Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Emly, County Tipperary
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Emly, County Tipperary
Boland Michael Poulakerry Emly Tipperary Hayden Thomas Poulakerry Emly Tipperary Mackassy John Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Mackey William Emly Emly Tipperary Magner John Emly Emly Tipperary Magrath John Tulla Emly Tipperary Maher James Emly Emly Tipperary Maher John Emly Emly Tipperary Maher Mary Duncummin Emly Tipperary Mahony Catherine Bartoose Emly Tipperary Mahony Michael Bartoose Emly Tipperary Mann Michael Moanmore Emly Tipperary Manning Michael, Esq. Ballynacree Emly Tipperary Mara Cornelius Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mara Jane Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mara John Ballyhone Emly Tipperary Mara John Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Mara John Bartoose Emly Tipperary Mara John Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mara Michael Duncummin Emly Tipperary Mara Michael Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mara Patrick Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mara Thomas Chancellorsland Emly Tipperary Mc Carthy Charles Emly Emly Tipperary Mc Carthy Daniel Lissobihane Emly Tipperary Mc Carthy John Ballynagrana Emly Tipperary Mc Carthy Michael Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mc Eniry David Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Mc Eniry David Farranasa Emly Tipperary Mc Eniry John Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Mc Eniry John Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Mc Eniry John Farranasa Emly Tipperary Mc Grath Cornelius Breansha Emly Tipperary Mc Grath Cornelius Lissobihane Emly Tipperary Mc Grath John Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Mc Grath John Emly Emly Tipperary Mc Grath John Lissobihane Emly Tipperary Mc Grath John Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mc Grath Margaret Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mc Grath Michael Moanmore Emly Tipperary Mc Grath Patrick Lissobihane Emly Tipperary Mc Grath Thomas Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Mc Grath Thomas Farranasa Emly Tipperary Mc Namara Judith Tulla Emly Tipperary Mc Namara Michael Lissobihane Emly Tipperary Meany James Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Mitchell Catherine Chantersland Emly Tipperary Mitchell Christopher Tulla Emly Tipperary Mitchell James Bartoose Emly Tipperary Mitchell Michael Chantersland Emly Tipperary Mohony Michael Bartoose Emly Tipperary Molloy Edmond Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Molloy Edward Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Moloney Thomas Ballyhone Emly Tipperary Molony Honoria Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Molony James Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Molony Laurence Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Molony Margaret Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Molony Michael Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Mooney Patrick Emly Emly Tipperary Mournane James Drumcomoge Emly Tipperary Mournane Patrick Drumcomoge Emly Tipperary Mournnane Julia Rodus Emly Tipperary Mulcahy Daniel Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Mulcahy Daniel Tulla Emly Tipperary Mulcahy Michael Emly Emly Tipperary Mulcahy Timothy Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Mulvin Thomas Emly Emly Tipperary Murphy Catherine Emly Emly Tipperary Murphy Cornelius Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Murphy Denis Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Murphy Edmond Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Murphy Edmond Duncummin Emly Tipperary Murphy Eleanor Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Murphy John Gorteen Emly Tipperary Murphy Michael, Jr. Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Murphy Michael, Sr. Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Murphy Patrick Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Murphy Patrick Duncummin Emly Tipperary Murphy William Duncummin Emly Tipperary Murry Michael Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Nagle Michael Poulakerry Emly Tipperary Neill James Emly Emly Tipperary Norris Thomas Duncummin Emly Tipperary Nugent Denis Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Nugent John Tulla Emly Tipperary O'Brien Daniel Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Brien Denis Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Brien Eleanor Gortvunatrime Emly Tipperary O'Brien Eleanor Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Brien Ellen Rodus Emly Tipperary O'Brien Honoria Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Brien James Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary O'Brien James Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Brien John Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary O'Brien John Duncummin Emly Tipperary O'Brien John Emly Emly Tipperary O'Brien John Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Brien Kennedy Ballyhone Emly Tipperary O'Brien Margaret Duncummin Emly Tipperary O'Brien Mary Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary O'Brien Morgan Ballynagrana Emly Tipperary O'Brien Morgan Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Brien Morgan Rodus Emly Tipperary O'Brien Owen Chancellorsland Emly Tipperary O'Brien Patrick Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary O'Brien Patrick Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Brien Thomas Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary O'Brien Thomas Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary O'Brien Timothy Ballyhone Emly Tipperary O'Brien William Bartoose Emly Tipperary O'Brien William Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary O'Brien William Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Donnell