Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Bastick Mary Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Bastick Patrick Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Birmingham John Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Bracken Michael Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Brennan Anne Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Brennan Thomas Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Buckley Patrick Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Burne John Burrow Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Clavin James Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Clavin James Cappydonnell Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Clavin James Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Clavin Loughlin Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Colley John Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Connell James Cappydonnell Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Connell James Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Connolly Margaret Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Connors Matthew Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Connors Matthew Ballinakill, Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Cranley John Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Daly Jeremiah Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Daly John Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Daly Michael Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Deehan John Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Deehan John Kilmalady, Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dillon Charles Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dillon Charles Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dillon Edward Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dillon Edward Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dillon Edward Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dillon Mary Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dowlan Patrick Ballinakill, Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dowlan Peter Ballinakill, Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Duff Patrick Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Duffy Patrick Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dunne Henry Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dunne Hugh Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dunne Patrick Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Dunne William Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Ennis James Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Ennis Patrick Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Fay James Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Fee Patrick Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Flanagan Eliza Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Flanagan John Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Flanagan Marcella Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Flanagan Michael Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Flanagan Thomas Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Fleming Honoria Burrow Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Flinn Patrick Kilmalady, Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Fox Patrick Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Geoghegan James Burrow Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Geraty Andrew Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Gibbons John Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Gibbons Patrick Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Gill William Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Glennan James Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Goodbody ??? Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Gorrey Mary Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Gorrey Patrick Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Green John Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Grennan Edward Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Grennan James Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Grennan Michael Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Hackett Joseph Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Handy Rep. Samuel Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Harpur Mary Dunard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Heenehan John Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Holt Anne Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Holt James Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Holt Thomas Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Johnston James, Jr. Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Johnston James, Jr. Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Johnston James, Sr. Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Johnston James, Sr. Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Johnston Mary Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Johnston Thomas Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Jordan John Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge John C. Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge John C. Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge John C. Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge Joseph Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge Joseph Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge Joseph, Jr. Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge Joseph, Jr. Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge Joseph, Sr. Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge Joseph, Sr. Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Judge Michael Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Kaley John Dunard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Kane Edward Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Kane Michael Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Keenehan David Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Keenehan Mary Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Keenehan Matthew Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Kelly John Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Kenny Eliza Attiblaney Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Kine Patrick Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Laragy Anne Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Lever Rev. John Ardnurcher Glebe Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Lowry Mary Burrow Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Lusk Judith Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Lusk Peter Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Madden Michael Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Mc Grath John Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Mc Grath Michael Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Mcgrath John Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Moore Francis Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Moore James Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Moore Mary Kilmalady, Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Moore Samuel Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Mullen Michael Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Mullen Michael Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Mullen Thomas Burrow Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Mulvanny Brien Burrow Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Murphy Arthur Tully Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Murphy John Burrow Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Murray Margaret Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Murray Mary Kilmalady, Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Murray Michael Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Nicholson Denis Ardnurcher Glebe Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Nicholson Denis Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Nicholson William Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Nolan Thomas Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Reynolds Bridget Russagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Rorke John Cappydonnell Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Rorke Patrick Dunard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Rourke Bernard Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Rourke Mary Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Rourke Patrick Cloncraff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Ryan Thomas Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Sheridan Patrick Kilmalady, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Smith John Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Stapleton Mary Ballinakill, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Sutcliff James Ardnurcher Glebe Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Weir David Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Weir John Ballykilleen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly Worgan Patrick Dunard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Offaly