Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Templeneiry, County Tipperary
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Templeneiry, County Tipperary
Maher Michael Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Maher Thomas Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Mahony Jeremiah Ballyvirane Templeneiry Tipperary Mara Edmond Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Mara Patrick Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Martin Bridget Cloghernagh Templeneiry Tipperary Martin Margaret Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Mc Carthy Daniel Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Mc Namara Catherine Ballyvirane Templeneiry Tipperary Merrigan Catherine Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Merrigan Michael Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Moloney Catherine Curraghavoke Templeneiry Tipperary Moroney Bartholomew Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Moroney Jeremiah Curraghavoke Templeneiry Tipperary Moroney John Curraghavoke Templeneiry Tipperary Morony Bartholomew Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Morony Jeremiah Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Morony John Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Morony Margaret Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Morony William Rathdermot Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy David Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy Edward Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy James Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy John Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy Judith Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy Margaret Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy Mary Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy Michael Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy Patrick Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Morrissy William Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Mulcahy William Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Mullally Edmund Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Mullally William Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Murphy Mary Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Murphy Patrick Ashgrove Templeneiry Tipperary Naughten Thomas Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Nichol Robert Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Nolan John Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Nolan Margaret Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Nolan William Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Noonan Thomas Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary Nugent Lawrence Bansh Templeneiry Tipperary Nugent Michael Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Nugent Michael Ballyvirane Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Daniel Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Denis Coolgort Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Denis Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Honoria Cloghernagh Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien James Ballyvirane Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Jeremiah Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Jeremiah Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien John Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien John Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Margaret Curraghavoke Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Mary Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Michael Cloghernagh Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Morgan Curraghavoke Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Patrick Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Redmond Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien Timothy Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien William Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien William Fermoy Road Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien William Fihertagh Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien William Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien William, Jr. Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Brien William, Sr. Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Donnell James Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Donnell Thomas Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary O'Dwyer Denis R. Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary O'Neil Margaret Pollagh Templeneiry Tipperary O'Neill Denis Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary O'Neill John Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary O'Neill John Montanavoe Templeneiry Tipperary O'Neill John Pollagh Templeneiry Tipperary O'Neill Margaret Pollagh Templeneiry Tipperary O'Neill Robert Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary O'Ryan Edmund, Esq. Ballinlough West Templeneiry Tipperary Peters James Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Peters James Rathdermot Templeneiry Tipperary Peters Mary Cloghernagh Templeneiry Tipperary Peters Richard Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Peters Thomas Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Peters Thomas Ballinlough West Templeneiry Tipperary Peters Thomas Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Peters Thomas Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Peters Thomas Rathdermot Templeneiry Tipperary Peters Thos. Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Peters William Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Peters William Ballinlough West Templeneiry Tipperary Peters William Rathdermot Templeneiry Tipperary Phelan Denis Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Phelan James Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Phelan Thomas Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Power Bridget Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Power Mary Bansh Templeneiry Tipperary Prendergast Anne Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Prendergast Michael Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Quane Anne Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Quann Michael Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Quinlan John Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Quinlan Mary Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Quinlan Mary Fermoy Road Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk Daniel Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk Edmund Rathdermot Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk Edmund Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk Edmund Shinganagh Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk James Curraghavoke Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk James Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk James, Sr. Shinganagh Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk John Coologe Templeneiry Tipperary Quirk John Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Quirke Edmund Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Quirke Edmund Booleen Templeneiry Tipperary Quirke John Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Quirke Margaret Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Quirke Michael Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Roche Patrick Fihertagh Templeneiry Tipperary Roche Thomas Fihertagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Bridget Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Catherine Ashgrove Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Catherine Ballyvirane Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Catherine Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Charles Ashgrove Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Christopher Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Daniel Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Denis Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Edmund Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Edward Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan James Ashgrove Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan James Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan James Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan James Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan James Montanavoe Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Jane Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Jeremiah Cloghernagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Johanna Cloghernagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan John Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan John Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan John Coologe Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan John Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan John Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan John, Sr. Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Judith Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Julia Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Margaret Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Mary Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Mary Booleen Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Mary Pollagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Mary Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Michael Rathdermot Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Patrick Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Patrick Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Patrick Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Pierce Pollagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Roger Pollagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Thomas Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Thomas Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Thomas Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Timothy Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Timothy Ballinlough West Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Timothy Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Timothy Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan Timothy, Sr. Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Ryan William Ballyvirane Templeneiry Tipperary Sadlier Nicholas, Esq. Shinganagh Templeneiry Tipperary Sampson John Fermoy Road Templeneiry Tipperary Shea Patrick Fermoy Road Templeneiry Tipperary Shea William Coologe Templeneiry Tipperary Sheehan Edmund Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Sheehan James Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Sheehan John Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Sheehan Patrick Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Sheil John Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary Sheil John Fihertagh Templeneiry Tipperary Sheil Patrick Fermoy Road Templeneiry Tipperary Sheil Terence Fihertagh Templeneiry Tipperary Shiel John Bansh Templeneiry Tipperary Slattery Edmund Ballyvirane Templeneiry Tipperary Slattery John Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Slattery William Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Smithwick Honoria Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Smithwick John Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Smithwick Mary Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Smithwick Peter Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Smithwick William Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Stapleton Judith Cloghernagh Templeneiry Tipperary Sweeny Margaret Ardane Templeneiry Tipperary Tobin James Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Tobin John Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Tobin John Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Tobin John Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Tobin Michael Ballinlough West Templeneiry Tipperary Tobin Thomas Ballydavid Templeneiry Tipperary Tobin Thomas Barnlough Templeneiry Tipperary Tobin William Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Toole John Bansh Templeneiry Tipperary Turner Robert Bansh Templeneiry Tipperary Wall John Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Wall Margaret Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Wall Margaret Rathdermot Templeneiry Tipperary Wall William Ballinlough West Templeneiry Tipperary Wall William Main Street Templeneiry Tipperary Walsh Margaret Rossadrehid Templeneiry Tipperary Wayland Ewd. H., Esq. Bansha West Templeneiry Tipperary White Jeremiah Clashoquirk Templeneiry Tipperary Williams Ellen Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Williams James Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Williams Jane Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary Williams John Foxfort Templeneiry Tipperary Williams Patrick Ballagh Templeneiry Tipperary