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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Seirkieran, County Offaly
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Seirkieran, County Offaly
Adlam John Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Aldridge Henry Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Aldridge John Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Ardill John Longford Little Seirkieran Offaly Ardill John Longford, Big. Seirkieran Offaly Armstrong Thomas Longford Little Seirkieran Offaly Barron Michael Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Bennett John Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Bennett John Clonmore Seirkieran Offaly Bennett John Grange Seirkieran Offaly Bennett John Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Bergin John Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Blake Daniel Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Blake William Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Bohan Denis Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Brereton Honora Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Brien Anne Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Brien John Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Brien John Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Browne Michael Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Browne William Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Browne William Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Bruce Mary Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Callaghan Margaret Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Carrey Edward Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Carroll Catherine Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Carroll Francis Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Carroll James Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Carroll John Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Carter Thomas Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Cleary John Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Cole William Grange Seirkieran Offaly Connolly Thomas Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Conway Michael Killmaine Seirkieran Offaly Conway Thomas Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Conway Thomas Longford, Big. Seirkieran Offaly Coolahan Catherine Longford, Big. Seirkieran Offaly Corcoran Anne Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Corcoran Hugh Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Corcoran James Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Corcoran John Killinure Seirkieran Offaly Corrigan Charles Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Corrigan John Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Croasdale Jane Osierbrook Seirkieran Offaly Cruise Robert Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Cummins Margaret Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Cummins Patrick Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Cunningham William Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Dalton Stephen Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Darby Horatio Clooneencapullagh Seirkieran Offaly Davis Henry Clooneencapullagh Seirkieran Offaly Dea Thomas Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Delahunt Martin Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Delahunty James Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Delany John Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Dempsey John Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Doland Peter Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Donnelly Patrick Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Doolan John Killmaine Seirkieran Offaly Dooley Daniel Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Dooley Denis Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Dooley Denis Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Dooley James Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Dooley Mary Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Dooley Sarah Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Dooly James Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Dooly Thomas Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Dooly Thomas Killinure Seirkieran Offaly Downey Thomas Killmaine Seirkieran Offaly Dunne Thomas Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Edgehill George Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Edgehill Robert Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Egan Michael Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Egan Michael Longford, Big. Seirkieran Offaly Egan William Grange Seirkieran Offaly Everard Catherine Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Everard Patrick Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Fagan Thomas Clooneencapullagh Seirkieran Offaly Farrell Sarah Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Fennelly Daniel Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Flynn Michael Longford, Big. Seirkieran Offaly Foster Charles Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Foster Charles Killmaine Seirkieran Offaly Gleeson William Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Gorman Edward Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Gorman Timothy Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Greene William Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Greene William Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Grimes Robert Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Grogan William Killinure Seirkieran Offaly Guinan William Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Guinan William Courtland or Viewmount Seirkieran Offaly Guinan William Grange Seirkieran Offaly Guinane Mary Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Guinane Philip Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Hanley Denis Grange Seirkieran Offaly Harding William F. Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Heenan James Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Heenan John Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Hensey Johanna Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Hertnan John Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Horahan William Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Horan John Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Horan John Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Horan Margaret Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Hurst George R. Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Hurst William Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Jackson George Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Jackson George Glascloon Seirkieran Offaly Jackson James Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Jackson James Longford, Big. Seirkieran Offaly Jackson Louis H. Longford, Big. Seirkieran Offaly Kain John Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Kane Mary Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Kealy James Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Kearney John Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Keating Margaret Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Keating Margaret Killinure Seirkieran Offaly Keating Michael Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Keating Michael Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Kehoe George Courtland or Viewmount Seirkieran Offaly Kehoe John Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Kelly Edward Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Kelly Patrick Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Kennedy Bernard Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Kennedy James Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Kennedy Judith Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Keshan Roger Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Kinahan William Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Kirwan Edward Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Kirwan Laurence Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Kirwan Laurence Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Landy Edward Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Larkin Rep. James Killmaine Seirkieran Offaly Leahy Bernard Killaine Seirkieran Offaly Lucas William Churchland Seirkieran Offaly Lynch John Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Maher John Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Maher Patrick Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Mahon Michael Clooneencapullagh Seirkieran Offaly Manifold Thomas Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Mc Donnell Mary Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Mc Evoy Darby Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Molloy William Killmaine Seirkieran Offaly Mooney Denis Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Mooney Denis Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Mooney James Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Mooney John Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Moran Owen Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Moran Owen Killinure Seirkieran Offaly Mulrooney Patrick Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Murphy John Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Murphy John Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Murphy Patrick Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Murphy Thomas Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Murray Edward Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly Murray John Mossfield Seirkieran Offaly O'Keeffe Rev. Peter Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly O'Keeffe Rev. Peter Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly O'Keeffe Rev. Peter Longford, Big. Seirkieran Offaly Palmer Sandford, Esq. Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Pilkington Philip Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Pilkinton Henry Courtland or Viewmount Seirkieran Offaly Purcell John Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Purcell Michael Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Purcell Thomas Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Quinlan John Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Reid Patrick Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Reilly John Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Reynolds James Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Richardson Eliza Clooneencapullagh Seirkieran Offaly Ryan Michael Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Ryan Patrick Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Ryan William Churchland Seirkieran Offaly Scott Rev. Jn. H. Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Scott Rev. John H. Glebe Seirkieran Offaly Scott Rev. John H. Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Shanahan Patrick Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Shanahan Patrick Killinure Seirkieran Offaly Shaw Richard Ballygaddy Seirkieran Offaly Shaw Richard Clooneencapullagh Seirkieran Offaly Shellew James Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Slattery Mary Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Smallman Thomas Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Smith Thomas Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Stoney Robert Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Studholine Joseph Killmaine Seirkieran Offaly Toher John Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Tooher Denis Grange Seirkieran Offaly Tooher John Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Tooher John Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Tracy Bridget Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Tracy Catherine Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Trehy Patrick Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Walkins Mary Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Walsh John Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Walsh Sylvester Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Ward William Derrybeg Seirkieran Offaly Whelan John Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly Whelan Mary Aghagurty Seirkieran Offaly Whitten Robert Fancroft Seirkieran Offaly Winter George Oakley Park Seirkieran Offaly Yeates Joseph Bellhill Seirkieran Offaly Young Michael Breaghmore Seirkieran Offaly