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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Caher, County Tipperary
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Caher, County Tipperary
Brien Jno. Townparks Caher Tipperary Hally Patrick Ballymacadam East Caher Tipperary Mackin James Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Madden Judith Church Street Caher Tipperary Madden Patrick Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Maddigan Patrick Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Magrath Denis Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Magrath John Killeenbutler Caher Tipperary Magrath Mary Knockagh Caher Tipperary Magrath Timothy Kilcommanbeg Caher Tipperary Maher Cornelius Davern's Lane Caher Tipperary Maher Edmond Church Street Caher Tipperary Maher Edward Knockagh Caher Tipperary Maher Edward Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Maher John Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Maher Richard Killemly Caher Tipperary Maher Thaddeus Church Street Caher Tipperary Maher Thomas Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Maher William Market Place Caher Tipperary Mahoney John Loughlohery Caher Tipperary Mahoney William Townparks Caher Tipperary Mahony Daniel Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Mahony Daniel Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Mahony Thomas Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Mahony William Chapel Road Caher Tipperary Mahony William Market Street Caher Tipperary Mangan John Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary Mara James Newtownadam Caher Tipperary Mara Patrick Newtownadam Caher Tipperary Marshall Alicia Carrigeen Caher Tipperary Martin William Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Martley Daniel Church Street Caher Tipperary Mason James Church Street Caher Tipperary Maxey James Grangemore Caher Tipperary Mc Carthy John Ballybrada Caher Tipperary Mc Carthy Patrick Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Mc Craith Robert Loughlohery Caher Tipperary Mc Eniry Michael Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Mc Eniry Michael Carrigeen Caher Tipperary Mc Grath James Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Mc Grath James Main Street Caher Tipperary Mc Grath John Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Mc Grath Judith Husseystown Caher Tipperary Mc Grath Mary Husseystown Caher Tipperary Mc Grath Roderick Caher Caher Tipperary Mc Grath Thomas Kilcommanbeg Caher Tipperary Mc Grath Thomas Kilcommonmore South Caher Tipperary Mc Namara Thomas Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Meade Nicholas Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Meara Michael Church Street Caher Tipperary Meara Patrick Garnavilla Caher Tipperary Moloney Bridget Knockagh Caher Tipperary Moloney Ellen Church Street Caher Tipperary Moloney John Church Street Caher Tipperary Moloney John Clonmore North Caher Tipperary Moloney John Coolaclamper Caher Tipperary Moloney Matthew Knockagh Caher Tipperary Molony Denis Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Moore Andrew Church Street Caher Tipperary Moore Joseph Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Moran John Castle Street Caher Tipperary Moran Thomas Carrigeen Caher Tipperary Morony John Suttonrath Caher Tipperary Morrissy Bridget Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Morrissy David Knockagh Caher Tipperary Morrissy Denis Church Street Caher Tipperary Morrissy Edmund Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary Morrissy Edward Gardens Off Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Morrissy Edward Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Morrissy Ellen Loughlohery Caher Tipperary Morrissy James Ballynamona Caher Tipperary Morrissy John Caher Caher Tipperary Morrissy John Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Morrissy Maurice Bridge Street Caher Tipperary Morrissy Patrick Davern's Lane Caher Tipperary Morrissy Richard Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Morrissy Thomas Barnora Caher Tipperary Morrissy William Ballylegan Caher Tipperary Morrissy William Ballynamona Caher Tipperary Moyers John Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Moylan Patrick Castle Street Caher Tipperary Mulcahy James Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Mulcahy James Market Street Caher Tipperary Mullane John Market Street Caher Tipperary Mullanny Edmund Main Street Caher Tipperary Mullany James Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Mullany James Newtownadam Caher Tipperary Mullany John Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Mullany Patrick Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Mullany Patrick Newtownadam Caher Tipperary Mullins Richard Church Street Caher Tipperary Mullowney John Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Murphy James Knockmorris Caher Tipperary Murphy James Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Murphy John Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Murphy John Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Murphy Michael Carrigeen Caher Tipperary Murray Catherine Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Murray Richard Townparks Caher Tipperary Murroney John Ballylegan Caher Tipperary Murroney John Barnora Caher Tipperary Myers William Caher Caher Tipperary Nagle James Knockagh Caher Tipperary Nagle Philip Knockagh Caher Tipperary Nagle Thomas Market Street Caher Tipperary Neale James Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Neale William Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Neall Denis Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Neill John, Sr. Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Neill Patrick Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary Neill Richard Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Nolan John Gardens Off Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Nolan John Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Nolan John Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Noonan David Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Noonan John Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Noonan Margaret Church Street Caher Tipperary Noonan Michael Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Norris Michael Carrigeen Caher Tipperary Nowlan John Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Nugent James Newtownadam Caher Tipperary O'Brien Catherine Caher Caher Tipperary O'Brien Denis Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary O'Brien Edmund Barrack Street Caher Tipperary O'Brien James Barrack Street Caher Tipperary O'Brien Mary Barrack Street Caher Tipperary O'Brien Michael Ballylegan Caher Tipperary O'Brien Michael Davern's Lane Caher Tipperary O'Brien Michael Market Street Caher Tipperary O'Brien Michael Wellington Street Caher Tipperary O'Brien Stephen Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Brien Thomas ? Caher Tipperary O'Brien Thomas Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary O'Callaghan Mrs. Ellen Barrack Street Caher Tipperary O'Connor Charles Castle Street Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Alice Barrack Street Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Alicia Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Andrew Rathmore Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Bridget Keylong Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Catherine Market Street Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Edmond Chapel Road Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Eleanor Clonmore North Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Eleanor Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Ellen Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Hugh Townparks Caher Tipperary O'Donnell James Clonmore North Caher Tipperary O'Donnell James Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell John Abbey Street Caher Tipperary O'Donnell John Ballyallavoe Caher Tipperary O'Donnell John Church Street Caher Tipperary O'Donnell John Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Mary Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Mary Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Michael Abbey Street Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Michael Kilcommonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Patrick Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Pierce Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Pierce Knockagh Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Simon Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Simon Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Thomas Barrack Street Caher Tipperary O'Donnell Thomas Church Street Caher Tipperary O'Donnell William Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary O'Mara Edmund Wellington Street Caher Tipperary O'Mara Marie Abbey Street Caher Tipperary O'Neal John Abbey Lane or Kelly's Lane Caher Tipperary O'Neil John Abbey Street Caher Tipperary O'Neill Cornelius Clonmore North Caher Tipperary O'Neill Cornelius Clonmore South Caher Tipperary O'Neill Jane Church Street Caher Tipperary O'Shea Edmond Abbey Street Caher Tipperary O'Shea Martin Castle Street Caher Tipperary O'Sullivan William Bridge Street Caher Tipperary Palmer Patrick Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Parker Brian Townparks Caher Tipperary Parker Catherine Townparks Caher Tipperary Parker Jms. Townparks Caher Tipperary Pennefather William Ballybrada Caher Tipperary Perkins Michael Church Street Caher Tipperary Perry Samuel Main Street Caher Tipperary Phillips Daniel Kilcommonmore South Caher Tipperary Pike John Grangebeg Caher Tipperary Power Edward Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Power George Garnavilla Caher Tipperary Power Philip Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Power Robert Church Street Caher Tipperary Power Robert Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Prendergast Bridget Barnora Caher Tipperary Prendergast Bridget Suttonrath Caher Tipperary Prendergast Patrick Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Prendergast Patrick Caher Caher Tipperary Prendergast Thomas Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Prendergast William Church Street Caher Tipperary Quigley Patrick Church Street Caher Tipperary Quigley Patrick Suttonrath Caher Tipperary Quigly Patrick Barnora Caher Tipperary Quinn David Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Quinn Eleanor Ballymacadam Caher Tipperary Quinn Ellen Market Street Caher Tipperary Quinn James Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Quinn Jeremiah Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Quinn John Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Quinn John Church Street Caher Tipperary Quinn Mary Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Quinn William Edenmore Caher Tipperary Quinn William Knockagh Caher Tipperary Quinn William Loughlohery Caher Tipperary Quirk James Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary Quirk John Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary Quirk John Kilcommonmore South Caher Tipperary Quirk Mary Caher Caher Tipperary Quirk Thomas Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Quirk William Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Quirke Michael Kilcommonmore South Caher Tipperary Ready John Coolaclamper Caher Tipperary Ready William Coolaclamper Caher Tipperary Reedy Daniel ? Caher Tipperary Reeves Francis Church Street Caher Tipperary Reeves James Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Regan Catherine Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Regan Margaret Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Regan Mrs. Bridget Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Regan Patrick Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Reidy Daniel Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Reidy William Bridge Street Caher Tipperary Reilly John Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Riall Arthur Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary Riall Samuel Knockmorris Caher Tipperary Richardson James Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Riordan John Bridge Street Caher Tipperary Riordan John Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Roach John Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Roach Patrick Kilcommonmore South Caher Tipperary Roach William Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Roache Maurice Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Robinson Anne Market Street Caher Tipperary Roche John Clonmore North Caher Tipperary Roche John Coolaclamper Caher Tipperary Roche John Raheen Caher Tipperary Roche Judith Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Rodgers John Edenmore Caher Tipperary Rogors Alicia Church Street Caher Tipperary Rorke Edmond Townparks Caher Tipperary Ross John Ballybrada Caher Tipperary Rourke John Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Rourke William Church Street Caher Tipperary Rudy Michael Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Ryan Alicia Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Ryan Edmond Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Ryan