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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dysart, County Roscommon
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dysart, County Roscommon
Barlow James Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Brodle Mary Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Burke Edward Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Burke William Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Burke William Milltown Dysart Roscommon Byrne Matthew Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Byrne Patrick Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Byrne Thaddeus Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Byrne Timothy Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Byrne William Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Byrne William Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Carty Michael Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Casserly Thomas Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Clogher John Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Clogher John Milltown Dysart Roscommon Clogher Mary Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Clogher Patrick Ballymintan Dysart Roscommon Clogher Patrick Tirconnell Beg Dysart Roscommon Clogher Thomas Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Clogher Timothy Milltown Dysart Roscommon Connor Charles Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Connor John Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Connor Michael Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Matthias Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thomas Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thomas, Jr. Breeole Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thomas, Sr. Breeole Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thos., Jr. Breeole Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thos., Jr. Breeole West Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thos., Jr. Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thos., Jr. Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thos., Sr. Breeole Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thos., Sr. Breeole West Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thos., Sr. Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Costelloe Thos., Sr. Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Coyne James Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Coyne Martin Milltown Dysart Roscommon Croffy Margaret Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Cunningham John Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Curley Patrick Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Darcy Michael Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Darcy Thomas Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Davis John Milltown Dysart Roscommon Dean Pakenham Henry Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Dean Pakenham Henry Ballymintan Dysart Roscommon Dean Pakenham Henry Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Dean Pakenham Henry Milltown Dysart Roscommon Dillon Matthias Tirconnell Beg Dysart Roscommon Dolan Loughlin Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Dolan William Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Donoghoe James Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Donoghoe John Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Donohoe Edward Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Donohoe Honor Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Donohoe James Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Donohoe John Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Early Bernard Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Fallon Bryan Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Fallon Ellen Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Fallon Harriet F. Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Fallon James Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Fallon James Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Fallon James Milltown Dysart Roscommon Fallon John, Jr. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Fallon John, Sr. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Fallon Lawrence Milltown Dysart Roscommon Fallon Martin Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Fallon Martin Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Fallon Michael Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Fallon Michael Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Fallon Michl. Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Fallon Michl. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Fallon Pat. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Fallon Patrick Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Fallon Patrick Feevagh Dysart Roscommon Fallon Patrick Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Fallon Patrick, Jr. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Fallon Patrick, Sr. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Fallon Peter Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Fallon Peter Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Fallon Thomas Cooldorragh Dysart Roscommon Fallon Thomas Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Fallon Thomas Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Fallon William Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Fallon William Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Fallon William Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Fallon William Milltown Dysart Roscommon Farrell James Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Farrell Patrick Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Feeny James Milltown Dysart Roscommon Feeny Thomas Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Finneran John Breeole Dysart Roscommon Finneran John Breeole West Dysart Roscommon Finneran John Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Finneran John Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Finneran Peter Feevagh Dysart Roscommon Flynn John Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Flynn Michael Tirconnell Beg Dysart Roscommon Gannon John P. Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Gannon John P. Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Gately Bryan Bredagh Dysart Roscommon Gately Bryan Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Gately Bryan Milltown Dysart Roscommon Gately James Ballymintan Dysart Roscommon Gately James Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Gately John Feevagh Dysart Roscommon Gately John Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Gately John Milltown Dysart Roscommon Gately John, Jr. Ballymintan Dysart Roscommon Gately John, Jr. Tirconnell Beg Dysart Roscommon Gately John, Sr. Ballymintan Dysart Roscommon Gately John, Sr. Tirconnell Beg Dysart Roscommon Gately Michael Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Gately Michael Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Gately Patrick Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Gately Thomas Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Gately Thomas Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Glennon John Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Glennon Patrick, Jr. Commeen Dysart Roscommon Glynn John Breeole Dysart Roscommon Glynn John Breeole West Dysart Roscommon Glynn John Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Glynn John Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Glynn Michael Breeole Dysart Roscommon Glynn Michael Breeole West Dysart Roscommon Glynn Michael Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Glynn Michael Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Glynn Patrick Breeole Dysart Roscommon Glynn Patrick Breeole West Dysart Roscommon Glynn Patrick Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Glynn Patrick Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Glynn Patrick Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Greene Richard Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Greene Richard Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Kane Henry Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Keehan Daniel Breeole Dysart Roscommon Keehan Daniel Breeole West Dysart Roscommon Keehan Daniel Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Keehan Daniel Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Keighery Edward Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Keighery John Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Keighery William Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Keighran John Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Kelly Catherine Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly Catherine Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Kelly Catherine Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Kelly Denis Milltown Dysart Roscommon Kelly Denis, Sr. Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Kelly Edmond Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly Edward Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Kelly Edward Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly Francis Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Kelly James Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Kelly James Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly James Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Kelly James Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Kelly John Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Kelly John Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly John, Jr. Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly John, Sr. Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly Margaret Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly Margaret Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Kelly Margaret Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Kelly Martin Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Kelly Martin Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Kelly Martin Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Kelly Martin Milltown Dysart Roscommon Kelly Mary Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Kelly Matthew Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Kelly Matthew Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Kelly Michael Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Kelly Michael, Jr. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Kelly Michael, Sr. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Kelly Patrick Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Kelly Patrick Cornalee Dysart Roscommon Kelly Patrick Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Kelly Patrick Tirconnell Beg Dysart Roscommon Kelly Patrick, Jr. Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Kelly Patrick, Sr. Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Kelly Peter Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Kelly Peter Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Kelly Peter Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly Peter Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Kelly Peter Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Kelly Richard Commeen Dysart Roscommon Kelly Thomas Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kelly Thomas Milltown Dysart Roscommon Kelly Thomas Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Kelly Thomas Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Kelly Thomas, Jr. Milltown Dysart Roscommon Kelly Timothy Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Kennedy Patrick Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Kennedy Patrick Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Lally Peter Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Leech Thomas Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Leonard Thomas Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Longworth John Bredagh Dysart Roscommon Lynch Anne Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Lynch Daniel Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Lynch Daniel Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Lynch Honor Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Lynch John, Sr. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Lynch Laurence Breeole Dysart Roscommon Lynch Laurence Breeole West Dysart Roscommon Lynch Laurence Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Lynch Laurence Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Lynch Matthew Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Magan Patrick Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Magan Patrick Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Mahen Henry S. P. Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Alexander Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Bryan Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Bryan Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell John Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell John Feevagh Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Margaret Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Mary Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Michael Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Michael Ballyglass (Dodwell) Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Michael Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Patrick Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Patrick Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Thomas Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Mc Donnell Thos. Cuilleenirwan Dysart Roscommon Mc Kelly John Milltown Dysart Roscommon Mitchell Thomas Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Mitchell Thomas Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Mitchell Thomas Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Moore Martin Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Moore Martin Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Moore Thomas Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Moran John Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Moran John, Sr. Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Moran Patrick Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Morgan Patrick Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Mulligan Bernard Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Mulveyhil Patrick Cuilleenoolagh Dysart Roscommon Murray Edward Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Murray Martin Milltown Dysart Roscommon Murray Michael Ballymintan Dysart Roscommon Murray Michael Milltown Dysart Roscommon Murray Patrick Cornalee Dysart Roscommon Murray Peter Ballymintan Dysart Roscommon Murray Peter Milltown Dysart Roscommon Murtagh James Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Murtagh James Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Naghtan Honor Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Naghtan John Porteen & Ballyrevagh West Dysart Roscommon Naghtan Peter Feevagh Beg Dysart Roscommon Naghten Honor Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Naghten John Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon Naghten John Breeole Dysart Roscommon Naghten John Cartronkilly Dysart Roscommon Naghten John Porteen & Ballyrevagh Dysart Roscommon Naghten Peter Cartronkilly Dysart Roscommon Naghten Thomas Lisnamucklagh Dysart Roscommon Naghten William Milltown Dysart Roscommon Prendergast Michael Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon Staunton Thomas Feevagh More Dysart Roscommon Stones Thomas Derrycahill Dysart Roscommon Trench Sir Frederick Ardcolman Dysart Roscommon White Bridget Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon White John Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon White Thomas Ballyglass Dysart Roscommon