Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Acheson James Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Acheson John Ballybaun Boyle Roscommon Achinson John Leam Boyle Roscommon Albert James Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Alexander Joseph Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Allen Rose The Green Boyle Roscommon Armstrong Catherine Aghnagrange Boyle Roscommon Armstrong Catherine Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Armstrong Catherine Termon Boyle Roscommon Armstrong John The Green Boyle Roscommon Arnold Alexander Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Arnold Alexander Main Street Boyle Roscommon Arnold Alexander Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Baker Henry Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Balam John Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Ballantine Mary Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Bank Nathaniel Main Street Boyle Roscommon Bannon John Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Bannon Thomas Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Barlow Jane Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Bartley James Main Street Boyle Roscommon Battle Brien Garrow Boyle Roscommon Battle Patrick Garrow Boyle Roscommon Battle Thomas Spa Boyle Roscommon Bealin Joseph Main Street Boyle Roscommon Bealin Joseph Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Beatty Catherine Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Began John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Beirne Andrew Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Beirne Honoria Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Beirne John Knockadoobrusna Boyle Roscommon Beirne John The Green Boyle Roscommon Beirne Patrick Termon Boyle Roscommon Beirne Thomas Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Berne Francis Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Bianconi Charles Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Bingham John Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Bingham John Spa Boyle Roscommon Bingham Michael Spa Boyle Roscommon Boland Miss ??? Dublin-Road Boyle Roscommon Boswell Thomas Copse Boyle Roscommon Boyton Robert Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Boyton Samuel Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Bradly Patrick Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Brady Denis Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Brady James Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Brady Michael Ardsallagh Boyle Roscommon Brehany Bartholomew Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Breheny Anne Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Breheny Anne Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Breheny Bridget Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Breheny Catherine Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Breheny James Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Breheny John Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Breheny John Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Breheny John Aghacarra Nanglestown Boyle Roscommon Breheny Margaret Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Breheny Matthew Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Breheny Michael Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Breheny Patrick Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Breheny Patrick Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Breheny Patrick Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Brennan Anthony Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Brennan Darby Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Brennan Darby Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Brennan Darby Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Brennan Darby Copse Boyle Roscommon Brennan Darby Doon Boyle Roscommon Brennan Darby Garrow Boyle Roscommon Brennan Elizabeth Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Brennan George Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Brennan George Termon Boyle Roscommon Brennan Hugh Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Brennan James Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Brennan James Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Copse Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Brennan John Leam Boyle Roscommon Brennan John, Jr. Copse Boyle Roscommon Brennan Margaret The Green Boyle Roscommon Brennan Mary Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Brennan Mary Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Brennan Michael Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Brennan Michael Behy Boyle Roscommon Brennan Michael Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Brennan Michael Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Brennan Michael Spa Boyle Roscommon Brennan Owen Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Brennan Patrick Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Brennan Patrick Behy Boyle Roscommon Brennan Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Brennan Patrick Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Brennan Patrick Leam Boyle Roscommon Brennan Patrick Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Brennan Peter Copse Boyle Roscommon Brennan Peter Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Brennan Peter Spa Boyle Roscommon Brennan Ptk. Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Brennan Rodger Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Brennan Roger Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Brennan Roger Termon Boyle Roscommon Brennan Roger The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Brennan Thadeus Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Brennan Thomas Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Brennan Thomas Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Brennan William Behy Boyle Roscommon Brewn Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Bromwell John Main Street Boyle Roscommon Brown Dr. Arthur Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Browne Dr. Arthur Main Street Boyle Roscommon Browne Sarah Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Browne Susan Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Bruin Bartholomew The Green Boyle Roscommon Bruin Edward Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Bruin John Doon Boyle Roscommon Bruin Michael Doon Boyle Roscommon Buchanan Barthw. Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Buchanan John Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Buchanan Patrick Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Burke Michael Garrow Boyle Roscommon Burke Thomas Erris Boyle Roscommon Burke Thomas Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Burns James Erris Boyle Roscommon Burns Mary Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Butler Capt. ??? Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Butler John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Byrne Andrew Tawnyneden Boyle Roscommon Byrne Anne Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Byrne James Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Byrne Jas. Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Byrne Mary Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Byrne Patrick Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Byrne Peter Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Byrne Thomas Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Calery John Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Callaghan Andrew Breandrum Boyle Roscommon Callaghan John Knockadoobrusna Boyle Roscommon Callaghan Robert Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Campbell James Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Campbell Patrick Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Cane Michael Fort-Lane Boyle Roscommon Carragan Michael Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Carroll Cormick Garrow Boyle Roscommon Carroll James Spa Boyle Roscommon Carroll Luke Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Carty Anne Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Carty Catherine Drumshannagh Boyle Roscommon Carty Danne Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Carty Edward Drumshannagh Boyle Roscommon Carty James Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Carty John Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Carty John Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Carty Laurence Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Carty Luke Aghacarra Nanglestown Boyle Roscommon Carty Luke Mill-Lane Boyle Roscommon Carty Mary Drumshannagh Boyle Roscommon Carty Michael Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Carty Michael Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Carty Patrick Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Carty Peter Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Carty Philip Drumshannagh Boyle Roscommon Carty Thomas Carrigeenagowna Boyle Roscommon Casey Bartholomew Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Casey Bartholomew Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Casey Bridget Knocknashee Boyle Roscommon Casey James Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Casey John Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Casey John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Casey John Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Casey Laurence Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Casey Laurence Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Casey Martin Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Casey Mary Ball-Alley-Lane Boyle Roscommon Casey Patrick Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Casey Patrick Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Casey Patrick Garrow Boyle Roscommon Casey Patrick, Jr. Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Cassidy Bridget The Green Boyle Roscommon Cavanagh Patrick Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Cawly Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Champens Ellen Main Street Boyle Roscommon Clerk John The Green Boyle Roscommon Coen Patrick Termon Boyle Roscommon Coghlan John Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Coleman Dominick Ballinphuill Boyle Roscommon Coleman Dominick Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Coleman Mary Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Coleman Michael Ballinphuill Boyle Roscommon Coleman Michael Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Coleman Patrick Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Coleman Patrick Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Collagan Michael Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Collins Martin Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Commons Patrick Copse Boyle Roscommon Conerton Hugh Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Conerton James Ardcorcoran Boyle Roscommon Conerton John Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Conerton Malachi Ardcorcoran Boyle Roscommon Conerton Peter Ardcorcoran Boyle Roscommon Conerton Thomas Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Conerton Timothy Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Conlan Charles Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Conlan John Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Conlon John Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Connaghton Patrick Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Connaghton Peter Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Connaghton Peter, Jr. Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Connelan Thomas Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Connell Charles Ball-Alley-Lane Boyle Roscommon Connell Patrick Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Connellan John Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Connellan John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Connolly Martin The Green Boyle Roscommon Connolly Patrick Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Connor Anne Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Connor Bartholomew Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Connor Michael Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Connor Patrick Ardsallagh Boyle Roscommon Connor Patrick Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Connor Peter Ardsallagh Boyle Roscommon Conolly Maria Erris Boyle Roscommon Conolly Maria Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Conroy Catherine Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Conroy Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Conroy Thomas Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Conry Mary Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Conry Thomas Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Conway Catherine Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Conway Patrick Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Coogan John Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Cooke John Main Street Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Brien The Green Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Brien Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Honoria Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Honoria Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Corcoran John Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Corcoran John Doon Boyle Roscommon Corcoran John Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Michael Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Michael Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Michael Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Thomas Behy Boyle Roscommon Corcoran Thomas Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Corker James Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Corker James Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cosgrove Henry Drumanone Boyle Roscommon Cosgrove Margaret Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cosgrove Martin Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Cosgrove Pat Drumanone Boyle Roscommon Cox James Leam Boyle Roscommon Cox Margaret Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Cox Mary Aghnagrange Boyle Roscommon Cox Owen Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Cox Pat Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Cox Patrick Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Cox Thomas Leam Boyle Roscommon Coyne Patrick Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Coyne Patrick Main Street Boyle Roscommon Crann John Leam Boyle Roscommon Crann Richard Leam Boyle Roscommon Cranston Arthur Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Cranston Arthur Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cranston Arthur The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Cranston Honoria The Green Boyle Roscommon Cregg Malachi Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Cregg Malachi Killerdoo Boyle Roscommon Cregg Owen Drumshannagh Boyle Roscommon Cregg Patrick Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Cregg Patrick Copse Boyle Roscommon Cregg Patrick Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Cregg Thady Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Cregg Thomas Coolnagranshy Boyle Roscommon Creighton John Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Croghan John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Crummy Henry Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Crummy Henry Carrigeenagowna Boyle Roscommon Crummy Henry Drumshannagh Boyle Roscommon Crummy Owen Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cryan Catherine Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cryan Dr. Peter Main Street Boyle Roscommon Cryan James Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Cryan John Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Cryan Mary Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Cryan Mary The Green Boyle Roscommon Cryan Michael Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Cryan Paul Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cummins Edward Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Cummins John Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cummins Martin Copse Boyle Roscommon Cummins Patrick Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Cunnane Owen Drumanone Boyle Roscommon Cunningham Bernard Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Cunningham James Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Cunningham John Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cunningham John Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Cunningham Patrick Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Cuttle John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Cuttle John Letfordspark Boyle Roscommon Cuttle John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Cuttle Jones The Green Boyle Roscommon Daly John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Dane Patrick Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Davis James Sligo Road Boyle Roscommon Davis James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Davy Patrick Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Davy Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Davy Thomas Spa Boyle Roscommon Deal Jane The Green Boyle Roscommon Derig James Copse Boyle Roscommon Derrig Honoria Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Derrig Hugh Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Devanny James Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Devanny John Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Devanny Patrick Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Devanny Patrick The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Devitt Michael Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Devitt Rep. Matthew Ball-Alley-Lane Boyle Roscommon Dier Michael Garrow Boyle Roscommon Dillon James Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Dillon Patrick Spa Boyle Roscommon Dockery Bridget Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Dockery Edward Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Dodwell Victoria Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Doherty Henry Bridge Street Boyle Roscommon Doherty Margaret Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Doherty Patrick Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Doherty Thomas Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Dolan Catherine The Green Boyle Roscommon Dolan Denis The Green Boyle Roscommon Dolan Mary Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Dolan Patrick Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Donnellan Bartly The Green Boyle Roscommon Donnelly Bernard Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Donnelly Denis Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Donnelly Michael Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Dowd Catherine Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Dowd Catherine Main Street Boyle Roscommon Dowd Derby Spa Boyle Roscommon Dowd John Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Dowd Lawrence Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Dowd Michael Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Dowd Michael Main Street Boyle Roscommon Dowd Michael The Green Boyle Roscommon Dowd Peter Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Dowd Thomas Leam Boyle Roscommon Downs Edward Drumshannagh Boyle Roscommon Doyle Thomas Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Drury Catherine Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Drury Hugh Ardmore Boyle Roscommon Drury Hugh The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Drury Mary Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Drury Michael Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Drury Owen Ardsallagh Boyle Roscommon Drury Patrick, Jr. Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Drury Thomas Coolnagranshy Boyle Roscommon Drury'S Hugh Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Duckworth William Ardsallagh Boyle Roscommon Duckworth William Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Duckworth William Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Duckworth William Erris Boyle Roscommon Duckworth William Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Duckworth William Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Duffy Andrew Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Duffy Henry Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Duffy James Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Duffy Thomas Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Dunlavy John Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Dwyer James Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Dwyer Owen Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Dyer Ellen Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Dyer James Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Dyer John Ball-Alley-Lane Boyle Roscommon Dyer Timothy Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Early Michael Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Early Patrick Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Early Patrick Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Egan Edward Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Egan Eleanor Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Egan James Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Egan James Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Egan John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Egan Martin Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Egan Michael Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Egan Michael Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Egan Patrick Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Egan Patrick Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Egan Patrick Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Elwood James Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Elwood Robert Ardmore Boyle Roscommon Elwood Robert Behy Boyle Roscommon Elwood Robert Knockadoo Boyle Roscommon Evans Judith Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Fallon Edward Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Fallon Ellen Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Fallon Patrick Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Fallon Thomas Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Fallon Timothy The Green Boyle Roscommon Farry John Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Feehely Honoria Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Feehely James Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Feehely John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Feehely John Letfordspark Boyle Roscommon Feehely John The Green Boyle Roscommon Feehely Margaret Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Feehely Martin Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Feehely Patrick Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Feehely Patrick Knockadoobrusna Boyle Roscommon Feehely Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Feely Catherine Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Feely Catherine The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Feely Nicholas Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Feely Timothy Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Feely William Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Feely'S Cath. Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Feeny John The Green Boyle Roscommon Fineran John Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Fineran Thadeus Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Finneran Martin Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Finneran Thadeus Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Fitgzerald John The Green Boyle Roscommon Fitzgerald James Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Fitzgerald John Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Fitzgerald John Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Flaherty Anne Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Flaherty Cormick Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Flaherty Edward Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Flaherty Hugh Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Flaherty Martin Doon Boyle Roscommon Flanagan Bryan Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Flanagan Edward Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Flanagan James Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Flanagan John Doon Boyle Roscommon Flanagan John Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Flanagan John Leam Boyle Roscommon Flanagan John W. Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Flanagan Martin Doon Boyle Roscommon Flanagan Patrick Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Flanagan Sarah Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Flanagan Thomas Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Flanagan William Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Flannery Francis Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Flynn Andrew Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Flynn James Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Flynn James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Foley Anne Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Foley Charles Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Foley Mary The Green Boyle Roscommon Ford Catherine Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Forde John Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Forde Sabina Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Foy James Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Foy Matthew Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Frazer John Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Freeman Anne Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Freeman John Behy Boyle Roscommon Freeman Richard Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon French George Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Fry John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Fry Rep. Henry Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Fury Patrick Ballybaun Boyle Roscommon Fynn Patrick Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Gaffney James Doon Boyle Roscommon Gaffney Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Gainor Martin Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Anne Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Barthw. Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Barthw. Doon Boyle Roscommon Gallagher James Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Gallagher John Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Michael Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Michael Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Michael Termon Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Michl. Termon Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Owen Ballinphuill Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Owen Main Street Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Owen Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Owen Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Owen Termon Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Owen, Jr. Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Patrick Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Gallagher Peter Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Ganly Dominick Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Ganly Hugh Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Ganly James Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Gara James Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Gara James, Jr. Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Gara Michael Drumanone Boyle Roscommon Gara Patrick Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Gara Patrick, Jr. Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Gara Thomas Lecarrow Boyle Roscommon Gara William Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Gardner Robert The Green Boyle Roscommon Garvy Bartholomew Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Garvy Bridget Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Garvy Patrick Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Gavican Pat Tinacarra Boyle Roscommon Gavican Thomas Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Gavin John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Gavin Mary Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Gavin Peter Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Glancy Patrick Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Golding James Main Street Boyle Roscommon Golding Owen Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Golding Owen Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Goolden Owen Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Gorman John The Green Boyle Roscommon Gormly John Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Gormly John The Green Boyle Roscommon Grady Bridget Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Graham Winifred Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Gray Owen Ardmore Boyle Roscommon Greham Robert Ardsallagh Boyle Roscommon Greham Robert Coolnagranshy Boyle Roscommon Grehan Michael Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Grehan Patrick Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Griffin William Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Gurry Edward Garrow Boyle Roscommon Hackett John L. Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Haley Charles The Green Boyle Roscommon Haley James Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Haley Martin Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Haley Peter Doon Boyle Roscommon Hall Dr. Lodge Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Haly Patrick Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Hamilton James Knocknashee Boyle Roscommon Hamilton James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Hamilton John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Haney John Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Haney Martin Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Haney Patrick Spa Boyle Roscommon Hanly Margaret Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Hannon James Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Hannon James Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Hannon John Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Hannon Michael Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Hannon Patrick Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Hannon Thomas Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Hargaden John Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Hargaden John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Harrington Patrick Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Hart Michael Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Hayes James Main Street Boyle Roscommon Healy Bartholomew Doon Boyle Roscommon Healy Denis Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Heavy Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Henderson Alexander Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Henderson Bridget Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Henderson James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Henery Charles Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Henery John Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Henery Patrick Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Henry William Doon Boyle Roscommon Hessian Henry Bridge Street Boyle Roscommon Hevers Thomas Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Higgins Bryan Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Higgins Francis Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Higgins Francis Termon Boyle Roscommon Higgins James Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Higgins Jane The Green Boyle Roscommon Higgins John Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Higgins Mary Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Higgins Michael Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Higgins Michael Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Higgins Myles Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Higgins Patrick Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Higgins Patrick Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Higgins Patrick Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Higgins Patrick Garrow Boyle Roscommon Higgins Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Higgins Thomas Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Higgins Thomas Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Higgins Thomas Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Higgins Timothy Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Higgins William Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Hinigan Michael Spa Boyle Roscommon Hogan Patrick Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Hogan Thomas Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Hopkins Michael Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Hopkins Patrick Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Hopkins Patrick Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Hopkins Peter Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Hopkins Thomas Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Howard Anne Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Howard Anne Main Street Boyle Roscommon Howard Anne Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Hunt Andrew Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Hunt Margaret Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Hunt Michael Tawnyneden Boyle Roscommon Hunt Michael Termon Boyle Roscommon Hunt Thomas Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Hynes James Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Irwin Andrew Ballybaun Boyle Roscommon Irwin Andrew Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Irwin Andrew Ballymore West Boyle Roscommon Irwin Andrew Grallaghbeg Boyle Roscommon Irwin Andrew Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Irwin Andrew Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Irwin Robert Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Johnston Archibald Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Johnston Edward Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Johnston James Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Johnston James Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Johnston Robert Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Johnston Robert Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Johnston Robert Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Johnston Thomas Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Johnston William Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Jordan Edward Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Judge B. Main Street Boyle Roscommon Judge Bryan Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Judge Patrick Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Judge Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Judge Patrick Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Judge Patrick Letfordspark Boyle Roscommon Judge Patrick Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Kane Bridget Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Kane Edward Copse Boyle Roscommon Kavanagh William Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Kearney Patrick Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Kearns James Garrow Boyle Roscommon Kearns Patrick Erris Boyle Roscommon Kearns Thomas Leam Boyle Roscommon Keeffe David Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Keelty James Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Keelty Michael Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Keeran John Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Keilty Mary The Green Boyle Roscommon Kellagher Patrick Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Kelly James Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Kelly John Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Kelly Malachi Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Kelly Mary Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Kelly Matthew Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Kelly Matthew Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Kelly Matthew Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Kelly Michael Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Kelly Michael Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Kelly Michael Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Kelly Patrick Lecarrow Boyle Roscommon Kelly Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Kelly Rev. Patrick Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Kelly Terence Aghacarra Faraghty East Boyle Roscommon Kenna James Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Kennedy Andrew Tinacarra Boyle Roscommon Kennedy James Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Kennedy John Copse Boyle Roscommon Kennedy John Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Kennedy John, Jr. Copse Boyle Roscommon Kennedy Margaret Garrow Boyle Roscommon Kennedy Owen Copse Boyle Roscommon Kenny Brien Carrigeenagowna Boyle Roscommon Kenny Catherine Ardcorcoran Boyle Roscommon Keveny Bartholomew Killerdoo Boyle Roscommon Keveny Bridget Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Keveny Dominick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Keveny Honoria The Green Boyle Roscommon Keveny James Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Keveny John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Keveny Pat Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Keveny Peter Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Kielty Catherine The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Kielty James Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Kielty John Doon Boyle Roscommon Kielty Laurence Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Kielty Owen Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Dominick Doon Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Dominick Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Kilalea James Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Kilalea James Doon Boyle Roscommon Kilalea James Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Kilalea James Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Kilalea John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Martin Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Michael Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Michael Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Michael, Jr. Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Patrick Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Patrick, Jr. Doon Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Peter Doon Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Peter Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Thaddeus Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Thomas Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Thomas Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Kilalea Thomas Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Kildea Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Kilkenny Matthew The Green Boyle Roscommon Kilmartin James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Kiloran James Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Kilroy Patrick Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Kilroy Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon King Patrick Ballybaun Boyle Roscommon King Patrick Leam Boyle Roscommon Kivil Anne Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Kivil Michael Ballinphuill Boyle Roscommon Kivil Patrick Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Kivil Patrick Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Kivil Patrick, Jr. Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Kivil Peter Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Kivil Peter, Jr. Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Kivil Thomas Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Kivlehan Thomas Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Laden Michael Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Lang John Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Lang Sarah Garrow Boyle Roscommon Laurence Henry Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Laurence Henry Main Street Boyle Roscommon Laurence Henry Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Lavelle J. Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Laville William Breandrum Boyle Roscommon Lavin Peter Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Lawler William Termon Boyle Roscommon Lawrence Henry Fort-Lane Boyle Roscommon Lawrence Henry Knocknacloy Boyle Roscommon Lawrence Henry Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Lea Bryan Ballybaun Boyle Roscommon Lee Edward Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Leister Catherine Sligo Road Boyle Roscommon Leland Thomas Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Lenaghan James Behy Boyle Roscommon Lenaghan James, Jr. Behy Boyle Roscommon Lenaghan James, Jr. Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Lenaghan Jas., Jr. Behy Boyle Roscommon Letford Nabby The Green Boyle Roscommon Lloyd Anne The Green Boyle Roscommon Lloyd Helena The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Loghan John Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Bingham Island,Islands Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Church Island,Islands Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Demesne Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Doon Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Erris Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Hog's Island,Islands Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Knocknashee Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Leam Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Sligo Road Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Small Islands,Islands Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Stag Island,Islands Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Termon Boyle Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Loughlin John Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Loughlin Patrick Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Loughlin Patrick Knockadoobrusna Boyle Roscommon Lowe Michael Doon Boyle Roscommon Lowe Michael Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Lowe Michael Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Loyden Michael Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Lynch Catherine Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Lynch Edward The Green Boyle Roscommon Lynch John Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Lynch John F. Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Lyon Francis Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Lyons Myles Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Lyons Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Lyons Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Lyons Thomas Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Lyons Thomas Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Maclean Samuel Termon Boyle Roscommon Magan Honoria Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Magarry Bartholomew Garrow Boyle Roscommon Magarry Catherine Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Magarry Peter Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Magarry Rodger Garrow Boyle Roscommon Magee Peter Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Maglone Owen Mill-Lane Boyle Roscommon Maglynn Dominick Doon Boyle Roscommon Maglynn Dominick, Jr. Doon Boyle Roscommon Maglynn John Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Maglynn Lawrence Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Maglynn Thomas Doon Boyle Roscommon Magoveran Bernard Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Magoveran Cath. Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Magoveran Charles Aghacarra Stone Park Boyle Roscommon Magoveran Edward Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Magoveran Mary Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Magowan John Carrigeenagowna Boyle Roscommon Magowan John Spa Boyle Roscommon Magowan Michael Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Magowan Peter Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Magrath John Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Magrath John Drumanone Boyle Roscommon Magrath John, Jr. Drumanone Boyle Roscommon Magrath Patrick Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Maguire Rev. John Glebe Boyle Roscommon Maguire Rev. John Sligo Road Boyle Roscommon Maguire Rev. John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Mahon Anne Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Mahon Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Mangan John Letfordspark Boyle Roscommon Manghan John Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Manghan John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Manghan John, Jr. Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Manghen Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Maron Brien Carrigeenagowna Boyle Roscommon Maron James Carrigeenagowna Boyle Roscommon Maron James Tawnyneden Boyle Roscommon Maron John Carrigeenagowna Boyle Roscommon Maron John Tawnyneden Boyle Roscommon Martin Mary Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mathews Alice Doon Boyle Roscommon Matimo James Cornameelta Boyle Roscommon Mattimo James Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Mattimo James Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Luke Doon Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Luke Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Michael Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Michael Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Michael Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Michael Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Terence Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Mattimo Thomas Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Mc Adroory John Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Alroy Samuel The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Anelly Patrick Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Aniff Bartholomew Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Mc Aran Bridget Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Mc Aran Patrick Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Mc Carty Mary Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Clean Samuel Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Clean Samuel Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormack Edward Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormack James Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormack Rev. Joseph Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormick Charles Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormick Edward Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormick James The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormick John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormick John Glebe Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormick John Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormick Michael Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Cormick T. The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Cready Charles Main Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Cue Michael Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermot Mary Ballinphuill Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermot Patrick Ballinphuill Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermotroe Patrick Ballinphuill Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Andrew Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Bernard Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Bernard The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Bryan Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Edward Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Henry