Jeremiah Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Ryan Johanna Caher Caher Tipperary Ryan John Caher Caher Tipperary Ryan John Carrigeen Caher Tipperary Ryan Margaret Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Ryan Margaret Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Ryan Mary Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Ryan Patrick Barnora Caher Tipperary Ryan Patrick Castle Street Caher Tipperary Ryan Patrick Chapel Road Caher Tipperary Ryan Patrick Garnavilla Caher Tipperary Ryan Patrick Killeenbutler Caher Tipperary Ryan Patrick Lissakyle Caher Tipperary Ryan Patrick Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Ryan Patrick Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Ryan Philip Church Street Caher Tipperary Ryan Richard Market Street Caher Tipperary Ryan Sarah Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Ryan Thomas Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Ryan Thomas Market Street Caher Tipperary Ryan William Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Ryan William Knockagh Caher Tipperary Ryan William Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Salmon Charles Chapel Road Caher Tipperary Sargent Henry Castle Street Caher Tipperary Sargent Wm. Castle Street Caher Tipperary Sargint Henry Carrigeen Caher Tipperary Sargint William ? Caher Tipperary Scanlan Edmond Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Scanlan Margaret Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Scanlan Thomas Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Scanlon John Bridge Street Caher Tipperary Scanlon Thomas Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Scott John Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Scott Patrick Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Scully Edmund Gardens Off Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Scully Edmund Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Scully Malachy Market Street Caher Tipperary Shanahan Mary Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Shanahan Richard Castle Street Caher Tipperary Shannahan Mrs. Hannah Main Street Caher Tipperary Shannon Mrs. Eliza Castle Street Caher Tipperary Shaw Thomas Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Shea John Abbey Lane or Kelly's Lane Caher Tipperary Sheehan Edmund Garnavilla Caher Tipperary Sheehan John Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Sheehan Thaddeus Church Street Caher Tipperary Sheehan Timothy Garnavilla Caher Tipperary Sheehy Edmund Farranlahassery Caher Tipperary Sheehy Edward Killeigh Caher Tipperary Sheely Honoria Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Sheerman John Market Street Caher Tipperary Sherry Patrick Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Shortall Patrick Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Shortis James Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary Shortis James Newtownadam Caher Tipperary Shortis John Ballingeary East Caher Tipperary Shortis John Keylong Caher Tipperary Singen John Keylong Caher Tipperary Singin William Husseystown Caher Tipperary Slattery James Kilcommanbeg Caher Tipperary Slattery Margaret Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Slattery Mary Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Slattery Thomas Market Street Caher Tipperary Smith Patrick Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Smith Thomas Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Spelieg Liam Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Spillane Morty Ballybrada Caher Tipperary Stack Edward Loughlohery Caher Tipperary Stapleton Margaret Church Street Caher Tipperary Stapleton Mrs. Honoria Church Street Caher Tipperary Stokes John, M.D. Castle Street Caher Tipperary Sulivan Michael Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Sullivan Denis Church Street Caher Tipperary Sullivan James Gardens Off Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Sullivan James Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Sullivan John Castle Street Caher Tipperary Sullivan John Gardens Off Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Sullivan John Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Sullivan John Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Sullivan Mary Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Sullivans John Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Talbot Catherine Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Tierney Cornelius Abbey Street Caher Tipperary Tierney Cornelius Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Tierney Edmund Gardens Off Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Tierney Edmund Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Tierney Jeremiah Kilcommonmore North Caher Tipperary Tierney Patrick Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Toberty Daniel Barnora Caher Tipperary Tobin Edmund Caher Caher Tipperary Tobin Edward Clonmore South Caher Tipperary Tobin John Loughlohery Caher Tipperary Tobin Maurice Clonmore North Caher Tipperary Tobin Maurice Raheen Caher Tipperary Tobin Nicholas Barrack Street Caher Tipperary Tobin Rev. Michael Killemly Caher Tipperary Tobin Rev. Michael Townparks Caher Tipperary Tobin Thomas Clonmore North Caher Tipperary Tobin Thomas Newtownadam Caher Tipperary Toomey Mary Mountain Road Caher Tipperary Tubberty Mary Knockagh Caher Tipperary Tuohill Michael Newtownadam Caher Tipperary Tuomy Michael Loughlohery Caher Tipperary Tynan Patrick Church Street Caher Tipperary Vaughan Denis Caher Caher Tipperary Wall James Caher Caher Tipperary Wall John Loughlohery Caher Tipperary Walsh Edmond Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Walsh Edward Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Walsh James Keylong Caher Tipperary Walsh James Market Street Caher Tipperary Walsh John Caher Caher Tipperary Walsh John Monaderreen Caher Tipperary Walsh Laurence Grangemore Caher Tipperary Walsh Lawrence Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Walsh Patrick Ballylegan Caher Tipperary Walsh Patrick Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Walsh Patrick Caher Caher Tipperary Walsh Patrick Caher Abbey Upper Caher Tipperary Walsh Pierce Ballymacadam West Caher Tipperary Walsh Redmond Castle Street Caher Tipperary Walsh Richard Market Street Caher Tipperary Walsh Robert Kilcommonmore South Caher Tipperary Whire James Husseystown Caher Tipperary Whiston Patrick Church Street Caher Tipperary White John Clonmore South Caher Tipperary White Michael Caher Caher Tipperary White Mrs. Mary Wellington Street Caher Tipperary Wilkinson Robert Abbey Lane or Kelly's Lane Caher Tipperary Wyse Thomas Ballyallavoe Caher Tipperary