Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Trim, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Trim, County Meath
Adair John Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Adair Thomas Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Adams Bridget Dalystown Trim Meath Adams Matthew Dalystown Trim Meath Allen Benjamin Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Allen Benjamin New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Allen Bridget Athboy Gate,Trim,(Commons (5th Div.)) Trim Meath Allen Bridget Commons Trim Meath Allen Bridget Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Allen Bridget Dogstown Trim Meath Allen Bridget Manorland Trim Meath Allen Bridget Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Allen Bridget Steeplestown Trim Meath Allen Francis Doolystown Trim Meath Allen James Athboy Gate,Trim,(Commons (5th Div.)) Trim Meath Allen John Ballynafeeragh (1st Division) Trim Meath Allen John Ballynafeeragh (2nd Division) Trim Meath Allen John Corporation Land North (2nd Division) Trim Meath Allen John Corporation Land North (4th Division) Trim Meath Allen John Crowpark (1st Division) Trim Meath Allen John Fosterstown Trim Meath Allen John Friarspark Trim Meath Allen John Shanlothe Trim Meath Allen Samuel Commons Trim Meath Allen Samuel Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Allen Samuel New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Allen Thomas Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Anderson Mary Maudlin Trim Meath Andrews Alicia Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Andrews John Bellewstown Trim Meath Andrews Patrick Bellewstown Trim Meath Andrews Patrick Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Armstrong William Batterstown Trim Meath Atkinson John Market Street,(Manorland) Trim Meath Bagnall George Dalystown Trim Meath Bagnall Richard Dalystown Trim Meath Bagnall Richard Fearmore Trim Meath Bagnall William Dalystown Trim Meath Bailey John Maudlin Trim Meath Ball George Hamilton's Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Banin John Batterstown Trim Meath Bannon Margaret Bect. Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Barry Francis Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Barry Thomas Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Battersby James Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Battersby James Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Battersby James Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Beckett William Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Bell Elizabeth Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Bird Charles Ballymulmore Trim Meath Bird Charles Carberrystown Trim Meath Bird Patrick Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Bird Thomas Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Blake Daniel Commons Trim Meath Blake Daniel Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Blake Daniel Manorland Trim Meath Blake Daniel Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Blake Thomas Carberrystown Trim Meath Blake Thomas Commons Trim Meath Blake Thomas Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Blake Thomas Corporation Land North (2nd Division) Trim Meath Blake Thomas Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Blake Thomas Gaol Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Blake Thomas Mill Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Blake Thomas Steeplestown Trim Meath Bligh Michael Kilmurry Trim Meath Bligh Patrick Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Bligh Patrick Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Bligh Thomas Derrinydale Trim Meath Bohan Thomas Back Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Boles David Chapel Street,(Commons) Trim Meath Bracken John Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Bracken John Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Bracken Patrick Corporation Land Trim Meath Bracken Thomas Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Braden William Chapel Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Bradley Robert Dalystown Trim Meath Brady Bridget Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Brady Bridget Oakstown Trim Meath Brady John Kilmurry Trim Meath Brady Madge Corporation Land Trim Meath Brady Richard Barrack Ln.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Brady Thomas Kilmurry Trim Meath Brannock Elizabeth Corporation Land North Trim Meath Brennan Matthew Fearmore Trim Meath Brennan Owen Stonehall Trim Meath Brien John Newhaggard Trim Meath Brien Mary Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Brien Patrick Newhaggard Trim Meath Brien Patrick Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Brien Richard Brannockstown Trim Meath Brogan Eliza Crowpark (1st Division) Trim Meath Brogan Eliza Crowpark (2nd Division) Trim Meath Brogan Eliza Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Brogan James Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Brogan James Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Brogan John Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Brogan John Crowpark (2nd Division) Trim Meath Brogan John Fostersholding Trim Meath Brogan Mary Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Brogan Patrick Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Brogan Patrick Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Brogan Thomas Crowpark (1st Division) Trim Meath Browne Anthony Phillinstown Trim Meath Browne Anthony Tremblestown Trim Meath Browne Joseph Bellewstown Trim Meath Browne Matthew Manorland Trim Meath Browne Simon Bellewstown Trim Meath Burke James Batterstown Trim Meath Burke Patrick Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Burnie George Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Butler Rchd. Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Butler Richd Townparks North Trim Meath Byrne Laurence Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Byrne Thomas Corporation Land Trim Meath Byrne Thomas Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Byrnell William Broad Trim Meath Byrnell William Corporation Land Trim Meath Caffrey Anne Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Caffrey Edward Kilmurry Trim Meath Caldwell Matthew Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Caldwell Matthew Friaryland Trim Meath Caldwell Matthew Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Callaghan Owen Stonehall Trim Meath Callaghan Peter Athboy Gate,Trim,(Commons (5th Div.)) Trim Meath Callaghan Philip Carberrystown Trim Meath Callery John Moynasboy Trim Meath Carey Mary Doolystown Trim Meath Carleton Joseph G. Commons (5th Division) Trim Meath Carleton Joseph G. Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Carpenter Christopher Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Carpenter Margaret Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Carr Catherine Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Carroll Ellen Dalystown Trim Meath Carroll John Newhaggard Trim Meath Carroll Matthew Friarspark Trim Meath Carroll Matthew Hamilton's Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Carroll Nicholas Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Carroll Simon Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Carthy Thomas Bellewstown Trim Meath Carthy Thomas Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Chambers Edward E. Blackfriary (2nd Division) Trim Meath Chambers Edward E. Lackanash Trim Meath Chambers Edward E. Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Clancy Bryan Kilnagross Trim Meath Clarke Christopher Commons Trim Meath Clarke John Manorland Trim Meath Clarke Michael Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Clinton Christopher The Green,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Cole Charles Manorland Trim Meath Colligan Edward Brannockstown Trim Meath Colligan Michael Friarspark Trim Meath Colligan Patrick Brannockstown Trim Meath Collins Patrick Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Collins Patrick Manorland Trim Meath Collins Patrick New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Colton Francis Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Colvin William Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Commons Christopher Corporation Land North Trim Meath Commons Christopher Kilmurry Trim Meath Commons Edward Brannockstown Trim Meath Commons Ellen Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Commons John Carberrystown Trim Meath Commons Peter Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Conaghty Elizabeth Manorland Trim Meath Conaghty Thomas Commons Trim Meath Condron Patrick Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Conlan Thomas Kilmurry Trim Meath Connaghty Matthew Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Connell Catherine Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Connolly Anne Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Connolly John Newhaggard Trim Meath Connolly Patrick Fearmore Trim Meath Connolly William Moynasboy Trim Meath Connor John New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Connor Margaret Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Conroy Catherine Dalystown Trim Meath Constant John Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Conway Christian Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Cooney Michael Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Corcoran Patrick Carberrystown Trim Meath Corcoran William Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Cormack James Brannockstown Trim Meath Corrigan Catherine Fostersholding Trim Meath Corrigan Thomas Kilmurry Trim Meath Cosgrave Edward Dalystown Trim Meath Cosgrave James Friarspark Trim Meath Cosgrave Margaret Dalystown Trim Meath Coughlan Alice Derrinydale Trim Meath Cowley Andrew Kilmurry Trim Meath Cowley Anne Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Cox Edward Fearmore Trim Meath Cox Eliza Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Cox James Batterstown Trim Meath Cox Thomas Chapel Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Cregan Andrew Newhaggard Trim Meath Cregan John Newhaggard Trim Meath Cregan Richard Newhaggard Trim Meath Cullen Anne New-Road,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Cully James Fearmore Trim Meath Cunningham James Brannockstown Trim Meath Cunningham John Ballymulmore Trim Meath Cunningham John Fearmore Trim Meath Cunningham Michael Doolystown Trim Meath Cunningham Patrick Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Curry David Chapel Street,(Commons) Trim Meath Curry David Commons Trim Meath Curry David, Jr. Commons Trim Meath Curry William Commons Trim Meath Curry William Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Dallon James Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Dalton Christopher Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Dalton Michael Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Dalton Owen Barrack Ln.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Daly Edward Clonee Trim Meath Darby John Derrinydale Trim Meath Darling Job Commons (5th Division) Trim Meath Darling Job Crowpark (1st Division) Trim Meath Darling Job Fostersholding Trim Meath Darling Job Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Darling Job Moynasboy Trim Meath Darnley ??? Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Davin Matthew Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Davis Richard Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Davis Thomas Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Davis Thomas Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Davis William Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Deighan Matthew New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Delamere Garrett Hamilton's Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Dennany Thomas Dalystown Trim Meath Derenzy Thomas Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Derham William Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Devey Margaret Back Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Devey Margaret Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Dignan Henry Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Dixon Richard Dalystown Trim Meath Dolan John Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Dongan Michael Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Donnellan Michael Fearmore Trim Meath Donnelly John Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Donohoe Elizabeth Newhaggard Trim Meath Donohoe Ellen Doolystown Trim Meath Donohoe James Aghathomas Trim Meath Donohoe Margaret Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Donohoe Moses Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Donohoe Moses Market Street,(Manorland) Trim Meath Donohoe Moses New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Donohoe Rose Dalystown Trim Meath Donohoe William Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Donoughoe Patrick The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Donovan Patrick Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Dooling Eliza Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Doran Anne Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Doran Patrick Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Doran Thomas Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Dowling Simon Ballymulmore Trim Meath Dowling William Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Doyle Thomas Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Drake Christopher Boristown Trim Meath Drake Christopher Kennastown Trim Meath Drake Richard Batterstown Trim Meath Drury William Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Duffy Mary Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Duffy Mary Manorland Trim Meath Duffy Robert Commons Trim Meath Duffy Thomas Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Duigenan Christopher Commons Trim Meath Duigenan Christopher Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Duignan Hugh Carberrystown Trim Meath Duignan Hugh Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Duignan Hugh Manorland Trim Meath Dunn Patrick Commons Trim Meath Durham Patrick Manorland Trim Meath Egan Anne Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Egan John Brannockstown Trim Meath Ennis Catherine Dalystown Trim Meath Ennis Michael Brannockstown Trim Meath Fagan John Back Road,(Commons) Trim Meath Fagan John Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Fagan John Corporation Land Trim Meath Fagan John Friarspark Trim Meath Fagan John Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Fagan John The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Fagan Owen Manorland Trim Meath Fagan Patrick Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Fagan Patrick Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Fagan William Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Fagan William Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Farnan Laurence Brannockstown Trim Meath Farrell Bryan Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Farrell Bryan Kilmurry Trim Meath Farrell Christina Doolystown Trim Meath Farrell Christopher Dalystown Trim Meath Farrell Edward Derrinydale Trim Meath Farrell Edward Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Farrell James Doolystown Trim Meath Farrell Owen Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Farrell Peter Commons Trim Meath Farrell Thomas Commons Trim Meath Farrell Thomas Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Farrell Thomas Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Farrelly Matthew Blackfriary (2nd Division) Trim Meath Farrelly Matthew Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Farrelly Matthew Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Farrelly Matthew Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Farrelly Michael Commons (5th Division) Trim Meath Farrelly Thomas Brannockstown Trim Meath Farren Thomas Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Fay Bernard Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Fay James Carberrystown Trim Meath Fay James Friarspark Trim Meath Fay Luke Commons Trim Meath Fay Michael Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Fay Patrick Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Finn Walter Chapel Street,(Commons) Trim Meath Fitzpatrick Catherine Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Fitzpatrick Simon Barrack Ln.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Fitzsimon Christopher Back Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Fitzsimon Christopher Corporation Land North Trim Meath Fitzsimon John Chapel Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Fitzsimon John Commons Trim Meath Fitzsimon Mary Boristown Trim Meath Fitzsimon Thomas Corporation Land North Trim Meath Fitzsimon William Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Fitzsimons Michael Doolystown Trim Meath Fitzsimons Terence Commons Trim Meath Flanagan Patrick Dalystown Trim Meath Flannagan Patrick Fearmore Trim Meath Fleming Anne New-Road,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Flood James Derrinydale Trim Meath Flood James Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Flood Jas. Brannockstown Trim Meath Flood William Brannockstown Trim Meath Flood William Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Flood Wm. Derrinydale Trim Meath Floody Mary Manorland Trim Meath Foran Timothy Dalystown Trim Meath Fortune Bridget The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Fortune Michael Commons Trim Meath Fox James Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Fox James D. Ballymulmore Trim Meath Fox James D. Batterstown Trim Meath Fox Jane Newhaggard Trim Meath Fox John Dalystown Trim Meath Fox Joseph Brannockstown