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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Drumcannon, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Drumcannon, County Waterford
Abbott Samuel Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Anderson Thomas Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Aragan William Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Attrage James Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Baldwin David Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Baldwin David Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Baldwin Patrick Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Barry Edward Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Barry Ellen Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Barry John H., Esq. Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Barry Joseph Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Barry Patrick Tramore West Broad Street Drumcannon Waterford Barry Robert Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Barry Robert Tramore East Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Bergin Honoria Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Bergin Richard Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Bibby Miss Anne Tramore West Broad Street Drumcannon Waterford Black Thomas Tramore West Saint Leger Place Drumcannon Waterford Blanch James Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Blanch John Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Blanch Michael Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Blanchfield Michael Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Boland Mary Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Bonner George Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Bourke Mary Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Boyce Patrick Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Brazill John Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Broder Michael Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Brown James Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Brown John Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Brown Patrick Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Browne Catherine Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Browne Johanna Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Browne John Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Bryan Bridget Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Bryan Ellen Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Bryan James Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Bryan John Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Bryan John Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Bryan Patrick Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Bryan Peter Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Bryan Thomas Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Bryan Thomas Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Buckley Henry Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Budd James Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Budd James Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Budd James Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Budd James Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Butler Anastasia Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Butler Bridget Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Butler Joseph Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Butler Richard Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Butler Thomas Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Cahill James Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Cahill Michael Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Cahill Michael Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Callaghan William Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Campion Edward Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Cantwell James Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Cantwell Lawrence Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Cantwell Mary Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Cantwell Rev. Nicholas Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Cantwell Rev. Nichs Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Carberry Bridget Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Carberry John Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Carberry William Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Carhue Robert Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Carroll Patrick Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Carroll William Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Carroll William Tramore East Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Carroll William Tramore West Drumcannon Waterford Carroll William Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Carroll William Tramore West Strand Street Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Carthy James Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Carthy Owen Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Carthy Thomas Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Carty Lawrence Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Carty Owen Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Casey James Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Casey John Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Caulfield Paul Tramore West Drumcannon Waterford Christopher Catherine Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Clancy David Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Clarke Miss Sarah Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Clifford Capt. Herbert Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Clooney David Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Clooney Martin Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Clooney Maurice Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Clooney Michael Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Coffey John Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Coffey Margaret Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Coffey Patrick Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Connelly John Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Connelly Martin Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Connolly Ellen Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Connor Denis Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Connor Thomas Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Connors John Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Connors Mathew Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Connors Nicholas Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Cooke Miss Fanny Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Cooke Miss Fanny Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Cooke William Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Corbett Michael Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Corcoran Margaret Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Corcoran Nicholas Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Corcoran Patrick Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Corcoran William Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Crane Michael Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Crotty John Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Crotty Patrick Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Crotty Thomas Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Crowley Thomas Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Cullenan Maurice Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Cullenan Patrick Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Cummins James Coolnagoppoge Drumcannon Waterford Cummins William Coolnagoppoge Drumcannon Waterford Curran Nicholas Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Curtis Rep. Robert Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Curtis Robert Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Curtis Robert Tramore West The Square Drumcannon Waterford Curtis Thomas Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Curtis William Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Daulton Rev. Edward Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Davis William Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Delahunty James Tramore West Doneraile Walk Drumcannon Waterford Delahunty James, Esq. Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Delahunty Patrick Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Denchy Edward Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Denn Miss Mary Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Denn Mrs. Mary Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Dobbin Catherine Tramore West Strand Street Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Dobbin Michael Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Dobbin Michael Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Donavan John Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Doneraile Viscount ??? Tramore Burrow Drumcannon Waterford Doneraile Viscount ??? Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Doneraile Viscount ??? Tramore West Doneraile Walk Drumcannon Waterford Donohue John Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Donovan Henry Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Donovan John Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Dooley Johanna Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Dower Mary Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Downey Edward Quillia Drumcannon Waterford Downey Patrick Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Doyle Charles Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Doyle Edward Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Doyle John Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Doyle John Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Doyle Mary Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Doyle Patrick Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Driscoll John Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Droghan James Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Droghan James Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Drohan Ellen Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Drohan William Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Duckett Patrick Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Duggan James Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Duggan Mary Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Duggan Mary Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Duggan Mary Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Duggan Mary Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Duggan Thomas Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Dunphy Ellen Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Dunphy Patrick Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Dunphy Richard Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Dunphy Richard Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Dunphy Richard Quillia Drumcannon Waterford Dunphy Thomas Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Dunphy William Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Fennell Mary Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Fennell Patrick Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Daniel Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Edward Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Geoffry Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald John Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Margaret Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Michael Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Peter Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Fitzxgerald Thomas Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Flahavan Edmund Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Flahavan Edward Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Flaherty Patrick Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Flanagan Edmund Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Flanagan Edmund Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Flanagan Edward Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Flanagan Edward Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Flanagan Nicholas Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Flanagan Sylvester Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Fleming Mary Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Fleming Michael Coolnagoppoge Drumcannon Waterford Fleming Patrick Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Fleming Patrick Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Flemming Maurice Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Flinn Daniel Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Flinn James Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Flinn James Quillia Drumcannon Waterford Flinn Laurence Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Flinn Margaret Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Flinn Mary Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Flinn Thomas Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Flynn David Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Flynn David Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Flynn Ellen Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Flynn John Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Flynn John Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Flynn Margaret Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Flynn Mary Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Flynn Rev. Thomas Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Foley Catherine Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Foley John Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Foley Michael Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Foley Thomas Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Foran Maurice Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Fortune Nicholas Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Gairy John Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Gallaway Johanna Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Gallivan Patrick Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Galvin James Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Galvin James Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Galway Edward Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Gamble Stephen Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Gatchell George Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Gibbons Miss Anne Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Gibbons Mrs. Anne Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Gibbs William Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Glenville Miss Maria Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Goer Jas, Esq. Tramore West Atlantic Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Gorman Michael Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Gorman Michael Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Gorman Michael Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Gorman Patrick Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Gorman William Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Gough Mary Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Grace Robert Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Griffin Patrick Ballycoardra Drumcannon Waterford Hackett Michael Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Hahesy Denis Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Hahesy Robert Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Halley Michael Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Halliday Mrs. Eleanor Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Hally Edward Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Hally Lawrence Coolnagoppoge Drumcannon Waterford Hally Michael Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Hally Nicholas Coolnagoppoge Drumcannon Waterford Hally Walter Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Hally Walter Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Hally Walter Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Hanlon Martin Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Hannigan Denis Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Hannigan William Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Harney Mary Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Harrington John Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Harrington Timothy Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Hartford Mrs. Rebecca Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Harton John Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Harton John Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Hayden James Tramore West Drumcannon Waterford Hayden James Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Hayden John Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Hayden Matthew Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Hayden Matthew Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Hayes James Ballyknock Drumcannon Waterford Hayes John Coolnagoppoge Drumcannon Waterford Hayes John Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Hayes John Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Hayes Nicholas Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Hayes Richard Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Hayes Thomas Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Hayes Thomas Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Hayes Thomas Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Hearn James Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Hearne Capt. Joseph Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Hearne Capt. Joseph Tramore West Saint Leger Place Drumcannon Waterford Henebry Andrew Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Henebry Mary Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Houlagahn Thomas Coolnagoppoge Drumcannon Waterford Houlaghan John Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Houlaghan John Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Houlahan Thomas Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Hunt Arthur P., Esq. Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Hunt Arthur P., Esq. Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Hunt Edmund Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Hunt John Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Hunt John Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Hunt Joseph Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Hunt Matthew Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Hunt Patrick Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Hunt Richard Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Hurley Thomas Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Hurly Maurice Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Hurly Michael Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Hutcheson Alice Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Hutcheson Nicholas Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Hutchinson David Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Hyland Richard Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford James Humphry Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Joy James Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Joy John Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Joy John Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Kane Ellen Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Kane Patrick Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Kane Patrick Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Kane Pierce Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Kean Michael Tramore West Strand Street Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Kearney James Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Kearney Philip Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Kearney Thomas Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Kearney Thomas Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Keating Edmund Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Kehoe Mrs. Maryanne Tramore East Green Lane Drumcannon Waterford Keily William Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Kelly Henry Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Kelly James Tramore West Doneraile Walk Drumcannon Waterford Kelly John Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Kelly Lawrence Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Kennedy Maurice Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Kennedy Nicholas Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Kenny Thomas Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Kenny William Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Bridget Tramore West Strand Street Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan John Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Lawrence Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Lawrence Tramore West Doneraile Walk Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Patrick Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Patrick Tramore West Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Patrick Tramore West Broad Street Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Patrick Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Patrick Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Robert Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Keoghan Thomas Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Keohan Laurence Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Keohan Thomas Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Keohan Thomas Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Kerwick David Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Kerwick John Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Kettlewell Col. Robert Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Kiely Daniel Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Kiely Mark Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Kiely Patrick Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Kirby William Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Kirwan Edward Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Kirwan Edward Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Kirwan James Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Kirwan Patrick Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Kirwan Patrick Quillia Drumcannon Waterford Kirwan Thomas Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Kite Miss Amelia Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Lambert James Tramore West Strand Street Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Landers Patrick Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Landrigan John Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Lane Henry R., Esq. Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Lane Henry R., Esq. Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox George Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox George, Esq. Ballyknock Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox George, Esq. Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox George, Esq. Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox George, Esq. Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox George, Esq. Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox George, Esq. Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox George, Esq. Quillia Drumcannon Waterford Lane Fox Geprge, Esq. Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Lawles Philip, Esq. Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Lemon Eleanor Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Londrigan John Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Lonergan Andrew Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Long William Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Luther Miss Mary Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Lynch John Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Lyons Margaret Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Lyons Mary Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Lyster John Henry Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Magrath Ellen Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Magrath Mary Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Maher James Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Maher John W. Tramore East Green Lane Drumcannon Waterford Maher John W., Esq. Tramore West Atlantic Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Maher John W., Esq. Tramore West Broad Street Drumcannon Waterford Maher John W., Esq. Tramore West James Street Drumcannon Waterford Maher John W., Esq. Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Maher John W., Esq. Tramore West Strand Street Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Maher John W., Esq. Tramore West The Square Drumcannon Waterford Maher Michael Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Maher Richard Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Maher Thomas Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Mahony John Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Mahony Mrs. Margaret Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Malony Thomas Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Mark John Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Mason Arthur Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Massy Hugh Tramore East Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Massy Hugh, Esq. Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Mc Carthy Catherine Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Mc Carthy Darby Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Mc Cay Robert Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Mc Donnell Judith Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Mc Donnell Patrick Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Mc Donnell Terence Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Mc Donnell Thomas Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Mc Glone John Tramore West Broad Street Drumcannon Waterford Mc Grath Denis Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Mc Grath James Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Mc Grath John Crobally Lower Drumcannon Waterford Mc Grath John Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Mc Grath Mary Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Mc Grath Mary Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Meany John Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Moore Miss Eliza Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Moore Mrs. Anne Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Morgan William Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Moriarty Daniel Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Morrissy Daniel Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Morrissy Edmund Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Morrissy Edmund Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Morrissy John Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Morrissy Judith Tramore West Strand Street Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Morrissy Michael Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Morrissy Patrick Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Morrissy William Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Morrisy Maurice Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Mulberry Henry Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Mulcahy Thomas Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Mullins