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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Stamullin, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Stamullin, County Meath
Andrews John Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Arnold Michael Damselstown Stamullin Meath Arnold Peter Clinstown Stamullin Meath Arnold Peter Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Arnold Peter Saddlestown Stamullin Meath Arnold Peter Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Arnold Peter Whiteleas Stamullin Meath Arnold Richard Clinstown Stamullin Meath Arnold William Gormanston Stamullin Meath Ball Anne Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Bannon Mary Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Bobbett John Tullog Stamullin Meath Bobbitt John Hodgestown Stamullin Meath Boylan Patrick Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Boylan Thomas Ballestran Stamullin Meath Boylan Thomas Clinstown Stamullin Meath Boylan Thomas Damselstown Stamullin Meath Boylan Thomas Gibblockstown Stamullin Meath Boylan Thomas Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Boylan Thomas Tullog Stamullin Meath Branagan Bridget Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Branigan Catherine Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Branigan Thomas Damselstown Stamullin Meath Brenan Patrick Saddlestown Stamullin Meath Brennan Patrick Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Burke Jane Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Burke Patrick Gormanston Stamullin Meath Byron William Stadalt Stamullin Meath Caddell Richard O. F. Damselstown Stamullin Meath Caddell Richard O. F. Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Caddell Richard O. F. Tullog Stamullin Meath Caffrey John Gormanston Stamullin Meath Caffrey Patrick Stamullin Stamullin Meath Caffrey Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Callaghan Catherine Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Cardiff Christopher Gormanston Stamullin Meath Carroll Patrick Damselstown Stamullin Meath Carroll Thomas Damselstown Stamullin Meath Carter James Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Clarke John Stadalt Stamullin Meath Clarke Michael Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Cluskey Thomas Stadalt Stamullin Meath Coffey Catherine Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Collier Mary Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Collin Catherine Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Connell Anne Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Connell Jane Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Connell John Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Connell Patrick Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Connell Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Connell Simon Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Connor John Damselstown Stamullin Meath Corgan Joshua Whiteleas Stamullin Meath Coyle Patrick Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Coyle Thomas Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Curtis Anthony Gormanston Stamullin Meath Davis Matthew Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Dempsey Cornelius Stamullin Stamullin Meath Dempsey Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Denis John Damselstown Stamullin Meath Denis John Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Devine Alice Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Devine Thomas Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Donegan Mary Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Donnelly Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Dowdall Anne Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Dowdall Catherine Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Doyle Anne Gormanston Stamullin Meath Duff Esther Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Dulaghan Thomas Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Dunn Bridget Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Ennis James Tullog Stamullin Meath Ennis Mary Balloy Stamullin Meath Fagan John Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Farrell Laurence Gormanston Stamullin Meath Farrell Thomas Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Farron Thomas Gormanston Stamullin Meath Ferindon William Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Finley Christopher Tullog Stamullin Meath Finnegan Patrick Damselstown Stamullin Meath Fitzharris John Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Fleming Michael Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Flinn Rose Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Flood Andrew Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Flood John Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Flood Patrick Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Flynn Ellen Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Fottrell Patrick Clinstown Stamullin Meath Fullam Anne Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Fullam John Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Fullam Patrick Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Fullam William Gormanston Stamullin Meath Fullam William Stamullin Stamullin Meath Fullam William Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Garvey Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Gegan Mary Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Geraghty Patrick Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Goodwin Patrick Damselstown Stamullin Meath Gormanston Viscount Gormanston Stamullin Meath Gormanston Viscount Stamullin Stamullin Meath Gormanston Viscount Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Gormanston Viscount ??? Balloy Stamullin Meath Gough John Tullog Stamullin Meath Gough Judith Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Gough Patrick Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Gough Peter Damselstown Stamullin Meath Grace Matthew Balloy Stamullin Meath Grace Matthew Clinstown Stamullin Meath Grace Matthew Stamullin Stamullin Meath Hanlon James Tullog Stamullin Meath Hogg Peter Damselstown Stamullin Meath Hopkins William Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Horace Michael Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Horis Nicholas Damselstown Stamullin Meath Howard Anne Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Jameson James Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Jennet Gilbert Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Jennett Patrick Damselstown Stamullin Meath Jennett Patrick Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Johnston Thomas Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Jones John Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Keating Patrick Damselstown Stamullin Meath Keegan William Tullog Stamullin Meath Keenan Andrew Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Keenan Peter Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Kelly John Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Kelly Thomas Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Kenane Terence Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Kennedy Catherine Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Kennedy Laurence Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Kinlans Nicholas Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Kinnane Richard Gormanston Stamullin Meath Langan Anne Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Langan John Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Langan Matthew Damselstown Stamullin Meath Langan Matthew Tullog Stamullin Meath Langan Patrick Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Langan Patrick Lacystown Stamullin Meath Langan Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Langan Peter Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Leonard James Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Leonard Patrick Balloy Stamullin Meath Long Catherine Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Madden John Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Magrane Christopher Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Magrane Matthew Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Malone Bridget Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Malone John Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Malone John Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Malone John Tullog Stamullin Meath Malone Mary Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Malone Thomas Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Manning Alexander Damselstown Stamullin Meath Markey Laurence Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Martin Peter Damselstown Stamullin Meath Mc Cormack Christopher Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Mc Court Thomas Gormanston Stamullin Meath Mc Cullagh Matthew Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Mc Donnell Michael Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Mc Grane Peter Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Mc Hugh Terence Gormanston Stamullin Meath Mc Keown Nicholas Gormanston Stamullin Meath Mc Keown Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Mc Keown Thomas Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Moran Christopher Damselstown Stamullin Meath Moran John Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Morgan James Gormanston Stamullin Meath Morgan Patrick Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Mulholland Joseph Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Murphy Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Murray Mary Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Nolan Rev. Patrick Stamullin Stamullin Meath Nulty George Damselstown Stamullin Meath O'Malley Marcus Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Preston Thomas Balloy Stamullin Meath Preston Thomas Stamullin Stamullin Meath Quigley John Gormanston Stamullin Meath Rafferty John Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Reid Richard Herbertstown Stamullin Meath Reid Thomas Tullog Stamullin Meath Reilly John Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Roe Richard Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Rogers Michael Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Rooney Patrick Kilbreckstown Stamullin Meath Rowe Edward Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Sarsfield Christopher Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Sarsfield Mary Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Seagrave Jane Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Smith Robert Greenanstown Stamullin Meath Stenson John Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Sweeney Mary Anne Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Sweeney Patrick Damselstown Stamullin Meath Teeling Robert Lacystown Stamullin Meath Tiernan Alice Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Tiernan Alice Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Timmins Margaret Lacystown Stamullin Meath Tobin Nicholas Gormanston Stamullin Meath Walsh James Ballestran Stamullin Meath Walsh Patrick Ballestran Stamullin Meath Walsh Richard Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Walsh William Stadalt Stamullin Meath Ward Catherine Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath Ward Patrick Village of Stamullin,Stamullin Stamullin Meath White Patrick Fourknocks Stamullin Meath Williams Margaret Gormanston Stamullin Meath Wotton Thomas Village Of,Gormanston Stamullin Meath Wren Martin Saddlestown Stamullin Meath