Trim Meath Fox Joseph Doolystown Trim Meath Fox Judtih Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Fox Michael Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Fullam George Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Gaffney William Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Gaharan Edward Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Gaharan James Corporation Land Trim Meath Gaharan Philip Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Gaharan William Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Gallagher Catherine Kilmurry Trim Meath Gallagher Patrick Commons Trim Meath Gallagher Patrick Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Gallen Michael Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Gannon John Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Gannon Margaret Doolystown Trim Meath Gannon Patrick Corporation Land North Trim Meath Gannon Patrick Moynasboy Trim Meath Gannon Peter Derrinydale Trim Meath Gannon Peter The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Garragan James Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Garragan Laurence Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Garvey Alice Dalystown Trim Meath Gate Benjamin Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Gaynor Laurence Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Gearty Marcella Dalystown Trim Meath Gelshan James Moynasboy Trim Meath Geoghegan John Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Gerrard William Church Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Gibbons Catherine Commons Trim Meath Gibney Bridget Barrack Ln.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Gibney Bridget Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Gibney Elizabeth Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Gibney Henry Back Lane,(Manorland) Trim Meath Gillick Peter Corporation Land Trim Meath Givney Patrick Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Glennon Bridget Dalystown Trim Meath Glennon Margaret Commons Trim Meath Glennon Thomas Dalystown Trim Meath Goodman Michael Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Gorey Andrew Commons Trim Meath Gorey Anne Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Gorey Catherine Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Gorey Patrick Addanstown Trim Meath Gorey Patrick Aghathomas Trim Meath Gorey Patrick Gormanstown Trim Meath Gorey Patrick Greatfurze Trim Meath Gorman Bernard Commons Trim Meath Gorman Bernard Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Gorman Bernard Manorland Trim Meath Gorman Patrick Dalystown Trim Meath Graham Ellen Corporation Land North Trim Meath Griffin Catherine Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Griffin John Carberrystown Trim Meath Griffin Michael Carberrystown Trim Meath Griffith William Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Grimes William Derrinydale Trim Meath Grogan Elizabeth Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Guirk James Bellewstown Trim Meath Halfpenny Barthw. Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Halligan Thomas Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Halligan Thomas Derrinydale Trim Meath Halpin Patrick Kilmurry Trim Meath Hamilton Rev. James Hamil. Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Hanbury Hugh Clonee Trim Meath Hanbury Hugh Dalystown Trim Meath Hanbury Hugh Glebe Trim Meath Hanbury Hugh Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Hanbury John Clonee Trim Meath Hanbury Richard Batterstown Trim Meath Hanbury Richard Fearmore Trim Meath Hanbury Richard Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Hanbury Samuel Boristown Trim Meath Hanbury Samuel Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Hand Catherine Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Hand Joseph Church Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Hanratty Matthew Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Harnan Catherine Brannockstown Trim Meath Harnan Richard Clonee Trim Meath Harnan Thomas Brannockstown Trim Meath Harnan Thomas Clonee Trim Meath Harnan Thos., Jr. Brannockstown Trim Meath Harold Mary Brannockstown Trim Meath Hart John Kilmurry Trim Meath Hart Nicholas Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Hart Thomas Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Hartford William Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Hayes Laurence Ballymulmore Trim Meath Heaps Mary Chapel Street,(Commons) Trim Meath Heeny Margaret Doolystown Trim Meath Hegarty Richard Kilmurry Trim Meath Henry John Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Herbert John Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Higginbotham Hans Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Higgins Frederick Bellewstown Trim Meath Higgins James Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Hipwell George B. Commons Trim Meath Hipwell George D. Commons Trim Meath Hipwell George D. Manorland Trim Meath Hipwell George D. Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Hoey Laurence Brannockstown Trim Meath Hogg Laurence Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Hughes Alexander Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Hughes Charles Brannockstown Trim Meath Hughes Jane New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Hughes John Commons Trim Meath Hughes John Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Hughes Martin Commons Trim Meath Hughes Matthew Doolystown Trim Meath Hughes Patrick Doolystown Trim Meath Hughes Robert Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Hughes Thomas Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Hussey Andrew Kennastown Trim Meath Hussey Bridget Kennastown Trim Meath Hussey Edward Blackfriary (2nd Division) Trim Meath Hussey Edward Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Hussey Edward Navan Gt,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Hussey James Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Hussey John Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Hussey Matthew Manorland Trim Meath Hussey Patrick Kennastown Trim Meath Hynes Robert Corporation Land North Trim Meath Hynes Robert Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Johnson Michael Fearmore Trim Meath Jones Patrick Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Jones Patrick Townparks, South Trim Meath Jones Richard Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Jones Robert Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Jones Robert Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Jones Walter Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Jordan James Phillinstown Trim Meath Jordan John Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Jordan Michael Manorland Trim Meath Jordan Patrick Manorland Trim Meath Jordan Patrick Phillinstown Trim Meath Kane Mary Townparks, South Trim Meath Kane Michael Manorland Trim Meath Kean Bridget Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Kean John Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Kean John Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Kean Mary Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Kean Michael Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Kean Michael Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Kearns Margaret Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Keeffe Catherine Dalystown Trim Meath Keeffe John Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Keeffe Martin Moynasboy Trim Meath Keeffe Patrick Crowpark (1st Division) Trim Meath Keeffe Richard Brannockstown Trim Meath Keeffe Richard Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Keeffe Thomas Doolystown Trim Meath Keegan Christopher Bect. Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Keegan Patrick Batterstown Trim Meath Keely James Dogstown Trim Meath Keely James Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Keely Thomas Back Lane,(Manorland) Trim Meath Keily Matthew Fearmore Trim Meath Keirnan Bridget Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Keirnan James Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Kellett Edward The Green,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Kelly Edward Fearmore Trim Meath Kelly James Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Kelly James Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Kelly Joseph Derrinydale Trim Meath Kelly Michael Ballymulmore Trim Meath Kelly Michael Dalystown Trim Meath Kelly Philip Derrinydale Trim Meath Kelly Richard Derrinydale Trim Meath Kennedy Edward Doolystown Trim Meath Kennedy James Doolystown Trim Meath Kennedy John Kennastown Trim Meath Kennedy John Phillinstown Trim Meath Kennedy Joseph Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Kennedy Patrick Blackfriary (1st Division) Trim Meath Kennedy Patrick Blackfriary (2nd Division) Trim Meath Kennedy Patrick Capranny Trim Meath Kennedy Patrick Cloneens Trim Meath Kennedy Patrick Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Kennedy Patrick Mill Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Kennedy Patrick Peterstown Trim Meath Kennedy Patrick Whitehall Trim Meath Kennedy Thomas Kilnagross Trim Meath Kielty James Addanstown Trim Meath Kiernan Bridget New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Kiernan Laurence Dalystown Trim Meath Kiernan Michael Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Kiernan Patrick Manorland Trim Meath Kilkenny James Brannockstown Trim Meath Kilkenny Matthew Dalystown Trim Meath Kilkenny Michael Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Kilkenny Thomas Dalystown Trim Meath King Anne Friarspark Trim Meath King Anne Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath King Bryan Kilmurry Trim Meath King Eliza Addanstown Trim Meath King John Bect. Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath King John Corporation Land North (2nd Division) Trim Meath King John Oakstown Trim Meath King John Woodside Trim Meath King Michael Brannockstown Trim Meath King Patrick Brannockstown Trim Meath King Richard Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath King Thomas Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Kyan John Dogstown Trim Meath Lamb James Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Lamb Patrick Moynasboy Trim Meath Lawless Daniel Brannockstown Trim Meath Lawless Michael Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Leavy Catherine Batterstown Trim Meath Leavy John Kilmurry Trim Meath Ledwich Michael Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Ledwich Patrick Commons Trim Meath Ledwich Patrick Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Lee Jane Corporation Land North Trim Meath Lee Patrick Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Leech James Kilmurry Trim Meath Leech Michael Kilmurry Trim Meath Leslie Charles L. Brannockstown Trim Meath Leslie Charles P. Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Leslie Charles P. Fearmore Trim Meath Leslie Charles P. New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Lewis Edward Derrinydale Trim Meath Lewis Francis Kilmurry Trim Meath Lewis Francis Monktown Trim Meath Lewis John Monkstown Trim Meath Lewis Thomas Monkstown Trim Meath Lewis Thomas Monktown Trim Meath Lewis William Derrinydale Trim Meath Lightburne Harcourt Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Lightburne Penelope Bellewstown Trim Meath Lightburne Penelope Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Lightburne Penelope Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Lloyd Christopher Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Lloyd Luke New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Lloyd Michael Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Lloyd Michael New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Lowe John Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Lucas Bridget