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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Castletownely, County Offaly
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Castletownely, County Offaly
Bergin Patrick Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Bowen Michael Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Conroy Golden Busherstown Castletownely Offaly Coonan Mary Loyer Castletownely Offaly Coonan Patrick Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Cooper Eliza, Jr. Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Cooper William Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Cormack John Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Dooley Ellen Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Dooley James Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Fanning Judith Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Farrell John Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Farrell Roderick Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Garrett Hannah Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Hayes Armstrong Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Hayes Jeremiah Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Hayes Thomas Busherstown Castletownely Offaly Hayes Thomas Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Higgins John Loyer Castletownely Offaly Kennedy Cornelius Lisdavuck Castletownely Offaly Keogh George Busherstown Castletownely Offaly Keogh Jeremiah Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Keogh William Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Lammy Andrew Armyhill Castletownely Offaly Madden Daniel Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Madden Jeremiah Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Madden Michael Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Mc Grath Thomas Busherstown Castletownely Offaly Meara Daniel Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Meara Thomas Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Meighan Anne Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Minchin Edward Loyer Castletownely Offaly Minchin George, Esq. Busherstown Castletownely Offaly Minchin George, Esq. Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Minchin Rev. William Armyhill Castletownely Offaly Minchin William Loyer Castletownely Offaly Mullally Patrick Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Mullally Roderick Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Mullally William Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Murray Catherine Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Parker Patrick Armyhill Castletownely Offaly Quinlisk Hugh Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Quinlisk Michael Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Quinlisk Patrick Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Quirk John Loyer Castletownely Offaly Roleston Charles, Esq. Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Russell Richard Loyer Castletownely Offaly Ryan Andrew Armyhill Castletownely Offaly Ryan John Armyhill Castletownely Offaly Shea Sarah Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly Tierney Daniel Busherstown Castletownely Offaly Tierney Margaret Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Tierney Patrick Drumroe Castletownely Offaly Tracey John Drumroe Castletownely Offaly White Jeremiah Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly White John Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly White Joseph Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly White Robert Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly White Samuel Clonymohan Castletownely Offaly