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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ratoath, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ratoath, County Meath
Anderson Bernard Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Anderson Bernard Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Anderson Bernard Mooretown Ratoath Meath Anderson Bernard Ratoath Ratoath Meath Andrews James Peacockstown Ratoath Meath Barnwall Richard Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Barnwall Richard Mooretown Ratoath Meath Begg Garret Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Begg Garret Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Begg Garret Ratoath Ratoath Meath Begg Patrick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Begg Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Blake Stephen Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Boylan Alice Glascarn Ratoath Meath Boylan Christopher Doghtog Ratoath Meath Boylan Christopher Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Boylan John Grange Ratoath Meath Boylan Thomas Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Brady James Mooretown Ratoath Meath Brannan Christopher Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Brennan Patrick Kilrue (Mullinahob) Ratoath Meath Brewen John Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Brewen John Mooretown Ratoath Meath Brewen John Ratoath Ratoath Meath Brewen John, Jr. Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Brewen John, Jr. Mooretown Ratoath Meath Brien Eliza Balfestown Ratoath Meath Brien James Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Brien James Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Brien James Ratoath Ratoath Meath Brien Matthew Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Brien Michael Tankardstown Ratoath Meath Brien Patrick Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Brien Patrick Ratoath Ratoath Meath Brien Paul Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Brien Thomas Legagunnia Ratoath Meath Brien Thomas Mooretown Ratoath Meath Brien Thomas Ratoath Ratoath Meath Bryan Lydia Baltrasna Ratoath Meath Bryne John Ratoath Ratoath Meath Byrne John Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Cahill James Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Campbell Richard Harlockstown Ratoath Meath Carpenter James Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Carthy Owen Commons Ratoath Meath Caul John Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Caul John Ratoath Ratoath Meath Caulan Andrew Ratoath Ratoath Meath Caulan Andrew, Jr. Ratoath Ratoath Meath Cawlan Andrew Legagunnia Ratoath Meath Clifford Anne Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Clifford Peter Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Clifford Thomas Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Clynch William Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Connell Jane Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Connell Michael Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Connell Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Corballis Mary Ratoath Ratoath Meath Corballis Mary Twentypark Ratoath Meath Corbally John Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Corcoran Bernard Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Cowlan Andrew Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Cowley Philip Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Cowley Thomas Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Coyle Patrick Loughlinstown Ratoath Meath Croballis Jas. Twentypark Ratoath Meath Cruise Mary Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Curtis Thomas Commons Ratoath Meath Curtis Thomas Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Daly Patrick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Daly Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Dignam Maryanne Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Donnelly Patrick Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Donnelly Thomas Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Doolan Mary Commons Ratoath Meath Doolan Mary Ratoath Ratoath Meath Doolan William Cheeverstown Ratoath Meath Doran John Ratoath Ratoath Meath Duffy Patrick Balfestown Ratoath Meath Duffy Patrick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Duffy Patrick Ratoath Ratoath Meath Duffy Thomas Glascarn Ratoath Meath Duffy Thomas Jamestown Ratoath Meath Duffy Thomas Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Duncan Peter Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Eiffe Andrew Ratoath Ratoath Meath Eiffe Luke Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Eiffe Luke Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Eiffe Luke Ratoath Ratoath Meath Eiffe Luke Twentypark Ratoath Meath Everard Anne Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Everard Henry Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Everard Patrick Bradystown Ratoath Meath Fagan Peter Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Farrell John Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Fay Catherine Mooretown Ratoath Meath Fay Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Finn Eliza Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Flannagan Martin Harlockstown Ratoath Meath Fleming Charles Grange Ratoath Meath Fletcher Richard Loughlinstown Ratoath Meath Flood Bernard Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Flood Thomas Baltrasna Ratoath Meath Ford Anne Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Ford Austin Fidorfe Ratoath Meath Ford Jane Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Fortune John Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Fortune John Mooretown Ratoath Meath Fottrell Patrick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Fottrell Patrick Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Fottrell