Mill Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Lynagh Andrew Brannockstown Trim Meath Lynaght Bridget Aghathomas Trim Meath Lynam Mary Raheenacrehy Trim Meath Lynch Christopher Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Lynch James Clondavan Trim Meath Lynch James Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Lynch Madge Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Macken Francis Commons (5th Division) Trim Meath Madden Nicholas Back Lane,(Manorland) Trim Meath Magennis Thomas Dalystown Trim Meath Maguire Patrick Corporation Land North (2nd Division) Trim Meath Malley Martin Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Malone Alicia Hamilton's Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Malone Margaret Ballymulmore Trim Meath Malone Michael Manorland Trim Meath Malone Patrick Brannockstown Trim Meath Malone Patrick Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Malone Patrick Stonehall Trim Meath Martin Anne Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Martin Christopher Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Martin Patrick Brannockstown Trim Meath Martin Patrick Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mason Christopher Kilmurry Trim Meath Masterson Catherine Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Masterson John Kennastown Trim Meath Masterson Maurice Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Masterson Thomas Corporation Land North (2nd Division) Trim Meath Mathews Joseph Manorland Trim Meath Mc Anulty Luke Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Mc Cabe Mary Manorland Trim Meath Mc Cormack John Dalystown Trim Meath Mc Cormack John Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Mc Cormack John The Green,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mc Cormack Margaret Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Mc Cormack Mary Anne The Green,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mc Cormack Peter Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Mc Dermott Anne Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mc Dermott Michael Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mc Dermott Thomas Bellewstown Trim Meath Mc Enough Michael New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Mc Evoy Thomas Dalystown Trim Meath Mc Grath Mary Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mc Grath Nicholas Dalystown Trim Meath Mc Grath Patrick Dogstown Trim Meath Mc Grue Bartholomew Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Mc Guinness James Athboy Gate,Trim,(Commons (5th Div.)) Trim Meath Mc Guire Laurence Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Mc Keever Bridget Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Mc Keon Andrew Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Mc Keon Christopher Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Mc Keon James Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Mc Keon Mary Dalystown Trim Meath Mc Keon Nich. Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mc Keon Nicholas Blackfriary (2nd Division) Trim Meath Mc Keon Nicholas Commons (5th Division) Trim Meath Mc Keon Nicholas Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Mc Keon Nicholas Crowpark (2nd Division) Trim Meath Mc Keon Nicholas Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Mc Keon Peter Corporation Land Trim Meath Mc Keon Rose Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Mc Loughlin Arthur Crowpark (2nd Division) Trim Meath Mc Loughlin Bridget Dalystown Trim Meath Mc Loughlin James Manorland Trim Meath Mc Loughlin Patrick Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Mc Manus Michael Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mc Manus Patrick New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Mc Manus Thomas Dalystown Trim Meath Mealia Mary Newhaggard Trim Meath Merryman William Fearmore Trim Meath Might Bridget Bellewstown Trim Meath Mitchel Thomas Manorland Trim Meath Mitchell Patrick Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Mitchell Patrick Kilnagross Trim Meath Moffatt Aaron Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Moffett Aaron Clondavan Trim Meath Moffett Aaron Phillistown Trim Meath Molloy Anne New-Road,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Molloy Richard Corporation Land North (2nd Division) Trim Meath Monaghan James Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Monaghan John Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Montgormery Michael Kilnagross Trim Meath Mooney Deborah Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Mooney George Charter-Land School Trim Meath Mooney George Manorland Trim Meath Mooney John Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Mooney John Commons Trim Meath Mooney Julia Dalystown Trim Meath Mooney Michael Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Mooney Patrick Dalystown Trim Meath Mooney Patrick Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Mooney Peter Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Mooney Thomas Addanstown Trim Meath Moore Eliza Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Moore John Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Moore Joseph Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Moore Luke Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Moore Michael Kilmurry Trim Meath Moran Edward Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Moran Patrick Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Moran Peter Manorland Trim Meath Moran William Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Morgan Patrick Moynasboy Trim Meath Morgan Robert Dalystown Trim Meath Morgan Robert Fearmore Trim Meath Morgan William Moynasboy Trim Meath Morgan William, Jr. Moynasboy Trim Meath Morrin Matthew Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Muggin John Ballymulmore Trim Meath Mullady Thomas Ballymulmore Trim Meath Mullens Thomas Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Mulligan Anne