Mrs. Elizabeth Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Alice Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Daniel Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Eleanor Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Murphy James Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Murphy James Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Murphy John Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Murphy John Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Murphy John Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Murphy John Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Murphy John Tramore West Broad Street Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Joseph Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Margaret Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Maurice Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Paul Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Timothy Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Walter Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Murphy Walter Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Murphy William Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Murray Bridget Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Murray Eleanor Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Murray John Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Murray Michael Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Murray Richard Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Murray Thomas Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Nixon John, Esq. Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Noonan James Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Noonan Maurice Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Noonan Michael Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Nowlan Martin Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford O'Brien Mary Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford O'Neill Mrs. Mary Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford O'Neill Power Edward J., Esq. Coolnagoppoge Drumcannon Waterford O'Neill Power Edwd J., Esq. Newtown Drumcannon Waterford O'Neill Power Edwd J., Esq. Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Osborne William Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Peaitt Henry Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Penrose Jacob, Esq. Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Bridget Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Bridget Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Bridget Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan David Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Edmund Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Edmund Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Eleanor Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Geoffry Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Phelan James Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Phelan James Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Phelan James Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore East Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore West Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore West Broad Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore West Strand Street Terrace Drumcannon Waterford Phelan John Tramore West The Square Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Mary Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Mary Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Mat Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Matt Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Maurice Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Miss Mary Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Miss Mary Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Patrick Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Patrick Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Patrick Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Patrick Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Patrick Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Patrick Tramore West Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Robert Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Thomas Ballyknock Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Thomas Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Thomas Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Phelan Thomas Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Phelan William Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Phelan William Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Pope Henry Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Pope Henry, Esq. Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Popham Edward Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Popham Edward, Esq. Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Andrew Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Power Anne Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Power Catherine Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Power Catherine Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Power Daniel Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Power David Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Power David Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Power David Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Power Edmund Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Edmund, Esq. Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Power Edward Tramore West Doneraile Walk Drumcannon Waterford Power Eliza Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Eliza Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Elizabeth Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Power Ellen Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Power James Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Power James Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Power James Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Power James Monloum Drumcannon Waterford Power James Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Power James Tramore West Drumcannon Waterford Power James Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Johanna Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Johanna Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Power John Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Power John Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Power John Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Power John Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Power John Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Power John Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Power Judith Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Judith Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Lawrence Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Power Margaret Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Mary Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Power Mary Quillia Drumcannon Waterford Power Mary Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Mary Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Mary Tramore West The Square Drumcannon Waterford Power Matthew Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Power Maurice Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Power Maurice Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Michael Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Power Michael Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Power Michael Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Power Michael Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Power Michael Quillia Drumcannon Waterford Power Michael Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Michael Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Michael Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Miss Mary Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Power Miss Mary Tramore East Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Miss Mary Tramore West The Square Drumcannon Waterford Power Mrs. Mary Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Nicholas Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Power Nicholas Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Power Nicholas Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Power Nicholas Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Power Nicholas Quillia Drumcannon Waterford Power Owen Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Power Owen Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Power Patk Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Ballyknock Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick W., Esq. Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Power Patrick W., Esq. Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Peter Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Power Peter Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Power Philip Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Pierce Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Richard Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Power Richard Tramore West Drumcannon Waterford Power Richard Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Power Richard Tramore West James Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Richard Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Ballynattin Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Crobally Lower Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Power Thomas, Jr. Knockanduff Drumcannon Waterford Power Thos Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Power Willaim Duagh Drumcannon Waterford Power William Ballyknock Drumcannon Waterford Power William Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Power William Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Power William Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Power Lee Patrick Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Prendergast Miss Cath Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Purcell Peter Tramore West The Square Drumcannon Waterford Quan John Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Quan John Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Quan William Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Quilty John Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Quin Mrs. Anne Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Quinlan James Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Quinlan James Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Quinlan James Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Reade George Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Reade George, Esq. Ballydrislane Drumcannon Waterford Reade George, Esq. Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Reardon Johanna Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Red Maurice Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Redmond Judith Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Redmond Michael Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Redmond Michael Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Rivers Joseph, Esq. Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Roach Garret Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Robertson Michael Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Roche James Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Rockett Michael Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Rogers Concreve, Esq. Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Rogers Congreve, Esq. Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Rogers Congreve, Esq. Tramore West Newtown Road Drumcannon Waterford Rogers William Tramore West Church Road Drumcannon Waterford Romer George Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Ronan Bridget Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Ronan Ellen Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Rush Michael Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Ryan Andrew Ballycoardra Drumcannon Waterford Ryan Edmund Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Ryan James Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Ryan John Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Ryan Miss Johanna Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Ryan Patrick Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Saunders George Tramore West Doneraile Walk Drumcannon Waterford Scudamore Wm S., Esq. Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Scudamore Wm S., Esq. Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Sergeant Patrick, Esq. Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Sergeant Richard, Esq. Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Sergeant Richard, Esq. Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Shanaghan Alice Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Shanaghan Maurice Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Shanaghan William Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Shanahan Mary Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Shanahan Maurice Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Shaughnessy Michael Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Shea Patrick Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Sheehan John Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Sheehan Michael Westtown Drumcannon Waterford Sheehan Patrick Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Short John Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Sinnot John Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Sinnot John, Jr. Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Sinnott Eliza Tramore West James Street Drumcannon Waterford Sinnott Eliza Tramore West Strand Street Drumcannon Waterford Sinnott Matthew Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Skehan Patrick Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Sleany William Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Smyth Michael Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Sone George Tramore West Cove Raod Drumcannon Waterford Spice Edward Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Sprigg George Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Stokes Johanna Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Strangman Joshua, Esq. Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Sullivan Daniel Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Sullivan Elice Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Sullivan Geoffry Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Sullivan Thomas Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Taylor Thomas Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Thorpe Mary Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Tobin John Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Tobin John Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Tobin Patrick Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Toole Michael Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Toole Michael Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Tracy Johanna Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Wall William Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Wall William Tramore East Queen Street Drumcannon Waterford Wallace Miss Eliza Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Wallace Miss Eliza Tramore East Summerhill Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Bridget Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Capt. John Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Edmund Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Edward Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Edward Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Eleanor Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Ellen Carriglong Drumcannon Waterford Walsh James Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Walsh James Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Walsh James Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Walsh John Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Walsh John Tramore West Doneraile Place Drumcannon Waterford Walsh John Tramore West Doneraile Walk Drumcannon Waterford Walsh John Tramore West Talbot Place Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Joseph Tramore East Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Martin Ballycoardra Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Martin Ballyknock Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Michael Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Michael Tramore East Peter Street Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Mrs. ??? Tramore East Poor House Road Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Peter Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Thomas Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Thomas Tramore West Doneraile Place Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Thomas Tramore West Priests Road Drumcannon Waterford Walsh Walter Monvoy Drumcannon Waterford Waters George Alex, Esq. Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Wedger John Tramore West Doneraile Walk Drumcannon Waterford Weldon John Garrarus Drumcannon Waterford Wheeler George Tramore West Cross Market Street Drumcannon Waterford Wheeler George Tramore West Maket Street Drumcannon Waterford Whelan Edmund Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Whelan Maurice Ballycarnane Drumcannon Waterford Whelan Michael Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Whelan Patrick Lisselan Drumcannon Waterford Whelan Robert Drumcannon Drumcannon Waterford Whelan Thomas Tramore West Hill Quarter Road Drumcannon Waterford Whittle Anastasia Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Whittle James Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Whittle Patrick Crobally Upper Drumcannon Waterford Whittle Thomas Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Whittle William Pickardstown Drumcannon Waterford Whitty James Castletown Drumcannon Waterford Whitty James Killowen Drumcannon Waterford Whitty Maurice Ballykinsella Drumcannon Waterford Whitty Maurice Ballyknock Drumcannon Waterford Whitty Nicholas Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Whitty Nicholas Tramore East Patrick Street Drumcannon Waterford Wilson Mrs. Eleanor Tramore East Old Waterford Road Drumcannon Waterford Wilson Rev. Tobias Tramore West Main Street Drumcannon Waterford Wilson Tobias Tramore East Drumcannon Waterford Wlsh John Newtown Drumcannon Waterford Woods Samuel Ballyknock Drumcannon Waterford Woods Samuel Duagh Drumcannon Waterford