Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Banahan Michael Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Beirne Gilbert Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Beirne James Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Beirne Michael Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Black Richard Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Black Richard Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Bohan John Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Brady James Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Brady James Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Brennan Eliza Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Brennan Luke Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Brennan Patrick Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Brennan William Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Bridewell ??? Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Brown Patrick Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Browne James Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Campbell Honoria Cloonshannagh Bumlin Roscommon Campbell Peter Cloonshannagh Bumlin Roscommon Cannon Mary Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Carley Stephen Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Carlos Charles Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Carlos Edward Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Carlos Luke Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Carlos Patrick Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Carlos Patrick Culliagh Uper Bumlin Roscommon Carroll Gregory Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Carroll Patrick Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Casserly Thomas Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Catcheside Anne Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Catcheside John Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Cavahy John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Clyne Hugh Ballyfeeny Bumlin Roscommon Clyne Thomas Ballyfeeny Bumlin Roscommon Conboy James Bumlin Bumlin Roscommon Conlan Margery Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Connolly Edward Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Connolly Michael Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Connor Patrick Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Conry Anne Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Conry Catherine Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Conry Edward Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Conry James Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Conry Margaret Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Conry Michael Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Corcoran Bridget Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Corcoran Bridget Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Corcoran Daniel Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Corcoran Mary Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Corcoran Michael Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Cosgrave Patrick Ballyfeeny Bumlin Roscommon Costelloe Charles Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Cowan Margaret Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Cowan Rev. Richard Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Cowan Rev. Richard Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Cowan Richard Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Cowe Richard Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Cox Anne Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Cox Connor Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Cox John Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Cox Martin Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Cox Michael Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Cox Michael Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Cox Michl. Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Cox Owen Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Cox Owen Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Cox Patrick Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Croghan Julia Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Crumlin Dominick Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Cryan John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Cuffe Thaddeus Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Cummins George Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Cunningham James Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Cunningham John Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Cunningham Michael Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Curran Henry G. Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Dalton Michael Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Daly James Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Darcy Lawrence Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Dervan Michael Garryglass Bumlin Roscommon Dixon Matthew Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Dockery Mary Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Dolan Thomas Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Dolan Thomas Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Donnellan Patrick Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Donnellan Patrick Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Donnelly Edward Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Donohoe Mary Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Doorly Farrell Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Doorly Patrick Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Dowd Bartholomew Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Duffy Patrick Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Egan John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Egan John Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Egan Margaret Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Egan Patrick Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Egan Rev. Michael Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Fallon James Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Fallon Sarah Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Fallon William Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Farrell Bernard Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Farrell Ellen Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Farrell Michael Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Feehely Daniel Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Feehely John Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Feehely Thomas Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Feeny Anne Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Feeny Bryan Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Feeny Bryan Culliagh Uper Bumlin Roscommon Feeny Catherine Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Feeny John Culliagh Uper Bumlin Roscommon Feeny Patrick Ballyfeeny Bumlin Roscommon Feeny Thomas Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Ferns Jane Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Fitzgerald Thomas Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Flanagan Thomas Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Flanagan Thomas Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Flanagan Thomas Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Flanagan Thomas Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Fleming Richard Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Fleming William Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Flood Terence Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Flynn Michael Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Ford James Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Fulton Arthur Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Gaff Cornelius Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Gallagher Terence Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Garahan Patrick Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Garraghan Mary Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Gearty John Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Gearty John Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Gerarty John Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Gill Daniel Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Gill Jane Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Gill Jane Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Gill Jane Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Gill John Garryglass Bumlin Roscommon Gill John Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Gilmore Michael Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Gilmore Michael Garryglass Bumlin Roscommon Gilmore Michael Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Gore Maj. ??? Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Grace Thomas Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Greene John Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Greene Michael Killinordanbeg Bumlin Roscommon Hagan John Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Hagan Terence Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Hammill James Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Hanley Gilbert Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon Hanley Patrick Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon Hanlon Bernard Castlenode Bumlin Roscommon Hanly Catherine Cloonshannagh Bumlin Roscommon Hanly James Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Hanly John Cloonshannagh Bumlin Roscommon Hannigan James Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Hannon Bridget Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Hannon Joseph Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Hawks Ellen Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Hayden Edward Castlenode Bumlin Roscommon Hayden Peter Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Hayden Richard Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Heague Charles Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Heague Charles Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Heague Charles Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Heague John Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Heague John Vesnoy Bumlin Roscommon Healy Patrick Killinordanbeg Bumlin Roscommon Healy Patrick Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon Higgins James Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Higgins John Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Higgins Thomas Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Higgins Thomas Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Hogan Bernard Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Hogan Bernard Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Holden Thomas Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Holden Thomas Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Holmes Mary Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Holmes Thomas Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Holmes Thomas Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Hughes Thomas Castlenode Bumlin Roscommon Igo John Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Jones Robert Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Jordan Thomas Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Jordan William Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Keane Mary Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Kearney Catherine Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Kearns