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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tibohine, County Roscommon
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tibohine, County Roscommon
Ahern John Glebe Tibohine Roscommon Alward John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Armstrong James Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Armstrong James Turlaghnamaddy Tibohine Roscommon Armstrong William Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Armstrong William Dungar Tibohine Roscommon Aylward Catherine Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Balfe Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Balfe Patrick Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Barlow Andrew Derry Tibohine Roscommon Barlow James Derry Tibohine Roscommon Barrett Edward Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Barrett James Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Barrett James Driney Tibohine Roscommon Barrett James Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Barrett James Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Barrett John Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Barrett John Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Barrett John Driney Tibohine Roscommon Barrett Martin Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Barrett Michael Driney Tibohine Roscommon Barrett Patrick Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Barrett Patrick, Jr. Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Barrett William Eden Tibohine Roscommon Barrett William Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Barron Mary Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Carbary Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Ellen Dungar Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Hugh Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Beirne James Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Beirne James Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Beirne James Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Beirne John Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Beirne John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Beirne John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Beirne John Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Beirne John Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Beirne John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Beirne John Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Luke Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Mark Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Martin Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Martin Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Martin Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Mary Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Mary Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Matthew Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Matthew Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Michael Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Michael Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Michael Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Michael Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Michael Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Michael Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Michael Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Michael Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Owen Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Patrick Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Patrick Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Patrick Frenchpark Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Patrick Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Patrick Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Patrick, Jr. Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Peter Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Roger Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Roger Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Roger Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Thomas Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Thomas Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Beirne Thomas Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Beirne William Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Beirne William Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Bermingham Thos. Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Blakeney Ellen Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Bligh Anthony Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Bogan Owen Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Bohan Edmond Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Bohan William Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Bolton Michael Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Bolton Michael Dungar Tibohine Roscommon Bolton Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Boskett Francis Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Bourke John Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Boyle Dominick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Boyle Dominick, Jr. Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Boyne Patrick Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Bradigan James Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Bradigan James, Jr. Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Bradigan Michael Dungar Tibohine Roscommon Brady Michael Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Brady Michael Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Brady Patrick Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Brady Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Brehany Mary Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Breheny Andrew Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Breheny Bridget Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Breheny James Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Breheny Roderick Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Brennan Edward Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Brennan James Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Brennan James Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Brennan Jane Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Brennan Michael Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Brennan Patrick Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Brennan Patrick Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Brennan Patrick Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Brennan William Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Breslan Patrick Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Brien Garrett Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Brien Joseph Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Brien Patrick Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Brislan Patrick Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Britt Edmond Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Britt Eleanor Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Britt Elizabeth Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Britt Malachi Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Britt Mary Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Britt Patrick Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Brock James Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Broderick John Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Broderick John, Jr. Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Broonock Bridget Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Broonock Michael Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Browne James Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Bruen Bartholomew Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Bruen Martin Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Bruen Mary Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Bruen Patk. Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Bruen Patrick Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Bruen Patrick Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Bruin Garrett Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Bruin Michael Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Bruin Pat. Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Bruin Patrick Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Bruin Peter Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Bruin Thomas Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Buckley John Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Buckley William Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Bullins John Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Bullins Matthew Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Bullins William Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Burke Alice Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Burke Cornelius Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Burke John Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Burke John Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Burke Martin Scart Tibohine Roscommon Burke Mary Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Burke Michael Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Burke Michael Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Burke Michael Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Burke Richard Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Burke Thomas Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Burke William Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Burns Denis Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Butler James Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Butler Loghlin Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Butler Patrick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Butler Roger Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Butler Thomas Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Byrne Bernard Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Byrne James Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Byrne Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Byron John Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Byron Michael Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Byron Thomas Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky Cormack Driney Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky James Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky James Driney Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky James, Jr. Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky John Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky John Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky John Driney Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky Mark Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky Mary Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky Owen Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cafferky Thomas Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cafferty Patrick Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Cahalin Thomas Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Cahelin James Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Cahelin Peter Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Cahelin Sarah Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Cahelin Thomas Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Cahelin Thomas Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Cahellin Bridget Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Cahill Constantine Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Cahill Patrick Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Cahill Patrick Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Cahill Winifred Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Andrew Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Bridget Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Bryan Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Charles Figh Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Cormack Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Honoria Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Hugh Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan James Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan James Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan James Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan James Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan John Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan John Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan John Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Luke Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Luke Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Madge Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Margaret Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Martin Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Michael Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Owen Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Pat Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Patrick Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Patrick Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Patrick Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Patrick Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Patrick Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Patrick Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Philip Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Sarah Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thaddeus Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thaddeus Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thaddeus Figh Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thaddeus Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thaddeus Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thaddeus Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thaddeus Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thomas Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thomas Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thomas Figh Tibohine Roscommon Callaghan Thomas Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Callally Bryan Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Callally John Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Callally John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Callally John Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Callally Michael Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Callaly John Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Campbell James Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Campbell Patrick Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Campbell Patrick Driney Tibohine Roscommon Carmody Michael Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Carney Andrew Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Carney Bartholomew Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Carney James Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Carney James, Sr. Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Carney John Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Carney Michael Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Carney Thomas Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Carney William Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Carroll Dudley Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Carroll Edward Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Carroll James Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Carroll James Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Carroll John Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Carroll John Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Carroll John Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Carroll Mary Lissergool Tibohine Roscommon Carroll Michael Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Carroll Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Carroll Owen Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Carroll Patrick Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Carroll Patrick Errit Tibohine Roscommon Carron John Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Carron Patrick Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Carty Bridget Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Carty Cath. Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Carty James Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Carty John Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Carty John Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Carty Martin Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Carty Michael Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Carty Michael Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Carty Owen Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Carty Patrick Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Carty Patrick Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Carty Patrick Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Carty Thomas Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Carty Thomas Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Carty Thomas Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Casey Andrew Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Casey Denis Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Casey James Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Casey John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Casey Mary Derreenamackaun Tibohine Roscommon Casey Mary Tully Tibohine Roscommon Casey Michael Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Casey Michael Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Casey Patrick Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Casey Peter Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Casserly Andrew Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Casserly James Eden Tibohine Roscommon Casserly James Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Casserly James Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Casserly John Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Casserly John Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Casserly Marks Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Casserly Michael Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Casserly Patrick Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Casserly William Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy Bryan Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy James Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy James Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy John Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy John Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy John Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy Mary Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy Patrick Figh Tibohine Roscommon Cassidy Thomas Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Cauley Patrick Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Caulfield James Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Caulfield Thomas Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Cavanagh Michael Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Cavanagh Richard Drangan Beg Tibohine Roscommon Caveny Andrew Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Caveny Andrew Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Cawley Patrick Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Cawley Patrick Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Cawley Patrick Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Churchwell Bridget Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cirrane Patrick Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Clarke Patrick Errit Tibohine Roscommon Clarke Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Clarke Patrick Tully Tibohine Roscommon Clarke Thomas Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Cleary Thomas Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Clifford Bridget Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Clifford Bridget Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Clifford Michael Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Coan Patrick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Cofferky Thomas Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Coffey Jeremiah Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Coffey John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Coffey John Tully Tibohine Roscommon Coffey Martin Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Coffey Michael Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Coffey Patrick Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Coffey Roger Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Coleman John Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Coleman Michael Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Coleman Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Coleman Thomas Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Coleman Thomas Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Coleman Thomas Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Coleman Thomas Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Coll Bryan Druminagh Tibohine Roscommon Concannon Michael Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Concannon Patrick Frenchpark Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Condon Michael Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Conmee Patrick Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Conmee Patrick Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Connery Mary Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Connolly Bridget Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Connolly John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Connolly William Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Connor Bernard Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Connor Charles Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Connor Dominick Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Connor Dominick Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Connor Edward Eden Tibohine Roscommon Connor John Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Connor John Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Connor John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Connor Mary Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Connor Michael Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Connor Owen Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Connor Patrick Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Connor Patrick Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Connor Patrick Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Connor Patrick Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Connor Patrick Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Connor Rev. Thomas Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Connor Robert Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Connor Thomas Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Connor Thomas Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Connors Eleanor Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Connors Philip Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Conroy Andrew Clooncah Tibohine Roscommon Conroy Dominick Clooncah Tibohine Roscommon Conroy Domk. Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Conroy Edward Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Conroy Michael Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Conroy Patrick Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Conroy Thomas Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Cooney John Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Cooney Patrick Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Cooney Patrick Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran ??? Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Barthw. Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Bryan Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran El. Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Hugh Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Hugh Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran James Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran James Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran John Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran John Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Judy Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Patrick Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Patrick Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Patrick Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Patrick, Jr. Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Thaddeus Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Thady Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Thomas Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Thomas Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Corcoran Thomas, Jr. Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Cornwall Thomas Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Cornwall Thomas Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Cornwall Thomas Turlaghnamaddy Tibohine Roscommon Corr Dominick Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Corr Dominick, Jr. Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Corr John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Corrigan Edward Frenchpark Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Costello Margaret Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Costello Michael Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Costello Peter Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Austin Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Edward Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe John Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe John Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Michael Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Patrick Errit Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Peter Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Thomas Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Thomas Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Thomas Lecarrow Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Thomas Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Costelloe Walter Tully Tibohine Roscommon Cox Anne Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Cox Bartholomew Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Cox Luke Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Cox Thomas Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Cox William Frenchpark Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Cox William Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Cox William Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Cox William Turlaghnamaddy Tibohine Roscommon Crawley Daniel Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Crawley James Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Crawley John Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Crawley Patrick Tully Tibohine Roscommon Crawley Peter Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Crawley Thaddeus Tully Tibohine Roscommon Crawley Thomas Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Crean John Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Crean Martin Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Crean Michael Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Crean Michael Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Crean Patrick Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Crean Thomas Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Creane Henry Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Creane Martin Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Cregg Catherine Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Cregg John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Cregg Margaret Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Cregg Thomas Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Creighton Andrew Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Creighton Andrew Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Creighton Edward Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Creighton James Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Creighton James Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Creighton Roger Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Creighton Thomas Figh Tibohine Roscommon Cribbin Mary Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Crighton Michael Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Crofton Margt. Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Crofton Mary Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Crommie Bridget Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Cruise Andrew Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Cruise George Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Cruise John Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Cuffe Edward Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Cuffe John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Cuffe John Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Cuffe Owen Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Cullinan Mark Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Cullinan Michael Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Cullinane Edward Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Cullinane John Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Cummins Anne Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Cummins Mary Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Cunnane John Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Cunnane Margaret Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Cunnelly Thomas Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Cunniffe Bryan Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Cath. Tawnyrover Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham James Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham John Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Luke Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Mark Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Michael Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Michael Tawnyrover Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Michael Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Michl. Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Michl. Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Patk. Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Patk. Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Thomas Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham Thos., Jr. Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Cunningham William Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Curran Margaret Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Andrew Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Andrew Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Dominick Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Dominick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Currigan James Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Currigan James Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Currigan James, Jr. Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Currigan John Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Currigan John Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Currigan John Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Currigan John Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Currigan John Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Laurence Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Mary Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Michael Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Michael Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Owen Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Patrick Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Patrick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Patrick Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Patrick L. Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Thomas Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Thomas Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Currigan Thos. Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Cuttle Michael Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Cuttle Michael Tully Tibohine Roscommon Dalton Maurice Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Dalton Maurice Scart Tibohine Roscommon Dalton Thomas Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Dalton Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Dalton William Ballymorris Tibohine Roscommon Dalton William Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Daly Catherine Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Daly Luke Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Daly Michael Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Daly Owen Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Daly Patrick Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Daly Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Dankey James Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Darcey John Ballaghaderreen Road Tibohine Roscommon Darcy James Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Darcy John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Darcy John Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Darcy John Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Darcy John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Darcy Michael Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Darcy Stephen Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Darcy Thomas Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Davis John Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Davis Paul Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Davis Paul Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Davis William Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Davis William Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Dawson Rev. John M. Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Buckill Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Carrowbane Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Clashcarragh Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Clooncah Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloondart Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Derreenamackaun Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Derry Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Drummad Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Errit Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Figh Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Frenchpark Demesne Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Ratra Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon De Freyne Lord John Tully Tibohine Roscommon Deane John Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Deane John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Deane John Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Deegan Daniel Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Arthur Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Bridget Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Bridget Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Bridget, Jr. Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Charles Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Edward Tully Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Francis Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Henry Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Henry Tully Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Honoria Tully Tibohine Roscommon Dillon James Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Dillon John Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Margaret Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Patrick Lecarrow Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Thomas Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Thomas Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Thomas Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Thomas Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Thomas Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Thomas Tully Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Viscount ??? Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Viscount ??? Driney Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Viscount ??? Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Viscount ??? Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Dillon Viscount ??? Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Dockery Edmund Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Dockery Patrick Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Dockery Peter Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Anne Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Catherine Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Catherine Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Daniel Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Edward Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Doherty James Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Doherty John Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Doherty John Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Doherty John Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Doherty John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Martin Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Martin Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Martin Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Martin Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Martin, Jr. Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Mary Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Michael Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Michael Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Patirck Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Patrick Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Patrick Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Doherty Patrick, Jr. Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Dolan Bartholomew Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Dolan Bridget Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Dolan John Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Dolan John Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Dolan Michael Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Dolan Patrick Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Dolan Thomas Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Dolan William Figh Tibohine Roscommon Donaher Bridget Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Donellan Dominick Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Donohoe John Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Donohoe Mary Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Donohoe Patrick Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Dooley John Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Dooley Martin Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Dooly John Kilmoyler Tibohine Roscommon Dowde Charles Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Dowde James Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Dowde Owen Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Dowde Pat. Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Dowde Sinty Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Dowde Terence Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Dowde Timothy Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Doyle Mary Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Doyle Michael Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Doyle Roger Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Drudy Pat. Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Drury Bartholomew Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Drury Bartholomew Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Drury Farrell Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Drury James Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Drury James Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Drury James Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Drury John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Drury John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Drury John Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Drury Kate Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Drury Laurence Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Drury Michael Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Drury Michael Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Drury Michael Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Drury Michael Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Drury Michael Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Drury Michael Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Drury Michael, Jr. Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Drury Peter Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Drury Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Drury Thomas Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Drury Thomas Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Andrew Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Andrew Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Andrew Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Andrew Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Anne Tully Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Edward Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Francis, Jr. Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Frans. Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Henry Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Honoria Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Duffy James Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Duffy James Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Jane Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy John Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Duffy John Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Duffy John Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Duffy John Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Duffy John Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Duffy John Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy John Tully Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Luke Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Martin Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Mary Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Mary Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Matthew Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Michael Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Michael Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Michael Derry Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Michael Errit Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Michael Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Michael Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Patrick Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Patrick Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Patrick Errit Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Patrick Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Patrick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Patrick Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Philip Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Ptk. Errit Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Thomas Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Duffy Thomas Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Duffy William Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Duggan John Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Duggan Timothy Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Andrew Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Bridget Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Duignan John Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Duignan John Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Martin Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Martin Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Michael Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Patrick Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Patrick Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Patrick Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Pk. Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Duignan Thomas Cartron Beg Tibohine Roscommon Dunleavy Dominick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Dunleavy Mary Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Durr Cormack Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Durr John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer David Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer Edmond Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer Honora Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer James Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer Jeremiah Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer John Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer Julia Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer Mary Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer Patrick Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Dwyer William Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Bryan Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Dominick Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Dominick Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Dominick Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Dyer James Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Dyer James Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Dyer James Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Dyer John Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Dyer John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Dyer John Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Dyer John Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Dyer John Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Dyer John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Martin Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Mary Driney Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Michael Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Michael Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Michael Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Owen Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Owen Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Patrick Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Patrick Driney Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Thomas Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Thomas Driney Tibohine Roscommon Dyer Thomas Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Dynan Jane Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Egan Edward Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Egan James Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Egan John Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Egan John Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Egan Mary Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Egan Mary Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Egan Michael Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Egan Michael Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Egan Michael Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Egan Michael Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Egan Patrick Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Egan Patrick Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Egan Patrick Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Egan Patrick Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Egan Peter Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Egan Peter Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Egan Thomas Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Egan Thomas Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Ellison Cahrles Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Ellison Charles Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Ellison Charles L. Coolagarry Tibohine Roscommon Ellison Francis Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Ellison Francis Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Elward John Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Elward Thomas Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Elwood John Driney Tibohine Roscommon Elwood Judith Tully Tibohine Roscommon Elwood Michael Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Elwood Michael Tully Tibohine Roscommon Elwood Thomas Driney Tibohine Roscommon Elwood William Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Fagan Laurence Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Fallon John Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Fallon Thomas Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Fallon Timothy Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Farrell Catherine Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Farrell Michael Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Farrell Rep. Danl. H. Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Faughney Robert Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Faulkeny Michael Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Feeneran Laurence Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Feeny Bernard Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Feeny John Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Feeny Thomas Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Fennessy James Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Fennessy Joseph Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Fennessy Michael Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Fennessy Patrick Glebe Tibohine Roscommon Fetherstone Bernard Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Finan Bridget Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Finan Dominick Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Finan John Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Finan Martin Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Finan Pataick Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Finan Patrick Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Finan Roger Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Finan Roger Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Finan Thomas Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Finan Thomas Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Finegan Thaddeus Errit Tibohine Roscommon Finegan Thomas Errit Tibohine Roscommon Finigan Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Finn Edward Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Finn Edward Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Finn Henry Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Finn James Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Finn James Errit Tibohine Roscommon Finn James, Jr. Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Finn John Errit Tibohine Roscommon Finn John Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Finn Luke Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Finn Martin Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Finn Martin Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Finn Michael Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Finn Michael Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Finn Michael Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Finn Thaddeus Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Finn Thaddeus Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Finn Thomas Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Finn Thomas Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Finneran Edward Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Fitzgerald Edmond Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Fitzgerald Gerald Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick Anthony Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick Daniel Errit Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick James, Jr. Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick John Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick John Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick John Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick Michael Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick Michael Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick Terence Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick Terence Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Fitzpatrick Thomas Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Dominick Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Dominick Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Dominick Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Hugh Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan John Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan John Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Luke Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Mary Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Mary Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Mary Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Michael Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Flanagan Thomas Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Andrew Errit Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Andrew Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Andrew Tully Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Bartholomew Errit Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Catherine Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Catherine Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Charles Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Dominick Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Dominick Errit Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Dominick Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Dominick Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan James Druminagh Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan James Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan John Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan John Errit Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan John Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan John Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Loughlin Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Martin Errit Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Mary Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Michael Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Patrick Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Patrick Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Patrick Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Peter Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Thaddeus Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Thomas Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Thomas Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Thomas Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Thomas Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Flanigan Thomas Tully Tibohine Roscommon Fleming Eliza Jane Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Fleming James Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Fleming John Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Fleming Rev. Harlow Glebe West Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Bernard Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Catherine Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Flynn James Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Flynn James Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Flynn James Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Flynn John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Flynn John Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Flynn John Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Flynn John, Jr. Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Margaret Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Mary Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Michael Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Michael Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Ml. Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Patrick Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Flynn Robert Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Fogarty Cornelius Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Foley Anne Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Foley Bridget Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Foley James Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Foley James Coolagarry Tibohine Roscommon Foley James Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Foley James Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Foley James Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Foley John Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Foley Luke Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Foley Michael Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Foley Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Foley Rep. James Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Foley Thomas Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Forde James Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Forde Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Forde Owen Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Forde Timothy Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Forde Timothy Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Fox Owen Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Fox William Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Fraher Bridget Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Frayne Thomas Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Anne Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Freeman James Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Margaret Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Martin Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Matthew Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Michael Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Michael Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Patrick Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Freeman Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Frehelly James Errit Tibohine Roscommon Frehill James Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Frehill Judith Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Frehill Mary Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon French Charles Caher Tibohine Roscommon French Charles Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon French Fitzstephen Derreenamackaun Tibohine Roscommon French Fitzstephen Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon French Fitzstephen Lecarrow Tibohine Roscommon French Fitzstephen Tully Tibohine Roscommon French Michael Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon French Rev. William Glebe East Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Edward Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Freyne James Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Freyne John Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Freyne John Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Freyne John Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Freyne John Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Martin Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Mary Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Patrick Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Patrick Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Patrick Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Thomas Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Freyne Thomas Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Freyne William Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Andrew Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Edward Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Honoria Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher James Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher James Tawnyrover Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher John Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher John Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Michael Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Michael Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Patrick Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Patrick Ballaghaderreen Road Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Patrick Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Gallagher Stephen Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Gallavan Margaret Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Ganly Dominick Tully Tibohine Roscommon Ganly John Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Ganly John, Jr. Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Gara Ambrose Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Gara Dominick Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Gara Dominick Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Gara Garrett Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Gara James Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Gara James Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Gara James Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Gara John Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Gara Martin Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Gara Martin Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Gara Martin Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Gara Martin Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Gara Matthias Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Gara Matthias Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Gara Michael Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Gara Peter Eden Tibohine Roscommon Gara Rep. Thomas Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Gara Thaddeus Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Gara Thomas Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Gara Thomas Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Gara Thomas Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Gara Thomas Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Gara Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Gara Timothy Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Gara Timothy Turlaghnamaddy Tibohine Roscommon Garra Martin Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Garra Michael Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Garrahan Cecilia Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Garrahan Michael Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Gauly Dominick Derreenamackaun Tibohine Roscommon Gavin Michael Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Gavin Terence Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Geatley Maurice Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Geoghegan Anne Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Gethin Rep. Joseph Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Gibbins William Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Gibbons Michael Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Gibbons Michael Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Bridget Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Catherine Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Dominick Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Domk., Jr. Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Eleanor Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Giblin James Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Giblin James Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Giblin James Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Giblin James Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Giblin James Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Giblin James Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Giblin James Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Giblin John Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Giblin John Coolagarry Tibohine Roscommon Giblin John Driney Tibohine Roscommon Giblin John Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Giblin John Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Martin Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Martin Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Martin Eden Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Mary Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Michael Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Michael Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Michael Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Michael Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Michael Driney Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Michael Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Michael Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Patrick Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Patrick Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Patrick Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Patrick Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Patrick Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Thomas Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Thomas Coolagarry Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Thomas Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Thomas Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Giblin Thomas, Jr. Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Giblin William Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Giblin William Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Giblin William Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Gilhearne Thomas Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Gilhern Michael Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Gill Michael Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Gill Michael Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Gill Peter Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Gill Thomas Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Gill Thomas Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Gilligan James Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Gilligan John Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Gilligan Marcus Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Gilligan Mary Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Gilligan Owen Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Gilligan Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Gilligan Peter Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Gilligan Peter Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Gilmer James Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Gilmer Patrick Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Gilmore Mary Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Glasheen Margaret Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Gorahan Bridget Driney Tibohine Roscommon Gorahan John Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Gorahan Nicholas Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Gorahan Patrick Driney Tibohine Roscommon Gorahan Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Gordan Bridget Eden Tibohine Roscommon Gordon Bridget Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Gordon Dominick Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Gordon James Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Gordon John Stonepark Tibohine Roscommon Gordon Patrick Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Gordon Patrick Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Gordon Patrick Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Gordon Robert Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Gordon Thomas Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Gordon Winifred Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Gorman John Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Gorman Mary Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Gorman Mary Lecarrow Tibohine Roscommon Gorman Patrick Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Gorman Patrick Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Gormerly Catherine Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Grady ??? Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Grady Ellen Lissergool Tibohine Roscommon Grady James Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Grady James Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Grady Jeremiah Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Grady John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Grady John Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Grady Martin Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Grady Martin Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Grady Martin Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Grady Michael Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Grady Owen Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Grady Patrick Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Grady Patrick Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Grady Richard Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Grady Thomas Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Grady Thomas Clooncah Tibohine Roscommon Grady William Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Grannan Edward Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Gray Patrick Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Greavey Laurence Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Greavey Michael Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Greene James Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Greene James Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Greene James Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Greene James Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Greene John Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Greene Manus Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Greene Michael Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Greene Patrick Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Greene Sylvester Stonepark Tibohine Roscommon Greevy Francis Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Greevy Henry Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Greevy James Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Greevy John Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Greevy John Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Greevy John Figh Tibohine Roscommon Greevy John Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Greevy John Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Greevy John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Greevy Michael Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Greevy Winifred Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Grennan Edward Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Grennan Patrick Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Gribbin Patrick Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Griffin Michael Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Groarke Patrick Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Groarke Patrick Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Groarke Thomas Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Grogan John Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Grogan Margaret Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Grourke Edward Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Grourke James Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Grourke John Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Grourke Michael Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Grourke Peter Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Grourke Thomas Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Guess Rebecca Glebe West Tibohine Roscommon Guest Robert Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Guest Thomas Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Guest William Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Gunnigan Patrick Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Hallis John Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Hallis Thomas Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Hanberry Thady Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Hanberry Thomas Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Hand James Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Hand Patrick Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Hand Thomas Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Hand William Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Hanley Patrick Turlaghnamaddy Tibohine Roscommon Hanly Michael Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Hanly Michael, Jr. Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Hanly Patrick Dungar Tibohine Roscommon Hanly Patrick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Hanly Patrick Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Hanmer John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Hanmer Martin Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Hanmer Michael Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Hardiman Martin Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Hardiman Thomas Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Hardman John Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Hardman Martin Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Hardman Martin, Jr. Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Hardman Michael Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Hardman Michael, Jr. Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Hardman Thomas Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Hardyman Margaret Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Harney Catherine Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Harrigan William Kilmoyler Tibohine Roscommon Harte Bridget Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Harte James Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Harte John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Harte Patrick Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Harte Patrick Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Harte Patrick Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Harte Thaddeus Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Havican Peter Derrinea Tibohine Roscommon Havican Thaddeus Derrinea Tibohine Roscommon Hayden Mary Tully Tibohine Roscommon Hayden Thomas Tully Tibohine Roscommon Hayes Catherine Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Hayes Patrick Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Hazle Hugh Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Healy Edward Derry Tibohine Roscommon Healy James Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Healy James Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Healy James Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Healy James, Jr. Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Healy John Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Healy John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Healy John Derry Tibohine Roscommon Healy Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Healy Patrick Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Heffernan Daniel Drangan Beg Tibohine Roscommon Heffernan John Drangan Beg Tibohine Roscommon Henaghan John Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Henaghan Michael Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Henaghan Michael Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Henaghan Thomas Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Henderson William Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Hennessy Barbara Scart Tibohine Roscommon Hennessy Catherine Scart Tibohine Roscommon Hennessy John Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Hennessy Mary Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Hester James Driney Tibohine Roscommon Hester Martin Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Hester Thomas Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Hevickan Patrick Tully Tibohine Roscommon Hickey James Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Higgins ??? Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Bridget Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Bridget Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Bryan Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Dominick Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Eleanor Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Higgins James Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Higgins John Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Higgins John Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Higgins John, Jr. Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Judith Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Judith Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Martin Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Michael Figh Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Michael Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Michael Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Michael Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Michael Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Michael Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Patrick Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Patrick Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Peter Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Peter Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Thaddeus Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Thomas Clashcarragh Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Thomas Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Thomas Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Thomas Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Thomas Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Tim., Jr. Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Timothy Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Timothy Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Higgins Timothy, Jr. Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Higgins William Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Higgins William Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Hoban Martin Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Holway James Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Hopkins Hugh Errit Tibohine Roscommon Hopkins John Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Hopkins Michael Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Hopkins Michl., Jr. Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Hopkins Patrick Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Hopkins Thomas Errit Tibohine Roscommon Hopkins Thomas Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Hopkins Thos., Jr. Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Hora Patrick Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Horan Michael Driney Tibohine Roscommon Horan Patrick Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Horan Peter Driney Tibohine Roscommon Horan Thomas Driney Tibohine Roscommon Hore Denis Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Horne Michael Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Hunt Anne Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Hunt James Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Hunt John Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Hunt Patk. Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Hunt Patrick Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Hunt Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Hunt Peter Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Hunt Thomas Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Hussey Michael Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Hynes Sarah Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Innes John Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Irwin Bridget Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Irwin Ellen Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Irwin John Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Irwin Margt. Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Jennings John Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Jennings John Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Jennings Patrick Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Jennings Patrick Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Johnston James Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Johnston Michael Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Johnston Patrick Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Johnston Patrick Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Jordan Anthony Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Jordan Bridget Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Jordan Catherine Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Jordan John Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Jordan Martin Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Jordan Martin Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Jordan Martin Driney Tibohine Roscommon Jordan Michael Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Jordan William Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Kane Thomas Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Karavan John Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Karavan William Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Karrane Bridget Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Karrane John Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Karrane Thomas Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Keane Farrell Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Keane Jane Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Keane Martin Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Keane Martin Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Keane Martin, Jr. Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Keane Mary Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Keane Patrick Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Keane Thomas Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Keane Thomas Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Kearney Andrew Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Kearney Bridget Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Kearney John Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Kearney John Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Kearney Michael Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Kearney Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Kearney Richard Glebe Tibohine Roscommon Kearney Thomas Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Kearney William Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Kearney William Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Kearns Bryan Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Kearns Denis Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Kearns Mary Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Kearns Patrick Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Keating John Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Keating Michael Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Keating Patrick Cappauniac Tibohine Roscommon Keeffe Michael Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Keeher Bridget Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Keeher Patrick Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Keeher Timothy Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Keeher William Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Keenan ??? Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Keenan Edward Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Keenan John Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Keenan Michael Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen Dominick Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen Edward Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen James Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen James Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen Jeremiah Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen John Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen Mary Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen Michael Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Keeneen Patrick Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Keever Patrick Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Keirley Owen Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Keirns Winifred Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Andrew Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Bartholomew Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Bernard Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Bernard Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Bridget Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Bridget Driney Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Bryan Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Ellen Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Kelly James Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Kelly James Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Jane Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Kelly John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Kelly John Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Kelly John Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Kelly John Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Martin Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Mary Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Mary Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Mary Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Michael Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Michael Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Michael Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Michael Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Michael Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Michael Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Patrick Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Patrick Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Patrick Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Patrick Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Patrick Dungar Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Patrick Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Stephen Driney Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Thomas Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Thomas Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Thomas Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Thomas Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Thomas Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Kelly Thomas Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Kelly William Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Kelly William Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Kemmett James Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Kemmett John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Kemmett Richard Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Kemmett Timothy Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Kennedy John Cloonfinglass Tibohine Roscommon Kennedy Michael Drangan Beg Tibohine Roscommon Kenny James Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon Kenny James Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Kenny John Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Kenny John Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Kenny John Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Kenny John Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Kenny John Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Kenny John Driney Tibohine Roscommon Kenny John Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Kenny John Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Luke Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Mark Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Martin Driney Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Mary Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Mary Driney Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Michael Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Michael Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Patrick Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Patrick Clooncah Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Patrick Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Patrick, Jr. Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Peter Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Peter Driney Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Rep. Patrick Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Thaddeus Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Thaddeus Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Thomas Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Kenny Thomas Errit Tibohine Roscommon Kenny William Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Kenny William Driney Tibohine Roscommon Kenoy Laurence Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Kerrane Michael Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Kilbride Winifred Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Kilduff Michael Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Kilduff Patrick Driney Tibohine Roscommon Kilduff Winifred Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Kilgarriff Patrick Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Kilkenny John Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Kilkenny John, Jr. Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Kilkenny Patrick Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Kilkenny Thomas Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Killeen Anne Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Killeen Bridget Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Killeen John Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Kilty Mart Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Kilty Mary Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Kilty Mary Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Kilty Rev. Francis Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon King Andrew Figh Tibohine Roscommon King Bryan Figh Tibohine Roscommon King Edward Figh Tibohine Roscommon King John Figh Tibohine Roscommon King Michael Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon King Michl. Figh Tibohine Roscommon Kirby William Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Kirrane Martin Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Kirrane Michael Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Kirrane Michl. Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Kirrane Patrick Driney Tibohine Roscommon Knafesy Mary Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Kneafsy John Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Kneafsy Michael Figh Tibohine Roscommon Kunnane William Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Laferty Owen Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Lafferty John Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Lafferty Michael Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Lafferty Owen Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Lavia John Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Bryan Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Catherine Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Edward Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Edward Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Elizabeth Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Ellen Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Honoria Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Lavin James Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Lavin James Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Lavin John Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Lavin John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Lavin John Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Lavin John Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Lavin John Turlagharee Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Margaret Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Martin Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Mary Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Michael Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Michael Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Michael Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Michl. Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Ml. Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Owen Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Owen Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Owen Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Patrick Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Patrick Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Patrick Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Patrick Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Patrick Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Patrick Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Thaddeus Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Thomas Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Thomas Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Thomas Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Thomas Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Thomas, Jr. Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin Thos. Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lavin William Eden Tibohine Roscommon Leary Michael Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Lee John Eden Tibohine Roscommon Lee Margaret Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Lee Martin Eden Tibohine Roscommon Lee Michael Eden Tibohine Roscommon Lee Michael, Jr. Eden Tibohine Roscommon Lee Patrick Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Lee Patrick Eden Tibohine Roscommon Lee Patrick Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Lee Thomas Eden Tibohine Roscommon Lee Thomas, Jr. Eden Tibohine Roscommon Leonard John Coolagarry Tibohine Roscommon Leonard Matthew Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Leonard Michael Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Loftus Catherine Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Loftus David Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Loftus Patrick Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Loftus Patrick Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Loftus Patrick, Jr. Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Loftus Thomas Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Lonergan Cornelius Drangan More Tibohine Roscommon Lonergan John Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Looby Edward Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Looby Mary Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Loombe Mary Figh Tibohine Roscommon Loughlin Daniel Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Lowe James Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Lowery Mary Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Lowery Michael Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Lowery Thomas Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Andrew Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Edward Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Lowry James Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Lowry John Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Lowry John Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Michael Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Michael Errit Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Michael Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Patrick Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Patrick Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Peter Errit Tibohine Roscommon Lowry Thomas Lecarrow Tibohine Roscommon Lowry William Lissergool Tibohine Roscommon Lylly Robert Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Bryan Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Bryan Cloondart Tibohine Roscommon Lynch James Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Lynch James Tully Tibohine Roscommon Lynch John Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Lynch John Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Judith Ballydrehid Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Martin Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Michael Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Michael Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Owen Cloondart Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Patrick Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Patrick Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Patrick Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Patrick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Lynch Winifred Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Lyons Sarah Errit Tibohine Roscommon Madden Andrew Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Madden Dominick Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Madden Owen Figh Tibohine Roscommon Madden Peter Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Madden William Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Magee Mary Cartron Beg Tibohine Roscommon Magrail John Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Maguire Patrick Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Bartholomew Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Dominick Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Dominick Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Edward Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Mahon James Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mahon John Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mahon John Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Mahon John Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Mahon John Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Luke Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Mary Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Michael Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Michael Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Michael Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Michael Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Michl. Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Owen Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Owen Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Owen Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Patrick Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Patrick Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Patrick Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Patrick Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Peter Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Thomas Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Thomas Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Thomas Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Thomas Lisduff Tibohine Roscommon Mahon Thomas Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Malloney James Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Malloney Mary Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Malloney Patk. Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Malloney Thomas Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Malloney Thos. Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Maloney James Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Maloney John Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Maloney Martin Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Maloney Patrick Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Maloney Thomas Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Bridget Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Bryan Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Edward Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Edward Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Elizabeth Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Garrett Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Mangan John Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Mangan John Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Luke Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Luke Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Mary Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Michael Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Michael Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Michael, Jr. Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Patrick Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Patrick Coolagarry Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Peter Coolagarry Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Robert Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Thaddeus Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Thomas Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mangan Thomas Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Maning John Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Maning Michael Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Manning Michael Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Mannion Owen Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mannion Philip Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Maree Thomas Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Marie Peter Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Mason John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cabe Mary Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cabe Michael Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cabe Thomas Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Anne Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Denis Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Edward Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann James Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann James Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann John Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Mark Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Mark Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Mary Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Michael Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Patrick Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Patrick Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cann Thomas Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Mc Carthy Thomas Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cauley William Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cauly William Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cawley William Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Catherine Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Cathrn. Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Jeremiah Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Michael Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Patrick Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Patrick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Patrick Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Roger Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack William J. Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Wm. D. Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Wm. M. Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cormack Wm. Martin Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Cue Patrick Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Bridget Lissergool Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Bryan Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Charles Carrowbane Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Charles Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Charles Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Charles Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Chas., Jr. Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Chas., Jr. Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Chas., Jr. Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Edward Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Edward Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Edward Frenchpark Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott James Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott James Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott James Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott James Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Jn. Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Jn., Jr. Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott John Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Martin Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Martin Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Mary Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Mary Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Mary Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Michael Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Michael Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Michael Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Owen Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Owen Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patk. Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Driney Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Lissananny Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Patrick Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Rep. Roger Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Roger Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Stephen Curreentorpan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas Driney Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas Druminagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Thomas Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Thos. Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Roe Patk. Cartron Beg Tibohine Roscommon Mc Dermott Roe Patk. Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donagh ??? Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donagh Charles Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donagh Michael Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donagh Michael Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donagh Owen Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donagh Rev. Michl. Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donagh Thomas Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donagh Thomas Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donnell Francis Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donnell Hugh Figh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donnell Mark Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Mc Donough Matthew Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Mc Drudy John Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Ennelly Edward Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Mc Ennelly James Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Ennelly Thomas Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Mc Entire Mary Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Entyre Michael Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gann Bartholw. Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gann James Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gann James Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gann James Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gann Michael Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry ??? Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Ambrose Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Andrew Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Denis Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Dominick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Dominick Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry James Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry James Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry John Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry John Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry John, Jr. Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Mark Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Martin Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Mary Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Mary Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Michael Ballaghaderreen Road Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Michael Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Michael Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Michael Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Michael Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Owen Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Patk. Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Patrick Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Patrick Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Patrick Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Patrick Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Peter Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Thomas Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Thomas Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Garry Thomas Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gauvern John Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gill Peter Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Mc Glackin Patrick Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Mc Glinn James Driney Tibohine Roscommon Mc Glinn Michael Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Mc Glynn James Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mc Govern Daniel Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mc Govern John Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gowan James Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Gowran Patrick Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Mc Grath Michael Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Grath Robert Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mc Grath Thomas Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Grath Thos., Jr. Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal John Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal John Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Mary Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Michael Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Owen Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Patrick Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Patrick Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Patrick Figh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Patrick Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Peter Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Peter Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greal Peter Driney Tibohine Roscommon Mc Greill John Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Mc Guff Edward Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Guff John Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Hugh Michael Tawnyrover Tibohine Roscommon Mc Kearney Bridget Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Keon James Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Mc Kerin Joseph Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mc Linnan Rickard Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Loughlin Barthlw. Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Mc Loughlin Barthw. Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Mc Loughlin Bridget Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Loughlin John Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Loughlin John Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Mc Loughlin Matthew Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Loughlin Matthias Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Mc Loughlin Patrick Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mc Mahon Patrick Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Mc Mahon Thomas Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nally Thomas Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Cecelia Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Cecilia Driney Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Denis Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty James Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Michael Derreenamackaun Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Michael Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Michael Tully Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Philip Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Thomas Caher Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Thomas Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Mc Nulty Thomas Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Meara Michael Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mearin John Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mearin Martin Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Mearin Owen Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Meldon John Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Meldon John Tawnyrover Tibohine Roscommon Melvin Andrew Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Melvin Andrew Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Melvin Bridget Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Melvin John Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Melvin Margaret Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Melvin Patrick Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Merryman Elizabeth Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Merryman Jn. Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Merryman Johm Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Merryman John Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Merryman Martin Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Merryman Patrick Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Meylan Martin Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Millin Rev. William Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Minchin Anne Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Bridget Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Catherine Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Moffett David Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Edward Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Moffett James Stonepark Tibohine Roscommon Moffett John Eden Tibohine Roscommon Moffett John Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Martin Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Martin Urrasaun Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Michael Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Patrick Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Patrick Urrasaun Tibohine Roscommon Moffett Thomas Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Moffit Thomas Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Moloney Michael Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Mooney Owen Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Moore ??? Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Moore Henry Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Moore Robert Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Moran Andrew Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Moran Andrew Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Moran Andrew Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Moran Bridget Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Moran James Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Moran James Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Moran James Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Moran James Driney Tibohine Roscommon Moran James Figh Tibohine Roscommon Moran James D. Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Moran John Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Moran John Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Moran John Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Moran John Driney Tibohine Roscommon Moran John Errit Tibohine Roscommon Moran John Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Moran Mary Driney Tibohine Roscommon Moran Michael Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Moran Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Moran Owen Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Moran Patrick Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Moran Patrick Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Moran Patrick Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Moran Patrick Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Moran Patrick D. Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Moran Patrick, Jr. Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Moran Peter Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Moran Peter Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Moran Richard Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Moran Thomas Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Moran Thomas Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Moran Thomas Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Moran William Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Moran William Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon More Thomas Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Morgan Patrick Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Morgan Thomas Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Morley Michael Figh Tibohine Roscommon Morley Patrick Figh Tibohine Roscommon Morley Patrick, Jr. Figh Tibohine Roscommon Morris Andrew Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Morris Bernard Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Morris Dominick Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Morris Edward Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Morris James Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Morris James Errit Tibohine Roscommon Morris John Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Morris John Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Morris John Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Morris John Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Morris Luke Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Morris Martin Errit Tibohine Roscommon Morris Mary Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Morris Matthew Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Morris Michael Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Morris Michael Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Morris Owen Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Morris Patrick Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Morris Patrick Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Morris Patrick Errit Tibohine Roscommon Morris Patrick Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Morris Thomas Errit Tibohine Roscommon Morris Thomas Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Morris Timothy Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Morris Timothy Eden Tibohine Roscommon Morris Timothy Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Morris Timothy Stonepark Tibohine Roscommon Morris William Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Morris William Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Morris William, Jr. Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Morris Roe John Cartron Beg Tibohine Roscommon Morris Roe Patrick Cartron Beg Tibohine Roscommon Morris Roe Pk. Cartron Beg Tibohine Roscommon Morrisroe Andrew Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Morrisroe David Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Morrisroe James Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Morrisroe Nabbey Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Morrisroe Owen Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Morrisroe Patrick Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Morrisroe Rep. Gilbert Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Morrisroe Thomas Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Mourne Bridget Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mourne Michael Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Mourne Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Mourne Patrick Cloggarnagh Tibohine Roscommon Moylan Thaddeus Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Moylett Mary Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Mulhearn Michael Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Mulhern Bernard Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Mullanny Barthlw. Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Mullanny Martin Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Mullanny Michael Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Mullanny Patrick Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Mullanny Winifred Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Mulligan Luke Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mulligan Michael Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mullowney Martin Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Mullowney Patk. Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Mullranill Patrick Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Mulranill Matthew Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Mulreanill Peter Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Mulreed James Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Mulrehed Thomas Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Mulreinell Patrick Corracommeen Tibohine Roscommon Mulrenan Thomas Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennall John Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennan Anne Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennan Bryan Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennan Dudley Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennan Edward Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennan John Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennan Luke Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennan Michael Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennin John Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennin Michl., Jr. Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Mulrennin Thomas Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Mulvehill John Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Mulvehill Owen Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Mulvehill Patrick Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Mulvehill Patrick Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Munnion James Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Andrew Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Michael Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Peter Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Peter Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Philip Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Rep. William Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Rep. William Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Rep. William Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Rep. William Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Murphy Thomas Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Murray John Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Murray Patrick Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Murray William Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Murray William Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Nary John Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Nary Martin Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Nash James Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Nash John Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Neilan John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Neilan Thomas Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Neilan Thomas Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Nicholson Michael Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Nicholson Winifred Roscommon New Road Tibohine Roscommon Niland Michael Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Nolan James Tully Tibohine Roscommon Nolan John Tully Tibohine Roscommon Noon James Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Noone Dominick Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Noone Dominick Urrasaun Tibohine Roscommon Noone James Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Noone James Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Noone John Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Noone Lawrence Urrasaun Tibohine Roscommon Noone Mark Urrasaun Tibohine Roscommon Noone Martin Urrasaun Tibohine Roscommon Noone Michael Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Norton John Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Norton Mary Portaghard Tibohine Roscommon Norton Patrick Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Nowlan Dominick Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Nowlan Dominick Errit Tibohine Roscommon Nowlan James Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Nowlan James Tully Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Bartle Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Denis Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Denis Moyne Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Denis, Jr. Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Martin Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Michael Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Michael Moyne Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Patrick Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Peter Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Peter Moyne Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Winifred Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon O'Brien Winifred Main Street Tibohine Roscommon O'Connor Dr. ??? Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon O'Connor Dr. ??? Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon O'Connor Rev. Thomas Coolagarry Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Andrew Drummad Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Bridget Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Bridget Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Bryan Driney Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Dominick Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Edward Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell John Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell John Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell John, Jr. Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Martin Driney Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Neil Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Neill Meelick Tibohine Roscommon O'Donnell Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon O'Grady Francis R. Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon O'Hara Bridget Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon O'Hara Daniel Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon O'Hara James Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon O'Hara Margaret Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon O'Hara Michael Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon O'Mally Mary Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Oates Bridget Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Oates Loughlin Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Oates Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Owens John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Owens Patrick Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Owens Patrick Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Owens Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Patton Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Payton Thomas Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Peyton Andrew Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Peyton John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Peyton John Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Peyton Martin Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Peyton Martin Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Peyton Michael Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Peyton Michael Teevnacreeva Tibohine Roscommon Peyton Owen Ratra Tibohine Roscommon Philips Michael Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Phillips Dominick Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Phillips Dominick Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Phillips Edward Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Phillips George Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Phillips Patrick Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Plower Dominick Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Plower Patrick Kilroddan Tibohine Roscommon Plunkett James Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Plunkett Mary Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Preston Michael Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Prichard Matthew Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Prichard Matthew Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Quin John Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Andrew Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Edward Tully Tibohine Roscommon Quinn James Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Jeremiah Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Quinn John Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Michael Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Michael Eden Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Owen Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Patrick Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Patrick Eden Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Patrick Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Thomas Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Quinn Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Rabbitt Bartholomew Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Rabbitt Catherine Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Raferty Loughlin Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Rafferty James Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Rafferty John Urrasaun Tibohine Roscommon Rafferty Loughlin Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Rafferty Michael Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Rafferty Thomas Tully Tibohine Roscommon Rafterry Luke Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Raftery James Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Raftery Michael Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Raftery Patrick Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Raftery Patrick Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Raftery Patrick Parkeel Tibohine Roscommon Raftery Thomas Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Raftery William Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Raftery William Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Read John Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Reade Michael Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Reade Patrick Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Reade William Figh Tibohine Roscommon Regan Andrew Figh Tibohine Roscommon Regan Anne Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Regan Anthony Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Regan Anthony Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Regan Bridget Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Regan Catherine Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Regan Denis Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Regan Dominick Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Regan Dominick Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Regan Dominick Driney Tibohine Roscommon Regan Dominick Lissydaly Tibohine Roscommon Regan Dominick Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Regan Edward Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Regan Edward Figh Tibohine Roscommon Regan Edward Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Regan Elizabeth Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Regan Francis Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Regan James Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Regan James Driney Tibohine Roscommon Regan John Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Regan John Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Regan John Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Regan John Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Regan John Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Regan Laurence Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Regan Martin Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Regan Martin Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Regan Martin Driney Tibohine Roscommon Regan Martin Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Regan Michael Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Regan Michael Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Regan Michael Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Regan Michael Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Regan Owen Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Regan Patrick Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Regan Patrick Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Regan Patrick Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Regan Patrick Eden Tibohine Roscommon Regan Peter Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Regan Stephen Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Regan Terence Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Regan Thomas Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Regan Thomas Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Regan Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Regan Thomas Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Reilly Bernard Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Reilly Bridget Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Reilly Michael Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Reilly Michael Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Reilly Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Reynolds Charles Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Reynolds Michael Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Richardson Thomas Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Roche Edward Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Rochfort Francis Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Rochfort James Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Dominick Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Edward Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Roddy John Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Roddy John Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Roddy John Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Martin Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Michael Clooncah Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Patrick Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Peter Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Thomas Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Roddy Thomas Tawnyrover Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Andrew Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Catherine Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Rogers James Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Rogers John Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Rogers John Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Rogers John Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Rogers John Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Mary Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Michael Driney Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Michael Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Patrick Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Patrick Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Patrick Corracoggil North Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Patrick Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Patrick Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Philip Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Thomas Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Rogers Thomas Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Rogers William Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Rourke Andrew Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Rourke Francis Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Rourke Simon Sheepwalk Tibohine Roscommon Royan Patrick Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Royan Thaddeus Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Rush John Aghacurreen Tibohine Roscommon Rush John Lissergool Tibohine Roscommon Rush Patrick Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Rush Thaddeus Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Rush Thaddeus Driney Tibohine Roscommon Rutledge James Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Ryan Andrew Lecarrow Tibohine Roscommon Ryan Catherine Corskeagh Tibohine Roscommon Ryan Dominick Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Ryan James Derreenamackaun Tibohine Roscommon Ryan James Tully Tibohine Roscommon Ryan Martin Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Ryan Rev. Thomas Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Sampey Charles Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Sampey James Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Sampey John Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Sampey John, Jr. Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Sampey Patrick Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Sampey Robert Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Sampy Edward Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Sampy Thomas Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Sandford Elizabeth Clooncah Tibohine Roscommon Sandford Elizabeth Cloontowart Tibohine Roscommon Sandford Elizabeth Derry Tibohine Roscommon Sandford Thomas Corracoggil South Tibohine Roscommon Sarsfield Bridget Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Scally Bernard Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Scally Cormack Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Scally Honoria Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Scally Jeremiah Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Scally Jeremiah Driney Tibohine Roscommon Scally Jeremiah Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Scally John Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon Scally John Driney Tibohine Roscommon Scally John Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Scally John Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Scally John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Scally John Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Scally Martin Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Scally Martin Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Scally Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Scally Patrick Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Scally Thomas Cloonagh Tibohine Roscommon Scally Thomas Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Scally Thomas Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Scally Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Scally Timothy Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Scally Winifred Driney Tibohine Roscommon Scanlan Sarah Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Scarry Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Seery Martin Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Seery Nicholas Ballyglass East Tibohine Roscommon Serrage John Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Serrage Michael Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Serrage Patrick Cloonsheever Tibohine Roscommon Shalvey Laurence Ballyglass West Tibohine Roscommon Shalvey Peter Meelick Tibohine Roscommon Shannon Bridget Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Shannon John Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Andrew Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Bartholw. Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Bartw. Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Bryan Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Catherine Cartron More Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Dominick Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Dominick Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Francis Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey James Buckill Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey James Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey John Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey John Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey John Lissacurkia Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey John Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey John Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Luke Raheely Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Martin Buckhill Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Martin Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Mary Ballaghaderreen Road Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Patrick Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Patrick Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Patrick Cloonfad Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Patrick Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Peter Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey Thomas Ballinphuill Tibohine Roscommon Sharkey William Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Sheridan James Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Sheridan John Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Shreehane Luke Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Shreehane Martin Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Shreehane Patrick Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Shreehane Patrick Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Shreehane Patrick Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Shreehane Peter Aghadrestan Tibohine Roscommon Shreehane Thaddeus Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Shreehane Thomas Kiltybranks Tibohine Roscommon Solan Michael Frenchpark Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Speed Patrick Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Strickland Charles Cloonmullin Tibohine Roscommon Strickland Charles Druminagh Tibohine Roscommon Strickland Charles Loughglinn Demesne Tibohine Roscommon Strickland Charles Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Strong James Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Sullivan Martin Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Sweeny Catherine Aghalour Tibohine Roscommon Sweeny Ellen Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Sweeny Hugh Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Sweeny Patrick Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Sweeny Thomas Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Sweeny Thomas Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Tanzy John Main Street Tibohine Roscommon Tarpey Patrick Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Taylor Hugh Derrylahan Tibohine Roscommon Taylor Luke Curraghard Tibohine Roscommon Taylor Patrick Leggatinty Tibohine Roscommon Taylor William Carrowbehy Tibohine Roscommon Tennant John Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Thomas John Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Thomas John Driney Tibohine Roscommon Tiernan Bridget Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Tiernan James Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Tiernan Michael Carrowgarve Tibohine Roscommon Tiernan Michael Lissergoole Tibohine Roscommon Tiernan Patrick Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Tighe Margaret Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Tighe Michael Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Tigue John Ballaghaderreen Road Tibohine Roscommon Timothy Cornelius Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Timothy Oliver Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Tobin Thomas Cloonard Tibohine Roscommon Toughalin William Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Toughelin Peter Cloonbunny Tibohine Roscommon Toughelin Thomas Creevy Tibohine Roscommon Towhey Dominick Kilgarve Tibohine Roscommon Towhey John Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon Towhey Michael Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Towhey Peter Kiltymaine Tibohine Roscommon Towhey Thomas Errit Tibohine Roscommon Tully James Cloonshanville Tibohine Roscommon Tully James Roscommon Old Road Tibohine Roscommon Tully James Sheevannan Tibohine Roscommon Tuolin Thomas Mullen Tibohine Roscommon Tyman John Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Tyman Margarety Tibohine Tibohine Roscommon Tymon Bridget Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Tymon James Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Tymon Martin Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Tymon Michael Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Tymon Patrick Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Tymon Thomas Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Vesey John Kilrooan Tibohine Roscommon Vesey Mary Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Walder Anthony Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Walder Bridget Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Walder Henry Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Walder John Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Walder John Errit Tibohine Roscommon Walder Margaret Errit Tibohine Roscommon Walder Mary Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Walder Mary Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Walder Michael Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Walder Michael Breanamore Tibohine Roscommon Walder Michael Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Walder Patrick Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Walder Thomas Errit Tibohine Roscommon Walder Thomas Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Waldron Henry Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Waldron John Cloonfinglas Tibohine Roscommon Waldron Thomas Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Wallace Luke Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon Walsh Martin Cloonargid Tibohine Roscommon Walsh Michael Aghaderry Tibohine Roscommon Walsh Michael Leitrim Tibohine Roscommon Ward James Carrownaknockaun Tibohine Roscommon Warren James Turlaghnamaddy Tibohine Roscommon Webb Jane Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Webb Michael Grallagh Tibohine Roscommon Webb Patrick Cuiltyboe Tibohine Roscommon Webb Patrick Loughglinn Tibohine Roscommon Weir Edward Gotraganny Tibohine Roscommon Weir Edward Lecarrow Tibohine Roscommon Weir James Drummad Tibohine Roscommon Weir John Eden Tibohine Roscommon Weire Martin Lisdrumneill Tibohine Roscommon Weire Martin Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Weire Pat. Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon Weire Patrick Rathkeery Tibohine Roscommon White James Cloonacolly Tibohine Roscommon White Mary Clerragh Tibohine Roscommon White Robert Curraghsallagh Tibohine Roscommon Woods Henry Cloonarragh Tibohine Roscommon Woods Martin Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Woods Michael Moyne Tibohine Roscommon Woods Patrick Barnacawley Tibohine Roscommon Woods Patrick Cloonmaul Tibohine Roscommon Wynne Andrew Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Wynne Edward Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon Wynne Martin Mullaghnashee Tibohine Roscommon