Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Aylward Patrick Oakfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Balfe Bernard Carrowntryla Cloonfinlough Roscommon Banagher Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Banahan Cornelius Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Banahan James Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Banahan John Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Banahan Judith Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Barlow Ellen Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Barron Martin Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Barry Mary Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Barry Patrick Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Bei Patrick Clare Cloonfinlough Roscommon Bei Patrick, Jr. Clare Cloonfinlough Roscommon Bei Patrick, Jr. Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Bei Thomas, Jr. Clare Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne Hugh Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne James Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne James Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne John Oakfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne Martin Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne Martin Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne Patrick Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne Thomas Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Beirne Thomas Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Bodkin John Clare Cloonfinlough Roscommon Bodkin John Cloonerra Cloonfinlough Roscommon Bodkin Patrick Glennameeltoge or Midegfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Boland James Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Boland John Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Boyle John Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brehan John Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brennan Connor Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brennan John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brennan John Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brennan Martin Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brennan Michael Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brennan Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brennan Peter Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brennan Peter Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Browne Thomas Carrownaskeagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Brusland Michael Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Burke Henry Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Burke Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cantwell Henry Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carberry Abraham Ballintemple Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carberry Abrahram Ballintemple Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carberry John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carley Bridget Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carley James Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carley Michael Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carlos Charles Clare Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carlos Charles Cloonerra Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carlos Charles Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carlos Michael Clare Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carlos Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carlos Michael Cloonerra Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carlos Michael Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carroll Barney Clare Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carroll John Aghalahard Cloonfinlough Roscommon Carthy Martin Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Casey Margaret Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Casey Mary Reagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Casey Peter Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Casey Timothy Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Clabby Patrick Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Coffey John Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Coggins Malachy Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Coggins Maly., Jr. Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Collins Catherine Oakfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Compton William Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Conealy James Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Conlan Mary Carrowntryla Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connell Patrick Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Andrew Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Hugh Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Hugh Reagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Michael Carrowntryla Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Michl. Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Patrick Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Patrick Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Peter Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Peter Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Peter Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Thomas Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connor Timothy Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Connors Thomas Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Conry Bartholomew Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Conry Bridget Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Conway Francis Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Corcoran Thomas Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Corrigan Hugh Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Corrihan John Oakfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Costello Dudley Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Costello William Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cotton Wright Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cowan Rev. Richard Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cox Denis Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cox Patrick Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Crofton Baronet Malby Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Croghan Luke Killultagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Croghan Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Croghan Owen Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Croghan Patrick Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Croghan Patrick Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Croghan William Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Croghan William Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cryan Bridget Oakfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cryan Michael Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cuffe James Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cuffe James, Jr. Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cuffe John Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cuffe Martin Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cuffe Matthew Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cuffe Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cuffe Nicholas Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cuffe Patrick Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cummins Francis Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cunningham John Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cunningham Ml. Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Cunningham Patrick Aghalahard Cloonfinlough Roscommon Daly John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Darkin Patrick Carrownaskeagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Davis Francis Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Defley Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dempsey Laurence Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dempsey Margaret Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dempsey Martin Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dempsey Martin Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dempsey Patrick Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Denigan Catherine Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Devenish Robert Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dillon Michael Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dillon Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dillon Theobald A. Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dockery Henry Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dockery Hugh Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dockery John Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dockery Luke Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dockery Michael Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Anne Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Bernard Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Bernard Carrowntryla Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Patrick Ballintemple Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Patrick Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Thomas Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dolan Timothy Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnellan Catherine Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnellan Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnelly Daniel Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnelly Dominick Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnelly Domnk. Jn. Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnelly John Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnelly Patk., Jr. Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnelly Patk., Jr. Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donnelly Patrick Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donoher Patrick Ballintemple Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donovan Cormack Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Donover James Clare Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dowd Francis Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dowd John Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dowd Malachy Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dowd Patrick Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dowd Timothy Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Duffesy Gilbert Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Duffy Dominick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Duffy Henry Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Duffy Michael Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Duffy Peter Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Durkin Daniel Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dwen Bryan Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dyer James Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dyer John Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Dyer Peter Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Egan James Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Egan John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Egan Mary Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fallon James Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fallon John Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fallon Patrick Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fallon Sarah Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fallon Thomas Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fallon Timothy Glennameeltoge or Midegfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fanning Catherine Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Farrell Anne Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Farrell Daniel Ballintemple Cloonfinlough Roscommon Farrell Luke Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Farrell Michael Aghalahard Cloonfinlough Roscommon Farrell Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Feehily Dominick Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Feenarty James Glennameeltoge or Midegfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Feeny Bryan Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Feeny Luke Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Feeny Patrick Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fetherston Mark Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fitzgibbon Margaret Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Flanagan James Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Flanagan Martin Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Flanagan Patrick Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Flanagan Patrick Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Flynn John Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Flynn John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Flynn Thomas Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon French Rev. Arthur Cloonrane Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fury James Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fury John Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fury Michl. Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fury Ml. Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Fury Patk. Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gannon Martin Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Garrihan James Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gavican Ellen Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gavican Martin Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gavican Michael Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gavican William Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gearty James Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Geoghegan Luke Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Geoghegan Michael Derreen Cloonfinlough Roscommon Geoghegan Michael Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Geoghegan Peter Derreen Cloonfinlough Roscommon Geoghegan Thomas Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gibbons John Reagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gibbons Patrick Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gilleran Hugh Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gilleran Luke Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gilleran Nicholas Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gilleran Patk. Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gilleran Pk. Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gilleran Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gillooly Dominick Killultagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gillooly Dominick Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gillooly John Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gillooly John Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Goggins Farrell Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Goggins Farrell Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gormerly John Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gormley John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Greene Patrick Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Greene Peter Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Gunn Thomas Carrownaskeagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hamilton Thomas Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hanly John Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hanly Michael Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hanly Michael Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hanly Patrick Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hanly Peter Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hanly Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hanly Thomas Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hayden Peter Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Head Denis Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Heague John Oakfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Healy Michael Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Healy Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Healy Thomas Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Healy William Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hede Denis Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hede Michael Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hede Patrick Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hede Thomas Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Henry John Aghalahard Cloonfinlough Roscommon Higgins John Cloonerra Cloonfinlough Roscommon Higgins John Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Higgins Michael Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Higgins Thomas Cloonerra Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hoey James Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hopkins Maria Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hughes Patrick Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hunt Jn. Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hunt John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hunt Martin Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hunt Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hunt Thomas Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Hunt William Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Igo Luke Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Ivory John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Jennings John Aghalahard Cloonfinlough Roscommon Jennings John Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Jones Anne Carrowntryla Cloonfinlough Roscommon Jordan Patrick Carrownaskeagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Keane Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kearns Luke Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Keiran Owen Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kelly Hugh Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kelly John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kelly Mary Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kelly Michael Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kelly Michael Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kelly Michael Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kelly Patrick Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kelly Peter Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kennedy Edward Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kennedy Patrick Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kenny Francis Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Kenny Francis Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Keveny Patrick Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Khair William Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon King Michael Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon King Thomas Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lally Bridget Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lally Patrick Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lannon Andrew Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lannon Bridget Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lannon Connor Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lannon Edward Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lannon John Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lannon Patrick Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lannon Patrick Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lavender John Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lawder Alonzo Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Leaven Anne Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lennon Thomas Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lennon Thos. Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Leonard Bridget Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Logan Thomas Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Loughan Darby Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Loughan John Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Loughan John Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Loughan Michael Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Loughan Patrick Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Loughan Peter Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lynn William Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lyons James Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Lyons John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Madden Daniel Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Magann Martin Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mahon Henry S. P. Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mahon Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mahon William Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mangan John Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mapother Henry Carrowntryla Cloonfinlough Roscommon Maxwell Thomas Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Causland Marcus Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Causland Marcus Reagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Coy Anne Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Dermott Luke Reagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Dermott Margaret Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Donnell Francis Ballintemple Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Donnell Francis Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Donnell George Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Donnell Joseph Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Donnell Mary Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Donnell Michael Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Donnell Murtagh Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Donnell Peter Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Govern James Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Grath Patrick Derreen Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Hugh John Derreen Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Hugh Patrick Derreen Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Keon Hugh Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Loughlin Honoria Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Loughlin James Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Loughlin Jn. Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Loughlin Patrick Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Loughlin Patrick Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Neill Bryan Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Neill Denis Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mc Neill Patrick Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Meehan Henry Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Meehan James Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mitchell Rep. John Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Moolooly Patrick Glennameeltoge or Midegfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Moran John Moher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mullany James Cloonerra Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mullen Michael Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mulligan Bernard Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mullolly Patrick Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Mulloony Anne Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murrahy Michael Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray Edward Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray Hugh Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray James Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray John Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray John Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray John Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray John Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray John, Jr. Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray Martin Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray Martin Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray Michael Carrowntryla Cloonfinlough Roscommon Murray Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Nary Anne Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Neary Edward Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Neary James Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Neary James Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Neill Patrick Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Nerney Denis Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Nerney Denis Corboghil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Nerney Denis Glennameeltoge or Midegfield Cloonfinlough Roscommon Nerney Hubert Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Nerney Mary Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Nerney Mary Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Nolan Rep. Robert Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Noone Jane Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Noone John Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Donnell John Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Donnell John Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Farrell Henry Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Farrell Thomas Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Gara John Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Gara Patrick Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Hara Martin Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Hara Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon O'Neill Owen Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Ormsby West James Lisnahirka Cloonfinlough Roscommon Owens James Derreen Cloonfinlough Roscommon Owens Luke Carrownaskeagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Owens Luke Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Owens Michael Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Parker Bartholomew Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Parker Bridget Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Parker John Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Parker Mary Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Power Patrick Ballinafad Cloonfinlough Roscommon Quinn Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Reaney John Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Regan Thomas Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Reynolds Mary Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Reynolds Thomas Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Roberts Thomas Carrowntryla Cloonfinlough Roscommon Roberts Thomas Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Roberts Thomas Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Roche Patrick Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Rock James Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Ryan Michael Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Ryder James Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Rylan Patrick Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Scally Edward Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Shannon James Carrownaskeagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Shannon Mary Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Shannon Patrick Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Shannon Thomas Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Sharkey John Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Sharkey Michael Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Sheil James Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Sheil James Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Smith John Cloonerra Cloonfinlough Roscommon Smith Laurence Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Smith Patrick Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Spellaun Owen Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon St. Laurence Henry Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Swift James Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Taylor Mary Anne Curry Cloonfinlough Roscommon Thorpe Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tiernan Edward Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tiernan Michael Clooncah Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tiernan Michael Cloonfinlough Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tiernan Patrick Carrowclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tiernan Patrick Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tighe John Lisheenanierin Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tighe Michael Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tigue Michael Cloonylyon Cloonfinlough Roscommon Tracy Honoria Cloonearagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Vasey Mary Aghalahard Cloonfinlough Roscommon Wade Henry Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Waldron John Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Waldron Patrick Cloonslanor Cloonfinlough Roscommon Waldron Patrick Farnmore Cloonfinlough Roscommon Wallace Michael Carrownaskeagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Walpole George Aghaclogher Cloonfinlough Roscommon Walpole George Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Walpole George Lackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon Walpole George Reagh Cloonfinlough Roscommon Walpole George Telton Cloonfinlough Roscommon Walsh Thomas Cloonfree Cloonfinlough Roscommon Ward Bernard Doughil Cloonfinlough Roscommon Ward Bernard Killavackan Cloonfinlough Roscommon