Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adamson John Attirory Creagh Roscommon Barrett Patrick Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Bell Capt. James Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon Bell Capt. James Suckfield Creagh Roscommon Bohan John Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Boland Thomas Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Brady John Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Brady Kieran Newtown Creagh Roscommon Brady Martin Rooaun Creagh Roscommon Brady Michael Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Brady Owen Newtown Creagh Roscommon Brady Patrick Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Bray Margaret Portnick Creagh Roscommon Brian Thomas Newtown Creagh Roscommon Bridle John Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Brien Thomas Newtown Creagh Roscommon Brock Edward Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Brock Edward Portnick Creagh Roscommon Brock Thomas Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Burke Fergus Sralea Creagh Roscommon Burke Patrick Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Burke Thomas Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Burke Thomas Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Burnes John Sralea Creagh Roscommon Cahill John Newtown Creagh Roscommon Cannon Michael Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Carey Michael Newtown Creagh Roscommon Carr Patrick Clarary Creagh Roscommon Carroll James Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Carroll Mary Newtown Creagh Roscommon Carroll Michael Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Carter Winifred Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Carty John Ashford Creagh Roscommon Carty John Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Casey Michael Newtown Creagh Roscommon Claffey John Gortnasharvoge Creagh Roscommon Claffey Patrick Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Clancarty ??? Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Clancarty ??? Cleaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Clancarty ??? Cleaghgarve Creagh Roscommon Clancarty ??? Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Clancarty ??? Laughil Creagh Roscommon Clancarty ??? Portnick Creagh Roscommon Clancarty ??? Townparks Creagh Roscommon Coffey Michael Creagh Creagh Roscommon Coffey Patrick Newtown Creagh Roscommon Coffey Thomas Creagh Creagh Roscommon Coffey Thomas Rooaun Creagh Roscommon Coffey Thomas Rooaun Bog and Meadow Creagh Roscommon Cogwin Bryan Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Cogwin Michael Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon Cogwin Michael Tulrush Creagh Roscommon Colehan Patrick Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Coles Sally Townparks Creagh Roscommon College ??? Portnick Creagh Roscommon Colligan William Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Conlan Michael Sralea Creagh Roscommon Connolly Anthony Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Connolly Catherine Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Connor Laurence Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Connor Malick Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Connors Stephen Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Conry John Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Corboy Michael Attirory Creagh Roscommon Corboy William Attirory Creagh Roscommon Craig James Creagh Creagh Roscommon Craig James Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Crofton William Cleaghgarve Creagh Roscommon Crofton William Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Crosby Patrick Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Crosby Patrick Newtown Creagh Roscommon Cunningham Michael Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Curley Anne Gortnasharvoge Creagh Roscommon Curley Bryan Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Curley Patrick Atticorra Creagh Roscommon Curley Patrick Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Curley Patrick Clarary Creagh Roscommon Curley Patrick Laughil Creagh Roscommon Daly Peter Clarary Creagh Roscommon Daly Peter Laughil Creagh Roscommon Dameral Henry Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Darcey William Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Dean Martin Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Dean Martin Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Deane Anne Atticorra Creagh Roscommon Delahunty James Clooneen Creagh Roscommon Delahunty James Tonalig Creagh Roscommon Doherty John Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Dolan Laurence Attirory Creagh Roscommon Dolan Laurence Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Dolan Patrick Attirory Creagh Roscommon Doland John Coolderry Creagh Roscommon Doland Martin Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Doland Patrick Newtown Creagh Roscommon Doland Peter Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Donnelly Martin Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Donnollan Anne Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Donnolly Thomas Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Donolan Edmond Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon Donolan Edward Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Donolan John Portnick Creagh Roscommon Donolan Matthew Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Donolan Patrick Townparks Creagh Roscommon Donolan Peter Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Downey James Tonlemone Creagh Roscommon Downey Patrick Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Downey Patrick Tonlemone Creagh Roscommon Downey Sibbey Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Dunn John Portnick Creagh Roscommon Egan Andrew Attirory Creagh Roscommon Egan Michael Cloonaghbrack Creagh Roscommon Egan Timothy Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Egan Timothy Portnick Creagh Roscommon Fallon Charles