Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Acheson Rev. Joseph Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Acheson Rev. Joseph Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Acheson Samuel Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Agnew Mary Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Agnew Thomas Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Alexander Henry Mullycrunnet Donaghmore Tyrone Alexander Henry Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Alexander James Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Alexander John Killymaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Alexander Robert Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Allen John Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Allen John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson John Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson John Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson John Killymaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson Thomas Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson Thomas Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson Thomas Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson Thomas Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson Thomas Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Anderson William Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Armstrong Thomas Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Armstrong Thomas Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Armstrong William Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Armstrong William Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Armstrong William Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Arnold Robert Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Arthur William Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Ashe George Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Bailie Rev. James K. Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Barker John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Barrs Mary Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Bart Sir Wm Verner Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Barton Edward Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Barton John Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Barton William Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Barton William Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Batty Robert Mullygruen Donaghmore Tyrone Baxter Philip Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Beatty Frances Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Beatty Francis Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Beatty John Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Beatty John Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Beatty John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Beatty John Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Begg Jane Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Bell John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Benison Matthew Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Bennett Francis Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Birney Hugh Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Black Isabella Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Black Joseph Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Black Joseph Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Blemmins George Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Blemmins George Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Blemmins Robert Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Bloomer John Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Bloomer Michael Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Bloomer Michael Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Bloomer Michael Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Bloomer Robert Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Bond James Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Borris James Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Borris James Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Borris James, Jr. Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Borris James, Sr. Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Borris Robert Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Borris William Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Borris William Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Bowen Mark Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Bowen Patrick Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Bowen Thomas Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Bowen Thomas Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Boylan Arthur Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Boylan Arthur Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Boylan Patrick Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Boyle Arthur Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Boyle Michael Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Bradley Ferdinand Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Bradley James Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Bradley Jane Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Bradley Mary Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Bradley Robert Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Branagan Daniel Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Branigan Bernard Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Branigan Felix Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Branigan James Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Branigan John Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Branigan Owen Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Branigan Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Branigan Thomas Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Breese William Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Brennan George Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Brennan Thomas Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Breslan Martha Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Brown Charles Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Brown Charles Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Brown Henry Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Brown Henry Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Brown James Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Brown John Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Brown William Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Browne Henry Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Browne Henry Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Browne Henry Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Browne Henry Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Browne James Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Browne James Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Browne James Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Browne Jane Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Browne John Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Browne Margaret Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Browne William Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Browne William Killymaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Browne William Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Browne William Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Bryars David Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Bryars Elizabeth Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Bryars Martha Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Bryars William Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Buchanan John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Burgess John Y. Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Burgess John Y. Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Burgess John Y. Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Burgess John Y. Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Burgess John Y. Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Burgess John Y. Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Burrows John Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Burrows John, Jr. Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Burrows Stephen Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Burrows William Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Butler Rose Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Byrne James Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Byrne John Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Byrne Samuel Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Cadda James Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Cadoo Aaron Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Cadoo Alexander Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Cairns Elizabeth Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Cairns John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Cairns Robert Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Caldwell James Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Caldwell Robert Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Cammock Patk., Jr. Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Cammock Patk., Sr. Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Anne Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Arthur Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Catherine Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Henry Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell James Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell John Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell John Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell John Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Mary Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Mary Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Maxwell Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Maxwell Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Nathaniel Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Patrick Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Patrick Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Peter Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Rev. Jas Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Robert Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Campbell Terence Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Cantlon David Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Carbery Catherine Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Carbery Daniel Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Carbery John Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Carbery Thomas Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Cardwell William Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Carpendale Rev. Thos Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Carpendale William Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Carpmill James Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Carr Bartholomew Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Carr Bernard Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Carr Bridget Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Carr Bridget Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Carr Francis Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Carr James Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Carr James Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Carr James Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Carr John Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Carr John Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Carr John Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Carr John Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Carr William Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Carroll Anne Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Carroll William Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Carse Rev. Stewart Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Carson James Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Casey Bryan Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Casey Jas Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Casey John Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Casey Thos Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Cass Rev. S. Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Charlemont ??? Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Charlemont ??? Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Charlemont ??? Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Charlemont ??? Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Charlemont ??? Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Christie George Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Christie James Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Christie James Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Christie John Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Clarke Hugh Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Clarke Hugh Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Clarke William Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Clegg Jane Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Cobin Margaret Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Cohoon Charles Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Cohoon James Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Cohoon Martha Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Coleman Abraham Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Coleran Bernard Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Colgan Neal Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Colgan William Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Anne Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Anne Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Arthur Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Edward Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Jeremiah Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan John Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan John Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan John, Jr. Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan John, Sr. Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Mary Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Mary Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Patrick Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Patrick Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Peter Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Conlan Peter Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Connell Andrew Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Connell Bernard Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Connolly Thomas Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Connolly William Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Connor Michael Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Connor Owen Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Conolly Michael Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Conroy Mary Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Conroy Terence Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Conry Mary Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Conway Hugh Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Cooke George Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Cooper Edward Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Cooper John Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Corr Bartholomew Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Corr Daniel Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Corr Daniel Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Corr Hugh Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Corr Hugh Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Corr Michael Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Corr Peter Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan Daniel Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan Francis Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan Hugh Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan James, Jr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan James, Sr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan John, Jr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan John, Sr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan Michael Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan Patrick Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Corrigan Thomas Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Cotten John Killymaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Cotton Robert Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Cotton Robert Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Coulson John Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Courtney John Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Courtney John Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Courtney Joseph Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Courtney Letitia Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Courtney Mary Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Courtney William Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Cowden Joseph Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Coyle Lanty Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Coyle Thomas Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Craig Archibald Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Craig Archibald Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Craigan Neal Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Creighton John Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Cross William Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Cuddihy James Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Cuddihy John Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Cuddy John Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Culbert David Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Culbert John Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Culbert William Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen Bridget Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen Christopher Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen John Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen John Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen Joseph Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen Mary Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen Mortimer Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen Patrick Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen Sarah Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen Thomas Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen William Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Cullen William Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Cunningham Bridget Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Cunningham Hugh Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Cunningham James Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Cunningham Mary Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Curran Eleanor Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Curran John Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Curraran Peter Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Curraran Terence Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Cush Daniel Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Cush Edward Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Cush Francis Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Cush James Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Cush James Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Cush Michael Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Cush Owen Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Cush Patrick Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Cush Patrick Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Cusk Owen Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Daly John Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Daly Owen Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Daly Patrick Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Daly William Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Daly William Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Darby Sarah Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Darcy Edward Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson Andrew Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson Andrew Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson Charles Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson George Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson James Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson John Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson Robert Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson Robert Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson Samuel Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson Thomas Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Davidson Thomas Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Davin Peter Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Davis George Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Davis George Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Davis Wm. Sinclair Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Dawley John Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Dawson James Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Dawson Richard Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Deveral Catherine Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Anne Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Arthur Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Bernard Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Bernard Mullycrunnet Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Felix Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Francis Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Henry Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Hugh Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin James Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin James Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin James Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin James Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin John Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin John Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin John Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin John Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Patrick Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Rev. Francis Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Rev. Francis Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Devlin Thomas Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Benjamin Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Benjamin Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Col. ??? Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon David Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Francis Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Henry Mullcrunnet Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Jane Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Matthew Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Sarah Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Stewart Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Thomas Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Thomas Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Dixon Wilson Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Dogherty James Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Dogherty John Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Dogherty Patrick Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Doherty James Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy Bernard Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy Charles Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy James Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy John Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy Laurence Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy Matthew Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy Michael Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy Patrick Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy Patrick Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Donaghy Patrick Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Donaldson Henry Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Donaldson Mary Anne Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Donaldson Robert Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Arthur Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Bernard Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Bernard Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Bernard Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Bernard Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Francis Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Francis Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Hugh Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly James Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly James Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly James Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly James Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly James Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly John Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly John Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly John Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Joseph Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Murtagh Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Neal Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Owen Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Patk. Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Patrick Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Patrick, Sr. Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Peter Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Peter Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Peter Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Peter Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Pk. Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Richard Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Robert Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Sarah Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Simon Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Terence Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly Thomas Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Donnelly William Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Doogan James Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Doolan John Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Doran Isabella Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Doran John Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Doran John Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Doran Joseph Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Doran William Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Doran William Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Downey Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Doyle Michael Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Drew Thomas Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Drew Thomas Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Duff Alexander Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Duff Bernard Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Duff Catherine Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Duff Eleanor Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Duff James Lisboy Donaghmore Tyrone Duff Margaret Lisboy Donaghmore Tyrone Duff Neal Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Duff Neal Lisboy Donaghmore Tyrone Duff Neal Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Duffy Francis Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Duffy John Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Duffy John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Duffy William Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Dunn Hugh Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Dunn Patrick Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Dynes Arthur Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Early Peter Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Early Sarah Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Eccles Thomas Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Eccles William Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Eden James Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Elliott John Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Ennis Thomas Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Evans Robert Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Evitt William Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Faris John Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Farr George Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Farr Henry Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Farr Samuel Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Farrelly Andrew Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Farrelly Peter Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Fay Edward Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Fee Margaret Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Fee Matthew Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Ferguson Adam Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Finegan John Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Fitzpatrick Anne Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Fitzpatrick Mary Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Fitzpatrick Michl. Jn. Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Fitzpatrick Ml., Jr. Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Fitzpatrick Ml., Sr. Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Fitzsimmons James Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Fleming James Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Forbes Alexander, Jr. Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Forbes Alexander, Jr. Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Forbes Alexander, Sr. Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Forbes Alexander, Sr. Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Forbes Mabel Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Forbes Matthew Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Ford Eleanor Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Forsyth James Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Forsyth John Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Forsyth Oliver Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Fox John Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Freeman Mary Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Frizell Isabella Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Frizell John Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Frizell William Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Frizelle John Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Frizelle Mary Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Frizelle Rep. Alex. Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Fullen Elizabeth Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Fullen John Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Fullen Peter Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Fullerton Thomas Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Futlen Bernard Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Futleton Thomas Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Galbraith Thomas Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Galbraith William Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Galbraith Wm., Jr. Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Gallan John Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Gallons John Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Garr Michael Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Gartland Patrick Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Geatins Patrick Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Geatins William Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Geatins William Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Gilkinson Archibald Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Gilkinson James Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Gilkinson James Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Gilkinson John Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Gilkinson Mary Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Gilkinson Thomas Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Gillen Anne Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Gillen John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Gillen Margaret Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Gillens Bernard Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Gillespie Francis Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Gillespie Henry Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Gillespie Henry Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Gillion Bernard Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Gilogly John Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Glass Henry Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Glass John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Glover Thomas Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Goff Joseph Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Goodfellow Joseph Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Goodfellow Michael Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Goodfellow Michael Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Goodfellow Rose Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Goodfellow Rose Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Govern Patrick Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Graham Charles Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Graham Oliver Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes James Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes James Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes James Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes John Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes John Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes John, Jr. Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes John, Sr. Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes William Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Grimes William Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Grogan John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Hackett Anne Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Hackett James Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Hackett Mary Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Hackett Robert Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Haddock Thomas Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan Arthur Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan Bernard Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan Henry Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan Henry Lisboy Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan James Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan John Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan John Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan Michael Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan Owen Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Hagan Terence Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Haledon John Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Andrew Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Anne Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Hall David Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Edward Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Edward Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Eliza Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Elizabeth Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Hall George Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Henry Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Henry Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hall John Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Hall John Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Hall John Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Hall John Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Hall John Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Richard Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Hall Robert Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hall William Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Hall William Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Hamil Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Hamill Eleanor Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Hamill Michael Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Hamill Michael Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Hamill Owen Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Hamill Peter Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hamilton Edward Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Hamilton Irwin Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Hamilton Irwin Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Hamilton John Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Hamilton Rev. Robert Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Hamilton Robert Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Hamilton Robert Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Hamilton Thomas Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Hanigan John Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Hanlon Robert Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Hanna Robert Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Hanna Thomas Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Hanson James Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Hanson Rev. James Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Harris Thomas Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Hart Bernard Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Hart Bernard Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Hart Paul Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Hart Paul Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Hart Peter Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hart Peter Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Harvey Daniel Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Harvey Dr. ??? Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Harvey Peter Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Harvey Peter Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Harvey Samuel Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Hasty William Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Hayes George Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Hayes James Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Hayes Mary Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Hayes Robert Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Hayes William Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Hayes Williamson Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Hazeldon Ezekiel Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Henderson Isaac Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Henderson James Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Heron Rev. Archibald Killymaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Hewston George Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Hewston William Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Hewston William, Sr. Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Higgins Thomas Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Higgins Thomas Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Higney Patrick Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hill Alexander Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Hinchey James Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Hinchey James Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hinchey Thomas Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hinchey William Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Hinchy John Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Hobbs Jane Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Hobson James Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Hoggett Thomas Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Holland Henry Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Holland Jane Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Holland William Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Holland William Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Holmes William Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Honiex Mary Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hood Robert Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Hoohy Eliza Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Houston James Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Howard James Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Howard Joseph Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Howard Samuel Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Howard William Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Hoy Mary Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Catherine Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Catherine Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Daniel Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Edward Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Edward Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Francis Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Francis Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes James, Jr. Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes James, Sr. Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Jane Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John, Jr. Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes John, Sr. Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Michael Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Michael Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Michael Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Michael Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Patk. Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Patrick Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Patrick Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Patrick Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Rose Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Terence Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Terence Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hughes Mccahy Rep. David Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Hurchy John Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Hurson Patrick Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Hurston Mary Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Huson Edward Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Hussey Margaret Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Hutcheson Henry Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Irvine William Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin Alexander Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin Andrew Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin James Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin James, Jr. Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin Jeremiah Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin Jeremiah Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin John Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin John Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin Joseph Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin Joseph Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin Joseph Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin Joseph Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin William Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin William Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin William Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin William Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Irwin William Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Jackson James Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Jameson James Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Jameson James Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Jameson John Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Jameson John Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Alexander Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Alexander Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Andrew Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Andrew Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Archibald Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Benjamin Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston David Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Elizabeth Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston George Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston James Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston James Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston James Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Jane Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston John Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston John Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston John Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston John Mullygruen Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston John Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Joseph Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Mary Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Robert Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston Samuel Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Johnston William Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Jordan James Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Kane Eleanor Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Kane Hugh Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Kane James Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Kavanagh Bridget Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kavanagh Patrick Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Kavanagh Peter Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Keenan Eleanor Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Keenan Peter Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Anne Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Bernard Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Charles Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Daniel Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Eleanor Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly George Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Hugh Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly James Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly James Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly John Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly John Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly John Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly John Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Mary Anne Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Michael Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Patrick Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Patrick Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Patrick Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Patrick Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Peter Lisboy Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Philip Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Robert Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Samuel Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Samuel Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Terence Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Thomas Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Thomas Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Thomas Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly Thos Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly William Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly William Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly William Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly William Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly William, Jr. Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Kelly William, Sr. Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Kemmins William Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Kennan Charles Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Kennan Isabella Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Kennan Sarah Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Kennedy Gilbert Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Kennedy Rev. Robert Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Kenny Bernard Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Killen Peter Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Kilpatrick Charles Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Kinnan Charles Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Kinnan Cornelius Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Kinnan Sarah Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Kinnier Rev. Francis Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Knipe William Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Knocker John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Lappan Thomas Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Latimer John Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Latimor Jane Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Lattimer Samuel Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Lattimor Samuel Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Leck Daniel Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Lee John Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Leney Arthur Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Leney James Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Lennon John Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Lilburne John Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Lilburne John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Lilburne Thomas Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Lilburne Thomas Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Lindsay James Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Lindsay John Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Lindsay William Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Linton Edward T. Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Little Robert Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Little Thomas Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Litton Edward T. Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Anne Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Arthur Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Bernard Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Bernard Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Catherine Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Christopher Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran David Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran David, Jr. Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran David, Sr. Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Edward Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Henry Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran James Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran James Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran James Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran James Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Joseph Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Judith Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Laur Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Lawrence Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Mary Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Mary Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Mary Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Michael Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Michael Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Ml. Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Neal Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Pat Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Patrick Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Patrick Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Pk Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Robert Mullycrunnet Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Rose Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Terence Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran Thomas Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Loughran William Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Love Elijah Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Lowry James C. Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Loy Bernard Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Lucas Anne Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Lucas Charles Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Lucas James Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Lucas James Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Lucas James Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Lucas Joseph Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Lucas Thomas Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Lucas William Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Lucy Joseph Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Lunny James Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Lunny Mary Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Lyle Alexander M. Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Lyle Alexander M. Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Lyle Alexander M. Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Lyle Alexander M. Mullygruen Donaghmore Tyrone Lyle Alexander M. Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Lyle Alexander M. Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Lyle Jane Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Lynn Patrick Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Macken John Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Macneece Samuel Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Macneece William Lisboy Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Arthur Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Arthur Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Arthur Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Arthur Mullycrunnet Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Bridget Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Cath. Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Catherine Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Catherine Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Denis Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Elizabeth Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory John Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Margaret Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Mary Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Michael Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Michael Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Michael, Jr. Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Patrick Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Peter Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Philip Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Rose Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Thomas Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Thomas Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Thos., Jr. Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Macrory Thos., Sr. Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Madden Charles Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Madden Henry Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Madden John Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Madden Peter Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Magee Arthur Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Magee Bernard Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Magee Charles Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Magee Charles Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Magee Eleanor Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Magee James Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Magee James Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Magee John Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Magee Laurence Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Magee Mary Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Magee Mary Anne Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Magilly Francis Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Maginn James Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Maginn Patrick Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Maginn Peter Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Maginn Peter Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Maginn Sarah Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Magrath Henry Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Magrath James Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Magrath John Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Magrath Patrick Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Magrath Patrick Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Magrath Thomas Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Maguire Bernard Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Maguire Bernard, Jr. Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Maguire Eleanor Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Mahon Martha Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Maley Henry Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mallen Mary Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mallin Edward Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mallin Henry Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mallin James Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mallin Owen Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mallin Patrick Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Mallin Terence Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Mallin William Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Malone Margaret Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Malone Margaret Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Marlow Henry Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Martin David Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Martin Eleanor Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Martin Elizabeth Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Martin George Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Martin James Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Martin Mary Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Martin Michael Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Martin Thomas Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Maunsell David Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Mawhanny George Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Mawhanny Thomas Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Mawhinny John Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Mawhinny John Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mawhinny Thomas Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Mayne George Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcallister James Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcateer William Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccabe Henry Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Bernard Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Bernard Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Hugh Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy James Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy James Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Michael Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Owen Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Owen, Sr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Peter Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Terence Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Thomas, Jr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Thomas, Sr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Thos Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Thos, Jr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccahy Thos, Sr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccairn James Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccairn William Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Mccallen James Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mccallen Mark Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Mccamley Thomas Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccampbell Cath Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mccanley Joseph Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Alicia Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Anthony Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Arthur Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Arthur Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Bartholomew Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Bernard Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Charles Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann George Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Hugh Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Hugh Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Hugh Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Isabella Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Mary Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Mary Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Michael Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Neal Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Owen Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Peter Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Rose Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccann Thomas Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Mccarton John Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccaud John Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Mccaul Elizabeth Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccaul Francis Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Mccaul Francis Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Mccaul Francis Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mccaul James Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Mccaul John Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Mccaul William Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccausland James Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mccausland John Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mccausland John Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccausland John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccausland Oliver Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclean Alexander Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclean James Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclean James Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclean John Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclean John Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclean John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclean Thomas Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclean Thomas Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccleland John Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccleland Joseph Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Mccleland Thomas Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclernan Alex. Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclernan Alexander Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclernan Hugh Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclernan John Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcclernan Patrick Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccluskey Mary Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mccluskey Patrick Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mccoll John Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccoll William Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccollum Adam Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccollum John Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mccoohy Patrick Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Mccoole Anne Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mccoole Denis Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mccormack Luke Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mccormack Patrick Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mccormack Peter Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Mccormack Peter Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mccoy Esther Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Mccrandle Thomas Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Mccready James Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccreight James Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Mccreight James Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccrystal Rev. Hugh Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mccue Charles Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mccullagh Andrew Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Mccullagh Patrick Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccullagh Robert Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Mccusker Michael Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Mccutcheon John Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdermott Patrick Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell Bernard Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell Bridget Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell Charles Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell Daniel Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell Emily Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell Eneas Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell James Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell John Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell John Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mcdonnell Roger Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Mceldoon Henry Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mceldoon John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Mceldoon Michael Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mceldoon Owen Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Mceldoon Peter Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mceldoon Thomas Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mcelhatton Peter Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcelhatton Thomas Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcelhone Bernard Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcelhone Denis Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcelhone Felix Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Mcelroy James Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcelvoge John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland Barthw Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland Hugh Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland James Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland John Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland John Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland John Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland John Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland John Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland John, Jr. Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland Laurence Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgartland Peter Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgarvey Michael Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgarvey Patrick Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgaugh Terence Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgeary Catherine Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgeary James Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgeer Michael Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgeer Sarah Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgelshena James Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgeoghegan Mary Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgeraghty Mary Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgilligan John Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgirr Bernard Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgirr Terence Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglade Hugh Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgladrigan Francis Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgladrigan John Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgladrigan John Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgladrigan John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgladrigan Joseph Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgladrigan Joseph Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgladrigan Owen Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgladrigan Sivey Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglinchy James Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglinchy John Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglinchy John Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglinchy John Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglinchy Patrick Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglinchy Patrick Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglone Daniel Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglone Eleanor Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglone John Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglone Patrick Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglone Robert Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcglone Thomas Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoen Catherine Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoggy Francis Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoggy Francis Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoggy James Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoggy John Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgonnell John Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgough Felix Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoughy Charles Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoughy Denis Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoughy James Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgoughy Thomas Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgourk Patrick Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgowan Matthew Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgrey James Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgrey Michael Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mcgronin Thomas Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan Francis Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan Francis Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan Hannah Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan James Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan James Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan Margaret Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan Mary Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan Peter Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan Peter Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguiggan Sarah Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguirk James Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguirk Patrick Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguirk Patrick Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcguirk Peter Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Charles Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Charles Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Francis Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Hugh Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Hugh, Jr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh James Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh James Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Jas Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh John Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh John Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Margaret Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Michael Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Patrick Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Peter Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Terence Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Mchugh Terence Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcilhatten Michael Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Mcilhatton John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcilhenny Mary Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcilkenny John Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Mcilkenny Patrick Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Mcilkenny Peter Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Mcilvany Henry Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Mcintyre Andrew Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mcintyre Edward Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Mcintyre John Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mcintyre John Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Mcintyre Terence Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcintyre Thomas Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Alex Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Alexander Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Bridget Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Francis Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane James Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Mary Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Neal Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Neal Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Neal, Sr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckane Patk Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckeever Hugh Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mckeever John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mckeever Robert Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Mckeever William Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Mckelvey James Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Mckelvey James Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Mckelvy Patrick Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Charles Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Charles Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Francis Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Francis, Jr. Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Francis, Sr. Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna James Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna James Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna John Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna John Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Mary Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Michael Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Owen Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Patk, Jr. Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Patrick Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Patrick Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Patrick Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Peter Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna Peter Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna William Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mckenna William Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mckeon Alexander Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Mckeon Anthony Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Mckeon Archibald Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Mckernan Arthur Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mckernan John Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Mckernan John Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mckernan Neal Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Mckernan Philip Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mckernan Rose Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Mckinley Anne Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mckinsey Anne Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Mckinsey Anne Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Mckittrick James Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcknight Joseph Mullygruen Donaghmore Tyrone Mclard John Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Mclogue Bernard Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Mclogue Edward Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcloughlin Andrew Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcloughlin John Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mcloughlin John Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mcloughlin William Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Mcloughlin William Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcloughlin William Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmahon Edward Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmanus Patrick Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmenamin James Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmenamin William Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn Archibald Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn Brown Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn James Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn John Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn John Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn John Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn John, Sr. Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn Robert Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn Samuel Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Mcminn Samuel, Sr. Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmullen Archibald Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmullen James Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmullen James Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmullen John Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Mcmullen John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnaghten James Mullycrunnet Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnally Hugh Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnamee Hugh Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnamee Isabella Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnamee Isabella Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnamee John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnamee Judith Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnamee Patrick Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnaney John Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mcnaney Mary Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Mcpeak John Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Mcquaid Denis Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcquaid Michael Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mcquaid Patrick Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcquaid Terence Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Mcshane Charles Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Mcshane Charles Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Mcshane Edward Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mcshane Elizabeth Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mcshane Peter Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Mcsorley Michael Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mcstrammon Henry Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mctamney Bernard Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Mctamney Michael Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mctasney James Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mcveagh Edward Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Mcveagh Michael Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Mcveagh Samuel Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mcvey Francis Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Mcvey John Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Mcvey John Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Mcvey Michael Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Mcvey Patrick Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Mcwhaney James Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Miller David Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Miller George Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Miller Joseph Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Miller Richard Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Miller Robert Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Miller Wright Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Milligan Robert Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Milligan Thomas Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mills Hugh Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mills James Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Minigan John Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Molyneux Charles Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Monaghan John Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Monsell David Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Montgomery Robert Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Moon George Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Mooney Michael Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Mooney Terence Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Moore James Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Moore James Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Moore James Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Moore James, Jr. Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Moore James, Sr. Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Moore Sarah Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Moore Stewart Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Moore William Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Moore William Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Morgan Archibald Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Morgan Eleanor Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Morgan James Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Morgan James Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Morgan John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Morgan John Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Morgan John Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Morough Margaret Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Morris John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Morris Michael Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Morris Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Morris William Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Morrison Charles Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Morrison Patrick Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Morrough John Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Morrough John Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Morrough John Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Morrough Robert Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Morrough Samuel Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Moutray Alexander Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Moutray Alexander Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Moutray Alexander Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Muldoon Francis Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Muldoon Hugh Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Muldoon James Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Muldoon James Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Muldoon John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Muldoon John Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Muldoon Patrick Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Muldoon Peter Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Mulgrew Bernard Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Mulgrew James Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Mulgrew James Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Mulgrew John Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Mulgrew John, Jr. Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Mulgrew Michael Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mulgrew Michael Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Mulgrew Terence Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Mulholland Hugh Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Mulholland John Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mulholland Mary Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mullan Alexander Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Anne Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Anne Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Edward Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Edward Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen James Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen James Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Judith Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Patrick Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Robert Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Robert Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen Terence Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen William Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Mullen William Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mulligan George Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Mulligan Thomas Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Mullin Owen Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Arthur Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Bernard Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Bernard Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Bernard Killymaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Charles Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Charles Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Denis Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy James Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy James Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy James Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy John Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy John Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Peter Finulagh Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Thomas Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Thomas Killymaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Murphy Thomas Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Murray John Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Murray Robert Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Murray William Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Murray William Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Murray William Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Murray William Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Murray William Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Naughter Hugh Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Navins John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Neal Fras. Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Neal James Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Neal Rose Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Neill Bernard Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Neill Francis Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Neill Hugh Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Neill Hugh Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Neill Hugh Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Neill John Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Neill John Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Neill John Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Neill Peter Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Neill Rose Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Neill Sarah Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Nelis Joseph Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Niell Patrick Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Nimmins James Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Hugh Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent James Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent James, Jr. Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Margaret Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Mary Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Michael Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Michael Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Owen Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Owen, Jr. Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Owen, Sr. Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Patrick Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Patrick Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Patrick Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Peter Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Nugent Sarah Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone O'Brien Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Obrien Arthur Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Obrien James Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Obrien John Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Obrien Morgan Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Obrien Patrick Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Obrien William Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Oconnor Patrick Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Odonnell Edward Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Odonnell Michael Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Ogle William Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Ohara Saml. Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Arthur Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Bernard Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Cornelius Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Cornelius Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Edwd Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Fardy Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Henry Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill James Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill John Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill John Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Joseph Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Michael Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Neal, Jr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Neal, Sr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Peter Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Peter Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Peter Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Terence Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Oneill Thomas Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Orr Alexander Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Orr James Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Orr James Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Orr Joseph Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Orr Robert Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Parke John Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Parson James Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Pasley John Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Pasley Samuel Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Pasley Samuel Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Patterson James Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Patterson Samuel Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Patterson Samuel Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Perse John Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Powell Felix Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Powell Felix Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Powell Patrick Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Pritchard David Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Prunty John Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Andrew Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Anne Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Arthur Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Arthur Killygavanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Arthur Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Bartholomew Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Bridget Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Edward Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Felix Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Francis Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Francis Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Hugh Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn James Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn James Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn John, Sr. Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Mary Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Michael Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Michael Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Michael Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Patrick Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Patrick Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Patrick Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Patrick Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Patrick Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Patrick Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Patrick Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Sarah Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Terence Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Quinn Thomas Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Francis Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Francis Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Hugh Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty John Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty John Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty John Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Mary Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Michael Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Michael Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Owen Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Owen Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Patrick Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Patrick Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Rafferty Thomas Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Ramsay John Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Ranfurly ??? Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Ranfurly ??? Cottagequinn Donaghmore Tyrone Ranfurly ??? Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Ranfurly ??? Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Ranfurly ??? Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Ranfurly ??? Killyquinn Donaghmore Tyrone Ranfurly ??? Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Ranfurly ??? Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Raunchey Mary Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Read Alexander Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Read Benjamin Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Read Benjamin Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Read David Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Read Dixon Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Read Hamilton Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Read John Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Read Robert Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Read Robert Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Read William Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Reany Samuel Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Reany Savil Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Regan Peter Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Reilly Charles Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Richardson Hill Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Richardson John Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Richardson John Killymaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Richardson Mary Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Richie Thomas Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson Adam Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson Bartholomew Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson David Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson James Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson James Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson James Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson John Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson Robert Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson Robert Mullygruen Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson Robert Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson Thomas Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Robinson William Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Rock John Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Rogers Mary Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Rogers Michael Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Rogers Thomas Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Rogers Thomas Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Rooney Thomas Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Rooney Thomas Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Ross Robert Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Rudd Rev. Thomas Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Rush Daniel Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Rush James Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Rush Peter Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Ryan Thomas Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Sally Edward Mullaghroddan Donaghmore Tyrone Sally James Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Salmon Joseph Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Salmon William Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Salmon William Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Sandford Thomas Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Sands Arthur Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Sands Mary Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Sands Patrick Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Scanlan Margaret Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone Scott James Glenadush Donaghmore Tyrone Scott Robert Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Scroggie John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Scroggy John Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Searight John Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Shanaghan Bernard Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Sharkey Felix Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Sharkey Hugh Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Sharkey James Aghnagar Donaghmore Tyrone Sharkey John, Jr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Sharkey John, Sr. Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Sharkey Patrick Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Sharkey William Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Shaw Jane Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Sheerin William Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Sheerin William Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Sheilds Patrick Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Shelerton Henry Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington Eliza Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington Frances Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington Henry Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington James Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington James Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington James, Jr. Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington James, Sr. Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington Jas., Jr. Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington Thomas Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Shelington William Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Sherin William Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Sherry Patrick Drumnafern Donaghmore Tyrone Shiel Alexander Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Simmons Richard Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Simmons Richard Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Simmons Richard Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Simmons Richard Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Simonton Henry Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Simonton Thomas Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Simonton Thomas Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Simonton William Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Simonton William Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Simpson John Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington Charles Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington Francis Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington Francis Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington George Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington Hugh Tullyallen Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington John Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington Michael Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington Patrick Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington Thomas Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington William Ballybray Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffington William Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffinton Patrick Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Skeffinton Peter Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Slevin George Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Slevin George Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Slevin George Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Sloane Andrew Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Sloane George Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Sloane James Tullynure Donaghmore Tyrone Sloane Robert Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Sloane Samuel Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Small Bernard Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Small Francis Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Small Hugh Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Small John Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Small John Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Small William Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Smart John Lisnagowan Donaghmore Tyrone Smith Anne Cottagequinn Donaghmore Tyrone Smith Samuel Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Smith William Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Smyth Anne Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Smyth John Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Smyth John Cottagequinn Donaghmore Tyrone Smyth John Mullaghadrolly Donaghmore Tyrone Smyth Robert Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Smyth William Lisnahull Donaghmore Tyrone Soley Margaret Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Somerville Joseph Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Somerville Rebecca Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Somerville Samuel Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Somerville Samuel Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Somerville Samuel Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Spence William Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Stafford Patrick Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Stafford William Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Stein Henry Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Stein Margaret Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson Archibald Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson James Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson John Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson Mary Anne Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson Robert Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson Samuel Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson Samuel Derryalskea Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson Samuel Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson Thomas Foygh Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson Thomas Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson William Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone Stenson William Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Stenton Mary Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Stephenson Alexander Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Stevenson William Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart ??? Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart Alexander Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart Alexander Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart Andrew Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart Bridget Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart Esther Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart George Mullaghbane Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart George Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart James Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart James Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart John Mullaghfurtherland Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart John Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart John Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart Mary Anne Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart Robert Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart Thomas Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart William Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Stewart William Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Stuart John Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Studdert Matthew Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Taggart Owen Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Tanner James Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Tanner Richard Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Tanner William Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Tanny Andrew Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Tanny William Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Tarry William Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Taylor Hugh Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Taylor James Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Taylor James Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Taylor John Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Tedford Jane Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Tener James Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Tener James Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Tenner James Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Thomas Thomas Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Thompson Catherine Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Thompson John Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Thompson Levingston Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry Alexander Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry Henry Annaghbeg Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry James Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry Jane Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry Jane Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry Jane Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry John Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry Matthew Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry Richard Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Thornberry Robert Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Tiernan John Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Tierney Hugh Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Tierney James Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Tierney John Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Tierney John Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Tierney John Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Tierney Mary Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Tierney Peter Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Tierney Thomas Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Tifney Henry Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Tifney Mary Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Timmony Patrick Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Tole Thomas Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Toner James Aughlish Donaghmore Tyrone Toner James Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Toner James Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Toner Owen Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Toole Anne Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Toole Charles Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Toole Charles Reaskmore Donaghmore Tyrone Totton Thomas Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Traynor Anne Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Traynor Charles Dernaseer Donaghmore Tyrone Traynor Charles Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Traynor John Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Traynor John, Jr. Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Traynor Patrick Reclain Donaghmore Tyrone Trowlan William Killyliss Donaghmore Tyrone Trueman Edward Gorey Donaghmore Tyrone Truman Catherine Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Truman Isaac Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Tynn John Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Usher John Clananeese (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Valelly Hannah Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Valelly James Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Valelly Patrick Moghan Donaghmore Tyrone Vance Jane Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Venables Joseph Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Verner Baronet William Garvagh Donaghmore Tyrone Verner Baronet William Reloagh Donaghmore Tyrone Verner Henry Tullydraw Donaghmore Tyrone Wails William Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Wallace Francis Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Wallace Mary Cullenramer Donaghmore Tyrone Wallace William Mullaghconor Glebe Donaghmore Tyrone Ward Catherine Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Ward Catherine Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Ward Eleanor Agharan Donaghmore Tyrone Ward Eleanor Feroy Donaghmore Tyrone Waters Eleanor Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Waters James Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Waters John Gortnaglush Donaghmore Tyrone Watson Mary Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Watt James Mullycrunnet Donaghmore Tyrone Watt James Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Watt Jane Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Watt Mary Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Watt William Gortlenaghan & Derrykeel Donaghmore Tyrone Weir James Drumreanygeorge Donaghmore Tyrone Weir Robert Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Weir Sarah Anne Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Weir Thomas Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Weir Thomas Lisgallon Donaghmore Tyrone Weir William Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Welton Ann Edenacrannon Donaghmore Tyrone Welton Elizabeth Stakernagh Donaghmore Tyrone Welton John Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone Welton Robert Terrenew Donaghmore Tyrone Welton William Kilnaslee Donaghmore Tyrone White Robert Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone White Robert Mullagacreevy Donaghmore Tyrone White Thomas Drumhirk Donaghmore Tyrone White Thomas Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone White William Killymoyle Donaghmore Tyrone Wilcox Rebecca Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Wiley Isaac Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Wiley William Ballysaggart Donaghmore Tyrone Williamson Arthur Lisboy Donaghmore Tyrone Williamson David Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Williamson Humphrey Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Williamson James Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Williamson James Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Williamson Jervis Eskragh Donaghmore Tyrone Williamson John Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson Agnes Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson Francis Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson Hugh Dristernan and Dredolt Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson James Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson John Aghintober Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson John Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson John Killyquinn Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson John Mullaghanagh Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson Robert Ballyward Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson Sarah Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson Thomas Mullaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson William Cullenfad Donaghmore Tyrone Wilson William Killylevin Donaghmore Tyrone Wilton Mary Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Wisehart James Killyharry (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Wisehart James Mullaghmore (Glebe) Donaghmore Tyrone Wood Thomas Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Woods Anne Drumbearn Donaghmore Tyrone Woods Bridget Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Woods Edward Aghareany Donaghmore Tyrone Woods Edward Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Woods Esther Altaglushan Donaghmore Tyrone Woods Francis Annaghmakeown Donaghmore Tyrone Woods Patrick Derryhoar Donaghmore Tyrone Woods Sarah Anne Tullyleek Donaghmore Tyrone Woods William Glasmullagh Donaghmore Tyrone Woods William Lisnamonaghan Donaghmore Tyrone Wright James Town of Donaghmore Donaghmore Tyrone Wright John Killymaddy (Knox) Donaghmore Tyrone Wright Samuel Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Wright Samuel Reaskcor Donaghmore Tyrone Wright Stewart Toomog Donaghmore Tyrone Wright Thomas Clonavaddy Donaghmore Tyrone Wright Thomas Drumreany Donaghmore Tyrone Young Andrew Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone Young James Annaginny Donaghmore Tyrone Young James Creevagh Lower. Donaghmore Tyrone Young John Derryveen Donaghmore Tyrone Young William Tullyaran Donaghmore Tyrone