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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilfree, County Sligo
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilfree, County Sligo
Alcock Edward Chacefield Kilfree Sligo Alcock Patrick Chacefield Kilfree Sligo Alcock Richard Chacefield Kilfree Sligo Alcock Thomas Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Armstrong Mary Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Armstrong Michael Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Armstrong Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Armstrong Walter Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Baker Andrew Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Baker Margaret Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Baker William Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Beirne Nicholas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Beirne Philip Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Berrane Patrick Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Berrane Patrick Moydough Kilfree Sligo Bierne John Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Boland John Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Boland Michael Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Boland Michael, Jr. Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Bowles James Moygara Kilfree Sligo Brehemy John Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Brennan Bryan Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Brennan Hugh Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Brennan James Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Brennan James Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Brennan Mary Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Brennan Matthew Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Brennan Michael Moygara Kilfree Sligo Brennan Patrick Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Brennan Rev. Roderick Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Brewin James Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Brierty Patrick Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Brierty Timothy Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Broder Edward Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Broder James Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Broder John Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Broder Lloyd Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Broder Lloyd Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Broder Richard Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Butler Thomas Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Andrew Moydough Kilfree Sligo Callaghan James Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Callaghan John Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Callaghan John Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Callaghan John Moygara Kilfree Sligo Callaghan John Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Martin Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Martin Moydough Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Martin, Jr. Moydough Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Matthew Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Matthew Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Michael Moygara Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Neill Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Patrick Moygara Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Patrick Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Peter Moydough Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Peter Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Callaghan Thomas Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Callaly James Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Carberry John Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Carberry Patrick Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Carberry Patrick Moygara Kilfree Sligo Carr Bartholomew Doon Kilfree Sligo Carr Francis Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Carr John Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Carr Owen Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Carr Patrick Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Carroll Martin Moygara Kilfree Sligo Casey Bridget Doon Kilfree Sligo Casey James Moygara Kilfree Sligo Casey John Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Casey John Moygara Kilfree Sligo Casey Michael Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Casey Michael Moydough Kilfree Sligo Casey Roger Moygara Kilfree Sligo Casey Thaddeus Doon Kilfree Sligo Cawley Bartholomew Moygara Kilfree Sligo Cawley Francis Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Cawley John Moygara Kilfree Sligo Cawley Michael Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Cawley Michael Moygara Kilfree Sligo Cawley Thomas Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Cawley Timothy Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Cawley Timothy Moygara Kilfree Sligo Cody Thomas Moygara Kilfree Sligo Coleman James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Coleman James Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Coleman Matthew Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Coleman Patrick Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Coleman Thaddeus Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Coleman Thady Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Coleman Thomas Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Coleman Thomas Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Colman Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Conlan Martin Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Conmee John Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Conmee Patrick Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Connolly James Sragh Kilfree Sligo Connolly John Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Connolly John Moygara Kilfree Sligo Connolly Thomas Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Connor Edward Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Connor John Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Connor Martin Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Connor Michael Doon Kilfree Sligo Conry Matthew Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Conry Peter Moygara Kilfree Sligo Conway John Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Conway John Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Conway Mark Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Corcoran Edward Seefin Kilfree Sligo Corcoran Patrick Seefin Kilfree Sligo Cosgrave Daniel Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Cosgrave James Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Cosgrave Patrick Moygara Kilfree Sligo Cosgrave William Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Costelloe Charles Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Costelloe Charles Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Costelloe Charles Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Costelloe Charles Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Costelloe Jane Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Costelloe Jane Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Cowen John Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Cox John Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Crine Dominick Moygara Kilfree Sligo Cryan James Seefin Kilfree Sligo Cryan John Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Cryan John Seefin Kilfree Sligo Cryan Michael Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Cryan Michael Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Cryan Patrick Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Cryan Patrick Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Cryan Patrick Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Cryan Philip Seefin Kilfree Sligo Cunnane Bridget Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Cunnane John Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Cunnane Michael Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Cunningham James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Cunningham John Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Cunningham Mary Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Cunningham Matthew Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Cunningham Patk. Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Cunningham Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Curley Mary Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Davey Patrick Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Davy Bryan Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Davy James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Davy Martin Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Davy Patrick Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Davy Peter Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Davy Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Davy Thomas Seefin Kilfree Sligo Devanny Hugh Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Devany Bridget Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Devany Bryan Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Devany Hugh Doon Kilfree Sligo Devany John Doon Kilfree Sligo Devine Francis Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Devine Hugh Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Dinaher Henry Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Dodd James Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Dodd James Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Dodd Patrick Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Dodd Patrick Moydough Kilfree Sligo Doddy Dominick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Doddy Mary Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Doddy Thomas Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Doherty Winifred Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Dolan Dominick Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Dolan Luke Doon Kilfree Sligo Dolan Terence Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Dowd Catherine Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Dowd James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Dowd Patrick Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Dowling Mary Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Downes Patrick Seefin Kilfree Sligo Drury John Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Drury Michael Moygara Kilfree Sligo Duffey John Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Duffy Bryan Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Duffy Cormack Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Duffy Edward Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Duffy John Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Duffy John Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Duffy Matthew Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Duffy Patrick Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Duffy Patrick Sragh Kilfree Sligo Duhill Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Duke Catherine Moygara Kilfree Sligo Dunican James Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Dunican Jane Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Durkin Walter Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Dyer Hugh Moygara Kilfree Sligo Dyer John Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Dyer Martin Moygara Kilfree Sligo Dyer Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Farrell Bartholomew Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Farrell Martin Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Farrell Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Feehily William Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Feighney James Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Feighney Winifred Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Finan John Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Finn James Doon Kilfree Sligo Finn John Cloonanure Kilfree Sligo Finn John Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Finn Judith Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Finn Luke Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Finn Luke Doon Kilfree Sligo Finn Michael Cloonanure Kilfree Sligo Finn Michael Doon Kilfree Sligo Finn Michael Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Finn Michael Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Finn Michael Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Finn Michael, Jr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Finn Michael, Sr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Finn Patrick Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Finn Patrick Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Finn Peter Cloonanure Kilfree Sligo Finn Terence Cloonanure Kilfree Sligo Finn Terence Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Finn Thomas Moygara Kilfree Sligo Flaherty Edward Moygara Kilfree Sligo Flaherty Patrick Moygara Kilfree Sligo Flanagan Bryan Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Flanagan Stephen W. Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Flanigan James Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Flanigan Loughlin Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Flynn Bridget Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Flynn James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Flynn Michael Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Flynn Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Foley Thomas Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Freeman James Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Freyne John Doon Kilfree Sligo Freyne Patrick Doon Kilfree Sligo Gaffney Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Gaffney Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Gallagher Bridget Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Gallagher Bridget Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Gallagher Dominick Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Gallagher John Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Gallagher Patrick Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Gallaher Farrell Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Gara Cain Doon Kilfree Sligo Gara Margaret Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Gara Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Gara Patrick Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Gara Peter Doon Kilfree Sligo Gara Roger Doon Kilfree Sligo Garland Patrick Doon Kilfree Sligo Giblin Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Gorman James Moygara Kilfree Sligo Gorman Patrick Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Gorman Peter Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Grady Bryan Doon Kilfree Sligo Grady Edmond Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Grady John Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Grady Martin Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Grady Michael Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Grady Patrick Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Grady Simon Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Grady Thomas Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Grady Thomas Doon Kilfree Sligo Greaghan John Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Greaghan Owen Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Grehan James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Grehan Martin Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Guthrie George Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Guthrie Matthew Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Guthrie Thomas Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Hannan James Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Hannan Martin Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Hannon Andrew Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Hannon James Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Hannon James Doon Kilfree Sligo Hannon John Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Hannon John Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Hannon John Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Hannon John, Sr. Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Hannon Martin Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Hannon Martin Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Hannon Matthew Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Hannon Patrick Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Hannon Patrick Chacefield Kilfree Sligo Hannon Patrick Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Hannon Thomas Doon Kilfree Sligo Hare John Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Hart Anne Moygara Kilfree Sligo Hart John Seefin Kilfree Sligo Headen Hugh Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Headen Hugh No. 1 Eagle Island,Island in Lough Gara Kilfree Sligo Headen Patrick Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Headen Patrick No. 1 Eagle Island,Island in Lough Gara Kilfree Sligo Headen Thomas Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Headen Thomas No. 1 Eagle Island,Island in Lough Gara Kilfree Sligo Healy Bridget Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Healy Catherine Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Healy Catherine Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Healy Catherine Moydough Kilfree Sligo Healy James Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Healy Mary Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Healy Mary Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Heher John Sragh Kilfree Sligo Henry Catherine Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Henry James Doon Kilfree Sligo Henry Roger Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Higgins Patrick Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Horan Bridget Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Horan Bryan Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Horan James Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Horan John Moydough Kilfree Sligo Horan Martin Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Horan Martin Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Horan Martin Moygara Kilfree Sligo Horan Patrick Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Horan Patrick Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Hunt Bridget Doon Kilfree Sligo Hunt Bridget Moygara Kilfree Sligo Hunt Denis Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Hunt Francis Moygara Kilfree Sligo Hunt James Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Hunt James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Hunt James Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Hunt James Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Hunt James Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Hunt James Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Hunt John Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Hunt Martin Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Hunt Patrick Doon Kilfree Sligo Hunt Thomas Doon Kilfree Sligo Hunt Thomas, Jr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Hynes Edward Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Hynes Edward Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Hynes John Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Igo Hugh Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Igo John Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Igo Matthew Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Jordan James Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Jordan John Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Jordan Michael Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Jordan Patrick Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Jordan Patrick Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Jordan Thomas Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Jordan William Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Judge Bridget Moygara Kilfree Sligo Kane James Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Kavanagh James Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Keane James Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Keane James Moygara Kilfree Sligo Keane Michael Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Keane Michael Moygara Kilfree Sligo Keane Thomas Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Keane Thomas Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Kearney Martin Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Keilty Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Kelly James Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Kelly John Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Kelly Patrick Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Kelly Patrick Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Kelly Peter Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Kelly Peter Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Kelly Peter Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Kelly Thomas Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Kevel Patrick Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Kevil Bridget Sragh Kilfree Sligo Kevil Thomas Sragh Kilfree Sligo Kielty John Moydough Kilfree Sligo Kilgariff Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Kilgariff Patrick Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Killoran Hugh Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Killoran John, Jr. Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Killoran John, Sr. Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Killoran Mark Seefin Kilfree Sligo Killoran Michael Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Killoran Patrick Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Killoran Patrick Seefin Kilfree Sligo Killoran Thomas Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Kilroy Jane Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Kilroy John Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo King Robert Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Kivel James Moydough Kilfree Sligo Knott Honoria Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Lanan Patrick Moygara Kilfree Sligo Ledan Peter Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Ledman John Cloonanure Kilfree Sligo Lee Patrick Doon Kilfree Sligo Leonard Mark Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Leonard Mark Moygara Kilfree Sligo Leyden Michael Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Leyden Michael Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Leyden Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Lilly William Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Looby Bryan Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Lyden Hugh Moygara Kilfree Sligo Lyden James Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Lyden Michael Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Lyden Patrick Moygara Kilfree Sligo Lyden Thomas Moygara Kilfree Sligo Magill Bridget Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Magill John Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Magill Michael Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Marren James Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Marren Michael Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Marron Michael Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Marron Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Martin John Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Mattimo Thomas Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Maurice Patrick Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Mc Carrick James Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Mc Cave John Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Mc Cay Patrick Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Mc Cormack Thomas Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mc Coy Andrew Doon Kilfree Sligo Mc Coy Dominick Doon Kilfree Sligo Mc Coy Owen Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Mc Coy Thomas Doon Kilfree Sligo Mc Cue Honoria Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mc Cue Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Bryan Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Corns. Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott James Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott James Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott John Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Martin Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Mary Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Michael Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Michael Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Michael Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Michael Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Michael Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Myles Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Myles Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Patk. Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Patrick Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Patrick Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Patrick Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Patrick Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Peter Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mc Dermott Thomas Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh James Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Jno. Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh John Doon Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh John, Jr. Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh John, Sr. Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Mary Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Matthew Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Michael Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Patrick Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Patrick Doon Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Peter Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Terence Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Thomas Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Thomas Sragh Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh Timothy Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Donagh William Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Mc Donnell Catherine Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Donnell John Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Dominick Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Henry Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh James Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh John Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Martin Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Michael Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Michael Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Michael Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Michael Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Owen Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Donogh Peter Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Mc Donough Thomas Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Elroy George Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Gee Thomas Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mc Gloan James Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Mc Glynn Peter Sragh Kilfree Sligo Mc Govern James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Govern James Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Mc Govern John Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Govern John, Jr. Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Mc Govern John, Sr. Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Mc Govern Michael Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Mc Govern Michael Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Mc Govern Michael Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Mc Gowan Andrew Sragh Kilfree Sligo Mc Gowan John Seefin Kilfree Sligo Mc Keone James Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Keone John Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Keone John, Jr. Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Keone Michael Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mc Keone Michael Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mc Loughlin Patrick Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Mc Loughlin Thomas Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mc Manus Anne Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Mc Manus Bernard Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo Mc Manus Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mc Munn Samuel Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Mc Nulty Barthw. Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mc Steen Ellen Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mc Steen Mary Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Meeghan Catherine Moygara Kilfree Sligo Meehan Dominick, Jr. Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Meehan Dominick, Sr. Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Meehan John Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Meehan Patrick Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Meehan William Chacefield Kilfree Sligo Molloy John Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Moran Ambrose Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Moran John Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Moran Patrick Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Muldoon Andrew Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mullanny Denis Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mullanny Michael Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mullany John Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Mullany Mary Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mullany Michael Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Mullany Thomas Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Mulligan Martin Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Mulligan Martin Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Mullowney Bryan Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Mulrenan Patrick Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Mulrennan James Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Mulrennan John Moygara Kilfree Sligo Mulrennan Mary Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Mulvoge James Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Mulvoge John Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mulvoge Mary Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mulvoge Patrick Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Mulvogue Hugh Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Murphy Bridget Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Murphy John Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Murphy Martin Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Murphy Martin, Jr. Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Murphy Matthew Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Murphy Matthew Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Murphy Michael Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Murphy Patrick Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo Murphy Patrick Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Murphy Patrick, Sr. Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Murphy Peter Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Murphy William Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Murray Andrew Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Murray Dominick Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Murray Dominick Cloonanure Kilfree Sligo Murray Dominick Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Murray James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Murray John Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Murray John Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Murray John Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Murray John, Jr. Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Murray Margaret Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Murray Patrick Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Murray Patrick Cloonanure Kilfree Sligo Murrin Thomas Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Nangle Bridget Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Neilan Maria Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Neilan Maria Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Nerheny Patrick, Jr. Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Nerheny Patrick, Sr. Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Noble George Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo O'Conner Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo O'Donnell Hugh Gorteen Kilfree Sligo O'Donnell James Gorteen Kilfree Sligo O'Donnell James Moygara Kilfree Sligo O'Donnell Philip Knocknashammer Kilfree Sligo O'Gara James Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo O'Gara John Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Denis Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Dominick, Jr. Doon Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Dominick, Sr. Doon Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Domk., Jr. Doon Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Domk., Sr. Doon Kilfree Sligo O'Hara John Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Michael Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Patrick Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Patrick Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Sarah Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Thomas Annaghmore Kilfree Sligo O'Hara Thomas Doon Kilfree Sligo O'Neill John Moygara Kilfree Sligo Pigeon Honoria Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Powell James Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Powell James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Powell James Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Powell James Knocknaskeagh Kilfree Sligo Powell John Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Powell Laurence Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Powell Robert Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Powell Robert Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Powell Robert Moydough Kilfree Sligo Powell Robert, Jr. Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Prendergast Mary Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Queenan James Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan James, Sr. Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan John, Jr. Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan John, Sr. Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Martin Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Matthew Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Michael Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Owen Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Patk., Sr. Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Patrick Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Patrick Moygara Kilfree Sligo Queenan Sarah Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Thomas Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Queenan Thomas Moygara Kilfree Sligo Reade James Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Reade John Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Reade Loughlin Doon Kilfree Sligo Reade Michael Doon Kilfree Sligo Redican Martin Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Regan Bartholomew Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Regan Edward Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Regan Michael Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Regan Michael, Jr. Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Regan Patrick Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Regan Patrick Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Regan William Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Roarke Michael Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Roarke Thomas Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Rochfort Catherine Moygara Kilfree Sligo Rochfort Henry Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Rochfort James Moygara Kilfree Sligo Rochfort William Moygara Kilfree Sligo Roddy Bartholomew Cloonanure Kilfree Sligo Roddy Bartholomew Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Roddy Catherine Doon Kilfree Sligo Roddy Patrick Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Roddy Pk. Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Roddy Rev. Patrick Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Rogers John Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Rogers Patrick Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Rogers Terence Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Rogers Thomas Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Salmon Mary Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Bartholomew Seefin Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Catherine Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Francis Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Scanlan James Doon Kilfree Sligo Scanlan James Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Scanlan James, Jr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Scanlan James, Sr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Scanlan John Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Scanlan John Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Mary Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Mary Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Michael Doon Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Michael Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Patrick Seefin Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Rep. Peter Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Scanlan Thomas Clooneagh Kilfree Sligo Shannon Andrew Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Shannon John Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Sharkett Anne Doon Kilfree Sligo Sharkett John Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Sharkett John Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Sharkett Nicholas Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Sharkett Stephen Cuilprughlish Kilfree Sligo Sheeran Peter Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Sheil John, Jr. Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Sheil John, Sr. Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Sheil Patrick Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Dominick Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Dominick, Sr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Sherlock John Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Luke Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Mary Doon Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Matthew Doon Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Michael Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Patk., Jr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Patrick Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Patrick, Jr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Patrick, Sr. Doon Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Richard Doon Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Thomas Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Thomas Cloonsillagh Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Thomas Doon Kilfree Sligo Sherlock Thomas Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Smith John Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Spellman Anne Seefin Kilfree Sligo Spellman James Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Spellman James Moygara Kilfree Sligo Spellman Patrick Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Spelman Michael Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Spelman Michael, Jr. Knocknahoo Kilfree Sligo Spelman Patrick Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Stenson Owen Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Sweeney Bridget Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Sweeney Bridget Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Sweeney Owen Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Swift Thomas Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Tansey Alice Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Tansey Bryan Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Tansey Bryan Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Tansey Bryan Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Tansey Dominick Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Tansey James Rathmadder Kilfree Sligo Tansey John Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Tansey John Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Tansey John Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Tansey John Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Tansey Luke Kilstraghlan or Ragwood Kilfree Sligo Tansey Martin Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Tansey Michael Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Tansey Michael Gortygara Kilfree Sligo Tansey Owen Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo Tansey Owen Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Tansey Owen Greyfield Kilfree Sligo Tansey Patrick Calteraun Kilfree Sligo Tansey Patrick Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Tansey Patrick Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Tansey Patrick Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Tansey Patrick, Jr. Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Tansey Patrick, Sr. Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Tansey Patrick, Sr. Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Tansey Rodk. Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Taylor John Sragh Kilfree Sligo Taylor Mary Mullaghroe Kilfree Sligo Taylor Patrick Sragh Kilfree Sligo Taylor Robert George Moygara Kilfree Sligo Thornhill Edward B. Mountirvine Kilfree Sligo Timon Owen Cloontycarn Kilfree Sligo Timon Patrick Moydough Kilfree Sligo Tinnon James Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Toulan Andrew Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Toulan Hugh Chacefield Kilfree Sligo Toulan Hugh Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Toulan John Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Toulan Patrick Gorteen Kilfree Sligo Toulan Peter Mweelroe Kilfree Sligo Tresnan Thomas Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Tuohy Michael Doon Kilfree Sligo Tuohy Patrick Doon Kilfree Sligo Tymon James Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Tymon John Carrowntemple Kilfree Sligo Tymon Patrick Mahanagh Kilfree Sligo Walsh Matthew Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Walsh Michael Kilfree Kilfree Sligo Walsh Patrick Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Walsh Patrick Moydough Kilfree Sligo Walsh Thomas Cloonlaheen Kilfree Sligo Walsh Thomas Lisbaleely Kilfree Sligo Walsh Thomas Moydough Kilfree Sligo Wynn James Chacefield Kilfree Sligo Wynne John Cuilmore Kilfree Sligo