Batterstown Trim Meath Mulvey Thomas Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Murphy Andrew Dalystown Trim Meath Murphy Bridget Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Murphy Henry Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Murphy John Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Murphy Margaret Dalystown Trim Meath Murphy Terence New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Murray Andrew The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Murray Charles Kilmurry Trim Meath Murray Christopher Manorland Trim Meath Murray Francis Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Murray Francis The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Murray Honor Brannockstown Trim Meath Murray Isabella Dalystown Trim Meath Murray Patrick Dalystown Trim Meath Murray Rose Kilmurry Trim Meath Murray Thomas Dalystown Trim Meath Murtagh Laurence Addanstown Trim Meath Neal James Manorland Trim Meath Neiland Patrick Bect. Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Neill James Kilmurry Trim Meath Neill James Manorland Trim Meath Neill James Monktown Trim Meath Neville James Maudlin Trim Meath Neville John Corporation Land North Trim Meath Neville Maurice Maudlin Trim Meath Neville Patrick Maudlin Trim Meath Neville Richard Maudlin Trim Meath Neville William Corporation Land North (4th Division) Trim Meath Newman Matthew Doolystown Trim Meath Newman Neville P. Commons Trim Meath Newman Neville P. Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Newman Neville P. Townparks, South Trim Meath Newman Wm. Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Noble Thomas Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Nulty Patrick New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Nurney Patrick Manorland Trim Meath O'Brien Michael Doolystown Trim Meath O'Connell Rev. John Back Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath O'Connell Rev. John Commons Trim Meath O'Connor Denis Friarspark Trim Meath O'Connor Denis Raheenacrehy Trim Meath O'Reilly Drake C. Bellewstown Trim Meath O'Reilly Drake C. Derrinydale Trim Meath O'Reilly John New Road,(Commons) Trim Meath O'Reilly John, M.D. New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath O'Reilly John, M.D. New Road,(Maudlin) Trim Meath Oaks Laurence Fearmore Trim Meath Odlum Michl. Newhaggard Trim Meath Odlum Richard Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Odlum Richard Newhaggard Trim Meath Odlum Richard Ten. Off Mill Ln.,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Odlum Richard Townparks North Trim Meath Orr James Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Owens Simons Bellewstown Trim Meath Parker James New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Parkinson Henry Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Parsons Henry Hamilton's Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Parsons William Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Pearsons Edward Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Plunket Bridget Corporation Land Trim Meath Plunket James Blackfriary (2nd Division) Trim Meath Plunket James Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Plunkett Anne Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Plunkett James Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Plunkett James Manorland Trim Meath Plunkett James Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Plunkett James The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Porter Thomas Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Potts James Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Proctor John Crowpark (1st Division) Trim Meath Proctor John Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Proctor Patrick Commons Trim Meath Purdon Anne Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Quinn James Doolystown Trim Meath Rafferty Thomas Kilmurry Trim Meath Raftery Mary Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Redmond Maurice Derrinydale Trim Meath Regan Christopher Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Regan James The Green,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Regan Matthew Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Regan Michael Athboy Gate,Trim,(Commons (5th Div.)) Trim Meath Regan Michael Corporation Land Trim Meath Regan Michael Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Regan Michael Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Regan Peter Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Reid William Manorland Trim Meath Reilly Anne Dalystown Trim Meath Reilly Anne Kells Rd.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Reilly Bridget New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Reilly Bridget Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Reilly Christopher Commons Trim Meath Reilly Edward Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Reilly James Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Reilly James Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Reilly James Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Reilly Jane Dalystown Trim Meath Reilly John Brannockstown Trim Meath Reilly John Dalystown Trim Meath Reilly John Monkstown Trim Meath Reilly Judith Back Lane,(Manorland) Trim Meath Reilly Laurence Corporation Land North Trim Meath Reilly Patrick Raheenacrehy Trim Meath Reilly Richard Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Reilly Richard Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Reilly Thomas Blind Ln.,Trim,(Blackfriary (2nd Div.)) Trim Meath Reilly Thomas Commons Trim Meath Reilly Thomas Navan Gate,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Reilly Thomas Raheenacrehy Trim Meath Reynolds Charles Dalystown Trim Meath Reynolds James Manorland Trim Meath Reynolds John Clonee Trim Meath Reynolds Patrick Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Reynolds Philip Commons Trim Meath Reynolds Philip Manorland Trim Meath Rickard