Denis Emly Emly Tipperary O'Donnell Judith Emly Emly Tipperary O'Donnell William Ballynacree Emly Tipperary O'Neill Alice Chancellorsland Emly Tipperary O'Neill Alice Gorteen Emly Tipperary O'Neill James Emly Emly Tipperary O'Neill James Moanmore Emly Tipperary O'Neill John Bartoose Emly Tipperary O'Neill John Emly Emly Tipperary O'Neill John, Jr. Ballyhone Emly Tipperary O'Neill John, Sr. Ballyhone Emly Tipperary O'Ryan Edmond, Esq. Bartoose Emly Tipperary Phayre Garrett Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Phayre Thomas Duncummin Emly Tipperary Power Eleanor Chancellorsland Emly Tipperary Power James Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Purcell Philip, Jr. Moanmore Emly Tipperary Purcell Philip, Sr. Moanmore Emly Tipperary Purcell Thomas Moanmore Emly Tipperary Purcell Tobias Farranasa Emly Tipperary Quane Thomas Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Quinlan Jeremiah Ballyhone Emly Tipperary Quinlan Jeremiah Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Quinlan John Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Quinn Andrew Emly Emly Tipperary Quinn Daniel Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Quinn James Emly Emly Tipperary Quinn Mary Drumcomoge Emly Tipperary Quinn Maurice Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Quinn Patrick Emly Emly Tipperary Quinn Sarah Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Quinn William Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Raleigh Patrick Ballyholahan West Emly Tipperary Raleigh Thomas Ballyholahan West Emly Tipperary Rea Jeremiah Emly Emly Tipperary Rea John, Jr. Moanmore Emly Tipperary Rea John, Sr. Moanmore Emly Tipperary Regan Edmond Lissobihane Emly Tipperary Rice David Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Riordan Eleanor Ballyhone Emly Tipperary Riordan James Moanmore Emly Tipperary Riordan Mary Tulla Emly Tipperary Riordan Michael Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Riordan Thomas Duncummin Emly Tipperary Roche Catherine Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Ryan Bridget Breansha Emly Tipperary Ryan Cornelius Emly Emly Tipperary Ryan Daniel Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Ryan Daniel Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Ryan Edmond Emly Emly Tipperary Ryan Edmond Rodus Emly Tipperary Ryan Edward Emly Emly Tipperary Ryan Eleanor Emly Emly Tipperary Ryan Honoria Duncummin Emly Tipperary Ryan James Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Ryan James Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Ryan James Emly Emly Tipperary Ryan James Gorteen Emly Tipperary Ryan James Moanmore Emly Tipperary Ryan Jeremiah Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Ryan John Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Ryan John Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Ryan John Bartoose Emly Tipperary Ryan John Breansha Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Ballyholahan East Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Ballyholahan West Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Bartoose Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Drumcomoge Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Emly Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Gorteen Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Esq. Moanmore Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Jr. Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Ryan John, Sr. Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Ryan Margaret Bartoose Emly Tipperary Ryan Mary Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Ryan Mary Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Ryan Mary Tulla Emly Tipperary Ryan Mathew Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Ryan Mathew Duncummin Emly Tipperary Ryan Michael Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Ryan Michael Breansha Emly Tipperary Ryan Michael Emly Emly Tipperary Ryan Patrick Emly Emly Tipperary Ryan Patrick Gortvunatrime Emly Tipperary Ryan Thomas Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Ryan Thomas Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Ryan Timothy Moanmore Emly Tipperary Ryan William Ballyhone Emly Tipperary Ryan William Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Shea Honoria Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Shea James Clashdrumsmith Emly Tipperary Shea Margaret Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Shea Patrick Tulla Emly Tipperary Shea Stephen Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Shea William Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Sheehy John Ballycurrane Emly Tipperary Sheerard Rihard Ardohill Emly Tipperary Slattery James Emly Emly Tipperary Slattery John Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Slattery John Duncummin Emly Tipperary Slattery Margaret Lissobihane Emly Tipperary Slattery Nicholas Ballynagrana Emly Tipperary Slattery Patrick Ballyvistea Emly Tipperary Slattery William Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Slattery William Lissobihane Emly Tipperary Smithwick Robert, Esq. Ballynagrana Emly Tipperary Smyth Jeremiah Moanmore Emly Tipperary Sullivan Patrick Ballynaveen Emly Tipperary Sullivan Roger Emly Emly Tipperary Sweeny Denis Duncummin Emly Tipperary Sweeny Thomas Emly Emly Tipperary Taylor James Moanmore Emly Tipperary Taylor Joseph Moanmore Emly Tipperary Tobin Eleanor Bartoose Emly Tipperary Tracy Andrew Breansha Emly Tipperary Wallace John Tulla Emly Tipperary Wally Charles Emly Emly Tipperary Walsh Jeoffrey Emly Emly Tipperary Walsh Margaret Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Walsh Mary Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Walsh Morgan Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Walsh Patrick Emly Emly Tipperary Walsh William Ballinvreena Emly Tipperary Wellington John, Esq. Poulakerry Emly Tipperary Whitty Rev. David Emly Emly Tipperary