Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonea, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonea, County Waterford
Beresford Philip Killineen West Clonea Waterford Brett Thomas Glen Clonea Waterford Brett Thomas Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Brien William Glen Clonea Waterford Bucke James Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Bucke Michael Clonea Upper Clonea Waterford Bucke Michael Glen Clonea Waterford Burke James Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Carroll Matthew Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Carroll Matthew Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Carroll Pat Clonea Upper Clonea Waterford Carroll Pat Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Carroll Pat Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Casey Anastatia Killineen East Clonea Waterford Connor Margaret Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Connors Margaret Clonea Middle Clonea Waterford Connors Thomas Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Cullin William Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Daly John Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Daly Martin Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Daly Timothy Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Daly William Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford De Lacy Pat Killineen West Clonea Waterford Donohoe Pat Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Donohoe Pat, Jr. Kilgrovan Clonea Waterford Donohoe Pat, Sr. Kilgrovan Clonea Waterford Donohoe Timothy Clonea Upper Clonea Waterford Farren Charles, M.D. Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Fitzgerald David Clonea Middle Clonea Waterford Fitzgerald Gerald Glen Clonea Waterford Fitzpatrick Michael Killineen East Clonea Waterford Flahavin James Killineen West Clonea Waterford Flemming Kate Clonea Middle Clonea Waterford Flemming Pierce Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Flemming Pierce Kilgrovan Clonea Waterford Flemming Pierce Killineen East Clonea Waterford Flemming Thomas Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Flyng Michael Clonea Upper Clonea Waterford Flynn John Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Foley John Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Foley Mary Clonea Upper Clonea Waterford Foley Michael Clonea Upper Clonea Waterford Gleason Bridget Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Grady Margaret Glen Clonea Waterford Hackett Thomas Kilbeg Clonea Waterford Hannigan Margaret Kilbeg Clonea Waterford Hannigan Thomas Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Hearne William Killineen West Clonea Waterford Heron William Killineen East Clonea Waterford Kiely Roger Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Longah Michael Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Lynch James Clonea Middle Clonea Waterford Lynch James Clonea Upper Clonea Waterford Lynch John Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Lyons David Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Lyons Lawrence Kilbeg Clonea Waterford Mc Grath John Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Mc Grath Pat Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Mc Guire Rev. Walter Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Mc Guire Rev. Walter Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Mc Guire Rev. Walter Killineen East Clonea Waterford Mc Guire Rev. Walter Killineen West Clonea Waterford Mc Guire Rev. Walter Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Mc Quire Rev. Walter Killineen East Clonea Waterford Meany Denis, Jr. Killineen West Clonea Waterford Meany Denis, Sr. Killineen West Clonea Waterford Meany John Killineen West Clonea Waterford Meany Joseph Killineen East Clonea Waterford Meany Margaret Killineen West Clonea Waterford Meany Pierce Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Meany Richard Killineen West Clonea Waterford Meany Thomas Killineen West Clonea Waterford Mooney Pierce Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Mountain David Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Mountain Honoria Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Mountain Johanna Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Mountain William Glen Clonea Waterford Mullowney John Clonea Middle Clonea Waterford O'Brien William Glen Clonea Waterford O'Brien William Knockyoolahan West Clonea Waterford Power David Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Power David Clonea Middle Clonea Waterford Power James Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Power James Clonea Upper Clonea Waterford Power James Dunsallagh Clonea Waterford Power James Killineen West Clonea Waterford Power John Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Power John Clonea Lower Clonea Waterford Prendergast James Glen Clonea Waterford Qualey Bridget Glen Clonea Waterford Qualey John Clonea Middle Clonea Waterford Qualey John Kilgrovan Clonea Waterford Qualey Thomas Glen Clonea Waterford Qualey Thomas Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Qualey William Knockyoolahan East Clonea Waterford Quarry Pat Killineen East Clonea Waterford Roache Richard Kilbeg Clonea Waterford Ryan James Ballyrandle Clonea Waterford Tobin Pat Killineen West Clonea Waterford Tobin Thomas Killineen West Clonea Waterford Veale Angustus Kilbeg Clonea Waterford Veale Denis Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford Veale James Kilbeg Clonea Waterford Veale Thomas Ballaghavorraga Clonea Waterford