Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adams Robert Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Alexander Thomas Town of Sligo Fish Quay St. Johns Sligo Allen Charles Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Allen Charles Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Allen Charles Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Allen Jane Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Allen Thomas Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Anderson ??? Garvoge River Adjoining Abbeyquarter Nth St. Johns Sligo Anderson Charles Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Anderson Eleanor Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Anderson George Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Anderson Martin Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Anderson Patrick East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Anderson Patrick Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Anderson Robert Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Anderson Samuel Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Anderson William Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Anderson William Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Anderson William Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Andrews Isaac Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Armstrong Dr. Archibald Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Armstrong Lucy Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Armstrong Robert Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Arnold Nathaniel Sligo Thomas-Street St. Johns Sligo Arnold Nathaniel Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Atkinson John Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Atkinson John Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Badge Joseph Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Balfour James Sligo Market Street (East Side St. Johns Sligo Banks Alice Sligo Goal-Lane St. Johns Sligo Banks Patrick Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Barrett Capt. Knox Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Barrett Col. Knox Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Barrett John Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Barrett Margaret Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Barrett Samuel Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Barrett Thomas Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Barrie James Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Barry Denis Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Barry Michael Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Barry Patrick Sligo Abbeyquarter North St. Johns Sligo Barry Patrick Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Barry Sarah Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Battle James Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Beatty John Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Beatty John Town of Sligo Old Market Street St. Johns Sligo Beatty John Town of Sligo Tobergal Lane St. Johns Sligo Beckett Charles Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Begly Mary Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Bell Bridget Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Bell Richard Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Bell Samuel Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Bell Stratford Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Benson James Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Bern Bryan Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Bianconi Charles Corcorans Mall St. Johns Sligo Black Mary Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Black Sarah Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Blair George Town of Sligo Knox's Street St. Johns Sligo Blake Andrew Cranmore (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Blest Albert Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Boland Patrick Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Boland Patrick Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Bole Bartly Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Bolton Anne Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Boyd Alexander Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Boyd Robert Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Boyle Bryan Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Boyle Bryan Town of Sligo Fish Quay St. Johns Sligo Boyle James Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Boyle John Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Boyle Mary Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Boyle Michael Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Boyle Patrick Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Boyle Rev. Patrick Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Boyle Thaddeus Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Boyle Thaddeus Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Boyle Thomas Cranmore (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Boyle Thomas Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Boyle William Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Brady John Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Bral Patrick Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Bray John Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Bray Matthew Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Breahy Patrick Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Bree Mary Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Bree Patrick Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Bree Patt Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Brennan Bryan Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Brennan Bryan Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Brennan Catherine Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Brennan Edward Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Brennan Frances Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Brennan Gregory Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Brennan James Sligo Newmarket Lane or Pound St. Johns Sligo Brennan James Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Brennan James Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Brennan John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Brennan John Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Brennan John Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Brennan John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Brennan Margaret Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Brennan Michael Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Brennan Michael Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Brennan Patrick Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Brennan Patrick Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Brennan Patrick Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Brennan Thomas East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Brett Michael Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Brett William Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Brodil Andrew Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Brown Edward Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Brown Ellen Sligo Goal-Lane St. Johns Sligo Brown James Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Brown Robert Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Brown William Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Browne Ellen Town of Sligo Ramsey's Row St. Johns Sligo Browne James Sligo Market Street (East Stre St. Johns Sligo Bruen Michael Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Bruen Owen Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Buchanan Alexander Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Buckley Thomas Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Burke James Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Burke John East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Burke John Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Burke Laurence Sligo Market Street (East Stre St. Johns Sligo Burke Maria Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Burke Mary Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Burke Michael Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Burns James Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Burns John Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Burns John Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Burns John Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Burns John West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Burns Patrick Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Burns Patrick Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Burns Patrick Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Burns Rose Cleaveragh Demesne St. Johns Sligo Burns Thomas Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Burns William Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Burnside Andrew Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Burrowes James Sligo The Lungy St. Johns Sligo Byng Cornelius Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Byrne Honor Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Byrne Martin Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Byrne Martin Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Caffrey Charles Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Caldwell Henry Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Caldwell James Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Caldwell James Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Callaghan John Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Callaghan Patrick Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Callaghan Patrick Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Callaghan Roger Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Callaghan Terence Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Calway Denis Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Campbell Harper Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Campbell Harper Sligo Adelaide Road St. Johns Sligo Campbell Harper Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Campbell John Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Campbell Samuel Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Cannon Thomas Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Carey Cormick Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Carey Patrick Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Carey Robert Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Carr James Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Carr Patrick Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Carr Patrick Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Carraway Owen Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Carrick Elizabeth Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Carroll Jane Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Carroll John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Carroll John Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Carroll Michael Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Carroll Michael Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Carroll Thomas Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Carter Barthw., M.D. Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Carter David Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Carter James Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Carty Andrew Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Carty Andrew Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Carty Bridget Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Carty Elizabeth Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Carty Honor Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Carty Martin Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Carty Patrick Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Casey Edward Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Casey George Sligo The Lungy St. Johns Sligo Casey James Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Casey Patrick Town of Sligo Smiths Row St. Johns Sligo Casey Thomas Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Cassidy Julia Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Cassidy Patrick Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Cavanagh James Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Cavenagh John Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Cawley James Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Cesnan Bryan Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Cesnan Luke Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Chambers James Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Chambers William Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Charleton John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Cherry Stephen M. Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Chisholme Robert Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Chism Edward Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Christian Margaret Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Clancy Catherine Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Clancy George Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Clancy Michael Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Clancy Patrick Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Clancy Patrick Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Clarke Moses Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Clarke Sarah Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Cleary James East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Cleary James Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo Clements James Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Clerken Patrick Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Clerkin Philip Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Clinton William Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Clinton William Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Coen Bridget Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Cogan Mary Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Coggin James Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Coggins Michael, Jr. Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Coggins Michael, Sr. Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Coggins Peter Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Cohen Bartly Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Cohen Margaret Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Cohen Martin Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Cohen Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Cole Richard Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Cole Richard Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Colleary Patrick Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Collins John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Collins Mary Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Colman Catherine Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Colman Martin Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Colman Thomas Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Comer John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Comerford Mrs. ??? Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Commerford Mrs. ??? Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Compton Charles Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Compton Charles Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Conlan Anne Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Conlan Hugh Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Conlan James Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Conlan James Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Conlan Margaret Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Conlan Michael Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Conlan Michael Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Conlan Owen Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Conlan Patrick Sligo Goal-Lane St. Johns Sligo Conlisk Peter Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Conlon Farrel Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Conlon Malachi Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Connell James Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Connellan Martin Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Connellan Owen Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Connellan Peter Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Connington John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Connolly Bridget Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Connolly Catherine Town of Sligo Middle Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Connolly Daniel Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Connolly George Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Connolly John Sligo Adelaide Road St. Johns Sligo Connolly John Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Connolly John Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Connolly Martin Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Connolly Michael Town of Sligo Lower Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Connolly Michael Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Connolly Owen Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Connolly Patrick Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Connolly William Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Connor Bartly Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Connor Dominick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Connor James Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Connor John Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Connor John Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Connor Mitthias Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Connor Owen Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Connorton Patrick Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Conolly Laurence Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Conry John Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Conry Luke Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Conry Maurice Sligo Market Street (East Stre St. Johns Sligo Conry Owen Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Conry Patrick Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Convy James Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Conway John Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Conway John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Conway Patrick Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Conway Peter Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Conway Thomas Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Cooke James Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Cooper Edward J. Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Corcoran Bridget Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Cornton Charles West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Cosgrave Catherine Sligo Thomas-Street St. Johns Sligo Costello Charles Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Costello John Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Costello Patrick Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Cowan Andrew Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Cowan James Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Cowan Thomas Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Cox James Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Cox James Sligo Adelaide Road St. Johns Sligo Cox Mary Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Coyne John East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Coyne Michael Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Coyne Thomas Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Crawford Alexander Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Crawley Farrell Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Crawley John Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Crean James Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Crean John Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Cregg Jane Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Creighton John Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Crofton James Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Crone James Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Crook Andrew Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Crosgrove Owen Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Crumly Denis Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Cryan James Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Cryan James Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Cryan Patt Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Crystal Patrick Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Culbertson Anne Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Culbertson Robert Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Culbertson Robert Town of Sligo Finisklin Road St. Johns Sligo Cullen Michael Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Cullen Thomas Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Cullin Sally Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Elizabeth Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Ellen Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Cunningham John Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Maraget Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Margaret Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Michael Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Michael Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Patrick Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Patrick Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Patrick Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Cunningham Peter Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Curly James Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Curran Bryan Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Curran Michael Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Curreen Owen, Jr. Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Curren Thomas Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Curret Batholomew Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Curret William Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Currin Owen, Jr. Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Currin Patrick Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Currin Thomas Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Currin Thomas Cuilbeg St. Johns Sligo Curry John Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Curry Michael East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Cusack Jane Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Daly Alexander Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Daly Bridget Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Daly Patrick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Darey John Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Davey Andrew Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Davis Edmond S. Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Davis John Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Davis Margaret Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Davis Vernon Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Davy Bryan Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy Darby Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy Denis Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy James Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy John Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Davy John Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy Margaret Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy Martin Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Davy Mary Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Davy Michael Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy Patrick Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Davy Patrick Tullynagracken North St. Johns Sligo Davy Patrick Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Davy Patrick Tullynagracken, North St. Johns Sligo Davy Patrick, Jr. Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Davy Patrick, Jr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy Patrick, Sr. Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Davy Patrick, Sr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Davy Peter Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Davy Peter Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Davy Thaddeus Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Davy William Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Day Rev. Edward Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Day Rev. Edward Sligo The Lungy St. Johns Sligo Deignan James Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Deignan John Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Deignan Sarah Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Delany John Town of Sligo Back Street. Union Place St. Johns Sligo Dempsey Thomas Sligo Hudsons Lane St. Johns Sligo Denning Charles J. Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Derrig Jane Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Derrig Jane Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Derrig John Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Derrig Mary Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Devanny Darby Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Devanny Ellen Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Devanny James Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Devanny James Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Devanny John Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Devanny John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Devanny Owen Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Devanny Patrick Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Devanny Patrick Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Devanny Patrick East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Devanny Patrick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Devanny Patrick Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Devanny Thomas Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Devanny William Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Devanny William Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Devany Patrick Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Devany Patrick Commons St. Johns Sligo Devon Michael Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Dillon John Sligo Hudsons Lane St. Johns Sligo Dillon Mary Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Dobbin Abraham Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Dobbin Thomas Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Dobbin Thomas Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Dobbins Abraham Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Dobbyn Abraham Town of Sligo Back Street. Union Place St. Johns Sligo Dogherty John Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Doherty Charles Town of Sligo Lower Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Doherty Henry Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Doherty James Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Doherty James Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Doherty James Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Doherty Mary A. E. Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Doherty Michael Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Doherty Patrick Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Dolan Margaret Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Dolan Margaret Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Dolan Patrick Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Dolly William Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Donaghy John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Donlevy Francis Sligo Thomas-Street St. Johns Sligo Donlevy Francis Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Donlevy Mary Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Donohoe Winifred Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Donougher John Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Doogan Thomas Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Dooney Catherine Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Doran John Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Dowd Bartly Town of Sligo Middle Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Dowd Bridget Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Dowd Daniel Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Dowd James Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Downes Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Doyle Anne Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Doyle Eleanor Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Doyle James Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Doyle John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Drew John Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Drum Bryan Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Drum John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Dudgeon Henry Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Dudgeon Wm. Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Duffy Edward Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Duffy Martin Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Duffy Thomas Cranmore (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Duggan John Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Duke Charles Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Dunbar Michael Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Dunbar Patrick Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Dunbar Thaddeus Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Duncan Michael Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Dunleavy Catherine Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Dunlevy Gregory Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Dunn Michael Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Dunne Bryan West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Dunnigan Bridget Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Dyer Anne Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Dyer Patrick Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Dyer Peter Town of Sligo Middle Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Eagan Margaret Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Earls Edward Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Early Francis Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Early John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Early Michael Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Early Patrick Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Ecceles William Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Eccles William Sligo Bridgefoot Street (South St. Johns Sligo Eccles William Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Edwards William Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Egan Charlotte Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Egan James Town of Sligo Middle Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Egan Margaret Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Egan Mary Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Egan Rep. William Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Elliott Capt. Edward Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Enright Mart Anne Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Evans Sibina Town of Sligo Middle Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Fallon James Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Fallon Patrick Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Fallon Patrick Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Fannin John Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Farrell Bridget Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Farrell Dominick Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Farrell Edward Sligo Bridgefoot Street (South St. Johns Sligo Farrell John Town of Sligo Old Market Street St. Johns Sligo Farrell Michael Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Farrell Michael Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Farrell Michael Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Farrell Patrick Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Farrell William Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Fastier Camille A. Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Faussett Sarah A. Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Fawcett Anne Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Fawcett Capt. Henry Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Fawcett Thomas Edw. Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Fee Michael Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Feely Bridget Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Feeney Matthew Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Feeny Catherine Cuilbeg St. Johns Sligo Feeny Francis Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Feeny Mary Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Feeny Matthew Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Feeny Matthew Commons St. Johns Sligo Feeny Matthew Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Feeny Patrick Cuilbeg St. Johns Sligo Feeny Patrick Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Feeny Patrick Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Feeny Patrick Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Feeny Patrick Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Feeny Patrick Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Feeny Thomas Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Ferguson Dr. Jas. H. West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Ferguson Francis Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Ferguson James H. Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Ferguson James H. Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Ferguson James H. Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Ferguson John Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Ferguson Sarah Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Fetherston Bernard Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Finan Michael Town of Sligo Lower Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Finan Patrick Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Finane Michael Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Finane Patrick Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Finigan Honoria Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Finigan Mary Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Finigan Patrick Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Finn Simon Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Finnegan John Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Finnegan Thomas Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Finnerty Martin Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Finnerty Thomas Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Fitzgearld James Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Fitzpatrick Daniel Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Fitzpatrick James Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Flaherty John Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Flanagan Edward Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Flanagan Elizabeth Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Flanagan Esther Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Flanagan Francis Sligo Slater's Row St. Johns Sligo Flanagan Martin Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Flanagan Mary Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Flanagan Patrick Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Flatley John Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Flatly Dominick Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Fleming William Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Flinn Bernard Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Flinn John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Flinn Michael Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Flinn Patrick Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Flinn Thomas Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Flnan John Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Flood Patrick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Flynn Bryan Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Flynn Michael Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Flynn Patrick Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Flynn William Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Foley Denis Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Foley James Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Foley Joseph Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Foley Michael Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Foley Michael Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Foley Michael Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Foley Michael Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Foley Michael Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Foley Michael Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Foley Michael Town of Sligo Water Lane (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Foley Michael West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Foley Patrick Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Foley Thomas West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Ford Catherine Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Fortune James Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Fowler Mary Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Fowley Hugh Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Fox Michael Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Fox William Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Foy Martin Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Foy Martin Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Free Michael West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Freel Mary East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Freel Michael Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Freeman Daniel Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Freeman James Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Frew William Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Frew William Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Frew William Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Friary ??? Sligo High Street St. Johns Sligo Friel James Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Fryar Darby Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Fury Andrew Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Fury John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Fylnn Patrick Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Fylnn Patrick Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Fylnn Patrick Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Fynan Patrick Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Fynan William Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Gaddis William Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Bridget Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Catherine Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Charles Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Dudley Sligo Bridgefoot Street (South St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Edward Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Francis Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Hugh Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Gallagher James Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Gallagher John Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Gallagher John Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Gallagher John Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Gallagher John Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Gallagher John Town of Sligo Tobergal Lane St. Johns Sligo Gallagher John Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Laurence Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Mary Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Michael Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Michael Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Michael Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Michael Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Owen Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Patrick Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Patrick Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Philip Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Gallagher Thomas Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Gallagher William Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Gallagher William Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Galnagh James Town of Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Galuagh Edward Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Galvin Mary Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Ganly Peter Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Gannon Bryan Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Gannon Henry Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gannon Thomas Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Gannon Winifred Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Gara John Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Gara John, Jr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Gara John, Sr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Gara Martin Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Gara Michael Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Gara Thaddeus Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Garvey John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Garvey Laurence Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Garvil Ellen Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Garvil Thaddy Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Gay John Town of Sligo Lynns Place St. Johns Sligo Geoghegan John Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Geoghegan Roger Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo George Thomas Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Geraghty Francis Sligo Lower Knox's Street (Sou St. Johns Sligo Geraghty Hugh Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Geraghty Hugh Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Geraghty Hugh Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Geraghty James Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Geraghty Martin Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Geren James Corcorans Mall St. Johns Sligo Gethan Michael Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Gethin James Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Gethin Mary Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Gethin Michael Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Getrick Patrick Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Gibbins Peter Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Gibbons William Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Giblin Bryan Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Giblin Daniel Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Giblin Daniel Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Giblin Michael Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Giblin Patrick Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Giblin Patrick Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Gibson John Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Gibson Margaret Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Gilcreest Thomas Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gilgan Daniel Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Gilgan James Town of Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Gilgan Matthew Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gilgan Michael East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Gilgan Michael Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Gilhooly Patrick Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Gilhooly Patrick Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Gillan Anne Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gillan Dominick Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Gillan Luke Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Gillan Mary Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Gillan Michael Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gillan Michael Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Gillan Owen Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Gillan Patrick Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Gillan Thomas Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Gillan William Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Gillepsie Edward Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Gillespie Anne Jane Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Gillespie John Town of Sligo Smiths Row St. Johns Sligo Gillespie Peter Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Gillgan James Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Edward Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Gilligan John Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Malachi Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Margaet Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Mary Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Michael Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Michael Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Michael Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Thomas Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Gilligan Winny Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Gillmor Humphry Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gillmor James Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Gillon Martin Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gilloran Michael Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Gilmartin Patrick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Gilmor Alex East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Gilmor Mary Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gilmor Wm. East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Gilmore John Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Gilmore Samuel Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Gilmore William Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Given John Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Given John Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gogan Martin Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Golden Michael Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Goorevan John Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Goorevan Patrick Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Goravin Henry Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Goravin Patrick Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Goravin Stephen Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Goravin Stephen, Jr. Sligo Adelaide Road St. Johns Sligo Goravin Stephen, Sr. Sligo Adelaide Road St. Johns Sligo Goravin Stephen, Sr. Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Goravin Thomas Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Gordon John Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Gorman Henry Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gorman John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Gorman John Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gorman Michael Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Gorman Paul Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Gorman Thomas Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Graham Bridget Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Graham Eleanor Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Graham Ellen Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Graham John Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Graham Robert Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Graham Thomas Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Grainy Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Gray James Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Gray James Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Gray John Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gray John Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Gray Michael Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Gray Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Green James Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Green William Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Green William Town of Sligo Lynns Place St. Johns Sligo Greene Andrew Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Greene John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Greham Thomas Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Grehan Owen Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Griffith Edward Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Griffith Henry Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Guin Bridget Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Gunnen James Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Gurrel Catherine Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Hagerty William Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Hall Anne Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Hall James Town of Sligo Finisklin Road St. Johns Sligo Hall James Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Hall William Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Haly Bryan Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Hanna Richard Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Hanna Richard Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Hannan Thomas Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Hanney John Sligo Connellans Street St. Johns Sligo Hanney John Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Hanney John Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Hanney Michael Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Hanney Patrick East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Hanney Patrick Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Hannon Peter Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Hanny George West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Hanny James Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Hanny Owen Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hany James Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Hany John Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Hany Owen Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Haragh Michael Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Haraghy Edward Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Harcourt William Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Hare James Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Hargaden James Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Hargaden James, Jr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hargaden James, Sr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hargaden John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hargaden John Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hargaden John, Jr. Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hargaden John, Jr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Michael Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Michael Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Patrick Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Patrick, Jr. Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Patrick, Jr. Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Patrick, Sr. Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Thomas Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Thomas Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Hargaden Thomas Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hargadon Patrick Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Hargadon Patrick Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Hargadon Thomas Town of Sligo Fish Quay St. Johns Sligo Hargadon Thomas Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Hargedon Martin Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Hargedon Michael Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Harkey Patrick Town of Sligo Smiths Row St. Johns Sligo Harper James Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Harper James Town of Sligo Finisklin Road St. Johns Sligo Harper James Town of Sligo Lynns Place St. Johns Sligo Harrison Charles Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Harrison Mary Anne Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Harrison Peter Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart Bartholomew Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hart Bryan Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Hart Catherine Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hart Charles Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Hart Daniel Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart Dominick Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Hart Dominick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Hart James Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Hart John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hart John Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Hart John Cuilbeg St. Johns Sligo Hart John Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Hart John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Hart John Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Hart Luke Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart Martin Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Hart Martin Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart Martin Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Hart Martin Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Hart Mary Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Hart Mary Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Hart Michael Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Hart Michael Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hart Michael Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart Owen Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Hart Owen Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Hart Owen Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Hart Patrick Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Hart Patrick Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart Patrick Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Hart Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Hart Patrick Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart Peter Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hart Peter Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Hart Peter Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Hart Peter Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Hart Peter, Jr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hart Peter, Sr. Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Hart Roger Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Hart Thomas Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Hart Thomas Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Hayes Richard West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Healy Bartholomew Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Healy Bernard Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Healy Bridget Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Healy Bryan Town of Sligo Tobergal Lane St. Johns Sligo Healy Catherine Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Healy Charles Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Healy Cormack Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Healy James Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Healy James Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Healy John Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Healy John Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Healy Michael Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Healy Owen Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Healy Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Healy Patrick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Healy Patrick Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Healy Patrick, Jr. Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Healy Patrick, Sr. Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Healy Peter Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Healy Rev. Patrick J. Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Healy Thomas Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Healy Thomas Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Henderson John Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Henderson John Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Henderson Robert Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Henderson Samuel Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Henderson Samuel Town of Sligo Lynns Place St. Johns Sligo Henderson Walter Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Heney Terence Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Hennessey Thomas Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Hennessy Patrick Town of Sligo Knox's Street St. Johns Sligo Henry Ellen Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Henry James Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Henry John Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Henry John Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Henry Martin Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Henry Mary Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Henry Mary Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Henry Mary Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Henry Sarah Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Henry Thomas Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Henry Thomas Town of Sligo Old Market Street St. Johns Sligo Henry William Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Heraghty Patrick Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Heron Rev. James Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Hethrington James Sligo Bridgefoot Street (South St. Johns Sligo Heuston Hugh Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Hibbetts Rev. Thos. D. Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Hicks George Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Hickson Richard Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Higgins Edward Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Higgins George Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Higgins James Commons St. Johns Sligo Higgins James Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Higgins James Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Higgins James Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Higgins James Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Higgins James Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Higgins James Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Higgins John Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Higgins John Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Higgins John Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Higgins Patrick Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Higgins Patrick Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Higgins Philip Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Higgins Sally Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Higgins Thomas Sligo Newmarket Lane or Pound St. Johns Sligo Higgins Thomas Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Higginson Henry Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Hill Francis Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Hillas Kim Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Hines Anne Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Hines Michael Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Hines Mortimer Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Hiver John Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Hodgson Catherine Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Hoey Edward Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Holmes Joseph Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Holmes Joseph Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Homan Travers Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Hopkins John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Hopper Alice Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Hopper John Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Hopper John Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Hopper Michael Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Howe Connor Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Howly Patrick Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Howse Martin Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Hudson John Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Hudson Mary Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Hudson Thomas Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Hudson William Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Hughes Francis Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Hughes James Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Hughes Patrick Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Hughes Patrick Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Hughes Peter Town of Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Hughes Stephen Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Hughes Stephen Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Hughes Stephen Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Hughes Stephen West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Hunt Anne Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Hunt Dominick Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Hunt James Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Hunt Michael Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Hunt Patrick Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Hunt Patrick Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Hunt Patrick Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Hunt William Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Hunt William Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Hunter James Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Hunter Robert Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Hunter Robert Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Hunter Robert Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Hurst Joshua Town of Sligo Knox's Street St. Johns Sligo Hutson John Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Hutson Joseph Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Ingham William Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Irwin Elizabeth Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Irwin John Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Island Michael Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Jackson Alexander Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo James Daniel Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo James John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo James John Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Jamieson Thomas Sligo Newmarket Lane or Pound St. Johns Sligo Jenkins Patrick Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Jennings John Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Jennings John Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Jennings John Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Jinks Daniel Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Jinks Martin Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Jinks Michael Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Johnston Andrew Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Johnston Edward Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Johnston James Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Johnston John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Johnston Mary Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Johnston Mary Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Jones Edward Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Jones Elizabeth East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Jones Elizabeth Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Jones Louis G. Corcorans Mall St. Johns Sligo Jones