Ellen Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Keary Peter Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Kelly Daniel Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Kelly Daniel Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Kelly Daniel Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Kelly Honoria Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Kelly Honoria Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Kelly John Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Kelly Lawrence Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Kelly Patrick Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Kelly Patrick Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Kenny Francis Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Kilroy Cormack Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Larkin Patrick Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Lavin Luke Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Law Richard Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Lennon Laurence Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Lennon Laurence Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Lennon Thomas Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Lennon Thomas Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Leonard Patrick Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Lloyd Thomas Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Lowe Patrick Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Lynam John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Lyons Catherine Culliagh Uper Bumlin Roscommon Lyons Darby Culliagh Uper Bumlin Roscommon Lyons James Garryglass Bumlin Roscommon Lyons James Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Lyons Michael Moneenacully Bumlin Roscommon Lyons Patrick Culliagh Uper Bumlin Roscommon Mackle Joseph Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mackle Joseph Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Maguire Charles Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Maguire Charles Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Maguire Connor Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Maguire Constantine Ballyfeeny Bumlin Roscommon Maguire John Garryglass Bumlin Roscommon Maguire John Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Maguire John Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Maguire Michael Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Maguire Michael Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Maguire Patrick Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Maguire Patrick Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Bellanamullia Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Bumlin Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Cloonrabrackan Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Cloonradoon Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Cloonshannagh Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Kilmore Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Vesnoy Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Jane Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Mahon John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mahon John Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Peter Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Stephen Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Stephen Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mahon Thomas Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mahon William Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mahony Timothy Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Cann Simon Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Cloon Richard Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mc Conville Bernard Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Conville Bernard Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mc Cormack Mary Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Mc Cormick Honoria Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Martin Ballyfeeny Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Martin Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Matthew Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Michael Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Rev. Michael Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Rev. Michl. Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon Mc Donagh Richard Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Mc Donnell Hugh Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Mc Govern Edward Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Greevy Patrick Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Hugh John Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Hugh John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Hugh Patrick Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mc Keon John Bellanamullia Bumlin Roscommon Mc Keon John Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon Mc Loughlin William Ballyfeeny Bumlin Roscommon Mc Mahon Thomas Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Manus Patrick Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mc Manus Patrick Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mc Quirk John Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mitchell Thomas Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Moran Daniel Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Morton Rev. Joseph Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Morton Sarah Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Morton Sarah Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Mulhern Thomas Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mullany Denis Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mullany John Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Mullen Bridget Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Mullen Peter Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Mulvehill James Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Murray Bryan Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Murray James Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Murray John Garryglass Bumlin Roscommon Murray Luke Garryglass Bumlin Roscommon Murray Luke Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Murray Martin Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Murray Michael Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Murray Michael Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Murray Patrick Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Murray Patrick Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Nary James Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Noone Martin Killinordanbeg Bumlin Roscommon O'Beirne James Church Street Bumlin Roscommon O'Beirne Michael Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon O'Brien Timothy Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon O'Conor Arthur Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon O'Donnell Bridget Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon O'Dowd Denis Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon O'Farrell Thomas Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon O'Farrell Thomas Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon O'Garra Farrel Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon O'Garra Patrick Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon O'Neill John Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon O'Neill Patrick Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Oates John Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Oates John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Oates Terence Moneenacully Bumlin Roscommon Oates Terence Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Padian Henry Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Padian John Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Padian Peter Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Padian Thomas Cordrumman Bumlin Roscommon Prenty Patrick Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Quigley John Northyard Bumlin Roscommon Rattigan John Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Rattigan Michael Gorttoose Bumlin Roscommon Rattigan Patrick Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Regan James Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Regan Patrick Pollymount Bumlin Roscommon Reilly James Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Roberts Thomas Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Roberts Thomas Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Robinson Dorcas Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Robinson Henry Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Roden John Ballyfeeny Bumlin Roscommon Rogers Thomas Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon Saville Francis Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Shanley James Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Shanley Michael Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Sheridan Thomas Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Smith John Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Smith John Lisroyne Bumlin Roscommon Smith Thomas Farnbeg Bumlin Roscommon Smyth John Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Smyth Thomas Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon St. Lawrence Henry Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Stafford William Killinordan Bumlin Roscommon Stapleton Catherine Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Sweeny Dominick Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Sweeny John Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Sweeny Martin Bellanamullia Bumlin Roscommon Sweeny Michael Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Sweeny Patrick Bridge Street Bumlin Roscommon Thompson John Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Thompson Michael Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Tims John Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Trenor Valentine A. Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon Vaughan John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Verny John Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Wallace Bridget Gortlustia Bumlin Roscommon Wallace Patrick Culliagh Lower Bumlin Roscommon Wallace Peter Culliagh Uper Bumlin Roscommon Walpole George Bumlin Bumlin Roscommon Walpole George Castlenode Bumlin Roscommon Walpole George Newtown Bumlin Roscommon Walsh Michael Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon Walsh Thomas Church Street Bumlin Roscommon Warnock Sarah Church Street Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Bawn Street Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Bellanamullia Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Bumlin Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Cloonrabrackan Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Cloonradoon Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Culliagh Uper Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Garryglass Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Killinordanbeg Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Kilmore Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Moneenacully Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Newtown Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Northyard Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon West George W. Vesnoy Bumlin Roscommon Williams Thomas Graffoge Bumlin Roscommon Williams Thomas Scramoge Bumlin Roscommon Young William Elphin Street Bumlin Roscommon