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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Arboe, County Tyrone
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Arboe, County Tyrone
Alexander Robert J. Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Alexander Robert J. Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Alexander Robert J. Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Alexander Robert J. Sessia Arboe Tyrone Allen Thomas Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Anderson Charles Carnan Arboe Tyrone Anderson Charles Feagh Arboe Tyrone Anderson Joseph Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Arbernethy James Drumard Arboe Tyrone Ballantine William Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Banagan Francis Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Banagan Francis Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Banagan Hugh Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Banagan James Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Banagan John Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Banagan Mary Anne Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Banagan Patrick Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Baxter William Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Bell James Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Bell James Ballynafeagh Arboe Tyrone Bell James Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Bell John Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Bell Robert Drumard Arboe Tyrone Bell Ross Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Bell Samuel Dromore Arboe Tyrone Bell Sarah Dromore Arboe Tyrone Bell Thomas Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Bell William Dromore Arboe Tyrone Bell William Eary Lower Arboe Tyrone Bell William Elagh Arboe Tyrone Bell William Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Best David Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Biggar Anne Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Biggar Thomas Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Biggar William Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Biggar William Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Bleeks Jervis Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Bleeks John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Bleeks Margaret Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Bleeks William Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Boden John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Booth Benjamin Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Booth George Elagh Arboe Tyrone Booth George Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Booth James Elagh Arboe Tyrone Booth James Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Booth John Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Booth Margaret Elagh Arboe Tyrone Boyd Jane Ballynafeagh Arboe Tyrone Boylan Michael Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Bradley Hugh Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Bradley Jno Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Bradley Jno. Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Bradley John Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Bradley John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Bradley John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Bradley John Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Bradley Patrick Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Bradly Sarah Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Brady Anthony Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Brady Edw. Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Brady James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Brady James Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Brady John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Brady Mark Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Brady Thomas Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Breen Michael Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Brennan John Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Brennan Margaret Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Brennan Mark Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Brennan Patrick Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Brennan Teague Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Brennan Teague Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Brown Andrew Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Brown John Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Brown William Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Browne Neilson Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Bryson Robert Sessia Arboe Tyrone Burns James Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Campbell Anne Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Campbell Charles Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Campbell Charles Sessia Arboe Tyrone Campbell Daniel Sessia Arboe Tyrone Campbell Francis Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Campbell Francis Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Campbell Henry Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Campbell Henry Sessia Arboe Tyrone Campbell Hugh Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Campbell James Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Campbell Jane Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Campbell John Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Campbell Joseph Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Campbell Joseph Sessia Arboe Tyrone Campbell Mary Elagh Arboe Tyrone Campbell Michael Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Campbell Michl, Jr. Sessia Arboe Tyrone Campbell Michl, Sr. Sessia Arboe Tyrone Campbell Michl. Sessia Arboe Tyrone Campbell Patrick Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Campbell Patrick Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Campbell Sarah Sessia Arboe Tyrone Campbell William Sessia Arboe Tyrone Canavan Charles Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Canavan Charles Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Canavan Francis Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Canavan Francis Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Canavan Hugh Carnan Arboe Tyrone Canavan James Carnan Arboe Tyrone Canavan James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Canavan John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Canavan John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Canavan Joseph Carnan Arboe Tyrone Canavan Margaret Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Canavan Michael Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Carberry Thomas Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Carn Susan Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Carr John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Carr Philip Feagh Arboe Tyrone Carr William Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Carron Peter Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Cassidy Bernard Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Cassidy Felix Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Cassidy Felix Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Cassidy Francis Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Cassidy Isabella Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Cassidy James Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Cassidy James Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Cassidy John Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Cassidy John Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Cassidy John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Cassidy John Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Caulfield James A. Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Cavanagh James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Chambers John Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Cheevers John Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Chichester O Neill Rev. W. Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Christie John Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Clarke Catherine Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Clarke Joseph Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Clarke Robert Elagh Arboe Tyrone Coleman Stewart Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Collins Anne Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Collins Thomas Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Coney Andrew Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Coney Margaret Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Coney Neal Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Conlan Elizabeth Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Conlan Hugh Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Conlan Hugh Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Conlan John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Conlan John Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Conlan Thomas Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Connelly Thomas Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Connolly Felix Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Connolly Francis Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Connolly John Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Connolly John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Conway Michael Elagh Arboe Tyrone Corr Bernard Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Corr Bernard Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Corr Bernard Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Corr Charles Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Corr Denis Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Corr Francis Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Corr Francis Sessia Arboe Tyrone Corr Hugh Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Corr James Brookend Arboe Tyrone Corr James Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Corr John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Corr Joseph Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Corr Joseph Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Corr Joseph Sessia Arboe Tyrone Corr Patrick Dromore Arboe Tyrone Corr Patrick Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Corr Patrick Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Corr Thomas Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Coscoran Bernard Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Coscoran Patrick Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Coscoran Peter Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Cosgrove Luke Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Cosgrove Mary Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Costello Catherine Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Cowan John Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Cowan Robert Sessia Arboe Tyrone Coyle Daniel Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Coyle James Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Coyle John Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Coyle Martha Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Creehan Sarah Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Creighton James Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Creighton Samuel Elagh Arboe Tyrone Creighton Samuel Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Crozier George Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Crozier James Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Curry Henry Carnan Arboe Tyrone Daly Bernard Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Daly John Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Deehan John Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Devlin Alexander Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Anne Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Anne. S. Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Anthony Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Devlin Archibald Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Archibald Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Archibald Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Arthur Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Bernard Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Devlin Bernard Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Devlin Bernard Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Bridget Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Devlin Catherine Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Devlin Charles Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Cornelius Elagh Arboe Tyrone Devlin Daniel Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Devlin Daniel Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Dudley Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Devlin Dudley Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Devlin Dudley Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Devlin Dudley Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Edward Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Devlin Edward Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Edwd Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Francis Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Francis Ardean Arboe Tyrone Devlin Francis Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Devlin Francis Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Henry Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Henry Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Devlin Henry Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Devlin Henry Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Devlin Henry Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Devlin Henry Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Hugh Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Hugh Ardean Arboe Tyrone Devlin Hugh Drumard Arboe Tyrone Devlin Hugh Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Hugh Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Hugh Sessia Arboe Tyrone Devlin Hugh Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Ardean Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Drumenny Srewart Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin James Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Devlin Jas. Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Ardean Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Sessia Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Devlin John Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Devlin John, Jr. Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin John, Sr. Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Devlin John, Sr. Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Joseph Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Joseph Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Devlin Joseph Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Laur Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Laurence Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Margaret Dromore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Margaret Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Mark Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Devlin Mary Dromore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Mary Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Devlin Mary Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Devlin Mary Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Matthew Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Devlin Michael Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Michael Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Michl Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Neal Drumard Arboe Tyrone Devlin Neal Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Neal Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Owen Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Devlin Owen Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patk Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Ardean Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Sessia Arboe Tyrone Devlin Patrick Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Devlin Paul Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Peter Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Devlin Philip Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Devlin Philip Ardean Arboe Tyrone Devlin Philip Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Rep. John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Robert Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Devlin