Mary Newhaggard Trim Meath Robinson Bartholomew Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Roche Charles P. Tulyard Trim Meath Rochford James Manorland Trim Meath Rochford John Back Lane,(Manorland) Trim Meath Roe Margaret Corporation Land North Trim Meath Roe Patrick Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Rooney Michael Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Rooney Patrick Kilmurry Trim Meath Rooney Richard Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Russell Patrick Kilmurry Trim Meath Russell Richard Commons Trim Meath Russell Thomas Bellewstown Trim Meath Russell Thomas Friarspark Trim Meath Ryan Michael Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Ryan Patrick Ballymulmore Trim Meath Ryan Patrick Brannockstown Trim Meath Sandford James Corporation Land North (2nd Division) Trim Meath Sandford James Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Sandford James Watergate St.,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Sefton Thomas Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Shaw Richard New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Shaw Robert Dalystown Trim Meath Shearson William Dalystown Trim Meath Sheidow Jonathan New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Sheridan John Brannockstown Trim Meath Sheridan John Doolystown Trim Meath Sheridan John Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Sheridan Terence Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Sherlock Alice Crowpark (1st Division) Trim Meath Sherlock Edward Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Sherrock Robert Dalystown Trim Meath Short Ellen Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Short John Brannockstown Trim Meath Slator John Newhaggard Trim Meath Slevin James Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Slevin Thomas Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Smart John Commons Trim Meath Smart John Friarspark Trim Meath Smart John Moynasboy Trim Meath Smart Thomas W. Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Smith Anne Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Smith Anne Corporation Land Trim Meath Smith Jane Dunleever Glebe Trim Meath Smith John Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Smith John The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Smith Mary Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Smith Mary Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Smith Mary Manorland Trim Meath Smith Matthew Carberrystown Trim Meath Smith Michael Brannockstown Trim Meath Smith Michael Doolystown Trim Meath Smith Michael, Jr. Brannockstown Trim Meath Smith Patrick Batterstown Trim Meath Smith Patrick Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Smith Patrick Derrinydale Trim Meath Smith Patrick Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Smith William Hamilton's Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Stanley Anne Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Steen James Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Stone James Corporation Land Trim Meath Tamley Anne Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Tanny William Church Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Taylor Patrick Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Thompson David Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath Thompson Rep. John Back Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Thompson Rep. John Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Timms George Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Toole Bridget The Green,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Tuite Thomas Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Tully John Commons Trim Meath Tyrrell Christopher Kilmurry Trim Meath Tyrrell James Chapel Street,(Commons) Trim Meath Tyrrell Mary Dalystown Trim Meath Tyrrell Mary Gaol Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Tyrrell Patrick Corporation Land Trim Meath Tyrrell Patrick Corporation Land North Trim Meath Vizer Carthy New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Waldron Patrick Green Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Walker Benjamin Manorland Trim Meath Walker James Barrack Ln.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Walker Samuel Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Wallace John New Road,(Manorland) Trim Meath Wallace Thomas Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Walsh Ellen Batterstown Trim Meath Walsh Matthew Bellewstown Trim Meath Walsh Thomas Ballymulmore Trim Meath Walsh William Brannockstown Trim Meath Walter James Commons Trim Meath Ward John Church Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Ward John Maudlin Trim Meath Waters Bryan Corporation Land North (3rd Division) Trim Meath Waters Bryan Market St.,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Watson Charlotte Friarspark Trim Meath Watson Charlotte Shanlothe Trim Meath Watson Mary Friarspark Trim Meath Watson Mary Shanlothe Trim Meath Watson William Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Weldon Andw. The Green,(Commons) Trim Meath Weldon Anne Chambers Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Weldon Matthew Newtown-Moynagh Trim Meath Weldon Michael Manorland Trim Meath Weldon Richard Commons Trim Meath Wiley Samuel Chapel Street,Trim,(Townparks, South) Trim Meath Williams Robert Blind Lane,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Williams Stephen Dalystown Trim Meath Winter Samuel Corporation Land North (1st Division) Trim Meath Winter Samuel Raheenacrehy Trim Meath Winter Samuel Tulyard Trim Meath Wynne John Dalystown Trim Meath Wynne Thomas Dalystown Trim Meath Yorke Edward Manorland Trim Meath Young Peter Bellewstown Trim Meath Yourell Thomas Gaol Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Yourell Thomas Scarlet Street,Trim,(Townparks Nth) Trim Meath Yourell William Main Street,(Townparks North) Trim Meath