Patrick Ratoath Ratoath Meath Fottrell Simon Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Fottrell Simon Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Fox Alice Commons Ratoath Meath Fox Robert Glascarn Ratoath Meath Fox Robert Tankardstown Ratoath Meath Foy Bridget Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Foy Peter Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Foy Peter Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Galligan Owen Kilrue (Mullinahob) Ratoath Meath Ganley William Flemingtown Ratoath Meath Garrigan Edward Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Garrigan Nicholas Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Garrigan Patrick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Garrigan Patrick Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Garrigan Patrick Ratoath Ratoath Meath Gerarty Bryan Peacockstown Ratoath Meath Gill Daniel Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Gillic Thomas Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Gillie Eliza Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Gillie James Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Gillie Thomas Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Gillie Thomas Ratoath Ratoath Meath Gilmore Hugh Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Gilmore Thomas Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Goff Mary Mooretown Ratoath Meath Gorman Mary Ratoath Ratoath Meath Gorman Matthew Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Gouran John Ratoath Ratoath Meath Gowran John Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Greene Dominick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Grehan Edmund Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Guilshenan John Mooretown Ratoath Meath Haid Judith Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Halfpenny Matthew Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Hanaway Robert Ratoath (Manor) Ratoath Meath Hand John Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Hand Patrick Ratoath Ratoath Meath Hand Richard Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Hanlon Nicholas Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Hanly Ellen Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Hemmett Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Hemmett Patrick Ratoath Ratoath Meath Hogan Mr. Edwd. Baltrasna Ratoath Meath Johnston Rev. Henry Ratoath Ratoath Meath Kane Thomas Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Keegan Anne Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Keegan Anne Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Keegan John Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Keegan John Ratoath Ratoath Meath Kelly Patrick Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Kelly William Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Kennedy John Baltrasna Ratoath Meath Kennedy Patrick Raystown Ratoath Meath Leavy Bryan Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Leavy Bryan Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Leavy Catherine Kilrue (Mullinahob) Ratoath Meath Leavy Michael Glascarn Ratoath Meath Leavy Thomas Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Leonard Matthew Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Leonard Patrick Grange Ratoath Meath Leonard Patrick Paddock Ratoath Meath Leonard Patrick Peacockstown Ratoath Meath Lynam John Commons Ratoath Meath Lynam John Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Lynam John Glascarn Ratoath Meath Lynam John Legagunnia Ratoath Meath Lynam John Mooretown Ratoath Meath Lynam John Ratoath Ratoath Meath Lynam Marcella Commons Ratoath Meath Lynam Marcella Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Lynam Marcella Jamestown Ratoath Meath Lynam Marcella Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Lynam Marcella Ratoath Ratoath Meath Lynch Patrick Commons Ratoath Meath Magrane James Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Magrane Patrick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Magrane Patrick Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Magrane Patrick Ratoath Ratoath Meath Magrane Thomas Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Magrane Thomas Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Maneran James Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Martin Bernard Mooretown Ratoath Meath Martin James Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Martin James Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Martin Nicholas Flemingtown Ratoath Meath Martin Nicholas Paddock Ratoath Meath Martin Nicholas Peacockstown Ratoath Meath Mathews Stephen T. Balfestown Ratoath Meath Mc Auley James Cheeverstown Ratoath Meath Mc Auley James Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Mc Auley James Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Auley James Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Auley James Ratoath Ratoath Meath Mc Auley James Twentypark Ratoath Meath Mc Auley John Mullinam Ratoath Meath Mc Auley Richard Gunstown Ratoath Meath Mc Auley Richard Mullinam Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe Andrew Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe Andrew Mooretown Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe John Doghtog Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe John Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe John Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe John Mullinam Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe John Ratoath Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe Matthew Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Cabe Patrick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Donagh Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Mc Donagh Patrick Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Donnell Peter Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Mc