Michael Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Jordan Martin Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Jordan Martin Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Jordon Michael Sligo Goal-Lane St. Johns Sligo Judge John Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Kane John Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Kane Mary Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Kane Patrick Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Kaney John Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kavanagh Martin Sligo Thomas-Street St. Johns Sligo Kavanagh Michael Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Kaveny Francis Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Kaveny James Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kaveny John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Kaveny Paul Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Kaveny Thomas Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Kearney Patrick Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Kearney William Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Kearns Dominick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Kearns Dominick Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Kearns James Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Kearns John Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Kearns John Sligo Abbeyquarter North St. Johns Sligo Kearns John Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Kearns John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Kearns John Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Kearns John Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo Kearns John Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Kearns John West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Kearns Owen Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Kearns Patrick Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Kearns Patrick Sligo Newmarket Lane or Pound St. Johns Sligo Kearns Patrick Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Kearns Patrick Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Kearns Peter Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Kearny Michael Town of Sligo Water Land (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Keegan Michael Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Keenan Edward Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Keenan Patrick Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Keigharn Thomas Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Keighron Bryan Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Keighron Thomas Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo Kelly Andrew Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Kelly Anne Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Kelly Bridget Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kelly Catherine Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Kelly Charles Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kelly Honoria Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Kelly Hugh Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Kelly James Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Kelly Jane Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Kelly Martin Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Kelly Mary Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Kelly Mary Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Kelly Michael Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Kelly Michael Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Kelly Michael Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Kelly Michael Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Kelly Michael Town of Sligo Smiths Row St. Johns Sligo Kelly Michael West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Kelly Patrick Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Kelly Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Kelly Patrick Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Kelly Terence Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Kelso Margaret Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Kenny John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kenny Mary Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Kerr James Sligo Slater's Row St. Johns Sligo Kerr James Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Kerr Patrick Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Kerr Thomas Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Kerran James Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Kevit Thomas Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Kidd James Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Kidd James Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Kilbride James Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Martin Commons St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Martin Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Martin Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Martin Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Mary Tullynagracken North St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Michael Commons St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Michael Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Michael Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Kilbride Patrick Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Kilcullen Bryan Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Kilcullen Dominick Commons St. Johns Sligo Kilcullen Dominick Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Kilcullen Dominick Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Kilcullen Dominick, Jr. Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Kilcullen John Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Kilfeather Thomas Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Kilfeather William Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Kilgallen Charles Commons St. Johns Sligo Kilgallen Charles Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Kilgallen Charles Sligo Gethin-Street, or Goal R St. Johns Sligo Kilgallen James Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Kilgallen Patrick Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Kilgallen Thaddy Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Kilgallen Thady Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Kilgallon Michael Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Kilkenny Francis Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Killender Stephen Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Killoran Edward Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Killoran John Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Killoran Thady Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Kilmartin Michael Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Kilmartin Patrick Cuilbeg St. Johns Sligo Kiloran John Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Kilroy Andrew Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Kilroy Bryan Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kilroy Martin Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Kilroy Michael Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Kilroy Thomas Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Kimmits Bridget Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Kimmits Bridget Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kimmits Michael Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Kirkpatrick John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Kivlahan John Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Kivlahan John Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Kivlahan Michael Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Kivlahan Thomas Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Knox Samuel Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Kyle George Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Kyle Michael Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Kyle Patrick Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Lanagan Patrick Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Lang Bryan Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Lang John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Lang John Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Lang Thomas Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Langan Patrick Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Langan Peter Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Latchford John F. Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Lavan John Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Lavender Charles H. Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Lawson Capt. H. S. Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Le Grand William D. Town of Sligo Water Land (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Leahy Michael Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Leahy Michael Corcorans Mall St. Johns Sligo Lee Honor Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Lee James Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Leech George Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Lehenny Andrew Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Lenehan Hugh Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Lennox Michael Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Lennox Robert Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Leonard Bryan Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Leonard John Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Leonard Margaret Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Leonard Patrick Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Leonard Patrick Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Leonard Thomas Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Leonard Thomas Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Leyden Batholomew Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Leyden John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Leyden Mary Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Little Thomas Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Little Thomas Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Little William S. Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Lockart Mary Town of Sligo Old Market Street St. Johns Sligo Lockhart James Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Lougheed James Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Lougheed John East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Lougheed John Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Loughlin Alice Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Loughlin Eleanor East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Loughlin Mary Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Lovett Michael Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Lovett William Sligo Lower Knox's Street (Sou St. Johns Sligo Lowe Thomas Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Lydon John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Lydon John Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Lynch Bryan Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Lynch Daniel Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Lynch Henry Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Lynch John Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Lynch John Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Lynch John Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Lynch John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Lynch Owen Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Lynch Paul Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Lynch Thomas Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Lynn John Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Lynn John Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Lynn John Town of Sligo Lynns Place St. Johns Sligo Lynott William Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Lyons Alexander Town of Sligo Lynns Place St. Johns Sligo Lyons Edward Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Lyons Henry Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Lyons Henry Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Lyons Henry Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Lyons Henry Town of Sligo Finisklin Road St. Johns Sligo Lyons John Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo M Cann John, Sr. Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Macclean Patrick Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Mackey John Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Maclin James Town of Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Madden Bridget Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Madden James East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Madden Patrick Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Madden Thomas Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Magan Michael Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Magee Patrick Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Magee William Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Magennis Thomas Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Magetrick Margaret Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Magill Daniel East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Maginn James Town of Sligo Fish Quay St. Johns Sligo Magloan Daniel Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Magloon Ellen Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Magolrick Edward Commons St. Johns Sligo Magolrick James Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Magolrick Michael Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Magolrick Thomas Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Magowan John Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo Magowan Patrick Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Magowan Patrick Tonafortes St. Johns Sligo Magrath Edward Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Magrath John Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Magrath John Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Maguire Denis Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Maguire James Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Maguire Thomas Sligo Thomas-Street St. Johns Sligo Mahon John Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Mahon Patrick Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mahon William Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Makenzie Mark Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Malleeny Patrick Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Malleeny Samuel Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Malley Andrew Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Malley Patrick Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Malowney John Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Manghan Martin Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Manning Catherine Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Maron Patrick Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Maron Patrick West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Marren Patrick Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Martin Alicia Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Martin Bessy Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Martin Capt. James Cleaveragh Demesne St. Johns Sligo Martin Capt. James Islands in Lough Gill St. Johns Sligo Martin Capt. James Sligo Bridgefoot Street (South St. Johns Sligo Martin Capt. James Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Martin Capt. James Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo Martin Capt. James Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Martin Capt. James Town of Sligo Fish Quay St. Johns Sligo Martin Capt. James Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Martin Thomas Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Martin William Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Mason James Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Mathews Matthew Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo May Bridget Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo May James Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Mc Alynn Patrick Tonafortes St. Johns Sligo Mc Alynn Thomas West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Mc Andrew Michael Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Andrew Michael Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Bride Martin East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Mc Bride Robert East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Mc Bride Robert Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mc Bride Robert Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo Mc Bride Robert Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Callagh Francis Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Mc Cann John Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Mc Cann John Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mc Cann John, Jr. Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Mc Cann Peter Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Carrick Bartly Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Carrick Francis Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Mc Carrick Patrick Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Carrick Thomas Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Cartney Mark A. Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Cawley Bridget Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Cawley Michael Tonafortes St. Johns Sligo Mc Clane Martin Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Mc Clane Michael Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Mc Clane Owen Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Mc Clean Hugh Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Mc Clean James Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Mc Clean John Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Mc Clean Margaret Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mc Clean Martin Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Clean Patrick Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Mc Clean Thomas Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Mc Clean Thomas Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Mc Connell James Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Cormack James Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Mc Cormack Thomas Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Mc Cormack Thomas Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Cormack Thomas Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Mc Cormick Anne Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Cormick Bridget Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Cormick Daniel Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Cormick Peter Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Creery George Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermot Laurence Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott Bridget Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott John Sligo Thomas-Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott John Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott John Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott Mary Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott Patrick Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott Patrick Town of Sligo Middle Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott Terence Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Dermott Terence Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Devitt John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Anne Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Francis East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Francis Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Francis Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh James Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh James Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Laurence Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Mary Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Michael Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Michael Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Patrick Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Patrick Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh Patrick Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh William Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mc Donagh William Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Mc Donald John Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Donald Mary Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Mc Donnell Alexander Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Donnell Bridget Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Mc Donnell Edward Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Mc Donnell Ellen Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Mc Donnell Mary Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Mc Donnell Michael Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Donnell Patrick Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mc Elhenny Edward Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Entire James Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Mc Fadden Anne Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Fadden Francis Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Mc Fadden Patrick Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Mc Fadden William Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Mc Fadden William Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Garraghan Cath Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Garrahan Catherine Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Garry James Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Garry Mark Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Garry Patrick Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Getrick Thomas Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Mc Gettrick B. East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Mc Gettrick Catherine Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Gettrick Sarah Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Mc Gill Daniel Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Golderick Michael Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Mc Goldrick John Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Goldrick John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Goldrick Mary Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Goldrick Michael Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Goldrick Michael Town of Sligo Tobergal Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Goldrick Peter Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan Edward Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan James Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan James Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan John Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan John Sligo Connellans Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan John Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan John Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan Patrick Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Gowan Peter Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Mc Grath Patrick Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Guirk John Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Gurren Mary A. Town of Sligo Middle Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Gwynn Patrick Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Mc Hugh James Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Mc Hugh Thomas Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Mc Kay Robert Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Kenna Michael Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Kenny Michael Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Kenzie George Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Mc Kenzie James Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Kenzie John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Keon Bridget Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Mc Kevan Bryan Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Mc Kim Hester Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Kim James Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Kim Robert Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Mc Kim Thomas Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Lean Owen Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Lester Anne Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Bridget Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Daniel Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Edward Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Edward Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin George Sligo Slater's Row St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Henry Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin James Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin James Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin James Town of Sligo Lower Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin John Cranmore (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin John Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin John Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin John Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Mary Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Mary Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Mary Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Michael Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Michael Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Michael Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Owen Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Patrick Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Patrick Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Patrick Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Terence Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Thomas Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Thomas Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Mc Loughlin Timothy Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Mc Manemy Michael Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Manimon Mary Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus Anne Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus Ellen Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus Farrell West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus John Cuilbeg St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus John Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus Margaret Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus Patrick Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Mc Manus William Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Mc Morrow Margaret Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Morrow Mary Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mc Morrow Michael Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Morrow Peter Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Mc Morrow Sabina Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Mullen Henry Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Mc Naboe John Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Nally Thomas Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mc Namara Sarah Sligo Market Street (East Stre St. Johns Sligo Mc Namara Thaddy Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Neely Robert Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Niff Margaret Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Mc Niff Matthew Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Niff Patrick Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Sharry Catherine Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Mc Sharry Owen Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mc Sherry Michael West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mc Tiernan Laurence Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Mc Tiernan Susan Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Mc Tucker James Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Mea Andrew Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Mea John Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Meehan Andrew Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Melley Thomas Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Melligan John Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Melly Michael Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Melly Owen Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Melmoe Michael Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Merrick Allen Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Merrick Sarah Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Merrick William Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Merrick William Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Middlemore Cap. Robt. Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Middleton Thomas Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Middleton Thomas Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Middleton Thomas Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Middleton William Town of Sligo Back Street. Union Place St. Johns Sligo Middleton William Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Middleton William Town of Sligo Union Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Middleton William Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Miller Henry Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Millmore Michael Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Milly Martin Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Milmoe Patrick Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Minane James Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Missett John Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Mitchel James Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Moffatt John Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Moffatt John Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Moffatt John West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Moffatt Mary Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Moffatt Patrick Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Moffatt William Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Molowny Patrick Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Molyneaux Morres Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Monaghan Denis Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Monaghan Jno. Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Monaghan John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Monaghan Martin Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Monaghan Patrick Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Monaghan Patrick Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Monaghan Philip Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Monahan Denis Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Monahan Martin Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Monahan Michael Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Monds Moses Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Monson Thomas Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Mooney John Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mooney Michael Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Moore John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Moran James Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Moran James Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Moran James West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Morony William C. Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Morony William C. West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Morren Michael Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Morrin Timothy Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Morrison Michael Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Morrison Thomas Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Morrow Rachael Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mostyn Robert Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Mullany Bridget Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mullany Dominick Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Mullany John Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Mullany Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Mullarky Michael Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Mullen Bryan Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Mullen James Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Mullen John Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Mullen John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Mullen Patrick Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Mulligan Henry Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Mulligan James Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Mulligan Luke Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Mulligan Martin Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Mullin Mark Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Mullin Michael Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Mullin Patrick Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Mullin Patrick West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Mulrooney James Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mulroony John Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Mulroony Patrick Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Mulvany Owen Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Mulvany Patrick Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Mulvany Patrick Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Mulvey Patrick Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Mulvey Patrick Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Mulvy Martin Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Murphy Anne Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Murphy Bridget Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Murphy Francis Town of Sligo Water Land (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Murphy Michael Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Murphy Michael Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Murray Elizabeth Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Murray James Sligo Market Street (East Stre St. Johns Sligo Murray Michael Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Murray Sarah Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Murrican Margaret Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Murrican Michael Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Murrican Patrick Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Murrin Bryan Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Murrin Martin Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Murtagh Luke Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Naughtin Patrick Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Navin James Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Navin James Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Navin John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Neary Margaret Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Neary Thomas Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Neilan Patrick Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Neilan Thomas Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Neland Patrick Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Nelleny Daniel Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Nelson John Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Nerny Mary Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Nevin Catherine Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Nevin Catherine Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Nevin James Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Nevin Patrick Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Nevin Thomas Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Nevins James Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Newcombe Elizabeth Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Neynoe Charles Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Noon John Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo Noon Patrick, Jr. Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Noon Patrick, Sr. Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Norman Ellen Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Nott William Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo O'Beirne James Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo O'Beirne John Sligo Market Street (East Side St. Johns Sligo O'Beirne Mary Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo O'Beirne Mary Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo O'Beirne Patrick Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo O'Brien Catherine Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Brien Catherine Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo O'Brien James Town of Sligo Tobergal Lane St. Johns Sligo O'Brien John Caltragh St. Johns Sligo O'Brien Patrick Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Brien Thomas Caltragh St. Johns Sligo O'Brien Timothy Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo O'Connor James Town of Sligo Old Market Street St. Johns Sligo O'Connor John Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo O'Connor John Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo O'Connor John Town of Sligo Ramseys Row St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Mary Town of Sligo Old Market Street St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Mary Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Patrick Finisklin St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Patrick Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Patrick Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Patrick H. Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Peter Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Peter Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Peter Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Connor Peter Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Dell Mrs. ??? East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell Barthy Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell Charles Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell Cornelius Sligo Thomas-Street St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell James Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell James Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell John Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell John Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell John Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Donnell Michael Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo O'Donohoe Geoffry Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo O'Donovan Ellen Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo O'Donovan Thomas Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo O'Dowd John Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo O'Dowd Patrick Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Flinn John Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo O'Flynn Bernard Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Flynn James Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Hara Charles Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Hara Honor Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Hara James Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo O'Hara John Town of Sligo Smiths Row St. Johns Sligo O'Hara Michael Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo O'Hara Michael Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo O'Hara Michael Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo O'Hara Michael Town of Sligo Water Lane (West Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Malley Anne Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo O'Malley Austin Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Malley George Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo O'Malley William Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo O'Neill Anne Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Neill Bernard Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo O'Neill Francis Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Roarke Bernard Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo O'Rorke Patrick Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo O'Rourke John Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Oates Dominick Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Oates Luke Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Oates Patrick Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Oates Thaddeus Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Oates Thomas Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Oram Michael Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Ormsby Anne Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Ormsby James Town of Sligo Johns Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Ormsby John Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Ormsby John Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Ormsby William Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Ormsby William Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Owens Bridget Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Padden Patrick Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Palmer Mary Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Palmerston Viscount Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Paris John Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Parsons Edward Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Parsons Michael Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Patterson Richard Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Patton Thomas Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Petrie William Carrowroe St. Johns Sligo Petrie William Garvoge River Adjoining Abbeyquarter Nth St. Johns Sligo Petrie William Tonafortes St. Johns Sligo Petrie William Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Petrie William Town of Sligo Fish Quay St. Johns Sligo Petrie William Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Phair Mary Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Phibbs Harloe Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Phibbs Thomas Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Phibbs William Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Philips Peter Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Phillips Alexander Cleaveragh Demesne St. Johns Sligo Phillips Alexander Sligo Abbeyquarter North St. Johns Sligo Phillips Alexander Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Phillips Martin Wm. Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Phillips Mary Anne Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Pincher John Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Poe Robert Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Pollexfen William Town of Sligo Back Street. Union Place St. Johns Sligo Pollexfen William Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Pollexfen William Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Popham Alexander H. Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Popham Alexander H. Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Popham Alexander H. Knappage More St. Johns Sligo Popham Alexander H. Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Popham Alexander H. Knappagh More St. Johns Sligo Popham Alexander H. Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Porterfield William Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Powell Henry Town of Sligo Old Quay St. Johns Sligo Powell Matilda Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Price Rev. Henry Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Pye Catherine Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Pyne Patrick Town of Sligo Smiths Row St. Johns Sligo Pyne William P. Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Quinan Michael Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Quinlan John Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Quinn Anne Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Quinn John Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Quinn John Town of Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Quinn Michael Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Quinn Patrick Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Ramsay John Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Ramsay John Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Read Catherine Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Read George Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Read George Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Reansbury Robert Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Reddan Thomas Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Reddy Anthony Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Redigan John Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Reid James Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Reid John Sligo Market Street (East Side St. Johns Sligo Reilly Daniel Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Reilly James Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Reilly Michael Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Reilly Patrick Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Reilly Patrick Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Reilly Thomas Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Reilly William Town of Sligo Tobergal Lane St. Johns Sligo Reynolds Edward Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Roarke Terence Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Roberston Thomas Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Robertson Thomas Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Robertson Walter Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Robinson Alicia Town of Sligo Water Land (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Robinson Catherine Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Robinson Jane Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Robinson John Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Robinson Robert Sligo Old Market Street (West St. Johns Sligo Robinson Roger D. Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Robinson Roger D. Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Robinson Thomas Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Rochford Edmond Town of Sligo Knox's Street St. Johns Sligo Rock Thaddy Town of Sligo Middle Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Rogan Mary Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Rogers John Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Rogers John Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Rombach Solomon Town of Sligo Knox's Street St. Johns Sligo Rooney Denis Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh Commons St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh Sligo Newmarket Lane or Pound St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh Tonaphubble St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Rooney Hugh West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Rooney James East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Rooney James Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Rooney James Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Rooney James West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Rooney Maragret Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Rooney Mary Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Rooney Michael Commons St. Johns Sligo Rooney Michael East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Rooney Patrick Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Rooney Patrick Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Rooney Peter Drumaskibbole St. Johns Sligo Rooney Thomas Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Rooney Thomas Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Roony Hugh West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Roony Michael Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Roony Patrick Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Rorke Farrel Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Rorke Francis Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Rorke Mary Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Rorke Terence Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Rourke Patrick Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Rourke Thomas Sligo Church Hill (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Roy William Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Russell John N. Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Russell Thomas Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Rutledge James Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Ryan Catherine Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Ryan John Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Ryan Matilda Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Ryan William Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Ryder John Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Rynd Terence Town of Sligo Water Lane (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Sadleir Robert Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Saltry William Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Bartly Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Bridget Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Ellen Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Francis Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Scanlan John Cuilbeg St. Johns Sligo Scanlan John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Scanlan John Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Scanlan John Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Michael Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Patrick Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Patrick Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Patrick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Sarah Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Stephen Town of Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Scanlan Thomas Town of Sligo Thomas Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Scanlon John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Scanlon John Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Scanlon John, Jr. Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Scanlon John, Sr. Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Scanlon Patrick Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Scanlon Patrick Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Scanlon Patrick Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo Scanlon Thomas Carrickhenry St. Johns Sligo Scanlon Timothy Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Scott John Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Scott John Tullynagracken South St. Johns Sligo Sedley Anne Sligo Charles Street St. Johns Sligo Sedley Charles Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Sedley James Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Shale Patrick Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Shannon John Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Shannon John Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Shannon Simon Sligo Slater's Row St. Johns Sligo Sharkey Dominick Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Sharp Henry Town of Sligo Lower Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Sharp John Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Shaw David Sligo Love Lane St. Johns Sligo Shaw James Sligo Pound Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Shaw John Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Sheils Bernard Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Sheppard Rev. Noble Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Sheridan Andrew Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Sheridan James Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Sim Alexander Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Simmonds Joseph C. Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Simmons Joseph Commons St. Johns Sligo Simpson Henry Town of Sligo Old Quay St. Johns Sligo Sims Alexander Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Sinclair James Town of Sligo Knoxs Lane St. Johns Sligo Skevleton Bryan Town of Sligo Old Gallows-Hill St. Johns Sligo Slater James Tonafortes St. Johns Sligo Slater John Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Sleater Alexander Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Sleator William Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Smiley Ellen Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Smiley William Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Smith Archibald Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Smith Bridget Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Smith Bryan Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Smith Bryan Sligo Market Street (East Stre St. Johns Sligo Smith John Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Smith John Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Smith John, Jr. Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Smith John, Sr. Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Smith Martin Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Smith Mary Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Smith Matthew Sligo Abbey Street St. Johns Sligo Smith Owen Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Smith Peter Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Smith Thomas Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Smith Thomas Town of Sligo Union Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Smith William Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Soden Hugh Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Somers Michael Town of Sligo Lower Knox Stree St. Johns Sligo Staunton James Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Staunton William Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Stewart Archibald Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Stewart James Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Stokes Robert Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Stoll Capt. John Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Stoll Capt. John L. R. Town of Sligo Union Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Street Anne Sligo Market Street (East Side St. Johns Sligo Sunter William Sligo Waterside or Riverside St. Johns Sligo Supple William Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Sweeny Bryan Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Sweeny John Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Sweeny Patrick Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Sydney Anne Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Sydney Eliza Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Taff William Town of Sligo Water Land (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Taheny Peter Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Tallant Peter Corcorans Mall St. Johns Sligo Tallant Peter Sligo Goal-Street St. Johns Sligo Tarpy Timothy Sligo Slater's Row St. Johns Sligo Taylor Anne Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Taylor Bridget Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Taylor Bridget Knappagh Beg St. Johns Sligo Taylor Bridget Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Taylor James Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Taylor James Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Taylor Margaret Sligo Goal-Lane St. Johns Sligo Taylor William Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Teige Patrick Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Teirnan Peter Town of Sligo Gaol Street St. Johns Sligo Thackerberry Harriet Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Thompson James Town of Sligo James's Street St. Johns Sligo Thornhill Edward Commons St. Johns Sligo Thornhill Edward Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Tiernan Catherine Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Tiernan Charles East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Tighe Bridget Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Tighe Charles Sligo East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Tighe Charles Sligo Mass-Lane, or Cranmore St. Johns Sligo Tighe Charles Town of Sligo Old Pound Street St. Johns Sligo Tighe James Commons St. Johns Sligo Tighe James Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Tighe James West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Tighe John Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Tighe Mary Sligo Newmarket Lane or Pound St. Johns Sligo Tighe Peter Town of Sligo Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Timmins James Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Tims Patrick Town of Sligo Church Hill (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Tobin John Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Tonra William Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Tonry Anne Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Toolan Bridget Town of Sligo Chapel Lane (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Toolan James Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Tracy Francis Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Tracy Francis Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Tracy Owen Sligo Old Gallows Hill (West S St. Johns Sligo Tucker Mrs. Eliza Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Tuite William Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Tuite William Rathedmond St. Johns Sligo Tuite William C. Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Tuite William C. Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Tuohy John Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo Tute William C. Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Tygert James Ballyfree St. Johns Sligo Tyghue Thomas Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Tyrrell Patrick Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Vaughan Mary Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Verdon Alexander Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Verdon Andrew Sligo Knappagh Road (South Sid St. Johns Sligo Verdon Edward H. East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Verdon John Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Verdon Matthew Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Verdon Michael Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Verdon Michael Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Verdon Owen Sligo Middleton's Row St. Johns Sligo Verdon Patrick Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Vernon Rogers Priscilla Town of Sligo Wine Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Walker Andrew Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Walker Andrew Sligo Temple Street (North Sid St. Johns Sligo Walker Andrew Sligo Walkers Row St. Johns Sligo Walker Andrew Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Walker Charles Sligo Georges Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Wall Patrick East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Wall Thomas Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Wallace James Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Wallace James Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Wallace James Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Wallace James Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Wallace James West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Wallace James West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Walsh Anne Town of Sligo Bridgefoot Street (N. Side) St. Johns Sligo Walsh Catherine Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Walsh Edward Carns (Duke) St. Johns Sligo Walsh Edward Town of Sligo William Street St. Johns Sligo Walsh Elizabeth Town of Sligo Chapel Hill St. Johns Sligo Walsh Henry Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Walsh John Sligo Market Street (West Side St. Johns Sligo Walsh John Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Walsh Michael East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Walsh Michael Sligo Hudsons Lane St. Johns Sligo Walsh Michael Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Walsh Michael Town of Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Walsh Patrick Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Walsh Patrick Sligo Old Mail Coach Road St. Johns Sligo Walsh Patrick Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Walsh Patrick Town of Sligo Upper Quay Lane St. Johns Sligo Ward Bridget Sligo Waste Garden Lane St. Johns Sligo Ward Edward West Municipal Wrd,Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo Ward Hugh Carrownamaddoo St. Johns Sligo Ward Hugh Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Ward James Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Ward James Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Ward James Town of Sligo Georges Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Ward Matthew Cornageeha St. Johns Sligo Ward Patrick Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Ward Thomas Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Ward Thomas Sligo Ratcliffe Street St. Johns Sligo Ward William Town of Sligo Pound Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo Ward William West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Watts Henry Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Watts Jane Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Weir Catherine Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo West Catherine Town of Sligo High Street (East Side) St. Johns Sligo West Charles Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo White Bridget Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo White Gilbert Sligo Charlotte-Street St. Johns Sligo White John Town of Sligo Tobergal Lane St. Johns Sligo White Michael Village of Magheraboy St. Johns Sligo White Rev. Patrick Sligo Chapel-Lane St. Johns Sligo Williams James Sligo Distillery Lane St. Johns Sligo Williams John Caltragh St. Johns Sligo Williams Matthew Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Williams Thomas Ballydoogan St. Johns Sligo Williams Thomas Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Williams Thomas Sligo Wine Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Williams Thomas Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Williams Thomas H. Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Williamson George Town of Sligo Knoxs Street St. Johns Sligo Wilson George Town of Sligo John Street (North Side) St. Johns Sligo Wilson Robert Cleaveragh Demesne St. Johns Sligo Wilson Robert Town of Sligo Abbeyquarter South St. Johns Sligo Wilson Thomas R. East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Winterskale Elizabeth Sligo John Street (South Side) St. Johns Sligo Withers John Sligo Church Lane St. Johns Sligo Withers Margaret Sligo Vernon Street or The Rop St. Johns Sligo Wood Patrick Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Wood Richard H. East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Wood Thomas Finisklin St. Johns Sligo Wood Thomas Finnisklan St. Johns Sligo Woods Judith Town of Sligo Old Pound St. St. Johns Sligo Woods William A. East Municipal Ward St. Johns Sligo Woods William A. Knocknaganny St. Johns Sligo Woods William A. Town of Sligo Castle Street St. Johns Sligo Woods William A. West Municipal Ward (Part of) St. Johns Sligo Wright Richard Corcoran's Mall St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Aghamore Far St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Aghamore Near St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Carns St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Is in Lough Gill No 8 Goats Island St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Is in Lough Gill No4 Cottage Island St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Is in Lough Gill No5 Flat Island St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Is in Lough Gill No6 Green Island St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Is in Lough Gill No7 Glynn Island St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Lahanagh St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Sligo High Street (West Side) St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Sligo Walkers Row or Market La St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Tonaphubble St. Johns Sligo Wynne John Town of Sligo Lower Quay Street St. Johns Sligo Young William Derrydarragh or Oakfield St. Johns Sligo Young William Sligo Market Street (East Stre St. Johns Sligo