Bridge Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Henry Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Hubert Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott James Doon Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott James Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott John Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott John Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott John Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott John Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott John The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Laurence Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Luke Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Mark Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Mary Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Mary Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Matthew Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Michael Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Owen Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Owen Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Pat Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Ardmore Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Philip Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas Breandrum Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermott Winifred Aghnagrange Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermottroe James The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermottroe Patrick Copse Boyle Roscommon Mc Dermottroe William Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh Bernard Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh Bernard Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh James Copse Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh John Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh Pat Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh Patrick Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh Patrick Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh Patrick Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Mc Donagh Patrick Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Mc Donald James Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Mc Donnell James Main Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Donnell Jas. Fort-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Elroy Adam Tinacarra Boyle Roscommon Mc Elroy George Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Mc Elroy John Tinacarra Boyle Roscommon Mc Elroy John Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Elroy William Tinacarra Boyle Roscommon Mc Garry Roger Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Mc Getrick John Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Goolderick Owen The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Govern Michael The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Gowan Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Grath Peter Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Grath Thomas Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Mc Gregor Alice Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Mc Hugh Anne The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Hugh Ellen Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Mc Hugh John Mill-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Hugh Patrick Ardsallagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Hugh Patrick Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Mc Hugh Patrick Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mc Hugh Patrick Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Mc Hugh Terence Spa Boyle Roscommon Mc Kabe Hugh Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Kabe Patrick Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Kenzie Honoria Knocknashee Boyle Roscommon Mc Keoan James Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Keoan Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Keon James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Mc Keon Michael Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Anne Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Barthw. Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Barthw. Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Bridget Lecarrow Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin James Garrow Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin James Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin James, Jr. Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin John Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Michael Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Michael Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Michael Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Michael Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Michael Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Michael Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Owen Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Owen Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Pat Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Patrick Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Philip Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Sidley Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin Thomas Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Mc Loughlin William Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Mahon Henry Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Catherine Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Charles Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus James Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus James Spa Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus John Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Margaret Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Owen The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Patk., Jr. Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Patrick Erikeens Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Patrick Leam Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Patrick Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus Patrick Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Manus William Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Morrow D. J. Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Mc Morrow Farrel Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Nabo Edward Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Mc Nabo Peter The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Nabo Thomas The Green Boyle Roscommon Mc Nally Owen Ballinphuill Boyle Roscommon Mc Nally Thomas Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mc Nalty Martin Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Mc Neece Daniel Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Mc Nulty Martin Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Mc Ran Laurence Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Mcgarry Patrick Garrow Boyle Roscommon Meehan Bernard Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Meehan James Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Minchin Sarah Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Molloy Patrick Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Monson George Carrownageeragh Boyle Roscommon Monson George Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Monson John Aghnagrange Boyle Roscommon Monson John Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Monson John Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Monson John Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Monson John Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Monson John Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Monson John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Moore Henry Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Moore James Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Moore John Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Moore Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Moore William Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Moran James Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Moran John Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Moran John Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Moran Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Moran Patrick Tinacarra Boyle Roscommon Moran Peter Doon Boyle Roscommon Moran Philip Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Moran William Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Morris John Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Morrison Archibald Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Morrison John The Green Boyle Roscommon Morton William Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Mulany Hugh Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mulany Hugh, Jr. Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mulany John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mulany John The Green Boyle Roscommon Mulhall David Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mulhall David Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Mulhall John Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Mulhall John The Green Boyle Roscommon Mulhall Joseph Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Mulhall Joseph Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mulhall Joseph Mill-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mulhall Nicholas Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Mulhern Mary Garrow Boyle Roscommon Mulhern Thomas Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Mullany Catherine Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mullany Dominick Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Mullany Dominick Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Mullany John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mullany Luke Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Mullany Mary Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Mullany Matthew Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Mullany Michael Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Mullany Owen Leam Boyle Roscommon Mullany Patrick Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Mullany Patrick Erris Boyle Roscommon Mullin Jane The Green Boyle Roscommon Muloogue Hugh The Green Boyle Roscommon Mulvogue Frances Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Munro Capt. ??? Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Munson Edward Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Munson John Ardmore Boyle Roscommon Munson John Coolnagranshy Boyle Roscommon Munson Mary The Green Boyle Roscommon Murne James Drumanone Boyle Roscommon Murne Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Murphy Hugh Spa Boyle Roscommon Murphy Martin Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Murphy Patrick Mill-Lane Boyle Roscommon Murphy Philip Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Murray Andrew Ardmore Boyle Roscommon Murray Catherine The Green Boyle Roscommon Murray Elizabeth Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Murray John Ardmore Boyle Roscommon Murry John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Murry John Doon Boyle Roscommon Murry Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Nangle Eneas Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Nangle Michael Aghacarra Nanglestown Boyle Roscommon Nangle Patrick Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Neaphin John Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Neary Anne Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Neary George Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Neary James Knockavroe Boyle Roscommon Neary Margaret Leam Boyle Roscommon Nefin John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Nefin Patrick Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Nefin Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Nefin Patrick Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Neilan Thomas Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Nicholson Dominick Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Nicholson James Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Nicholson Margaret Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Nicholson Patrick Leam Boyle Roscommon Noon Anne Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Noon Henry Erris Boyle Roscommon Noon John Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Noon Mary Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Noon Patrick Copse Boyle Roscommon Noone Peter Copse Boyle Roscommon O'Beirne William The Green Boyle Roscommon O'Brien John Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon O'Brien John Deerpark Boyle Roscommon O'Brien Thomas Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon O'Brien Thomas Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon O'Donnell Charles Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon O'Farrell Harward, M.D. Main Street Boyle Roscommon O'Flaherty Anne The Green Boyle Roscommon O'Gara Luke Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon O'Gara Pat Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon O'Hara Farrel Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon O'Hara Patrick Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon O'Hara Patrick Tawnyneden Boyle Roscommon O'Leary Thomas Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon O'Leary Thomas Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon O'Leary Thomas Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon O'Leary Thomas Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon O'Neill Bridget Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Oates Dominick Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Oates James Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Oates Mary Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Oates Patrick Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Oates Terence Behy Boyle Roscommon Ormsby Isabella Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Osborne Jane Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Osborne Jane Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Owens Dolly The Green Boyle Roscommon Owens Michael The Green Boyle Roscommon Owens Thaddeus Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Pagnum Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Pallace George Drumanone Boyle Roscommon Patterson Thomas Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Petty George Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Peyton Charles Ballytrasna Boyle Roscommon Peyton Charles Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Peyton Charles Grallagh More Boyle Roscommon Phibbs Sarah Aghnagrange Boyle Roscommon Plunkett Robert Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Powell Sarah Tinacarra Boyle Roscommon Power Edward Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Power John Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Power Peter Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Queenan Michael Doon Boyle Roscommon Quinean Luke Coolnagranshy Boyle Roscommon Quinn Charles The Green Boyle Roscommon Quinn Henry Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Quinn Honoria Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Quinn James Erris Boyle Roscommon Quinn Thomas Grangemore Boyle Roscommon Ragnam John Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Redigan Catherine Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Redigan Michael Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Redigan Michael The Green Boyle Roscommon Redigan Peter The Green Boyle Roscommon Reed Charles Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Regan Bartholomew Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Regan Barthw. Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Regan Barthw. Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Regan Bridget Aghacarra Boyle Roscommon Regan Edward Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Regan James Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Regan James Spa Boyle Roscommon Regan Martin Aghacarra Faraghty West Boyle Roscommon Regan Michael Ardmore Boyle Roscommon Regan Owen Spa Boyle Roscommon Regan Patrick Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Regan Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Regan Patrick Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Regan Stephen Spa Boyle Roscommon Reilly George Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Reilly James Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Reilly James Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Reilly James The Green Boyle Roscommon Reilly Patrick Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Reynolds John Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Reynolds Michael Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Reynolds Sylvester Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Reynolds Timothy Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Robertson Caleb Carrownageeragh Boyle Roscommon Robertson Caleb Cashelfinoge or Lugnamuddagh Boyle Roscommon Robertson Caleb Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Robertson Caleb Dublin-Road Boyle Roscommon Robertson Caleb Harepark Boyle Roscommon Robertson Caleb Knocknashee Boyle Roscommon Robertson Caleb Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Robertson Frederick Grallagh More Boyle Roscommon Robertson Frederick Knocknashee Boyle Roscommon Robertson Frederick Sligo Road Boyle Roscommon Robertson Frederick Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Rochford Thomas Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Rochfort John Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Rock Darby Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Rock Dominick Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Rock Honoria Copse Boyle Roscommon Rock Patrick Breandrum Boyle Roscommon Rock Winifred Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Roe Terence Lecarrow Boyle Roscommon Rolands James Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Rorke Farrell Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Rorke Mary Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Rorke Patrick Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Rorke Peter Ballylugnagon Boyle Roscommon Rorke Thomas Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Rowe Maurice Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Rutledge Bridget Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Rutledge Thomas Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Ryan Barny Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Rycroft Edward Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Sarsfield William Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Savage Charles The Green Boyle Roscommon Savage Margaret The Green Boyle Roscommon Scally John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Scally Peter Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Scally Peter Termon Boyle Roscommon Scanlan Bryan Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Scanlan John Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Scanlon Bryan Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Scanlon Ellen Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Scanlon Mary Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Seymour Mary Greatmeadow Boyle Roscommon Shanly John Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Shannon James Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Shannon John Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Shannon Margaret Tawnyneden Boyle Roscommon Shannon Martin Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Shannon Mary Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Shannon Michael Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Shannon Patrick The Green Boyle Roscommon Shannon Peter Leam Boyle Roscommon Shannon Stephen Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Shannon Thomas Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Shannon Thomas Derrymaquirk Boyle Roscommon Sharket Barthw. Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Sharket Edward Leam Boyle Roscommon Sharket James Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Sharket John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Sharket Luke Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Sharket Michael Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Sharket Michael Knockarush Boyle Roscommon Sharket Michael Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Sharket Michl. Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Sharket Nicholas Knocknashee Boyle Roscommon Sharket Patrick Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Sharkett Luke Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Sharkett Martin Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Sharkett Michael Copse Boyle Roscommon Sheeky Patrick Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Sheeky Thomas The Green Boyle Roscommon Sheera John Erris Boyle Roscommon Sheera Thomas Erris Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Barthw. Doon Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Darby Doon Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Darby Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Hugh Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Sheeran James Doon Boyle Roscommon Sheeran James Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Sheeran James Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Sheeran John Doon Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Laurence Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Laurence Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Matthew Doon Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Matthew Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Owen Doon Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Patrick Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Sheeran Thomas Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Sheeran William Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Sheeran William Doon Boyle Roscommon Sheeran William Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Sheeran William Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Sheeran William, Jr. Doon Boyle Roscommon Sheeran William, Jr. Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Shera Edward Main Street Boyle Roscommon Shera Edward The Green Boyle Roscommon Shera John Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Shera John Termon Boyle Roscommon Sherlock Matthew Brislagh Boyle Roscommon Shiveran Thomas Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Siffin John Spa Boyle Roscommon Skally James Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Skefington Elizabeth Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Skifington Edward Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Skifington John Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Skifington John Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Skifington John, Jr. Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Skifington Mark Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Skifington Patrick Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Skifington Patrick Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Skifington Patrick Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Slane Catherine Doon Boyle Roscommon Slane Dominick Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Slane James Drumshannagh Boyle Roscommon Slane Owen Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Slane Patrick Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Slane Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Slane Peter Tintagh Boyle Roscommon Smith John Termon Boyle Roscommon Smith Thomas The Green Boyle Roscommon Smyth James Bridge Street Boyle Roscommon Smyth John Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Sparks Michael Erris Boyle Roscommon Sparks Michael Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Spellman Michael Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Spelman Darby Copse Boyle Roscommon Spelman Honoria Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Spelman James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Spelman John Copse Boyle Roscommon Spelman Patrick Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Spelman Patrick Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Spilman Darby Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Spolin James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Spollen James Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Stapleton Michael Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Stinson Edward Copse Boyle Roscommon Tahaney Michael Erris Boyle Roscommon Tahany Michael Carrickmore Boyle Roscommon Tansey Bryan Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Tansey Michael Termon Boyle Roscommon Tansey Patrick Ardsallagh Boyle Roscommon Tansey Patrick Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Tansy Michael Lisserdrea Boyle Roscommon Tansy Michael Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Tansy Owen Doon Boyle Roscommon Tansy Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Tansy Thomas Doon Boyle Roscommon Taylor Patrick Eaton-Lane Boyle Roscommon Taylor William Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Teigue James Garrow Boyle Roscommon Thompson Henry Tivannagh Boyle Roscommon Thomson Henry Mocmoyne Boyle Roscommon Thornhill Edward Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Tiernan Charles Spa Boyle Roscommon Tiernan James Coothall-Street Boyle Roscommon Tiernan James Lowparks Boyle Roscommon Tierny Thomas The Green Boyle Roscommon Timon Matthew Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Timons Anne Fort-Lane Boyle Roscommon Tivan Michael Doon Boyle Roscommon Tivnan Bridget Doon Boyle Roscommon Tivnan Daniel Copse Boyle Roscommon Tivnan Edward Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Tivnan Martin Doon Boyle Roscommon Tivnan Martin Garrow Boyle Roscommon Tivnan Mary Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Tivnan Michael Doon Boyle Roscommon Tivnan Owen Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Toghran Anne Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Tolin Bartholw. Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Tolin John Kiltycreaghtan Boyle Roscommon Toman James Ballynanultagh Boyle Roscommon Toolan Laurence Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Toolin Bartholomew Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Toolin Michael Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Toolin Patrick Cornaglia Boyle Roscommon Toolin Peter Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Traverse Pat Kiltybrannock Boyle Roscommon Trusten Richard Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Truston Charles Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Tucker Rev. Joseph Main Street Boyle Roscommon Tully George M. The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Tunny Martin Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon Tyman John Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Tymon James Chapel-Lane Boyle Roscommon Valentine Barthw. Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Valentine Thomas Aghagowla Boyle Roscommon Valentine William Cornacarta Boyle Roscommon Waldron Francis Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Wallace Catherine The Green Boyle Roscommon Wallace Daniel, M.D. Knockadoobrusna Boyle Roscommon Wallace Daniel, M.D. Main Street Boyle Roscommon Wallace Dr. Daniel Termon Boyle Roscommon Wallace Jane Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Wallace John Ballymore East or Corbally Boyle Roscommon Wallace John Ross-Lane Boyle Roscommon Wallace John The Cresent Boyle Roscommon Wallace John Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Wallace Patrick Grange Beg Boyle Roscommon Wallace Richard The Green Boyle Roscommon Walsh Catherine Quarry-Lanes Boyle Roscommon Walsh John Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Walsh Michael Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Walsh Owen Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Walsh Peter Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Walsh Thomas Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Walsh Thomas, Jr. Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Ward James Elphin-Street Boyle Roscommon Waters Anne Doon Boyle Roscommon Waters Bartholomew Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Waters Bernard Tawnytaskin Boyle Roscommon Waters Bryan Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Waters James Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Waters James Warren or Drum Boyle Roscommon Waters Laurence Sheegorey Boyle Roscommon Waters Patrick Doon Boyle Roscommon Watson Williwm The Green Boyle Roscommon White Gilbert Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Winne Martin Deerpark Boyle Roscommon Winne Michael Garrow Boyle Roscommon Wolfe Flanagan John Drumdoe Boyle Roscommon Wood Henry Bridge-Street Boyle Roscommon Wynne John Knocknashee Boyle Roscommon Wynne Michael Bellspark Boyle Roscommon Zetland ??? Kilmacroy Boyle Roscommon