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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Templeree, County Tipperary
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Templeree, County Tipperary
Boland John Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Boohan Anastasia Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Bourke Patrick Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Bourke Thomas Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Brearton Michael Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Brennan Andrew Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Brennan Catherine Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brennan Edward Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brennan James Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brennan James, Jr. Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brennan James, Sr. Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brennan John, Jr. Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brennan John, Sr. Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brennan Judith Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brennan Michael Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Brennan Michael Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Brennan Michael Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Brennan Patrick Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Brennan Philip Strogue Templeree Tipperary Brennan Thomas Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Brett Margaret Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brierton Judith Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Brophy Joseph Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Brophy Martin Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Burke Tobias Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Butler James Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Butler John Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Butler Thomas Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Carden Baronet John Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Carden Baronet John Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Carey Thomas Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Carroll Martin Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Carroll Michael Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Carroll Michael Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Carroll Patrick Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Cashen Patrick Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Clarke Francis Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Cleary John Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Cleary Patrick Ballyphillips Templeree Tipperary Coady William Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Collier John Ballyphillips Templeree Tipperary Commerford Bridget Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Commerford Patrick Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Commerford Patrick Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Connell Denis Strogue Templeree Tipperary Connell John Strogue Templeree Tipperary Connell Mary Strogue Templeree Tipperary Connell Patrick Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Connolly John Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Connolly John Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Connolly Judith Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Connolly Patrick Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Cormack John Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Cormack Stephen Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Cunningham Patrick Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Darmody William Strogue Templeree Tipperary Deegan James Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Delahunt Anne Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Delahunt Daniel Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Devane Anastasia Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Dexey George Strogue Templeree Tipperary Doogan John Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Doolan Patrick Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Duane John Kylemore Templeree Tipperary Duane John Strogue Templeree Tipperary Dwyer Denis Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Dwyer John Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Dwyer Mary Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Dwyer Patrick Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Fanning Michael Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Fitt John Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Fitzpatrick Jeremiah Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Fitzpatrick Thomas Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Fitzpatrick Thomas Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Fogarty John Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Fogarty Judith Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Fogarty Martin Strogue Templeree Tipperary Fogarty Patrick Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Glacken Thomas Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Gleeson James Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Gleeson James Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Gleeson Michael Kylemore Templeree Tipperary Gorman William Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Gorman William Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Grimes Michael, Jr. Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Grimes Michael, Sr. Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Grimes Thomas Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Healy William, Esq. Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Healy William, Esq. Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Healy William, Esq. Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Heaven William Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Heaving William Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Hickey James Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Hickey Patrick Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Higgins Mary Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Hill Rev. William Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Hill Rev. William Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Hillery Patrick Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Hogan Daniel Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Hore Bridget Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Hore Michael Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Howard Bridget Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Keane Daniel Strogue Templeree Tipperary Keane John Strogue Templeree Tipperary Keane Penelope Strogue Templeree Tipperary Keary John Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Keary Martin Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Keary Patrick Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Kennedy Elizabeth Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Kennedy John Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Kennedy Matthew Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Kennedy Matthew Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Kennedy Thaddeus Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Kennedy William Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Kinnally Andrew Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Laffan John Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Laffan Nicholas Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Laffan William Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Laffans Patrick Strogue Templeree Tipperary Lewis Henry Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Lewis John Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Lloyd Thomas Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Mackey Denis Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Mackey Denis Kylemore Templeree Tipperary Mackey James Ballyphillips Templeree Tipperary Mackey James Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Mackey John Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Mackey John Kylemore Templeree Tipperary Mackey Michael Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Mackey Philip Kylemore Templeree Tipperary Mackey William Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Maher Daniel Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Maher John Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Maher John Ballyphillips Templeree Tipperary Maher John Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Maher Judith Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Maher Martin Ballyphillips Templeree Tipperary Maher Philip Aughall Middle Templeree Tipperary Maher Rep. Edwd. Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Maher Roderick Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Maher Thomas Kylemore Templeree Tipperary Maher Thomas Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Marnell John Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Marnell Martin Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Marnell Stephen Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Mc Donnell John Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Mc Donnell Mary Strogue Templeree Tipperary Mc Donnell Michael Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Mc Donnell Thomas Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Mcdonnell Thomas Strogue Templeree Tipperary Mealy James Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Meehan Mary Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Meehan Michael Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Meehan Patrick Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Molloy Thomas Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Morris Catherine Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Morris Thomas Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Moyney Martin Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Murphy John Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Nolan Thomas Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Orkney ??? Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Orkney ??? Ballyphillips Templeree Tipperary Orkney ??? Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Ormond Jeremiah Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Peters Daniel Strogue Templeree Tipperary Peters Denis Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Peters Denis Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Peters Denis Strogue Templeree Tipperary Peters James Strogue Templeree Tipperary Peters Judith Strogue Templeree Tipperary Peters Margaret Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Peters Mary Strogue Templeree Tipperary Purcell Catherine Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Purcell Richard Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Qiurk Margaret Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Qiurk Roderick Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Quanys John Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Quinlan John Cobbs Templeree Tipperary Quinn Catherine Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Daniel Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Quinn Daniel Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn John Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Quinn Martin Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Mary Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Michael Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Mrs. Catherine Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Richaed Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Richard, Jr. Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Richard, Sr. Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn William Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Wm. Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quinn Kelly Mary Strogue Templeree Tipperary Quirk Malachy Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Redmond Joseph Strogue Templeree Tipperary Reid Lawrence Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Rourke William Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Russell James Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Ryan James Strogue Templeree Tipperary Ryan John Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Ryan John Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Ryan Michael Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary Ryan Michael Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Ryan Michael Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Ryan Michael Strogue Templeree Tipperary Ryan Patrick Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Ryan Thomas Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Ryan Thomas Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Ryan Timothy Strogue Templeree Tipperary Shaughnessy James Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Sheehy Patrick Gorteenmagher Templeree Tipperary Shelly Edward Strogue Templeree Tipperary Shephard Robert Strogue Templeree Tipperary Shortall William Castleleiny Templeree Tipperary Skehan Honor Aughall More Templeree Tipperary Stapleton James Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Stapleton John Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Stapleton Michael Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Stapleton Patrick Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Stapleton Patrick Strogue Templeree Tipperary Stapleton Thomas Strogue Templeree Tipperary Stapleton William Lahagh Templeree Tipperary Sweeny John Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Sweeny Margaret Gorteendangan Templeree Tipperary Tierney Judith Ballinroe Templeree Tipperary Tracy William Ballinlassa Templeree Tipperary Trehy Michael Strogue Templeree Tipperary Whitaker Joseph Aughall Beg Templeree Tipperary