Donnell Peter Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Duffy Patrick Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Mc Evoy Patrick Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Evoy Peter Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Grath Henry Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Mc Keon John Mooretown Ratoath Meath Mc Keown John Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Mealis Nicholas Mooretown Ratoath Meath Monaghan John Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Moore John Commons Ratoath Meath Moore John Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Moran Honoria Rathcool Ratoath Meath Moran Honoria Raystown Ratoath Meath Moran Joseph Raystown Ratoath Meath Moran Michael Ratoath Ratoath Meath Morrin John Ballyhack Ratoath Meath Mulvany Edward Baltrasna Ratoath Meath Mulvany Edward Harlockstown Ratoath Meath Mulvany Thomas Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Mulvany Thomas Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Murphy James Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Murphy Richard Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Murphy Thomas Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Murray John Mooretown Ratoath Meath Murray Mary Ballybin Ratoath Meath Murray Patrick Ratoath Ratoath Meath Nolan Thomas Ballybin Ratoath Meath Nugent John Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Nugent John Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Nugent John Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath O'Reilly Laurence Doghtog Ratoath Meath O'Reilly Laurence Jamestown Ratoath Meath O'Reilly Laurence Ratoath Ratoath Meath Plunkett Laurence Harlockstown Ratoath Meath Plunkett Laurence Rathcool Ratoath Meath Rafferty Catherine Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Rafferty Laurence Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Rafferty Thomas Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Rafferty Thomas Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Rafferty Thomas Ratoath Ratoath Meath Ralph Luke Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Ralph Luke Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Ralph Luke Ratoath Ratoath Meath Rathborne Joseph Ballymore Ratoath Meath Read Thomas Glascarn Ratoath Meath Ready James Ratoath Ratoath Meath Reid Thomas Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Reilly Charles Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Reilly Charles Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Reilly James Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Reilly Luke Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Reilly Patrick Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Reilly Thomas Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Reilly Thomas Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Robinson Eliza Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Robinson Eliza Mooretown Ratoath Meath Rogers Rose Fidorfe Ratoath Meath Rooney James Baltrasna Ratoath Meath Rooney James Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Rooney John Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Rooney Nicholas Baltrasna Ratoath Meath Rooney Patrick Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Rooney Patrick Newtown Ratoath Meath Rooney Richard Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Rooney Richard Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Ryder Richard Loughlinstown Ratoath Meath Sadlier Nicholas Ballyhack Ratoath Meath Shaw John Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Shaw John Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Sheridan Catherine Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Sheridan Rev. Patrick Tankardstown Ratoath Meath Sherlock Bridget Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Sherlock Bridget Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Slevin Peter Mooretown Ratoath Meath Slow Thomas Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Slow Thomas Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Slow Thomas Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Smith Christopher Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Smith George Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Smith Mary Commons Ratoath Meath Smith Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Smith Patrick Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Stafford Peter Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Sullivan Eugene Moat Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Thunder Michael Brownstown Ratoath Meath Thunder Michael Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Thunder Michael Lagore, Little Ratoath Meath Thunder Michael Rackenstown Ratoath Meath Timmins Thomas Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Toole Bartholomew Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Toole Bartholomew Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Toole Bartholomew Ratoath Ratoath Meath Toole Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Toole Patrick Well Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Toole Philip Commons Ratoath Meath Toole Philip Dunshaughlin Rd.,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Toole Philip Elgarstown Ratoath Meath Toole Philip Irish Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Toole Philip Ratoath Ratoath Meath Toole Philip, Jr. Lagore, Big Ratoath Meath Toole Philip, Jr. Ratoath Ratoath Meath Traynor Marcella Main Street,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Walsh Thomas Peacockstown Ratoath Meath Ward Margaret Well Road,(Ratoath) Ratoath Meath Waters Patrick Kilrue (Mullinahob) Ratoath Meath White Nicholas Kilrue (Mullinahob) Ratoath Meath Wilson John Kilrue (Mullinahob) Ratoath Meath Wren James Cabinhill Ratoath Meath Yourell Patrick Curkeen Ratoath Meath Yourell Patrick Elgarstown Ratoath Meath