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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kiltoom, County Roscommon
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kiltoom, County Roscommon
Allen John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Astel William Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Bades John Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Bades William Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Bannon Christopher Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Bannon John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Bannon John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Blithe Andrew Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Bohan Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Brennan Margaret Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Brennan William Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Brien Ellen Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Brien Fanny Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Brien Malachi Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Brien Patrick Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Broderick Bridget Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Broderick William Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Brown Edward Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Brown Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Brown William Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Browne Margaret Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Bryan John Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Bryan William Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Burke Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Burne Lafford Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Burne Lafford Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Butler Bridget Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Butler John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Butler John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Butler John Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Butler Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Butler Patrick Ballymullavill Kiltoom Roscommon Butler Patrick Carrowkeeny Kiltoom Roscommon Butler Patrick Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Butler Patrick Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Butler William Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Byrne Andrew Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Byrne Charles Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Byrne James Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Byrne John Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Byrne John, Sr. Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Byrne Michael Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Byrne Patrick Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Byrne Patrick Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Carroll Elizabeth Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Carroll John Ballymullavill Kiltoom Roscommon Carroll Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Carroll Michael Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Carroll Michael Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Carroll Patrick Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Carter William H. Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Claffey Mary Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Claffy John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Clogher John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Clooney Denis Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Comber Daniel Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Comber James Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Comber Michael Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Connolly John Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Connolly Patrick Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Connolly Patrick Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Connolly Rose Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Connolly Thomas Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Connolly Timothy Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Connors Bridget Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Conway Bridget Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Corcoran Anne Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Corcoran Anne, Sr. Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Corcoran Michael Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Corcoran Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Cottels Daniel Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Coyle Martin Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Coyle Mary Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Coyle Michael Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Coyle Michael Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Cunniff Bernard Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Cunniff Bernard, Jr. Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Cunniff Bernard, Sr. Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Cunniff James Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Cunniff Michael Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Cunniff Thomas Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Cunningham Bridget Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Cunningham John Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Cunningham John Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Cunningham Laur. Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Cunningham Willam Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Curley John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Curley Martin Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Curley Mary Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Curley Matthew Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Curley Michael Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Curley Michael Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Curley Thomas Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Dalton Mary Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Daly John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Daly John Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Daly Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Dignan Luke Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Dignan Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Dillon Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Dillon Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Dillon Thomas Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Dillon Thos. Ballymullavill Kiltoom Roscommon Dobson John Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Doherty Catherine Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Dolan John Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Dolan Mary Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Dolan Michael Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Dolan Patrick Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Dolan Sarah Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Donnellan Michl., Jr. Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Donnellan Ml., Jr. Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Andrew Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Bridget Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Edward Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Francis Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly John Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Mark Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Michael Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Michl., Sr. Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Patrick Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly Patrick Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Donnelly William Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Doolan John Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Doorley Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Doorley Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Doran John Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Dowd Bridget Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Dowd Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Dowe Rev. Richard Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Downey Catherine Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Downey John Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle Bridget Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle Eliza Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle Honoria Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle James Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle Owen Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle Simon Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Doyle Thomas Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy Bernard Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy Bernard Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy Bridget Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy Edward Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy John, Jr. Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy John, Sr. Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy Mary Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy Patrick, Jr. Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Duffy Patrick, Sr. Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Dunnan Mary Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Dunning John Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Egan James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Egan John Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Egan Mary Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Egan Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Egan Michael Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Everage George Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Fahey Patrick Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Fallon Andrew Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Fallon Bryan Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Fallon Mary Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Fallon Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Fallon Patrick Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Fallon Patrick Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Fallon Thomas Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Fallon William Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Farrell Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Farrell Nicholas Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Farrell Rep. Daniel Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Farrell Thomas Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Farrington John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Fearmore Michael Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Feehily John Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Feenarty John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Feenarty John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Feeny John Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Feeny Mary Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Fehily John Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Fehily John Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Fehily Michael Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Fehily Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Fehily Thomas Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Fehily Thomas Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Fehily William Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Fetherson Barry Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Finigan James Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Finigan Thomas Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Finigan William Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Finneran John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Finneran Luke Carrowkeeny Kiltoom Roscommon Fitzgerald Rev. John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Fitzgerald Rev. John Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Fitzgerald Rev. John Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Flood Thomas Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Flynn Bridget Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Flynn John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Flynn Michael Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Fogarty Daniel Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Ford Edward Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Gaffey Mary Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Gaffy Owen Ballymullavill Kiltoom Roscommon Gallagher Luke Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Gallagher Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Gallagher Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Galvan John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Galvin John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Gannon J. P. Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Geraghty Honoria Ballymullavill Kiltoom Roscommon Gilligan Patrick Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Gleeson Patrick Atteagh Kiltoom Roscommon Gleeson Patrick Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Glennan James Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Glennan John Carrowkeeny Kiltoom Roscommon Glennan Mary Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Goodman Luke Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Gordon Thomas Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Gorman John Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Gormly Barthol. Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Gormly Bridget Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Gormly John Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Gormly John Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Gormly Michael Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Gormly Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Gormly William Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Granger William E. Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Granger William E. Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Granger William E. Mullagh Kiltoom Roscommon Granger Willilam E. Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Gray John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Gray Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Greahan Patrick Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Greene Henry Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Greene Henry Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Greene Michael Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Greene Michael Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Greene Patrick Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Greene Patrick Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Greene Patrick, Jr. Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Greene Patrick, Sr. Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Griffin George Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Griffin Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Griffin Michael Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Hamrock John Carrowkeeny Kiltoom Roscommon Hand James Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Hand John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hand Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hand Michael Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Hanison Pk. Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Hanley Michael Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Hannon Thomas Gortacoosan Kiltoom Roscommon Harney Margaret Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Harney Patrick Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Harrington Anne Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Harrington Martin Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Harrington Michael Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Harris Peter Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Harrison Laurence Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Harrison Mich., Jr. Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Harrison Mich., Sr. Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Harrison Patk., Jr. Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Harrison Patk., Sr. Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Harrison Thomas Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Hart Connor Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Healy John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Healy Michael Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Healy Patrick Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Healy Peter Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Heanaghan Francis Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Heanihan Francis Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Heanihan James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Heanihan Jas. Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Heanihan John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey Anne Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey Christopher Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey John Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey John Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey Martin Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey Patrick Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey Patrick Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey Patrick Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey Thomas Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Heavey Thomas Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Heavy John Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Heavy Luke Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Heavy Malachi Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Heavy Martin Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Heavy Patrick Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Higgins Jane Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Higgins Peter Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Hinton Matthew Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hoare Edward Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hoare Edward Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Hoare James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hoare James Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Jr. Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Sr. Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 12) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 13) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 14) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 15) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 7) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 8) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Leonard, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 9) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Samuel Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Samuel, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 12) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Samuel, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 13) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Samuel, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 14) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Samuel, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 15) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Samuel, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 7) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Samuel, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 8) Kiltoom Roscommon Hodson Samuel, Sr. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 9) Kiltoom Roscommon Hogarty William Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Hudson Edward Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Hughes William Derrynaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Hussey Bernard Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hynes Edward Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hynes Edward Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Hynes George Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hynes John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Hynes John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Hynes John Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Hynes Michael Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Hynes Thomas Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Jennings Thomas Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Jolly Joseph Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Jolly Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Jolly Michael Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Jolly Michael Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Jordon Thomas Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Judge John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Keaghry Bridget Carrowncloghan Kiltoom Roscommon Keane Malachi Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Kearney Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Keating Thomas Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Anthony Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Connor Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Edward Ballymullavill Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Ellen Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly James Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly James Feamore Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Jane Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly John Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly John Feamore Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly John Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Lacky Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Luke Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Matthew Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Michael Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Sarah Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Thomas, Jr. Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Kelly Thomas, Sr. Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Kennedy James Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Kennedy John Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Kennedy Patrick Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Kenny Fanny Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Kenny James Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Kenny John Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Kenny Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Keogh Mary Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Keogh Peter Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Kerrigan Denis Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Keyes John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Keyes Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Keyes Peter Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Keys Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Kilbane James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Killeen James Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Killeen John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Killeen Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Killeen Michael Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Killeen Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Killion Patrick Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Killion Thomas Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Killion Thomas Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Kilmartin Christ. Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Kilmartin Christopher Keadagh Kiltoom Roscommon Kilmartin Michael Gortacoosan Kiltoom Roscommon Kilmartin Thomas Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Kilroy Michael Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon King Anne Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon King Margaret Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Kinnealy Owen Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lenihan Bryan Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Lenihan John Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Lenihan Patrick Carrownolan Kiltoom Roscommon Lennon Catherine Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Lennon John Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Lennon John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Lennon Thomas Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Lloyd Col. William Islands in Lough Ree (No. 16) Kiltoom Roscommon Lloyd Col. William Islands in Lough Ree (No. 17) Kiltoom Roscommon Lloyd Col. William Islands in Lough Ree (No. 18) Kiltoom Roscommon Lloyd William Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Lloyd William Islands in Lough Ree (No. 19) Kiltoom Roscommon Loftus Bernard Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Loughnan James M. Atteagh Kiltoom Roscommon Lowe Rev. Richard Cloghans Glebe Kiltoom Roscommon Ludden Martin Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Catherine Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen James Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen James Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Jas. Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Joseph Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Michael Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Patk. Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Patrick Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Patrick Feamore Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Patrick Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen Roger Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lunneen William Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lynch James Atteagh Kiltoom Roscommon Lynch James Mullagh Kiltoom Roscommon Lynch James Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Lynch Thomas Derrynasee Kiltoom Roscommon Lynch Timothy Carrowkeeny Kiltoom Roscommon Lynch Timothy Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Madden Thomas Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Malin Patrick Gortacoosan Kiltoom Roscommon Mannion Denis Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Mannion Denis Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mannion John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mannion Thomas Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Mannion Thomas Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mannion William Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Mannion William Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mara John Carrownolan Kiltoom Roscommon Mara Mark Carrownolan Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Hubert Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Hubert Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Hugh Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Hugh Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Hugh, Jr. Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Hugh, Sr. Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Martin James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Martin James Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Martin James Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Martin James Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Martin James Srahauns Kiltoom Roscommon Martin John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Martin John Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Martin John Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Martin John Feamore Kiltoom Roscommon Martin John Srahauns Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Michael Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Michael Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Michl. Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Patk. Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Patrick Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Martin Patrick Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Daniel John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Dermott Margaret Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Donagh Michael Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Donnell Bryan Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Garry Bridget Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Gawley Matthew Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Govern Edward Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Guire Bernard Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Guire Bernard Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Guire James Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Guire Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Guire Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Manus Bernard Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Manus Charles Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Manus James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Mc Namara Joseph Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mealey Thomas Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Meally Martin Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Meally Martin Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Mealy Daniel Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Mee John Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Mee Patrick Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Miley John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Mitchell Joseph Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mitchell Thomas Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Molin Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Monaghan Thomas Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Monahan John Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Monahan Michael Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Monahan Patrick Carrowncloghan Kiltoom Roscommon Monahan Thomas Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Mongan Denis Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Mongan Denis Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mongan Denis Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Mongan Dominick Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Mongan Dominick Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mongan Dominick Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Moore James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Moran Honoria Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Moran Jude Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Moran Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Moran Thomas Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Morgan James Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Morgan William Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Morris Catherine Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Morris Hugh Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Morris Patrick Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Morrison Michael Atteagh Kiltoom Roscommon Morrris Patrick Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Muldoon Michael Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Muldoon Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Muldoon Thomas Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran Barhol. Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran Brid. Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran Fergus Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran James Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran James Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran John, Sr. Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran Margaret Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran Michael Cartron Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran Patrick Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mulheeran Thomas Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mulholland Laurence Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Mullin Martin Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Mullin Thomas Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins George Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins John Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins John Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins Michael Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins Michael Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins Michael, Jr. Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins Michael, Sr. Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins Patrick Bredagh Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins Patrick Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Mullins Thomas Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Mulrenan Rev. Wm. Carrowncloghan Kiltoom Roscommon Murray Cath. Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Murray Catherine Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Murray Patrick Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Murray Patrick Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Murray Patrick Feamore Kiltoom Roscommon Murray Patrick Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Murray Thomas Corrantotan Kiltoom Roscommon Mylott James Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Bernard Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Edmond Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Elizabeth Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten John Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Laurence Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Margaret Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Mary Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Patk. Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Patrick Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Patrick Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten Patrick Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten William Ballycreggan Kiltoom Roscommon Naughten William Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Naughton Bridget Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Naughton Elizabeth Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Naughton John Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Naughton Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Navin Mary Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Nelson Thomas Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Nelson Thomas Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Nolan Malachi Carrowkeeny Kiltoom Roscommon Nolan Mary Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Noone Anne Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon O'Brien Bartholomew Atteagh Kiltoom Roscommon O'Brien Bartholomew Ratawragh Kiltoom Roscommon O'Neill Henry Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon O'Neill James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Parkison John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Pegnam Patrick Corraclogh Kiltoom Roscommon Pim Thomas, Jr. Carrick Kiltoom Roscommon Pim Thomas, Jr. Carrownure Kiltoom Roscommon Pim Thomas, Jr. Srahauns Kiltoom Roscommon Prendergast Michael Ballymullavill Kiltoom Roscommon Queeny John Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Queeny Michael Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Queeny Patrick Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Quigley Bryan Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Quigley Martin Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Quigley Michael Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Quinn Catherine Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Quinn Edward Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Quinn Honoria Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Quinn John Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Quinn Peter Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Rafterry John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Ramsey James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Ramsey Thomas Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Reddy William Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Rhattigan Bryan Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Rhattigan Byran Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Rhattigan Catherine Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Rhattigan John Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Rhattigan John Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Rhattigan Patrick Feamore Kiltoom Roscommon Rickard Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Rooney James Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Rourke Bernard Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Rourke Bridget Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Rourke Edward Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Rourke John Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Rourke Luke Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Rourke Martin Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Rourke Mary Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Rourke Michael Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Rowley Catherine Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Ryan Owen Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Ryan Thomas Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Sales James Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Seery Edward Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Seery Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Shelly John Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Sheridan Anne Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Shine Daniel Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Shine Michael Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Shine Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Smith William Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Smythe Henry M. Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Smythe Henry M. Carrowmurragh Kiltoom Roscommon Smythe Henry M. Carrowncloghan Kiltoom Roscommon Smythe Henry M. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 1) Kiltoom Roscommon Smythe Henry M. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 2) Kiltoom Roscommon Smythe Henry M. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 3 & 4) Kiltoom Roscommon Smythe Henry M. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 5) Kiltoom Roscommon Smythe Henry M. Islands in Lough Ree (No. 6) Kiltoom Roscommon Steadman Patrick Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Stones Thomas Bogganfin Kiltoom Roscommon Strevans Thomas H. Carrick Kiltoom Roscommon Strevans Thomas H. Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Strevans Thomas H. Flegans Kiltoom Roscommon Strevans Thomas H. Kiltoom Kiltoom Roscommon Strevans Thomas H. Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Tarphy Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Tiernan John Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Tims William Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Toole William Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Tracey Mark Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Tremble Catherine Cappalisheen Kiltoom Roscommon Trench Sir Frederick Feamore Kiltoom Roscommon Trench Sir Frederick Islands in Lough Ree (No. 10 & 11) Kiltoom Roscommon Trench Sir Frederick Lisbaun Kiltoom Roscommon Trench Sir Frederick Lissygreaghan Kiltoom Roscommon Trench Sir Frederick Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Trench Sir Fredrick Cornaseer Kiltoom Roscommon Tully Jeremiah Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Tully Patrick Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Wall Patrick Carrowkeeny Kiltoom Roscommon Walsh Bartholomew Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Walsh Catherine Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Walsh John Knocknanool Kiltoom Roscommon Walsh Margaret Corramore Kiltoom Roscommon Ward Bridget Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Ward Cecilia Moyvannan Kiltoom Roscommon Ward Timothy Barry Beg Kiltoom Roscommon Ward Timothy Barry More Kiltoom Roscommon Watson Hugh Carrownderry Kiltoom Roscommon Wilson Thomas Carrownolan Kiltoom Roscommon