Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newchapel, County Tipperary
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newchapel, County Tipperary
Maher Denis Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Maher James Chancellorstown Upper Newchapel Tipperary Maher John Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Maher William Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Mahony James Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Mahony Thomas Rahaniskey Newchapel Tipperary Manderville Jas. H., Esq. Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Mandeville James, Esq. Orchardstown East Newchapel Tipperary Martin Maurice Drishoge Newchapel Tipperary Maxey James Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Mc Grath Catherine Ballyveelish North Newchapel Tipperary Mc Grath Eleanor Lavally Lower Newchapel Tipperary Mc Grath William Ballyhimikin Newchapel Tipperary Meskill Patrick Newchapel Newchapel Tipperary Mockler Ellen Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Molloy Thomas Newchapel Newchapel Tipperary Moore Rep. Rd., Esq. Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Moore Stephen, Esq. Barn Demesne Newchapel Tipperary Morrissey John Lavally Lower Newchapel Tipperary Morrissey Matthew Lavally Lower Newchapel Tipperary Morrissy John Ballyhimikin Newchapel Tipperary Murphy John Chancellorstown Upper Newchapel Tipperary Murphy William Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Neill John Rathnalour Newchapel Tipperary Neill Thomas Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary O'Donnell Michael Rallyvaheen Newchapel Tipperary O'Donnell Nicholas Drishoge Newchapel Tipperary Pennefather Hon. Baron Knockeevan Newchapel Tipperary Perry Samuel, Esq. Woodrooff Newchapel Tipperary Perry William, Esq. Woodrooff Newchapel Tipperary Power Michael Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Prendergast James Chancellorstown Upper Newchapel Tipperary Prendergast John Lavally Lower Newchapel Tipperary Putland Mrs. ??? Rallyvaheen Newchapel Tipperary Quinlan David Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Quinn Anne Ballytarsna Newchapel Tipperary Quinn Anne Newchapel Newchapel Tipperary Quinn Michael Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Rourke Alicia Rahaniskey Newchapel Tipperary Rourke Alicia Rathnalour Newchapel Tipperary Rourke David Ballyveelish North Newchapel Tipperary Rourke David Cruboge Newchapel Tipperary Rourke David Rahaniskey Newchapel Tipperary Rourke Eleanor Cruboge Newchapel Tipperary Rourke James Newchapel Newchapel Tipperary Rourke Thomas Newchapel Newchapel Tipperary Rourke Thomas Rahaniskey Newchapel Tipperary Ryan Daniel Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Ryan James Chancellorstown Upper Newchapel Tipperary Ryan James Lavally Lower Newchapel Tipperary Ryan Patrick Drishoge Newchapel Tipperary Ryan Thomas Drishoge Newchapel Tipperary Ryan Thomas Lavally Lower Newchapel Tipperary Ryan William Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Shea Mary Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Slattery Catherine Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Slattery Denis Knockeevan Newchapel Tipperary Slattery Edmond Ballyhimikin Newchapel Tipperary Slattery Nicholas Chancellorstown Upper Newchapel Tipperary Slattery Patrick Garryndrihid Newchapel Tipperary Slattery Richard Chancellorstown Upper Newchapel Tipperary Slattery Thomas Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Slattery William Chancellorstown Upper Newchapel Tipperary Slattery William Knockeevan Newchapel Tipperary Smith John Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary Spearman Andrew Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Sullivan Denis Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Sullivan Michael Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Tobin John Ballyhimikin Newchapel Tipperary Tobin Margaret Newchapel Newchapel Tipperary Tobin Michael Newchapel Newchapel Tipperary Turrell William Lavally Upper Newchapel Tipperary Wall Maurice Graigue Newchapel Tipperary Whelan Jeremiah Rahaniskey Newchapel Tipperary White John Ballyhimikin Newchapel Tipperary White Patrick Chancellorstown Lower Newchapel Tipperary White Patrick Newchapel Newchapel Tipperary