Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Bailey Robert J. Carroweighter Oran Roscommon Brady Patrick Island Upper Oran Roscommon Brehon Barclay Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Brooke John Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Burke Walter Carrownageeloge Oran Roscommon Byrne Bernard Killinraghty Little Oran Roscommon Byrne Bernard Oran Oran Roscommon Byrne Patrick Creeve Oran Roscommon Byrne Peter Creeve Oran Roscommon Cain Peggy Killinraghty Little Oran Roscommon Carroll John Island Lower Oran Roscommon Carroll John Turksland Oran Roscommon Carroll William Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Carty John Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Caulfield St. George Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Caulfield St. George Island Lower Oran Roscommon Caulfield St. George Island Upper Oran Roscommon Caulfield St. George Turksland Oran Roscommon Conaghton James Killinraghty Little Oran Roscommon Connealy John Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Connealy Michael Island Lower Oran Roscommon Connealy Thomas Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Connolly Michael Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Connolly Michael Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Conry Thomas Killinraghty Big Oran Roscommon Cooney Martin Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Cowen Patrick Oran Oran Roscommon Croghan John Island Lower Oran Roscommon Croghan John Turksland Oran Roscommon Croghan Peter Turksland Oran Roscommon Cuddy Michael Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Cuff John Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Cuff Patrick Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Cuff Patrick, Jr. Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Cuniff Thomas Turksland Oran Roscommon Cunnaun Peter Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Cunningham Mary Turksland Oran Roscommon Cunningham Patk. Turksland Oran Roscommon Curly James Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Darcy Michael Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Dillon James Newtown Oran Roscommon Dillon Patrick Creeve Oran Roscommon Dillon Peter Turksland Oran Roscommon Dillon Thomas Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Dolan John Arignagh Oran Roscommon Donnelly Michael Lissanisky Oran Roscommon Donnelly Patrick Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Doorly James Lissanisky Oran Roscommon Doorly Laurence Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Dowd John Arignagh Oran Roscommon Dowd Patrick Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Dowd Thomas Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Doxy Thomas Newtown Oran Roscommon Dwyer Luke Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Egan William Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Fannan Michael Fearaghafin Oran Roscommon Farmer Henry Newtown Oran Roscommon Farrell Catherine Newtown Oran Roscommon Farrell Garrett Island Lower Oran Roscommon Farrell John Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Feehilly Thomas Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Fetherston Darby Newtown Oran Roscommon Fetherston Laurence Newtown Oran Roscommon Fetherston Martin Newtown Oran Roscommon Fitzmaurice Thomas Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Flanagan Bernard Fearaghafin Oran Roscommon Flanigan John Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Fleming James Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Fleming Thomas Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Flynn Patrick Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Flynn Thomas Ballydooley Oran Roscommon French John Island Lower Oran Roscommon Fylan Mary Turksland Oran Roscommon Gardiner Timothy Newtown Oran Roscommon Gately James Arignagh Oran Roscommon Gately James Island Lower Oran Roscommon Gavlin Patrick Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Giblin John Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Gilooly Thomas Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Grady Edward Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Grady Honor Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Grady Martin Island Lower Oran Roscommon Grady Michael Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Grady Michael Island Lower Oran Roscommon Grady Michael Island Upper Oran Roscommon Grady Michael, Jr. Island Lower Oran Roscommon Grady Michl. Island Lower Oran Roscommon Grady Patk. Island Lower Oran Roscommon Grady Thomas Newtown Oran Roscommon Grehan Patrick Runnabackan Oran Roscommon Griffin John Creeve Oran Roscommon Grorke Thomas Turksland Oran Roscommon Hanley James Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Hanley John Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Hanley John Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Hanly Ellen Creeve Oran Roscommon Hardiman Catherine Island Lower Oran Roscommon Hegarty John Creeve Oran Roscommon Hegarty Mary Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Hegarty Michael Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Heggarty John Island Lower Oran Roscommon Henegan John Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Hodson Edward M. Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Hurley Anthony Killinraghty Little Oran Roscommon Kane Martin Island Lower Oran Roscommon Kane Martin Island Upper Oran Roscommon Kane Mary Island Lower Oran Roscommon Kane Patrick Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Kane Patrick Turksland Oran Roscommon Kane Thomas Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Kavanagh James Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Keagan Thomas Turksland Oran Roscommon Kearns John Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Keating Patrick Island Lower Oran Roscommon Keating Patrick Turksland Oran Roscommon Keelty Michael Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Keelty Patrick Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Kelly Michael Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Kelly Tobias Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Kennedy Jane Lissanisky Oran Roscommon Kenny Patrick Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Leech Roger Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Lennon Edward Cloonmullenan Oran Roscommon Leonard Thomas Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Leonard Timothy Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Loogh Michael Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Looig Thomas Killinraghty Little Oran Roscommon Lynch Charles Joseph Rathmew Oran Roscommon Lyons Anne Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Lyons Edward Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Lyons Peter Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Mahon Michael Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Mahon Peter Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Manion Luke Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Manning Bryan Arignagh Oran Roscommon Manning Luke Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Mc Dermott Michael Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Island Lower Oran Roscommon Mc Gee Patrick Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Mc Loughlin James Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Mc Namara Denis Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Mc Namara Michael Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Mee Denis Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Mee John Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Megan Carberry Fearaghafin Oran Roscommon Moran James Gorticmeelra Oran Roscommon Moran Thomas Gorticmeelra Oran Roscommon Mourne Patrick Turksland Oran Roscommon Muldoon Catherine Island Upper Oran Roscommon Muldoon Thomas Island Upper Oran Roscommon Mullen Catherine Carrowgarve Oran Roscommon Mullen Patrick Creeve Oran Roscommon Mullen Thomas Carrowgarve Oran Roscommon Mulligan Catherine Island Upper Oran Roscommon Mulligan John Arignagh Oran Roscommon Mulligan John Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Mulrine Bartholomew Newtown Oran Roscommon Mulvehil John Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Murphy Patrick Lissanisky Oran Roscommon Noon Bryan Lissanisky Oran Roscommon Noon Michael Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon O'Brien Charles Newtown Oran Roscommon O'Connor Patrick Carrowgarve Oran Roscommon O'Connor Patrick Cloonmullenan Oran Roscommon O'Connor Patrick Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Quinn Patrick Oran Oran Roscommon Rainy John Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Rattigan John Turksland Oran Roscommon Regan Michael Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Roche Mary Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Roche Thomas Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon Rourke Michael Turksland Oran Roscommon Scanlan Denis Island Upper Oran Roscommon Shiel John Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Shiel Patrick Ballydooley Oran Roscommon Shiel Patrick Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Stanley Catherine Island Lower Oran Roscommon Stanley Patrick Emlaghmore Oran Roscommon Tansey Patrick Island Upper Oran Roscommon Tighe Denis Island Lower Oran Roscommon Tighe Michael Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Tighe Michael Emlagh Beg Oran Roscommon Tighe Roger Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon Timothy Catherine Turksland Oran Roscommon Timothy Martin Rabradagh Oran Roscommon Ward Luke Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon White James Cloonycolgan Oran Roscommon White James Island Lower Oran Roscommon White James Killinraghty Big Oran Roscommon White James Lissanisky Oran Roscommon White James Oran Oran Roscommon White James Turksland Oran Roscommon Young Michael Emlaghnagree Oran Roscommon