Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Bellew Elizabeth Rushwee Slane Meath Bellew Laurence Ardcalf Slane Meath Bennett Peter Rushwee Slane Meath Bennett Peter Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Blackburn Henry Commons Slane Meath Blackburne Henry Mullaghdillon Slane Meath Bolton John Furzyhill Slane Meath Bolton John Harlinstown Slane Meath Bolton John Slane Castle Demesne Slane Meath Boylan Bridget Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Boyle William Ardcalf Slane Meath Boyle William Knockerk Slane Meath Bracken James Coalpits Slane Meath Brady John Rushwee Slane Meath Brady Philip Ardcalf Slane Meath Brady Terence Rushwee Slane Meath Brennan John Higginstown Slane Meath Brien David Slane Slane Meath Brien Mary Ardcalf Slane Meath Broidey Mary Bryanstown Slane Meath Broidey Michael Knockerk Slane Meath Brown Catherine Harlinstown Slane Meath Caffrey Michael Higginstown Slane Meath Callaghan Patrick Coalpits Slane Meath Callaghan Patrick Knockmooney Slane Meath Campbell Bernard Ardcalf Slane Meath Campbell Edward Rathmaiden Slane Meath Carey Judith Furzyhill Slane Meath Carney Bridget Knockerk Slane Meath Carolan Patrick Commons Slane Meath Carolan Thomas Mooretown Slane Meath Carry Patrick Slane Castle Demesne Slane Meath Casey Andrew Slane Slane Meath Cassidy Catherine Rathmaiden Slane Meath Cassidy Christopher Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Cassidy Patrick Commons Slane Meath Cassidy Patrick Furzyhill Slane Meath Cassidy Patrick Higginstown Slane Meath Cassidy Thomas Higginstown Slane Meath Cassidy Thomas Knockerk Slane Meath Cassidy Thomas Rathmaiden Slane Meath Caullan Elizabeth Slane Slane Meath Cheevers John Knockmooney Slane Meath Chester Finlay Bryanstown Slane Meath Clarke Philip Knockmooney Slane Meath Clarke William Rathmaiden Slane Meath Cogan Thomas Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Commons John Slane Slane Meath Conlon Catherine Knockerk Slane Meath Connell Andrew Ardcalf Slane Meath Connolly Francis Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Connolly James Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Connolly John Furzyhill Slane Meath Connor Michael Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Conyngham Marquis ??? Carrickdexter Slane Meath Conyngham Marquis ??? Castleparks Slane Meath Conyngham Marquis ??? Newrath Slane Meath Conyngham Marquis ??? Slane Slane Meath Conyngham Marquis ??? Slane Castle Demesne Slane Meath Conyngham Marquis ??? Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Coogan Thomas Slane Slane Meath Cornwall John Castleparks Slane Meath Creegan Thomas Rushwee Slane Meath Crinion John Knockmooney Slane Meath Crinion Matthew Rushwee Slane Meath Crinion Michael Carrickdexter Slane Meath Crinion Michael Rushwee Slane Meath Crinion Thomas Rushwee Slane Meath Cruise James Slane Slane Meath Cruise Peter Cashel Slane Meath Curry Edward Mooretown Slane Meath Curry Patrick Mooretown Slane Meath Curry Patrick, Jr. Mooretown Slane Meath Curry Thomas Mooretown Slane Meath Curtis James Commons Slane Meath Curtis James Slane Slane Meath Curtis James Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Cusack James Ardcalf Slane Meath Daly Patrick Coalpits Slane Meath Daly Patrick Commons Slane Meath Daly Peter Knockmooney Slane Meath Deane William Slane Slane Meath Deane William Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Denneny Bernard Harlinstown Slane Meath Denniver Elizabeth Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Denniver Thomas Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Devine Patrick Ardcalf Slane Meath Devlin Christopher Slane Slane Meath Devlin Christopher Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Devlin Judith Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Dillon Patrick Knockerk Slane Meath Dillon Thomas Knockerk Slane Meath Disney Rev. J. J. Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Disney Rev. John J. Slane Slane Meath Downes James Davidstown Slane Meath Duignam Margaret Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Dunne Bridget Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Dunne Patrick Coalpits Slane Meath Dwyer Margaret Rathmaiden Slane Meath Dwyer Mary Ardcalf Slane Meath Dwyer Thomas Brittstown Slane Meath Elems Margaret Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Elms Michael Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Fagan Michael Rathmaiden Slane Meath Farrell Richard Ardcalf Slane Meath Farrelly Thomas Knockerk Slane Meath Feeley James Harlinstown Slane Meath Feeley Michael Harlinstown Slane Meath Feely Anne Harlinstown Slane Meath Finlay Patrick Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Finnegan Thomas Slane Slane Meath Fisher Richard H. Fieldstown Slane Meath Fisher Richard H. Slane Slane Meath Fisher Richard H. Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Fitzpatrick Philip Harlinstown Slane Meath Floyd John Knockmooney Slane Meath Fogarty Willam Knockerk Slane Meath Gallagher James Slane Slane Meath Gallaher John Slane Slane Meath Gannon John Davidstown Slane Meath Gartland Judith Rushwee Slane Meath Gaughran Catherine Rushwee Slane Meath Gaughran James Harlinstown Slane Meath Gaughran John Commons Slane Meath Gaughran Peter Rushwee Slane Meath Gaynor James Slane Slane Meath Gaynor James Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Geoghegan Thomas Ardcalf Slane Meath Goodwin Laurence Knockmooney Slane Meath Goodwin Lawrence Slane Slane Meath Goodwin Lawrence Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Goveran John Ardcalf Slane Meath Graham William Slane Slane Meath Graham William Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Gray Judith Davidstown Slane Meath Grey Catherine Davidstown Slane Meath Gunn Thomas Harlinstown Slane Meath Halfpenny James Rathmaiden Slane Meath Halfpenny Laurence Knockmooney Slane Meath Halfpenny Patrick Rathmaiden Slane Meath Hall John Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Halpin Matthew Harlinstown Slane Meath Hamil John Harlinstown Slane Meath Hanlon Eliza Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Harding Eliza Harlinstown Slane Meath Harding John Coalpits Slane Meath Healy Mary Knockmooney Slane Meath Healy Nicholas Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Healy Thomas Knockmooney Slane Meath Heany Matthew Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Heney Richard Slane Slane Meath Hoey Michael Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Johnston Michael Slane Slane Meath Johnston Michael Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Johnston Nathaniel Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Johnston Patrick Commons Slane Meath Johnston Patrick Mooretown Slane Meath Kealy Patrick Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Keelan Thomas Ardcalf Slane Meath Kelly James Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Kelsh Catherine Carrickdexter Slane Meath Kerrigan John Harlinstown Slane Meath Kindelon James Harlinstown Slane Meath Lamb Patrick Ardcalf Slane Meath Lambert Gustavus W. Carrickdexter Slane Meath Lane James Knockerk Slane Meath Lanney James Harlinstown Slane Meath Lanny Peter Slane Castle Demesne Slane Meath Leonard Andrew Carrickdexter Slane Meath Leonard Eliza Castleparks Slane Meath Loughran John Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Lowry Patrick Bryanstown Slane Meath Lynagh James Harlinstown Slane Meath Lynagh John Commons Slane Meath Lynagh John Harlinstown Slane Meath Lynagh Judith Harlinstown Slane Meath Lynagh Patrick Harlinstown Slane Meath Lynagh Thomas Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Lynagh William Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Lynch Daniel Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Lynch Jane Davidstown Slane Meath Lynch John Slane Slane Meath Lynch Mary Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Lynch Nicholas Slane Slane Meath Lynch Philip Knockmooney Slane Meath Lynch Thomas Slane Slane Meath Macken Michael Slane Slane Meath Macken Michael Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Macken Patrick Rushwee Slane Meath Macken Thomas Newrath Slane Meath Mackey Thomas Coalpits Slane Meath Madden James Slane Slane Meath Madden John Ardcalf Slane Meath Madders Richard Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mailey Matthew Knockerk Slane Meath Markey Patrick Ardcalf Slane Meath Mathews Bernard Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mathews Catherine Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mathews Eliza Harlinstown Slane Meath Mathews Thomas Harlinstown Slane Meath Mc Cartney Patrick Knockerk Slane Meath Mc Connon Bernard Coalpits Slane Meath Mc Connon Bernard Higginstown Slane Meath Mc Connon James Ardcalf Slane Meath Mc Connon James Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Connon James, Jr. Ardcalf Slane Meath Mc Connon John Ardcalf Slane Meath Mc Connon John Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Connon Mary Ardcalf Slane Meath Mc Connon Nicholas Coalpits Slane Meath Mc Connon Patrick Knockerk Slane Meath Mc Connon Patrick Slane Slane Meath Mc Cue Thomas Ardcalf Slane Meath Mc Dermot Philip Knockmooney Slane Meath Mc Donnell Margaret Harlinstown Slane Meath Mc Donnell Mary Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Donnell Robert Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Donough Margaret Coalpits Slane Meath Mc Guinness Catherine Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Guinness Christr. Harlinstown Slane Meath Mc Guinness James Harlinstown Slane Meath Mc Guinness John Harlinstown Slane Meath Mc Guinness Patrick Higginstown Slane Meath Mc Guinness Patrick Rathmaiden Slane Meath Mc Guire Bernard Carrickdexter Slane Meath Mc Guire James Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Guirk Bernard Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Guirk Thomas Rushwee Slane Meath Mc Gusty Thomas Slane Slane Meath Mc Gusty Thomas Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Mahon Matthew