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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Aghalurcher, County Tyrone
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Aghalurcher, County Tyrone
Alexander William Breakly Aghalurcher Tyrone Armstrong Wm Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Birney Arthur Cullentra Aghalurcher Tyrone Birney John Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Birney Margaret Crocknahull Aghalurcher Tyrone Birney William Tattanellan Aghalurcher Tyrone Blackley Joseph Rahack Glebe Aghalurcher Tyrone Bogue Bernard Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Bogue Hugh Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Bogue James Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Boyd John Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Bradley Cormack Glenlark Aghalurcher Tyrone Brannagan Thomas Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Breadin William Cullentra Aghalurcher Tyrone Brogue Bernard Crocknahull Aghalurcher Tyrone Brown Andrew Loughermore Glebe Aghalurcher Tyrone Brown Anne Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Brown Charles Relessy Aghalurcher Tyrone Brown Charles Tircar Aghalurcher Tyrone Brown James Relessy Aghalurcher Tyrone Burnside James Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Burnside John Breakly Aghalurcher Tyrone Caldwell Henry Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Caldwell James Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Caldwell James Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Caldwell John Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Carr Charles Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Carr Edward Tattanellan Aghalurcher Tyrone Carr John Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Clendenning John Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Clinger George Relessy Aghalurcher Tyrone Cowan Elizabeth Tattanellan Aghalurcher Tyrone Crozier Robert Tircar Aghalurcher Tyrone Crozier Thomas Beagh Aghalurcher Tyrone Crudden Catherine Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Daly Anne Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Drum Michael Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Forsythe William Breakly Aghalurcher Tyrone Francy James Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Gillespie Daniel Relessy Aghalurcher Tyrone Gray John Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Gunn John Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Hackett William Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Hadden James Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall Anne Rahack Glebe Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall James, Jr. Tircar Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall James, Sr. Tircar Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall John Loughermore Glebe Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall Joseph Tircar Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall Robert Loughermore Glebe Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall Robert Rahack Glebe Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall Robert Tircar Aghalurcher Tyrone Hall Samuel Rahack Glebe Aghalurcher Tyrone Hamilton Charles Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Hamilton John Cullynane Aghalurcher Tyrone Hannan Thomas Tattanellan Aghalurcher Tyrone Haw Robert Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Haw Robert, Jr. Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Haw Robert, Sr. Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Howe John Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Howe William Cullynane Aghalurcher Tyrone Irwin John Beagh Aghalurcher Tyrone Irwin John, Jr. Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Irwin John, Sr. Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Irwin Joseph Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Irwin Matthew Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Irwin Thomas Beagh Aghalurcher Tyrone Irwin Thomas Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Johnston Archibald Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Johnston Robert Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Johnston Thomas Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Johnston Thomas Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Keane John Breakly Aghalurcher Tyrone Kearns Abraham Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Keenan Patrick Tattanellan Aghalurcher Tyrone Keenan Thomas Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Kelly Bernard Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Lendrum Jane Cullynane Aghalurcher Tyrone Lendrum John Cullynane Aghalurcher Tyrone Lendrum John Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Lendrum John Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Lendrum Mary Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Lendrum Richard Beagh Aghalurcher Tyrone Lendrum William Relessy Aghalurcher Tyrone Lipton Samuel Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Lipton William Cullynane Aghalurcher Tyrone Lipton William Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Little Andrew Tircar Aghalurcher Tyrone Marren Francis Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Mayne Francis Cullentra Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Caffery Francis Cullentra Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Caffery James Cullentra Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Caffrey Patrick Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Cann John Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Causland Mary Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Causland Robert Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Goren Hugh Tattanellan Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Guinness Joseph Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Guire Patrick Cullentra Aghalurcher Tyrone Mc Kenna Bernard Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcaneny Neal Glenlark Aghalurcher Tyrone Mccaffrey Francis, Jr. Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mccaffrey Francis, Sr. Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mccaffrey Patrick Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mccaffrey Robert Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mccann Patrick Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mccarroll Peter Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mccaughey Patrick Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mccullagh Edward Glenlark Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcehoy John, Jr. Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy Francis Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy James Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy James Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy John, Jr. Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy John, Sr. Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy Mary Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy Michael Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy William Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcelroy Pany Ml. Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcgirr Owen Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcguire James Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcguire Patrick Alderwood Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcguire Thomas Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcmahon Juames Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Mcrory Myles Glenlark Aghalurcher Tyrone Milligan Andrew Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Mitchell William Tircar Aghalurcher Tyrone Moan John Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Moffett Alexander Relessy Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery Hugh Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery James Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery James Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery Jane Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery John Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery Rep. ??? Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery Rep. ??? Beagh Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery Rep. ??? Cullynane Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery Rep. ??? Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Montgomery Robert Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Morton Samuel Cullynane Aghalurcher Tyrone Nealy Patrick Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Noble James Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone O'Neill Henry Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Patterson William Cullynane Aghalurcher Tyrone Phayr Thomas Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Phayre Edward Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Rafferty Edward Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Ramsay Andrew Beagh Aghalurcher Tyrone Shevlin Henry Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Sommers William Relessy Aghalurcher Tyrone Stewart Charles Breakly Aghalurcher Tyrone Taggart William Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Taylor William Crockacleaven Aghalurcher Tyrone Taylor William Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Thompson John Breakly Aghalurcher Tyrone Traynor James Loughermore Glebe Aghalurcher Tyrone Trimble James Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Trimble James Mullaghmore Aghalurcher Tyrone Trimble John Beagh Aghalurcher Tyrone Walker William Kiltermon Aghalurcher Tyrone Wilson Fleming Timpany Aghalurcher Tyrone Wilson John Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Woods Henry Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Woods John Cullentra Aghalurcher Tyrone Woods Robert Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Woods Terence Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Woods William, Jr. Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Woods William, Sr. Artclea Aghalurcher Tyrone Wright John Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Wright Matthew Kill Aghalurcher Tyrone Young Patrick Tattanellan Aghalurcher Tyrone