomas Rathroane Rathcore Meath Traynor Patrick Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath Tuite Philip Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Tully Peter Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Tyrrell George Oldtown Rathcore Meath Tyrrell Thomas Jordanstown Rathcore Meath Walker Gerald Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Walsh Hugh Newcastle Rathcore Meath Walsh Michael Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Walsh William Ballinderry Rathcore Meath Ward Thomas Newcastle Rathcore Meath Watson Patrick Ardrums, Little Rathcore Meath Watson Thomas Ardrums, Great Rathcore Meath Watson Thomas Posseckstown Rathcore Meath Watson Thomas Rathroane Rathcore Meath Whelan Anne Johnstown Rathcore Meath Whelan John Johnstown Rathcore Meath Whelan Peter Newcastle Rathcore Meath White Jane Rathcore Rathcore Meath White Thomas Clegarrow Rathcore Meath Wiley John Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Wiley Samuel Ballynaskea Rathcore Meath Williams Henry Rathcore Rathcore Meath Williamson Mary Rathroane Rathcore Meath Wood Catherine Town of Innfield,Johnstown Rathcore Meath