Roger Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Sarah Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Devlin Susan Ardean Arboe Tyrone Devlin Susan Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Terence Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Devlin Thomas Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Devlin Thomas Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin Thos Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Devlin William Sessia Arboe Tyrone Devlin Winifred Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Dillon John Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Dillon Mary Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Arthur Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Bernard Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Bernard Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Bridget Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Charles Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Elizabeth Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Henry Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Donaghy James Ardean Arboe Tyrone Donaghy James Dromore Arboe Tyrone Donaghy John Sessia Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Michael Ardean Arboe Tyrone Donaghy Sarah Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Donaghy William Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Donnell Michael Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Charles Carnan Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Charles Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Daniel Brookend Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Daniel Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Daniel Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Felix Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Donnelly James Elagh Arboe Tyrone Donnelly James, Jr. Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Donnelly James, Sr. Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Donnelly John Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Donnelly John Carnan Arboe Tyrone Donnelly John Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Donnelly John Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Donnelly John, Sr. Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Laurence Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Margaret Dromore Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Mary Anne Carnan Arboe Tyrone Donnelly Michael Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Doolin Jas. Drumenny Conyngham Arboe Tyrone Doolin Neal Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Doorish Charles Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Doorish Daniel Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Doorish Hugh Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Doorish James Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Doorish Jane Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Doorish John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Doorish Martha Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Doorish Mary Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Doorish Owen Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Doorish Patrick Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Doorish Patrick Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Doorish Thomas Sessia Arboe Tyrone Dorian Bridget Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Dorian Daniel Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Dorian Hugh Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Dormon William Carnan Arboe Tyrone Doyle Pk Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Drum Bernard Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Drum Terence Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Duff William Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Duff William Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Duffin Bernard Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Duffin Hugh Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Duffin James Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Duffin John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Duffin Mary Elagh Arboe Tyrone Duffin Mary Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Duffin Patrick Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Duffin Terence Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Duffy James, Jr. Carnan Arboe Tyrone Duffy James, Jr. Stuart Hall Arboe Tyrone Duffy James, Sr. Carnan Arboe Tyrone Dunne Sarah Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Edmund Samuel Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Elder John Dromore Arboe Tyrone Elder John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Elliott John Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Espy Rachel Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Evans John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Farr Ezekiel Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Farrell Elizabeth Brookend Arboe Tyrone Farrell Francis Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Farrell Matthew Brookend Arboe Tyrone Farrell Robert Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Farrell Thomas Brookend Arboe Tyrone Ferguson John Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Ferguson Margaret Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Ferguson Mary Anne Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Forbes Robert Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Forbes William Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Forbes William Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone French Aaron Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Fry Isaac Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Fry Samuel Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Fullan Jane Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Fullan Jane Sessia Arboe Tyrone Gass Sarah Dromore Arboe Tyrone Gerahty Rev. James Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Gibson Thomas Carnan Arboe Tyrone Gillespie Isabella Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Gillis James Dromore Arboe Tyrone Gillis John Dromore Arboe Tyrone Gillis Mary Dromore Arboe Tyrone Gilmore Daniel Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Gilmore Jane Drumenny Srewart Arboe Tyrone Glacken Francis Drumard Arboe Tyrone Glacken Hugh Drumard Arboe Tyrone Glacken John Drumard Arboe Tyrone Glasgow John Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Gourley James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Graham Constantine Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Graham James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Graham John Ballynafeagh Arboe Tyrone Graham John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Graham Matthew Elagh Arboe Tyrone Graham Michael Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Gray Eliza Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Grimes Jane Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Guinness Samuel Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Gunning James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Hagan Arthur Carnan Arboe Tyrone Hagan Arthur Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan Charles Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan Daniel Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan Daniel Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Hagan Edward Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan Francis Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Hagan Henry Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan Henry Sessia Arboe Tyrone Hagan Henry, Sr. Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan James Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Hagan James Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Hagan James Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Hagan John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Hagan John Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Hagan John Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Hagan John Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Hagan John Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Hagan John, Sr. Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan Michael Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan Michael Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Hagan Patrick Drumennt Conygham Arboe Tyrone Hagan Patrick Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Hagan Patrick Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Hamill Joseph Carnan Arboe Tyrone Hamill Margaret Carnan Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Alexander Stuart Hall Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Henry Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Henry, Sr. Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Hugh Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Isabella Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton James Dromore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton James Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Jane Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton John Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Hamilton John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Hamilton John Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Robert Dromore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Robert Elagh Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Robert Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Thomas Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Hamilton William, Sr. Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hamilton Wm., Jr. Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hannon James Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Hannon James Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Hannon John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Hannon Michael Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Hannon Owen Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Hannon Susan Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Harbison Adam Dromore Arboe Tyrone Harkness Andrew, Jr. Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Harkness John Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Harkness John, Sr. Mmullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Henderson Ellen Carnan Arboe Tyrone Henderson Thomas Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Henry Benjamin Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Henry James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Henry James Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Henry James Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Henry James Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Henry John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Henry John Dromore Arboe Tyrone Henry John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Henry John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Henry John Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Henry John Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Henry Thomas Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Henry Thomas Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Henry William Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Higgins Patrick Brookend Arboe Tyrone Hnery Hugh Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Hodge Mary Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Hogg Courtney Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Hogg Rachel Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Holland Charles Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Holmes Rev. Robert Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Hunter James Carnan Arboe Tyrone Hunter Letitia Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Hunter Thomas Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Hutton Richard Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Irwin Thomas Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Johnston George Elagh Arboe Tyrone Judge Hugh Carnan Arboe Tyrone Judge James Carnan Arboe Tyrone Judge John Carnan Arboe Tyrone Judge John, Jr. Carnan Arboe Tyrone Junk Robert Ballynafeagh Arboe Tyrone Junk Robert Feagh Arboe Tyrone Junk Robert Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Junk Robert Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Junk Thomas Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Keelan William Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Keenan John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Keightley Stewart Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Kelly Alexander Dromore Arboe Tyrone Kelly Arthur Dromore Arboe Tyrone Kelly Catherine Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Kelly Daniel Dromore Arboe Tyrone Kelly Felix Dromore Arboe Tyrone Kelly Francis Sessia Arboe Tyrone Kelly James Carnan Arboe Tyrone Kelly John Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Kelly John Eary Lower Arboe Tyrone Kelly Michael Carnan Arboe Tyrone Kelly Patrick Ardean Arboe Tyrone Kelly Patrick Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Kelly Thomas Eary Lower Arboe Tyrone Kennedy Daniel Dromore Arboe Tyrone Kennedy Robert Carnan Arboe Tyrone Kievnahan Patrick Dromore Arboe Tyrone Kimmons Catherine Carnan Arboe Tyrone Kitly Margaret Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Knightley Stuart Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Lammon John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Lapsley Mary Anne, Jr. Brookend Arboe Tyrone Lapsley Maryanne Brookend Arboe Tyrone Lapsley William Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Lapsley William Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Lapsley William Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Laverty Bernard, Jr. Elagh Arboe Tyrone Laverty Bernard, Sr. Elagh Arboe Tyrone Laverty Charles Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Laverty John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Laverty John Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Laverty Neal Elagh Arboe Tyrone Laverty Thomas Elagh Arboe Tyrone Laverty Thomas Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Lavery Bernard Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Lavery William John Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Lawernce John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Ledley George Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Leonard Samuel Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Linny Bernard Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Linny Hugh Carnan Arboe Tyrone Little John Drumard Arboe Tyrone Little John Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Little Thomas Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Lynd John Sessia Arboe Tyrone Lynd Patrick Sessia Arboe Tyrone Lynn John Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Lynn William Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone M Camly Sarah Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone M Cartney Andrew Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone M Cartney William Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone M Grath Daniel Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone M Keever Patrick Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone M Mullan Mary Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Mackey John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Mackey John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Mackey John Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Mackey John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mackey Rev. David Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Madden Michael Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Magee Catherine Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Magee Henry Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Maguire Thomas Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mallaghan Francis Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Mallow John Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Maneely Hugh Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Maneely James Dromore Arboe Tyrone Maneely James Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Maneely Joseph Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Maneely Robert Dromore Arboe Tyrone Maquade John Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone March Isaiah Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone March Uriah Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Marks Charlotte Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Marks John Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Marks John Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Marshall Anne Drumard Arboe Tyrone Marshall James Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Marshall Robert Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Marshall William Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Martin George Carnan Arboe Tyrone Martin Gilbert Carnan Arboe Tyrone Martin James Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Martin Jeremiah Brookend Arboe Tyrone Martin John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Martin Patrick Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Matthews John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Maurice Owen Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Maxwell Anne Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Maxwell Robert W. Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Mc Ataggart Margaret Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Mc Bride Andrew Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Bride Bernard Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mc Bride Bernard Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Can Joseph Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Cann James Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mc Clay James Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Mc Connell William Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Cord James Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mc Cord Thomas Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Mc Cullagh John Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Cullagh Patrick Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Donnell James Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mc Eldoon John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Mc Erlane Matthew Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Mc Gaw William Drumard Arboe Tyrone Mc Guckin Anthony Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Mc Guckin Paul Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Mc Guckin Thomas Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Mc Guckin William Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Guiggan Francis Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Mc Guiggan Francis Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mc Guiggan Henry Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mc Guiggan John Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Mc Guiggan John Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mc Guiggan Thomas Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Mc Gurk Francis Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Iiroy Edward Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Mc Ildoon Bernard Elagh Arboe Tyrone Mc Intire Samuel Sessia Arboe Tyrone Mc Kee Hugh Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Mc Kee John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Mc Kee John Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Mc Kee Michael Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Kee Patrick Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Mc Kee Terence Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Mc Keever Michael Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Mc Keever Patrick Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Mc Keown Robert Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Larnon Patrick Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Mc Lernen James Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Mc Lernon Joseph Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Mc Lernon Sarah Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Mc Millen Daniel Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Mc Murdy Thomas Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mc Nally James Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Nally James Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mc Nally John Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Nally Joseph Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Nally Patrick Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Nally Peter Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Reynolds Anthony Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Mc Reynolds Thomas Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Mc Shane John Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Mc Sloy Bernard Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Mc Sloy Hugh Drumenny Arboe Tyrone Mc Sloy James Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Mc Sloy Patrick Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mc Sloy Patrick Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Mc Stravig Isabella Sessia Arboe Tyrone Mc Stravig Mary Sessia Arboe Tyrone Mc Veagh Francis Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Mc Veagh George Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mc Veagh James Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mc Veagh John Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mcaleer Matthew Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mcaleer Robert Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mcallister Charles Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Mcallister Isabella Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcallister John Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Mcallister Luke Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Mcanulty John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mcartney Andrew Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Mcartney William Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Mcataggart Hugh Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcbride Andrew Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mccan Arthur Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Mccann Andrew Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mccann George Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mccann George Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mccann Jane Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mccann John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mccann Letitia Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mccann Margaret Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Mccann Mary Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mccann Sarah Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Mccann Thomas Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mccord James Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Mccord John Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mccord Samuel Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Mccrawford Robert Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Mccreight Rep. Daniel Drumard Arboe Tyrone Mccullagh Benjamin Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Mccullagh Charles Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mccullagh Geo. Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mccullagh George Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mccullagh John Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mccullagh John Sessia Arboe Tyrone Mccullagh Mary Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mccullagh Patrick Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mcdonnell Alexander Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mcdonnell Archibald Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mcdonnell John Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mcdonnell William Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mcerlane Hugh Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Mcerlane James Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Mcerlane James Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mcerlane Mary Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Mcgeary Ellen Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mcgeary William Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mcguckian Thomas Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Mcguckin George Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Mcguckin James Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Mcguckin James Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mcguckin Sarah Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Mcguckin Thomas Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan Charles Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan Francis Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan Henry Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan Isaac Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan James Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan John Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan John Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan Mary Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mcguiggan Sarah Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcilderry Charles Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Mcilhone Henry Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Mcilree Andrew Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mcilroy Terence Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Mcilroy William Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Mcilvanna Felix Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcilvanna John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mcilvanna Patrick Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Mcintyre Anne Eary Lower Arboe Tyrone Mcintyre Archibald Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Mckee John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Mckee Michael Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mckeever Catherine Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Mckeever John Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Mckenna Robert Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Alexander Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Anne Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Arthur Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Charles Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Daniel Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mckeon George Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Henry Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Hugh Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Hugh Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Isabella Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Mckeon John Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Mckeon John Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Mckeon John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Mary Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Mckeon Patrick Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Mckeon William Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Mckeown Joseph Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Mckibben James Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Mckibben William Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Mcmanus Andrew Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mcmanus Hugh Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mcmanus John Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Mcnally Arthur Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcnally Bernard Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcnally James Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mcnally James Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Mcnally James Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcnally John Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mcnally John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcnally Joseph Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mcnally Patrick Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mcneece Rev. James Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Mcneece Rev. Thos. Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Mcpherson Archibald Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mcquade Margaret Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Mcquillan Catherine Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mcreynolds Martha Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mcreynolds Samuel Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mcreynolds Samuel Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mcreynolds Samuel Feagh Arboe Tyrone Mcreynolds Thomas Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mcshane Anne Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mcshane Anne Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mcshane Bridget Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mcshane James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mcsloy Hugh Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mcsloy James Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mcsloy James Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Mcsloy Letitia Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Mcsloy Mary Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mcsloy Patrick Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Mcstravig Isabella Sessia Arboe Tyrone Mcstravig Mary Sessia Arboe Tyrone Mctaggart John Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mctaggart Patrick Dromore Arboe Tyrone Mctaggart Patrick Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mctaggart Sarah Drumard Arboe Tyrone Mcteague Charles Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mcveagh John Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Mcveagh John Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Mcveagh Robert Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mcveagh Thomas Elagh Arboe Tyrone Mcvey William Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Means Charles Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Means Charles Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Means Daniel Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Means Edward Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Means Isaac Ballynafeagh Arboe Tyrone Means Isaac Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Means James Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Means John Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Means John Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Means Terence Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Meenagh Henry Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Meenagh John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Mehaffy James Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Mehaffy John Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Mehaffy Sarah Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Mellon Henry Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Mellon Hugh Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Mellon James Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mellon James Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mellon John Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mellon John Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mellon John Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Mellon John Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Mellon John Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Mellon Joseph Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Mellon Patrick Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Mellon Patrick Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mellon Thomas Carnan Arboe Tyrone Miller John Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Miller John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Miller Thomas Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mitchell Mary Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Mitchell Robert Feagh Arboe Tyrone Mkeever Hugh Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Moffett Elizabath Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Molloy John Carnan Arboe Tyrone Montague Rev. Chas. Brookend Arboe Tyrone Montague Sarah Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mooney Ellen Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mooney James Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mooney John Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mooney John Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Mooney Patrick Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Mooney Ptk Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Mooney Ptk. Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Morris John Dromore Arboe Tyrone Muldoon James Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Muldoon John Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Muldoon Johnick Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Muldoon Sarah Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Mulholland Bridget Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mulholland Catherine Carnan Arboe Tyrone Mulholland Catherine Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mulholland John Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Mulholland John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Mulholland Margaret Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mullan Catherine Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Mullan Charles Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Mullan Charles Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Mullan Charles Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Mullan James Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mullan Michael Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Mullen Hugh Brookend Arboe Tyrone Mullen William Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Murphy Robert Carnan Arboe Tyrone Murphy Robert Feagh Arboe Tyrone Murray Hugh Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Murray Hugh Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Murray Hughr Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Nc Nally Peter Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Neill George Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Neill William Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Newton Robert Sessia Arboe Tyrone Norris George Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Norris James Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Norris John Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Norris Robert Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone O'Donnell John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Alexander Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Bernard Dromore Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Bernard Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Bernard Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Bernard Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Charles Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Charles Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Charles Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Edward Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Francis Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Francis Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Henry Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Henry Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Henry Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Henry Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Henry Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Hugh Ardean Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Hugh Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Isabella Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone O'Neill James Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill James Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Jane Brookend Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone O'Neill John Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Lewis Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Luke Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Michael Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Neal Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Neal Brookend Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Patrick Drumard Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Patrick Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Patrick Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Peter Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Sarah Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Susan Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone O'Neill Toal Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Ohara Bernard Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Ohara Daniel Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Ohara Henry Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Ohara Honor Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Ohara John Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Ohara Mary Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Ohara Michael Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Orr John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Orr William Brookend Arboe Tyrone Orr William Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Patterson Rep. George Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Patterson Thomas Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Purvis Ambrose Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Purvis James Brookend Arboe Tyrone Purvis James Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Purvis James Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Purvis James Mullanhoe Arboe Tyrone Purvis Richard Brookend Arboe Tyrone Purvis Richard Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Purvis Richard Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Purvis Richard Mullanhoe Arboe Tyrone Purvis Sarah Brookend Arboe Tyrone Purvis Sarah Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Purvis Silas Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Purvis Silas Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Purvis Silas Mullanhoe Arboe Tyrone Purvis William Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Quin Andrew Carnan Arboe Tyrone Quin Andrew Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quin Bernard Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quin Bridget Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Quin Catherine Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Quin Charles Carnan Arboe Tyrone Quin Charles Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quin Charles Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Quin Daniel Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Quin Daniel Sessia Arboe Tyrone Quin Denis Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Quin Denis Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Quin Elizabeth Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Quin Felix Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Quin Francis Ardean Arboe Tyrone Quin Francis Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Quin Francis Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quin Francis Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Quin George Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Quin Hugh Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Quin James Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Quin James Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Quin Jno Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Quin Jno. Anneeter More Arboe Tyrone Quin John Ardean Arboe Tyrone Quin John Dromore Arboe Tyrone Quin John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quin John Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Quin John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Quin John Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Quin John Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Quin Lewis Ardean Arboe Tyrone Quin Margaret Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Quin Mary Ardean Arboe Tyrone Quin Mary Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Quin Matthew Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quin Michael Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Quin Michael Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quin Michael Mullanahoe Arboe Tyrone Quin Michael Sessia Arboe Tyrone Quin Olivia Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Quin Patk. Ardean Arboe Tyrone Quin Patrick Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Quin Patrick Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Quin Patrick Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Quin Peter Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Quin St. John Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Quin St. John Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Quin Terence Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Quinn Anne Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Quinn Arthur Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Quinn Arthur Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Quinn Bernard Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Quinn Charles Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Quinn Charles Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Quinn Daniel Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Quinn Daniel Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Quinn Edward Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Quinn Francis Killycanavan Upper Arboe Tyrone Quinn Hannah Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Quinn Hugh Drumard Arboe Tyrone Quinn Hugh Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Quinn James Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Quinn James Drumard Arboe Tyrone Quinn James Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quinn Jas. Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Quinn John Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Quinn John Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Quinn John Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Quinn John Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Quinn Mark Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Quinn Matthew Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Quinn Neal Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Quinn Patrick Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Quinn Patrick Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Quinn Rep. John Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Quinn Rep. Mark Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Quinn Rose Killymenagh Arboe Tyrone Quinn Terence Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Quinn Thomas Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Raney Robert Eary Lower Arboe Tyrone Raney Samuel Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Raney William Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Reed David Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Reid James Drumard Arboe Tyrone Reilly Samuel Carnan Arboe Tyrone Rice Edward Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Richardson Benjamin Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Richardson Elizabeth Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Richardson John Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Richardson Robert Drumard Arboe Tyrone Richardson William Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Robinson Hugh Eary Lower Arboe Tyrone Robson Hugh Ballynafeagh Arboe Tyrone Robson Hugh Feagh Arboe Tyrone Rock Bernard Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Rock Bernard Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Rock Charles Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Rock Charles Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Rock Edward Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Rock Neal Cluntoe Quin Arboe Tyrone Rolands Abigail Gortnagwyg Arboe Tyrone Rollins John Brookend Arboe Tyrone Rollins Leonard Brookend Arboe Tyrone Roney Bernard Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Rorke John Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Rourke John Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Rourke John Elagh Arboe Tyrone Rourke Patrick Elagh Arboe Tyrone Ryan Patrick Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Ryan Patrick Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Ryan William Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Sands Sarah Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Sands William Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Sanna Hugh Dromore Arboe Tyrone Sanna John Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Sanna Robert Drumhubbert Arboe Tyrone Scaton John Carnan Arboe Tyrone Scullion Mary Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Scullion Murty Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Scullion William Drumenny Stewart Arboe Tyrone Sharpe Thomas Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Sharpe Thomas Lurgyroe Arboe Tyrone Shaw William Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Sheals Hugh Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Sheals Maria Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Sheeky James Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Sheeky Thomas Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Short Felix Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Short Francis Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Small Francis Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Small Hugh Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Small Mary Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Small Patrick Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Smart Patrick Brookend Arboe Tyrone Smith John Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Smith Thomas Aghacolumb Arboe Tyrone Stenson John Drumard Arboe Tyrone Stewart Hugh Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Stewart Margaret Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Stewart William Gortigal Arboe Tyrone Stewart William Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Story Duncan Sessia Arboe Tyrone Stuart ??? Annaghmore Arboe Tyrone Stuart ??? Anneeter Beg Arboe Tyrone Stuart ??? Kinturk Arboe Tyrone Taggart Arthur Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Taggart John Carnan Arboe Tyrone Taggart Peter Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Tassy Henry Cluntoe Arboe Tyrone Tassy Sarah Kinrush Arboe Tyrone Taylor John Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Tennison James Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone Thompson Levingston Ballymurphy Arboe Tyrone Thompson Levingston Trickvallen Arboe Tyrone Thomson Wm. Geo. Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Toland Daniel Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Toland William Killycanavan Lower Arboe Tyrone Toland William Sessia Arboe Tyrone Traynor Christopher Ardean Arboe Tyrone Traynor James Eary Lower Arboe Tyrone Treanor Christopher Farsnagh Arboe Tyrone Treanor Christopher Sessia Arboe Tyrone Trench Mary E. S. Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone Trench Mary. E. S. Mullaghwotragh Arboe Tyrone Walker John Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Walker Joseph Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Walker William Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Walker William Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Wall Henry Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Wall John Mullaghglass Arboe Tyrone Wann Isabella Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Wann Samuel Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Warnock Sarah Brookend Arboe Tyrone Waters Eliza Ballymaguire Arboe Tyrone Waters James Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Waters John Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Waters Robert Tamnavally Arboe Tyrone Waters Thomas Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Waters William Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Waters William Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Whan Henry Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Wharl Margaret Drumenny Conygham Arboe Tyrone White George Brookend Arboe Tyrone White Hugh Brookend Arboe Tyrone White Hugh Killygonlan Arboe Tyrone White Thomas Brookend Arboe Tyrone Whiteside John, M.D. Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Whiteside Thomas Killycolpy Arboe Tyrone Wilcocks St. George L. Brookend Arboe Tyrone Wilkinson James Dromore Arboe Tyrone Wilson Robert Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Wilson William, Jr. Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Wilson William, Sr. Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Woolaghan Samuel Killywoolaghan Arboe Tyrone Wray Samuel Tamlaghtmore Arboe Tyrone Wright Adam Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Wright James Dromore Arboe Tyrone Wright Martha Ballynafeagh Arboe Tyrone Wright Rachel Carnan Arboe Tyrone Wright Richard Kilmascally Arboe Tyrone Wright Robert Carnan Arboe Tyrone Wright Robert Dromore Arboe Tyrone Wyley Robert Ballynargan Arboe Tyrone Young Walter Sessia Arboe Tyrone