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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killeeshill, County Tyrone
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killeeshill, County Tyrone
Agnew John Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Anderson Robert Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Ardry John Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Armstrong John Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Arneil Martha Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Arneil Thomas Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Arthur Alexander Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Barclay James Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Barclay James Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Barclay Nathaniel Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Bart Sir Wm. Verner Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Bart Sir Wm. Verner Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Bart Sir Wm. Verner Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Bart Sir Wm. Verner Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Beadmead John Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Beatty David Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Beatty James Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Beatty John Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Beatty John Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Beatty Robert Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Bell James Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Bell James, Jr. Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Bell Joseph Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Bell Richard Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Best Francis Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Best Francis Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Best William Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Blumer Hugh Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Blumer James Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Blumer John Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Boyd James Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Boyle Alexander Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Boyle Arthur Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Boyle Bernard Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Boyle John Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Boyle John, Sr. Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Boyle Lawrence Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Boyle Michael Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Boyle Toale Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Browne Alexander Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone Browne Alexander Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Browne Eliza Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Browne James Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Browne James Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Browne William Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Brush Samuel Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Burgess John Y. Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Caghey James Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Caldwell William Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Campbell James Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Campbell John Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Campbell John Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Campbell William Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Carbery James Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Carlin Bernard Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Carlton John Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Carr Hugh Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Carr Mary Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Carr Patrick Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Carr Patrick, Sr. Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Carr Peter Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Carr Samuel Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Carr Samuel, Jr. Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Carr William Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Carson James Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Carson John Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Carson Nathaniel Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Carson Thomas Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Carson William Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Cash Francis Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Cash Owen Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Chapman Robert Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Clarke John Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Clarke John Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Cochrane John Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Colbert John Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Colbert John Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Colbert William Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Collins Edward Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Condy Alexander Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Condy Alexander Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Condy George Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Condy James Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Condy John Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Condy John Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Condy Robert Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Condy Theophilus Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Condy Thomas Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Condy William Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Conigan Charles Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Conigan James Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Conigan Keane Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Conigan Patrick Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Conlon Hugh Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Conlon John Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Conlon John Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Conlon Michael Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Conlon Patrick Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Conlon Patrick Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Conn Richard Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Corbett William Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Corrigan Patrick Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Cousins John Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Cousins Robert Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Cousins William Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Cregan Francis Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Crossle James Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Crossle James Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Crothers John Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Cullen Michael Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Cumberland Robert Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Cunningham Felix Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Cunningham James Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Cunningham James Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Curley Hugh Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Bartholomew Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Bridget Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Felix Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Francis Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Henry Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Daly James Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Daly James, Jr. Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Daly John Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Daly John Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Michael Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Patrick Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Patrick Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Daly Timothy Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Davidson John Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Dawley John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Dawley John Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Dawley Philip Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Dawley Thomas Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Dawson William Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Devine Arthur Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Devine Ellen Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Devine John Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Devine Patrick Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Devine Robert Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Devine William Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Devlin Henry Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Devlin John Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Devlin Mary Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Devlin Patrick Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Dines John Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Disney Rev. Edwd. O. Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Dixon James Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Bryan Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Catherine Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Felix Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Hugh Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Hugh Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy James Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy John Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy John Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy John, Sr. Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Mary Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Michael Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Owen Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Owen Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Patrick Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Peter Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Donaghy Rose Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Daniel Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Felix Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Francis Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly James Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Jno. Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly John Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Murtagh Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Neal Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Patrick Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Patrick Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Patrick Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Patrick Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Peter Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Terence Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Terence Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelly Terence, Sr. Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Donnelson John Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Doogan Thomas Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Doran John Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Doran Peter Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Doyle Henry Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Doyle Henry Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Doyle Henry Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Doyle James Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Doyle Michael Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Doyle Peter Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Drummond William Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Duff Alexander Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Duff John Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Duff Nathaniel Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Duff Robert Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Duff Thomas Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Duggan Simon Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Dunbane Ellen Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Dunbane William Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Dunbane William Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Dunlop Robert Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Early Michael Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Eccles Thomas Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Ellison Henry Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Ellison John Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Ellison Joseph Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Ellison Thomas Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Ellison Thomas Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Fahan Mary Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Farley Daniel Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Farley Francis Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Farley James Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Farley Owen Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Ferguson Margaret Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Finlay David Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Finlay William Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Flanagan Patrick Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Fox Anne Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Fox Bernard Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Fox Ellen Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Fox Robert Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Gamble John Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Gault Uriah Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Gilkinson James Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Gillespie Sampson Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Gilmour Robert Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Gilmour Thomas Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Gilmour William Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Givan William Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Givans Alexander Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Givans George Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Givans George Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Givans Henry Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Givans Henry Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Givans Jeremiah Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Givans John Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Givans Joseph Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Givans William Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Goff Joseph Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Goff Joseph Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone Goff Joseph Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Goff Joseph Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Goff Joseph Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Goodwin Edward Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Gormly Charles Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Gormly Michael Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Griffin David Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Griffin Elizabeth Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Gromly Hugh Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Hackett Bernard Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Haddin John Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Haddock Henry Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Haddock Thomas Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Hagan Charles Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Hagan Daniel Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Hagan Mary Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Hagan Michael Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Hagan Rep. John Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Hall Bridget Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Charles Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Francis Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Henry Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill James Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill John Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill John Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Mary Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Michael Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Patrick Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Patrick Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Rose Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Hamill Thomas Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Hardy Thomas Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Harvey Peter Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Hayes John Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Henderson Jane Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Henderson Robert Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Hill Rep. William Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Hodge John Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Holmes James Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Hughes Edward Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Hughes Edward Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Hughes Henry Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Hughes James Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Hughes Michael Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hughes Peter Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Hullin Barnaby Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hullin Edward Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Hurst Catherine Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Hurst James Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Hurst Robert Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Irwin George Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Irwin James Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Irwin William Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Irwin William Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Jameson John Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Johnston Andrew Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Johnston Andrew Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Johnston James Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Johnston John Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Johnston Robert Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Johnston Robert Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Judge Catherine Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Kearns Thomas Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Keenan Patrick Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Anne Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Arthur Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Arthur Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Bernard Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Catherine Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Francis Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Francis Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Hugh Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Hugh Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly James Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly James Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly James Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly John Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly John Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly John Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Michael Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Michael Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Owen Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Patrick Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Patrick Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Patrick Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Peter Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly Peter Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly William Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Kelly William Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone King Hugh Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Kirk William Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Knox James Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Kyle Jane Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Kyle John Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Lafferty Bernard Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Lafferty Charles Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Lafferty Edward Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Lafferty Michael Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Lafferty Michael Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Lafferty Owen Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Lafferty Owen Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Lafferty Patrick Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Lammy James Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Lammy Robert Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Lammy William Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Lappin Henry Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Lappin John Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Lappin Patrick Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Leggett Robert Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Leister Hugh Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Lemont Daniel Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Lewis John Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Lewis William Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Linn Peter Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Little Archibald Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Lockhart Andrew Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Lockhart Robert Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Lockhart William Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Lockhart Wm., Sr. Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Loon Michael Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Loughnan Michael Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughnan Owen Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughnan Owen, Sr. Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Alexander Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Alice Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Anne Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Francis Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Hugh Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran James Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran John Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Mary Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Michael Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Michael Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Michael Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Owen Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Patrick Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Peter Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran Thomas Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughran William Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Loughrane James Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Lucas Beatty Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Lynch Andrew Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Macken Bernard Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Macken Daniel Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mackin Ellen Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mackin Ellen Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mackin John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Macrory Henry Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Macrory Terence Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mailey James Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Martin George Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Martin William Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mason James Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Mason Thomas Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Mathews Joseph Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone May John Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Mcaleer Francis Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mcaleer Henry Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mcaleer James Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mcaleer Owen Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mcataggart Charles Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mcateer William Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Mcbride John Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mcbride Patrick Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mccammon David Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Mccann Mary Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mccanna Edward Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul Alice Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul Ellen Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul Francis Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul James Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul John Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul John Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul John Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul John, Sr. Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul Patrick Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mccaul Peter Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mcclean James Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Mcclean William Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mcclusky John Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mccollum Robert Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Mccollum Robert Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Mcconnell George Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mccool Bernard Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mccool Charles Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Mccool Francis Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mccourt James Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mccoy William Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Mccusker Bernard Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mccusker Henry Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mccusker Hugh Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mccusker Michael Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mcdonnell James Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Mcdonnell John Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcelhinney Arthur Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcfarland Bernard Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mcfarland William Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Mcfarley John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgee Francis Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgee Patrick Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgeoghegan John Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgeough Patrick Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgilby James Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgilly James Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgilly James Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgilly John Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgilly Michael Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mcgirr John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mcguiggan Edward Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mcguiggan Mary Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mcguinness James Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mckenna Catherine Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Mckenna James Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mckenna John Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Mckenna John Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mckenna Patrick Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mckenna Patrick Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Mckeon Edward Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Mckinley James Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mckinley William Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mclean William Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mcmahon Robert Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Mcmullen Elizabeth Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mcmullen Mary Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mcmullen William Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcneill Anne Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Mcneill Archibald Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone Mcneill Hugh Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcquaid Lawrence Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mcquaid Owen Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mcquaid Patrick Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mcquaid Peter Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mcquaid Terence Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mcteague Jane Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcteague Patrick Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcveagh Michael Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcveigh James Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Mcwilliams Eliza Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Mcwilliams James Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Melvin Christian Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Melvin John Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Miller James Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Mines Henry Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Mines John Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Moffett James Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Montague Jane Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Montgomery Archibald Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Montgomery John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Montgomery Robert Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Montgomery William Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Moone Alexander Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Moone George Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Moone George Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Moone George, Sr. Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Moone John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Moone Samuel Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mooney John Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Moore Samuel Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Moraghan Timothy Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Morris Launcelot Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Morris William Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew Bernard Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew Catherine Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew Ellen Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew Francis Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew James Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew James Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew John Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew John Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew Patrick Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew Peter Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mulgrew Peter Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Mullen John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Mullen John Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy Alice Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy Hugh Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy Hugh, Sr. Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy James Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy James Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy James, Jr. Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy John Clontyclevin Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy Mark Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy Owen Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Murphy Peter Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Ncminn William Killeeshil Killeeshill Tyrone Nealis Mary Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Neill Charles Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Newton Courtney Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Newton John Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Noblow Thomas Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone O'Brien Arthur Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone O'Neill Charles Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Oak Joseph Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone Oak Joseph Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Oneill Anne Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Oneill Bridget Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Oneill Charles Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Oneill Edward Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Oneill John Aghaginduff Killeeshill Tyrone Orr John Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Orr John Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Paisley Samuel Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Patterson John Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Paul William Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone Potter Henry Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Charles Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Edward Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Edward Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Hugh Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Jane Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn John Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn John Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Margaret Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Patrick Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Peter Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Quinn Peter Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Rafferty Michael Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Rafferty Peter Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Ramsay John Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Ramsay William Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Regan John Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Reid Adam Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Reid James Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Reid John Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Reid Mary Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Reid Robert Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Reid William Ennish Killeeshill Tyrone Robinson James Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Ryan James Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Sadlier John Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Scott Robert Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Sealey Samuel Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Shannon James Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Sharkey William Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Shiells Thomas Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Simpson John Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Simpson John Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Simpson John Glencull Killeeshill Tyrone Simpson Robert Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Skiffington John Lurgacullion Killeeshill Tyrone Sloan Mary Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Sloane Joseph Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Sloane Richard Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Sloane Stewart Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Somerville Anne Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Stenson Anne Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Stenson James Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Stenson Robert Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone Stenson Robert Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Stenson Robt. Mullyroddan Killeeshill Tyrone Stenson William Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone Stenson William Lisfearty Killeeshill Tyrone Talbot Henry Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Talbot Waller Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Tannistan Patrick Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Teague James Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Teague James Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Teague John Cranlome Killeeshill Tyrone Thompson Richard Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Tierney Bernard Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Tierney Hugh Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Tierney Patrick Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Todd William Cullentra Killeeshill Tyrone Traynor James Drumfad Killeeshill Tyrone Trousel James Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Truman Edward Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Truman William Ballynahaye Killeeshill Tyrone Trusle William Mulnahunch Killeeshill Tyrone Turner Robert Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Venables Rev. Edward B. W. Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Verner Baronet William Mullysilly Killeeshill Tyrone Verner Baronet William Tullyvannon Killeeshill Tyrone Walker John Clontyfallow Killeeshill Tyrone Walker Robert Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Waters John Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Watson Archibald Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Watt Hugh Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Wetherington John Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Whittington William Dergenagh Killeeshill Tyrone Whittington Wm. Aghnahoe Killeeshill Tyrone Williams John Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Williamson Joseph Eskragh Killeeshill Tyrone Wilson David Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Wilson John Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Wilson William Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone Wilson William Cabragh Killeeshill Tyrone Woods Francis Farriter Killeeshill Tyrone Woods Patrick Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Woods Patrick Fasglashagh Killeeshill Tyrone Young Elizabeth Coolhill Killeeshill Tyrone Young Robert Bockets Killeeshill Tyrone