Coalpits Slane Meath Mc Mahon Thomas Slane Slane Meath Mc Mahon Thomas Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Mullen Anne Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Nulty Christopher Bryanstown Slane Meath Mc Owen John Slane Slane Meath Mc Owen John Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mc Quail Edward Knockmooney Slane Meath Mc Quail Edward Mooretown Slane Meath Mc Quail Patrick Commons Slane Meath Mc Quail Patrick Knockmooney Slane Meath Mc Quail Patrick Mooretown Slane Meath Mc Quail Patrick Slane Slane Meath Mc Quail Patrick, Jr. Knockmooney Slane Meath Mc Quaile Hugh Coalpits Slane Meath McDonnell Robert Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mills Anne Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mills Mary Anne Slane Slane Meath Mills Mary Anne Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Mongey Laurence Rushwee Slane Meath Mongey Mary Rushwee Slane Meath Mongey Thomas Slane Slane Meath Moonen John Rathmaiden Slane Meath Mooney Thomas Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Morgan James Coalpits Slane Meath Morgan Patrick Knockerk Slane Meath Mullen Bernard Higginstown Slane Meath Mullen Lawrence Harlinstown Slane Meath Mullen Richard Furzyhill Slane Meath Murphy Bernard Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Murray Patrick Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Neary Jane Rushwee Slane Meath Neary Richard Rushwee Slane Meath Neill Michael Mooretown Slane Meath Nevin Thomas Ardcalf Slane Meath Newman Mary Ardcalf Slane Meath Nulty Anne Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Nulty Christopher Ardcalf Slane Meath Nulty Patrick Higginstown Slane Meath O'Brien James Knockerk Slane Meath O'Neill Bridget Coalpits Slane Meath Ongan James Bryanstown Slane Meath Owens John Ardcalf Slane Meath Owens Thomas Ardcalf Slane Meath Plunkett Patrick Slane Slane Meath Powderly Christopher Ardcalf Slane Meath Powderly John Ardcalf Slane Meath Powderly Patrick Knockerk Slane Meath Powderly Patrick Knockmooney Slane Meath Powderly Patrick Rathmaiden Slane Meath Powderly Thomas Knockmooney Slane Meath Poyntz William Slane Slane Meath Poyntz William Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Reddy Michael Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Reilly Bridget Ardcalf Slane Meath Reilly Charles Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Reilly James Ardcalf Slane Meath Reilly John Ardcalf Slane Meath Reilly Margery Bryanstown Slane Meath Reilly Matthew Davidstown Slane Meath Reilly Michael Ardcalf Slane Meath Reilly Patrick Ardcalf Slane Meath Reilly Thomas Bryanstown Slane Meath Reilly Thomas Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Roche Catherine Knockmooney Slane Meath Roche Thomas Knockerk Slane Meath Roche William Knockerk Slane Meath Rock Daniel Ardcalf Slane Meath Rogers William Higginstown Slane Meath Russell James Mooretown Slane Meath Russell Owen Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Russell Patrick Cashel Slane Meath Russell Patrick Slane Slane Meath Ryan Thomas Mooretown Slane Meath Savage Edward Harlinstown Slane Meath Sheridan Bartholomew Rushwee Slane Meath Sheridan James Rushwee Slane Meath Sheridan Richard Higginstown Slane Meath Sillery Henry H. Slane Slane Meath Smith Patrick Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Sockwell Thomas Rushwee Slane Meath Springan Christopher Davidstown Slane Meath Springan James Harlinstown Slane Meath Sullivan James Ardcalf Slane Meath Swift Thomas Knockmooney Slane Meath Taaffe Lawrence Harlinstown Slane Meath Tallon Robert Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Tevlin Margaret Ardcalf Slane Meath Thompson Richard Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Tiernan Andrew Slane Slane Meath Tiernan Maria Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Timmons James Ardcalf Slane Meath Timmons Laurence Knockerk Slane Meath Trener Mary Rathmaiden Slane Meath Vaughey John Commons Slane Meath Vaughey John Furzyhill Slane Meath Vaughey John Slane Castle Demesne Slane Meath Vaughey John Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Vaughey John, Jr. Brittstown Slane Meath Vaughey John, Jr. Commons Slane Meath Vaughey Michael Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Wall Christopher Davidstown Slane Meath Wall Denis Davidstown Slane Meath Wall Mary Ardcalf Slane Meath Wall Nicholas Bryanstown Slane Meath Wall Patrick Davidstown Slane Meath Wall Patrick, Jr. Davidstown Slane Meath Wall Peter Davidstown Slane Meath Walsh Thomas Knockerk Slane Meath Walsh Thomas Rathmaiden Slane Meath Ward John Coalpits Slane Meath Ward Mary Coalpits Slane Meath Warren George Knockerk Slane Meath Warren George Rathmaiden Slane Meath Weldon Michael Newrath Slane Meath Weldon Thomas Slane Slane Meath West Catherine Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath West John Knockmooney Slane Meath Wetherill Mr. ??? Slane Slane Meath Willens Anne Town of Slane,Slane Slane Meath Willens Joseph Slane Slane Meath