Attirory Creagh Roscommon Fallon John Creagh Creagh Roscommon Fallon John Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Fallon Thomas Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Farrell William Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Finn Anne Cleaghgarve Creagh Roscommon Finn Jane Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Finn Thomas Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Finn Thomas Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Finneran Andrew Suckfield Creagh Roscommon Finneran Patrick Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Finneran Thade Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Fitzpatrick John Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon Flanigan Anthony Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Flanigan Garrett Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon Flanigan Garrett Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Flanigan James Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Flanigan Kieran Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Flanigan Michael Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Flinn Thomas Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Follin Michael Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Follin Patrick Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Ford Peter Portnick Creagh Roscommon Gaffey Ellen Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Gaffey John Sralea Creagh Roscommon Galbraith John Atticorra Creagh Roscommon Gavin Daniel Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Gavin Thomas Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Geoghan Patrick Newtown Creagh Roscommon Gilligan Andrew Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Gilligan John Suckfield Creagh Roscommon Glinn Daniel Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Glinn Michael Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Glinn Thade Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Glinn William Clooneen Creagh Roscommon Good Edward Sralea Creagh Roscommon Goode Hugh Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Goode Thomas Attirory Creagh Roscommon Gorman David Clooneen Creagh Roscommon Gorman David Tonalig Creagh Roscommon Grehan William Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Griffin Thomas Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Gunning Brien Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Gunning John Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Gunning Margaret Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Gunning Patrick Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Hagarty John Portnick Creagh Roscommon Hannon John Creagh Creagh Roscommon Hardiman Timothy Sralea Creagh Roscommon Harney Michael Atticorra Creagh Roscommon Harney Michael Ballygortagh Creagh Roscommon Harney Michael Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Harney Michael, Jr. Creagh Creagh Roscommon Harney Michael, Sr. Creagh Creagh Roscommon Harney Patrick Atticorra Creagh Roscommon Harney Patrick Creagh Creagh Roscommon Harney William Creagh Creagh Roscommon Harney William Rooaun Creagh Roscommon Harney William Rooaun Bog and Meadow Creagh Roscommon Hickey Dominick Ballygortagh Creagh Roscommon Hines Francis Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Hines John Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Hogan Jane Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Hogarty Matthew Clarary Creagh Roscommon Hogarty Michael Newtown Creagh Roscommon Holmes Orr Robert Suckfield Creagh Roscommon Hood John Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Hoode Ellen Clarary Creagh Roscommon Hopson John Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Horan Dr. Patrick Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Jennings Rickard Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Keady Thomas Attirory Creagh Roscommon Kehoe Patrick Tonlemone Creagh Roscommon Kelly Hubert Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Kelly Hugh Tonalig Creagh Roscommon Kelly John Ashford Creagh Roscommon Kelly John Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Kelly John Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Kelly John Tonalig Creagh Roscommon Kelly Michael Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Kelly Michael Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Kelly Mrs. ??? Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Kelly Peter Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Kelly Peter Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Kelly Thomas Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon Kelly Thomas Tulrush Creagh Roscommon Kelly Timothy Ballyhugh Creagh Roscommon Kelly William Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Kelly William Gortnasharvoge Creagh Roscommon Kenny John Attirory Creagh Roscommon Kenny John Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Kenny John Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Kenny Kieran Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Kenny Owen Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Kenny Patrick Attirory Creagh Roscommon Kenny Patrick Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Kenny Thomas Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Lancaster John Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Lancaster William Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon Lancaster William Beagh (Trench) Creagh Roscommon Lancaster William Suckfield Creagh Roscommon Lancaster William Tulrush Creagh Roscommon Lawless John Portnick Creagh Roscommon Lenehan Edward Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Leonard Thomas Newtown Creagh Roscommon Loughlan John Rooaun Creagh Roscommon Loughlan John Rooaun Bog and Meadow Creagh Roscommon Loughnan John Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Lyons John Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Lyons Michael Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Mack James Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Mackevery Michael Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Madden Francis Townparks Creagh Roscommon Madden John, Sr. Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Madden Thomas Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Malady Thomas Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Manion Michael Gortnasharvoge Creagh Roscommon Manion Patrick Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Manning Michael Portnick Creagh Roscommon Mc Causlin Marcus Coolderry Creagh Roscommon Mc Donagh James Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Mc Donald Anthony Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Mc Donnell Anthony Newtown Creagh Roscommon Mc Donnell Anthony Jn. Clarary Creagh Roscommon Mc Donnell James Clarary Creagh Roscommon Mc Donnell James, Jr. Clarary Creagh Roscommon Mc Donnell John Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Mc Gaffery Terence Gortnasharvoge Creagh Roscommon Mc Gaffey Terence Gortnasharvoge Creagh Roscommon Mc Guinness Patrick Portnick Creagh Roscommon Minton Thomas Laughil Creagh Roscommon Mitchell John Newtown Creagh Roscommon Mockler Patrick Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Mockler Patrick Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Mockler Peter Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Monck Andrew Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Morgan Robert Portnick Creagh Roscommon Morgan Thomas Cleaghgarve Creagh Roscommon Morgan Thomas Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Morrissey John Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Mulleady John Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Mulligan James Attirory Creagh Roscommon Murray Daniel Suckfield Creagh Roscommon Murray John Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Murray Patrick Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Naughton John Attirory Creagh Roscommon Naughton Margaret Attirory Creagh Roscommon Naughton Michael Tonemone Creagh Roscommon Naughton Robert Tonlemone Creagh Roscommon Neill Bridget Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Neill Thomas Ashford Creagh Roscommon Neill Thomas Portnick Creagh Roscommon O'Brien John Laughil Creagh Roscommon O'Brien Maryanne Creagh Creagh Roscommon O'Brien Patrick Laughil Creagh Roscommon O'Brien Richard Beaghbeg Creagh Roscommon O'Brien Sarah Laughil Creagh Roscommon O'Flaherty Francis Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon O'Flaherty Francis Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon O'Grady Francis R. Atticorra Creagh Roscommon O'Shaughnessy Ellen Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Page Edward Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Persse Dudley Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Pilkington John Ballinasloe-Bridge Street Creagh Roscommon Pilkington John Creagh Creagh Roscommon Potts Henry Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Potts Joseph Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Potts Joseph Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Potts Joseph Portnick Creagh Roscommon Potts Joseph Townparks Creagh Roscommon Power John Bellagill Creagh Roscommon Quigley Patrick Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Raftery Patrick Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Reeves Robert Ballygortagh Creagh Roscommon Rhattican Martin Attirory Creagh Roscommon Rice Henry Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Ryan Edward Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Salt Edward Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Sayer Henry Beagh (Naghten) Creagh Roscommon Seyer James Sralea Creagh Roscommon Sharp Brabazon Atticorra Creagh Roscommon Sharp Brabazon Clarary Creagh Roscommon Sharp Brabazon Creagh Creagh Roscommon Sharp Brabazon Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Sharp Brabazon Newtown Creagh Roscommon Sharp Brabazon Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Sharp Robert Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Sharpe Joseph Ashford Creagh Roscommon Sharpe Robert Cleaghgarve Creagh Roscommon Shea John Atticorra Creagh Roscommon Shea John Clarary Creagh Roscommon Skillman Malachi Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Smith Austin Parkmore Creagh Roscommon Smith Edward Rooaun Creagh Roscommon Smith John Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Spellman Edward Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Staunton Michael Portnick Creagh Roscommon Staunton Michael Townparks Creagh Roscommon Stratford William Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Taylor Thomas Gortnasharvoge Creagh Roscommon Tracey Bridget Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Tracey Mark Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Tracey Matthew Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Tumulty James Coolderry Creagh Roscommon Tumulty John Coolderry Creagh Roscommon Tumulty Thomas Coolderry Creagh Roscommon Turley Andrew Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Turley Michael Cuilleen Creagh Roscommon Tyrell James Creagh Creagh Roscommon Tyrell James Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Tyrell James Kilgarve Creagh Roscommon Walker Rev. John C. Creagh Creagh Roscommon Walker Rev. John C. Glentaun Creagh Roscommon Walker Rev. John C. Townparks Creagh Roscommon Wall William Atticorra Creagh Roscommon Wallcott John E. Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon Ward Bartholomew Rooaun Creagh Roscommon Ward Bartholomew Rooaun Bog and Meadow Creagh Roscommon Ward Michael Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Ward Patrick Culliagharny Creagh Roscommon Whelan Margaret Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon Whelan Mary Townparks Creagh Roscommon White James Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon White James Beagh (Brabazon) Creagh Roscommon White John Culliaghbeg Creagh Roscommon White Patrick Ardcarn Creagh Roscommon