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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Marys, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Marys, County Meath
Ackland John Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Andrews Patrick Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Armstrong Samuel Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Ball Edward Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Barry Peter Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Beahan Eugene Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Bellew Anne Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Boylan Anne Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Boylan William Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Brady John Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Brannagan Eugene Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Bredan Andrew Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Bride Patrick Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Brien Christopher Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Brien Christopher, Jr. Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Brien Margaret Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Brookes Francis Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Byrne Charles Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Byrne Christopher Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Byrne Mary Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Byrne Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Cairnes William Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Cairnes William Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Callaghan Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Callan Anne Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Callan Thomas Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Campbell Mary Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Carey James Ballsgrove St. Marys Meath Carey Patrick Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carolan Margaret Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carpenter Thomas Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carraher Mary Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Carrig Bridget Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carroll John Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carroll Laurence Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Carroll Margaret Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carroll Mary Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Carroll Peter Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Carroll Simon Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Carton Christopher Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carton Laurence Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carton Patrick Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carton Rev. Richard Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Carty Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Cavanagh Patrick Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Cavanagh Philip Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Clifford John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Clinton Bryan Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Clinton Mary Anne Ballsgrove St. Marys Meath Clinton William Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Collier Samuel Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Collins John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Connelly Mary Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Cooke John Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Coyle Michael Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Coyle Stephen Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Creegan Susan Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Cruise James Ballsgrove St. Marys Meath D'Arcy Garrett Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Daly Michael Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Dandy William Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Daw John Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Denany James Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Devin Eliza Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Devine Patrick Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Divine Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Dogget Christopher Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Donnelly Terence Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Doolan John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Doolan Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Dowd Margaret Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Dowdall John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Downey Michael Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Doyle Christopher Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Duff Cornelius Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Duff James Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Duffy Mary Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Duffy William Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Eglinson Thomas Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Fagan John Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Fairtlough John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Farrell Bridget Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Farrell Charles C. Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Farrell John Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Farrell John Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Farrell Michael Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Fegan Michael Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Finglass John Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Finnegan Catherine Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Finnegan John Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Finnegan Matthew Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Flanagan Michael Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Flanagan Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Fleming Peter Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Flood John Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Flynn Peter Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Font Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Fox Michael Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Friery James Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Gaffney John Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Galbraith Hugh Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Gargin Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Gartland Patrick Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Gaynor Matthew Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Googarty Owen Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Grendon Patrick Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Griffith Hoghshaw Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Grimes Patrick Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Halfpenny Anne Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Hanlon Judith Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Hardford Adam Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Harlen Anrew Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Harlin Rosanna Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Heany Michael Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Higgins Edward Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Higgins John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Hinchey Anne Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Hinchy Patrick Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Hoey Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Hudson John H. Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Hughes James Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Hughes Patrick Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Irwin Henry Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Irwin Henry Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Johnston Thomas Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Jones Mary Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Keegan Thomas Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Kelly Michael Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Kelly Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Kennedy Thomas Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Kevitt Patrick Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Kevlin Eliza Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Kevlin Eliza Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Kevlin Patrick Lagavooren St. Marys Meath King Mary Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Laughern James Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Lawler William Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Lawless Julia Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Levins Matthew Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Long Thomas Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Lucas Charles Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Magee John Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Magennis Mary Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Maguire Patrick Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Maguire Richard Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Markey James Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Markey James Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Marky Mary Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Martin John Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mathews Mary Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Maxwell Andrew Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mayers George Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Maypother Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mc Ardle James Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Bride Patrick Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Cann Alexander Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Cann Alexander Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mc Cay John Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Conchy Robert Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Connell Bernard Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Cormack Bryan Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Coy Terence Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Cullen Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mc Enteggart James Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Enteggart John Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Mc Enteggart Patrick Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Mc Govern Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mc Grane William Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Guirk John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mc Master Edward Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mc Nally Patrick Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Meade Anne Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Meade Bridget Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Meade Matthew Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Meade Thomas Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Meehan Patrick Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Monaghan Edward Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Moonan Laurence Ballsgrove St. Marys Meath Moonan Thomas Ballsgrove St. Marys Meath Moore John Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Moore Peter Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mullin James Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mullin James Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mullin Laurence Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Mullin Lawrence Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mullin Marcella Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mullin Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Mullin Patrick Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Murphy John Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Murphy Thomas Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Noonan Michael Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Nulty Patrick Bottle Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Nulty Patrick Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath O'Neill Patrick Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Pentony Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Pentony Thomas Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Rath John Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Rath Patrick Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Reany Edward Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Reay Edward Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Reid William Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Reilly Charles Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Reilly Henry Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Reilly Hugh Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Reilly James Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Reilly James Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Reilly John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Reilly Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Reilly Thomas Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Reilly Thomas Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Richardson Margaret Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Rogers Michael Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Rogers Rose Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Sheill Matthew Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Sherlock James Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Sherlock James Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Sherry James Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Sherry James Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Simple Andrew Ballsgrove St. Marys Meath Skelly William Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Smith Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Smythe Joseph Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Smythe Ralph Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Sparks Mary Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Spears Arthur Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Stanley James Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Sullivan Michael Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Sweeny Patrick Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Swift Patrick Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Tandy James Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Taylor Thomas Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Taylor Thomas Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Toner James Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Toner Patrick Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Usher Margaret Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Wall Robert Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Walsh Peter Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Ward John Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Ward John Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Ward Patrick Levin's Lane,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Waters Hugh Bryanstown St. Marys Meath Weir Rep. Archibald Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Weldon John Beymore Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Whelan James Bottle Lane,Suburbs of Drogheda St. Marys Meath Whelan Patrick Hungry Hall Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Woods Thomas Lagavooren St. Marys Meath Woods Thomas Platin Road,Lagavooren St. Marys Meath