Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Acheson James Creeve Creeve Roscommon Acheson William Creeve Creeve Roscommon Acheson William Erriblagh Creeve Roscommon Anderson Edward Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Balfe Bernard Lismageeroge Creeve Roscommon Barry Michael Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Baw Patrick Portobello Creeve Roscommon Beirne Patrick Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Blundell Christopher Boherroe Creeve Roscommon Blundell Christopher Cartron Creeve Roscommon Blundell Christopher Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Bracken James Ballyhollaghan Creeve Roscommon Brennan Bridget Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Burns Andrew Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Burns John Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Butler John Ryefield or Runnateggal Creeve Roscommon Byrne James Ballyhollaghan Creeve Roscommon Byrne James Martry Creeve Roscommon Byrne Mary Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Byrne Patrick Corgarve Creeve Roscommon Byrne Thomas Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Byrne William Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Callery Patrick Boherroe Creeve Roscommon Callery Patrick Cartron Creeve Roscommon Callery Patrick Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Carney Bridget Lismageeroge Creeve Roscommon Carney Michael Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Carney Michael Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Carney Patrick Rathardeagher Creeve Roscommon Carney Peter Assaun Creeve Roscommon Carney Peter Castletown Creeve Roscommon Carney Peter Corbally Middle Creeve Roscommon Carney Peter Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Carney Peter Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Carney Peter Erriblagh Creeve Roscommon Carney Peter Portobello Creeve Roscommon Carney Peter Rathardeagher Creeve Roscommon Carroll Anne Assaun Creeve Roscommon Carroll Patrick Corbally Middle Creeve Roscommon Casserly John Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Clarke Mary Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Coghlan Patrick Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Coghlan Terence Assaun Creeve Roscommon Coghlan Terence Portobello Creeve Roscommon Coleman Bridget Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Colligan Philip Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Conlon Mary Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Connell Thomas Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Connor Owen Attiaghygrana Creeve Roscommon Costello Winifred Ryefield or Runnateggal Creeve Roscommon Cullen John Ballyhollaghan Creeve Roscommon Cullen Michael Ballyhollaghan Creeve Roscommon Cullenan John Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Dolan Patrick Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Dowd Bridget Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Dowd Francis Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Dowd John Cartron Creeve Roscommon Dowd John Ryefield or Runnateggal Creeve Roscommon Dowd Peter Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Duffy Patrick Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Duignan Bernard Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Fanning Honoria Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Farrell Michael Cartron Creeve Roscommon Feeny Thomas Corgarve Creeve Roscommon Feeny Thomas, Jr. Corgarve Creeve Roscommon Fehilly Daniel Assaun Creeve Roscommon Fehilly Daniel Castletown Creeve Roscommon Fehilly Daniel Portobello Creeve Roscommon Finneran Bridget Ryefield or Runnateggal Creeve Roscommon Finneran James Ryefield or Runnateggal Creeve Roscommon Flanagan Barthw. Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Flanigan Barthw. Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Flanigan Barthw. Corbally Middle Creeve Roscommon Flanigan Loughlin Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Flanigan Loughlin Corbally Middle Creeve Roscommon Flynn Bryan Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Flynn Mary Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Flynn Michael Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Forrester Michael Corgarve Creeve Roscommon Fox Daniel Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Fox Margaret Portobello Creeve Roscommon Gallagher Mary Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Gannon Denis Ballyhollaghan Creeve Roscommon Gavin Michael Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Glancey Bridget Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Glancey Cormack Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Glancey Patrick Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Glancey Peter Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Glancey Thomas Corbally Middle Creeve Roscommon Hamilton Bridget Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Hangley Patrick Assaun Creeve Roscommon Hangley Thomas Assaun Creeve Roscommon Hanley Michael Corgarve Creeve Roscommon Harrington William Martry Creeve Roscommon Harrison Charles Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Harrisson Bridget Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Harrisson Patrick Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Harrisson Peter Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Harrisson Peter Cartron Creeve Roscommon Headen Francis Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Heague John Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Healy Catherine Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Horan Edward Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Irwin John Attiaghygrana Creeve Roscommon Jackson James Creeve Creeve Roscommon Kane Thomas Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Keenan John Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Keilty Patrick Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Kelly Catherine Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Kelly James Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Kelly Michael Corgarve Creeve Roscommon Kenny Michael Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Kilchrist John Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Laird George Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Lannon Cecilia Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Lavan Bryan Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Lavan Mary Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Law Hackett John Portobello Creeve Roscommon Lawder Horatio N. Lismageeroge Creeve Roscommon Lenaghan Matthew Assaun Creeve Roscommon Lenehan Honor Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Lenehan John Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Lenehan John Boherroe Creeve Roscommon Lenehan Martin Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Lenehan Timothy Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Lorton Viscount ??? Assaun Creeve Roscommon Lynch Patrick Ballyhollaghan Creeve Roscommon Malley John Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Mc Cormack John Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Mc Cormack Mary Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Mc Cormack Michael Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Mc Cue Patrick Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Mc Dermott Bridget Castletown Creeve Roscommon Mc Dermott Peter Turlagh Creeve Roscommon Mc Dermott Roger Castletown Creeve Roscommon Mc Donald Michael Corgarve Creeve Roscommon Mc Grath John Castletown Creeve Roscommon Mc Greevy Matthew Ballyhollaghan Creeve Roscommon Mc Greevy William Cartron Creeve Roscommon Mc Greevy William Turlagh Creeve Roscommon Mc Keon Owen Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Meehan Cormack Cartron Creeve Roscommon Meehan Darby Turlagh Creeve Roscommon Meehan James Boherroe Creeve Roscommon Moolick Thomas Corbally West Creeve Roscommon Moran John Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Moran Patrick Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Moran Peter Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Mulvehill John Ballyhollaghan Creeve Roscommon Mulvey Patrick Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Murphy Francis Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Noone James Lecarrow Creeve Roscommon Noone Patrick Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon O'Gara John Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Oates Patrick Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Oates Peter Corgarve Creeve Roscommon Paden Edmond Martry Creeve Roscommon Paden Luke Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Paden Luke Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Paden Patrick Martry Creeve Roscommon Poynton James Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Rogers Henry Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Rogers Michael Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Shannon John Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Shannon Patrick Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Sharkett Terence Cartron Creeve Roscommon Sheil Patrick Corbally Middle Creeve Roscommon Sheil Philip Corbally East Creeve Roscommon Small Michael Creevolan Creeve Roscommon Stafford John Portobello Creeve Roscommon Tiernan Hubert Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Tiernan Margaret Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Toulon John Carrownamaddy Creeve Roscommon Travers Ellen Portobello Creeve Roscommon Travers Owen Boherroe Creeve Roscommon Travers Thomas Rathardeagher Creeve Roscommon Walker Rev. Thomas Ballysundrivan Creeve Roscommon Walker Rev. Thomas Ryefield or Runnateggal Creeve Roscommon Wallace John Portobello Creeve Roscommon