Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Scurlockstown, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Scurlockstown, County Meath
Boyne Hugh Mountland, or Butterhouse Scurlockstown Meath Brogan Patrick Crumpstown, or Marshallstown Scurlockstown Meath Byrne John Finlaghtown, Little Scurlockstown Meath Carroll Christopher Creroge Scurlockstown Meath Casey Patrick Finlaghtown, Great Scurlockstown Meath Cassidy Thomas Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Chambers John Finlaghtown, Little Scurlockstown Meath Clarke Anne Grange Scurlockstown Meath Connor Patrick Ardbracken, or Wrightown Scurlockstown Meath Corrigan Thomas Finlaghtown, Little Scurlockstown Meath Donohoe Anne Ardbracken, or Wrightown Scurlockstown Meath Drake Christopher Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Ennis James Creroge Scurlockstown Meath Farrell Luke Finlaghtown, Great Scurlockstown Meath Farrell Thomas Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Farrelly Mary Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Foley Anne Crumpstown, or Marshallstown Scurlockstown Meath Gearty Hugh Ardbracken, or Wrightown Scurlockstown Meath Gearty Hugh Creroge Scurlockstown Meath Gerrard Edward Grange Scurlockstown Meath Glennon Matthew Ardbracken, or Wrightown Scurlockstown Meath Gorman William Creroge Scurlockstown Meath Hamilton George Mountland, or Butterhouse Scurlockstown Meath Hanbury Samuel Mountland, or Butterhouse Scurlockstown Meath Hoult Edward Grange Scurlockstown Meath Jones Nicholas Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Kane James Crumpstown, or Marshallstown Scurlockstown Meath Keeffe Richard Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Kerr Bridget Grange Scurlockstown Meath Kerr Bridget Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Levey William Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Maguire Bridget Grange Scurlockstown Meath Martin Anne Grange Scurlockstown Meath Martin James Grange Scurlockstown Meath Martin John Creroge Scurlockstown Meath Mc Cormick Patrick Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Mc Donagh Bridget Crumpstown, or Marshallstown Scurlockstown Meath Mc Evoy Edward Finlaghtown, Great Scurlockstown Meath Mc Evoy Edward Grange Scurlockstown Meath Mc Keever John Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Mc Namee Anne Crumpstown, or Marshallstown Scurlockstown Meath Mc Namee Anne Mountland, or Butterhouse Scurlockstown Meath Mooney James Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Neville Thomas Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Pentony Christopher Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Reilly Francis Grange Scurlockstown Meath Reilly John Creroge Scurlockstown Meath Reilly Thomas Crumpstown, or Marshallstown Scurlockstown Meath Reilly Thomas Finlaghtown, Great Scurlockstown Meath Reilly Thomas Grange Scurlockstown Meath Reilly William Grange Scurlockstown Meath Rickard John Finlaghtown, Great Scurlockstown Meath Ryan William Creroge Scurlockstown Meath Ryan William Finlaghtown, Little Scurlockstown Meath Swan William Grange Scurlockstown Meath Ward John Scurlockstown Scurlockstown Meath Whelan Matthew Creroge Scurlockstown Meath Whelan Matthew Finlaghtown, Little Scurlockstown Meath