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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dungarvan, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dungarvan, County Waterford
Acres Edward Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Adams Catherine Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Adams Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Ahearn Miss Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Ahearn Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Dirty Lane Dungarvan Waterford Ahearn Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Ahern Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Allen Edward Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Alman John Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Alman Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Anderson Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Anderson Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Bath Street Dungarvan Waterford Anderson Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Anglam Catherine Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Anthony Henry, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Anthony Henry, M.D. Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Anthony Miss Mary Monang Dungarvan Waterford Anthony Miss Mary Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Bagg James Monang Dungarvan Waterford Bagg John Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Bagg Michael Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Bagg Michael Monang Dungarvan Waterford Bagge Henry, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Bagge Henry, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Bagge Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Baker Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Baker Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Baker Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Still Lane Dungarvan Waterford Baker Roger Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Baker Stephen Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Barron Catherine Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Barron P. M., Esq. Scartore Dungarvan Waterford Barron P. M., Esq. Skehanard (Barron) Dungarvan Waterford Barron Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Barry Catherine Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Barry Geoffry Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Barry James Ringcrehy Dungarvan Waterford Barry James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Barry James Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Barry John Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Barry John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Barry Margaret Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Barry Michael Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Barry Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Bawks John Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Bennan William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Bennett Thomas Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Bianconi Charles, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Binns Mrs. Eleanor Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Black Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Blewitt Pierce Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Boate Beresford, Esq. Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Boate Beresford, Esq. Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Boate Beresford, Esq. Tourone Dungarvan Waterford Boate Berresford, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Boate Bridget Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Boate George Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Boate George, Esq. Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Boate George, Esq. Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Boate George, Esq. Islands Dungarvan Waterford Boland James Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Boland Patrick Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Bondren William Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Boucher Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Bowdren Catherine Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Bowdren Maria Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Bowe John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Bowe John Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Bowe Michael Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Bowe Thomas Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Bowler Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Bowler James Town of Dungarvan, Barney Lane Dungarvan Waterford Bowman Michael Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Boyle John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Brennan Andrew Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Brennan Andrew Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Brennan Andrew Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Brennan Andrew Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Brennan Andrew Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Brett Michael Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Brett Patrick Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Brian Bridget Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Brian John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Brian Mary Fairlane, Dungarvan Waterford Brian Maurice Cloneety Dungarvan Waterford Brian Maurice Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Brian Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Brien ??? Town of Dungarvan, Barney Lane Dungarvan Waterford Brien Catherine Killosseragh Dungarvan Waterford Brien Catherine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Brien Cornelius Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Brien James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Brien John Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Brien John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Brien John Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Brien Margaret Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Brien Margaret Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Brien Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Brien Nicholas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Brien Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Brien Thomas Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Brien Thomas Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Brien Thomas Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Brien Thomas Town of Dungarvan, New Lane Dungarvan Waterford Brien Walter Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Brien William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Brien William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Broderick James Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Broderick John Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Broderick Patrick Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Broderick William Killosseragh Dungarvan Waterford Broderick William Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Brown John, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Brown Robert Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Browne David Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Browne Denis Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Browne Edmond Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Browne Elizabeth Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Browne James Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Browne Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Browne Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Browne Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Browne Thomas Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Browne William Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Bryan Catherine Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Bryan Margaret Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Bryan Mary Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Buckley John Newtown Dungarvan Waterford Bulter William Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Burke David J. Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Burke Honoria Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Burke John Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Burke John Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Burke John Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Burke John Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Burke Michael Cushcam Dungarvan Waterford Burke Michael Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Burke Thomas Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Burke William Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Butler James Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Butler Pierce Clonmore Dungarvan Waterford Butler Pierce Curraheenaris Dungarvan Waterford Butler Hamilton Lowe Richard, Esq. Scart Dungarvan Waterford Butler Hamilton Lowe Richard, Esq. Scartore Dungarvan Waterford Byan Edmond Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Edward Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Byrne James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Byrne James Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Laurence Ballinure Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Margaret Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Mary Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Miss Mary Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Richard Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Richard Monang Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Richard Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Richard Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Richard Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Byrne Richard Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Byrnes Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Byrnes Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Cahaline John Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Cahaline Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Cahill Anastasia Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Cahill Daniel Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Cahill James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cahill John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Cahill Martin Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Cahill Patrick Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Cahill Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Callaghan Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Barney Lane Dungarvan Waterford Callaghan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Canton Margaret Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Carberry Andrew Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Carberry Andrew, Esq. Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Carberry Andrew, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Carberry Andrew, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Carberry Honoria Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Carberry James Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Carberry John Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Carberry Margaret Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Carberry Nicholas Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Carberry Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Carbery Andrew, Esq. Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Carbery John Ringnasilloge Dungarvan Waterford Carey Eleanor Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Carey James Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Carey John Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Carey Julia Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Carey Michael Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Carey Nicholas Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Carmichael J. J. Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Carney Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Carney Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Carroll Clemente Town of Dungarvan, South Terrace Dungarvan Waterford Carroll Daniel Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Carroll John Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Carroll John Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Carroll Michael Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Carroll Michael Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Carroll Patk. Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Carroll Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Carroll Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Carroll Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Carroll William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Carter John Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Carthy Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Carty ??? Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Carty John Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Carty Margaret Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Carty Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Carty Michael Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Carty Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Casey Bridget Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Casey Edward Town of Dungarvan, Dirty Lane Dungarvan Waterford Casey John Killosseragh Dungarvan Waterford Casey John Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Casey Mrs. ??? Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Casey Thomas Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Casey Thomas Tallacoolbeg Dungarvan Waterford Casey William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Cashin James Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Cashman John Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Cashman John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cashman Mary Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Cashman Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Cashman Thomas Bawnabraher Dungarvan Waterford Cavanagh Daniel Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cavanagh Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cavanagh Thomas Town of Dungarvan, New Lane Dungarvan Waterford Cavanagh William Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Chasty Michael Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Cherry P. W., Esq. Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Christian Thomas, M.D. Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Augustine Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Garret Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Henry Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Henry Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Christopher James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Christopher John Town of Dungarvan, Second Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Michael Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Michael Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Patrick Bawnacarrigaun Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Patrick Louchaniska Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Patrick Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Christopher Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Clancy Alice Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Clarke John, Esq. Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cleary James Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Cleary John Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Cleary Mary Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Cleary Patrick Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Cleary Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Cleary Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Clifford James Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Clifford John Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Clifford Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Clifford Simon Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Clifford Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Coady Patrick Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Cody Andrew Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Cody Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Cody Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Coffey Anne Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Coffey Denis Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Coffey Honoria Town of Dungarvan Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Coffey Johanna Knockbrack Dungarvan Waterford Coffey Mary Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Coffey Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Coffey Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Coghlan Charles Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Coghlan Daniel Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Coghlan John Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Coghlan William Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Coghlin Michael Parkeenaflugh Dungarvan Waterford Colbert Eleanor Town of Dungarvan, Thompson's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Colbert James Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Colbert Mrs. Bridget Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Cole Margaret Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Cole William Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Coleman David Coolcormuck Dungarvan Waterford Coleman Eleanor Ballinroad Dungarvan Waterford Coleman James Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Coleman Thomas Ballinroad Dungarvan Waterford Collins Denis Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Collins Mary Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Collins Patrick Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Collins Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Collins Robert Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Collins William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Coman John, M.D. Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Coman Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Coman Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Condon David Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Condon Garrett Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Condon Patrick, Jr. Ballymacmague East Dungarvan Waterford Condon Patrick, Sr. Ballymacmague East Dungarvan Waterford Condon William Ballinure Dungarvan Waterford Conlan Peter Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Connell Augustine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Connell Bridget Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Connell Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Connell Margaret Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Connell Margaret Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Connell Michael Garrynageragh East Dungarvan Waterford Connell William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Connellon William Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Connery James Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Connery Martin Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Connery Matthew Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Connery Michael Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Connery Thomas Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Connery Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Connery William Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Connor Catherine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Connor John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Connor Mary Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Connors Edmond Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Connors James Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Connors Margaret Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Connors Michael Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Connors Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Connors Patrick Garrynageragh West Dungarvan Waterford Connors Thomas Boherard Dungarvan Waterford Connors Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Connors Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Connors Tthomas Killosseragh Dungarvan Waterford Connors William Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Conroy John Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Conway Catherine Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Conway William Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Cooney Darby Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Cooney John Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cooney John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Cooney Michael Ringnasilloge Dungarvan Waterford Cooney Michael Town of Dungarvan, Carberry's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Cooney Richard Garrynageragh East Dungarvan Waterford Cooney William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Corbett Edmond Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Corbin John Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Corcoran Margaret Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Corcoran Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cornan Patrick Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Cotter Edmond Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cowan Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cox Augustine Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Cox William Town of Dungarvan, Carter's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Cox William, Sr. Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Crawford Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Still Lane Dungarvan Waterford Crawley James Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Crawley Matthew Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Creagh Matthew Town of Dungarvan, Barney Lane Dungarvan Waterford Cremorne Lord ??? Ballymacmague East Dungarvan Waterford Cremorne Lord ??? Ballymacmague North Dungarvan Waterford Cremorne Lord ??? Commons Dungarvan Waterford Crimman James Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Croker Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cronan Thomas Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Croneen William Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Cronin William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Crotty Daniel Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Crotty John Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Crotty John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Crotty John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Crotty Mary Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Crotty Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Still Lane Dungarvan Waterford Crotty Michael Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Crotty Patrick Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Crotty Patrick Monkeal Dungarvan Waterford Crotty Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Crotty William Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Crow John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Crow Mrs. Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Crowley Christopher Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cuddihy Mary Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Cuffe Wall Daniel, Esq. Gorteen Dungarvan Waterford Cuffe Wall Daniel, Esq. Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Cully Philip Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Cumming Patrick Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Cummins Andrew Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Cummins Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Cunningham Alice Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Cunningham Cath. Coolcormuck Dungarvan Waterford Cunningham Honoria Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Cunningham Mary Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Curran John Killosseragh Dungarvan Waterford Curran Martin Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Curran Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Curran Thomas Ballinure Dungarvan Waterford Curran William Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Curran William Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Curreen Patrick Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Curreen Thomas Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Curren James Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Currin Denis Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Currin John Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Currin Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Currin Mrs. Catherine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Currin Nicholas Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Currin Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Currin Timothy Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Curroway ??? Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Curtayne Daniel Town of Dungarvan, Scammies's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Curtayne Denis Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Curtin Thomas Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Dalton James Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Dalton John Town of Dungarvan, Thompson's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Dalton Kate Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Dalton Maurice Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Dalton Patrick Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Daly Augustine Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Daly Augustine Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Daly Bridget Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Daly Catherine Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Daly Catherine Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Daly Daniel Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Daly Daniel Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Daly Denis Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Daly Honoria Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Daly James Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Daly John Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Daly John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Daly Mary Ballymacmague North Dungarvan Waterford Daly Mary Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Daly Michael Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Daly Michael Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Daly Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Daly Michael Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Daly Owen Ballymacmague North Dungarvan Waterford Daly Patrick Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Daly William Town of Dungarvan, Dirty Lane Dungarvan Waterford Daniel Grace Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Daniel John Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Daniel Michael Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Daniel Patrick Knockboy Dungarvan Waterford Daniel Thomas Parkeenaflugh Dungarvan Waterford Daniel Thomas Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Darney Patrick Clonanagh Dungarvan Waterford De Lacy Maurice Ballinure Dungarvan Waterford Dee Alice Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Dee Ellen Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Dee John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Dee Mrs. ??? Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Dee Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Dee Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Dirty Lane Dungarvan Waterford Dee Mrs. Ellen Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Dee Mrs. Ellen Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Dee Thomas Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Dee Thomas Knockboy Dungarvan Waterford Dee William Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Delay Michael Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Denn James Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Denny Margaret Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Derney Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Devereux Denis Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Islands (Shandon Island) Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Monkeal Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan, Second Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Devonshire ??? Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Devonshure ??? Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Dillon John Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Dillon Nicholas Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Divan Jane Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Dobbyn James Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Dobbyn James Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Dogherty Philip Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Donaghoe John, Jr. Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Donaghoe John, Sr. Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Donaghoe Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Donaghoe Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Donaghone Michael Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Donahoe Thomas Cushcam Dungarvan Waterford Donahon Matthew Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Donnell John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Donnell John Town of Dungarvan, Thompson's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Donnell Joseph Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Donnell Mary Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Donnell Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Donoghoe Thomas Knockahavaun Dungarvan Waterford Donohoe John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Donohoe Matthew Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Donohue Matthew Monkeal Dungarvan Waterford Donovan Mrs. ??? Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Donovan Patrick Clonanagh Dungarvan Waterford Dooey Thomas Ballymacmague West Dungarvan Waterford Dooley Thomas Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Dower Augustine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Dower Edward Town of Dungarvan, South Terrace Dungarvan Waterford Dower James Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Dower John Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Dower John Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Dower John Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Dower John, Esq. Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Dower John, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Dower Mary Town of Dungarvan Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Dower Maurice Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Dower Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Dower Patrick Town of Dungarvan, New Lane Dungarvan Waterford Dower Robert Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Downes Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Downey Daniel Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Downey Eleanor Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Downey Robert Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Doyle Anne Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Doyle Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Draper Augustine Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Draper Bridget Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Draper John Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Drew John Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Droghan Andrew Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Droghan Andrew Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Droghan Andrew Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Droghan Andrew Monang Dungarvan Waterford Droghan Andrew Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Droghan Andrew, Jr. Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Droghan Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Droghan Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Drummy Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Ducey John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Duggan John Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Duggan Mary Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Duggan Matthew Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Duggan Maurice Monang Dungarvan Waterford Duggan Maurice Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Duggan Michael Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Duggan Michael Town of Dungarvan Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Duggan Michael Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Duggan William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Dumphy Martin Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Dunn John Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Dunn Patrick Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Dunn Thomas Ballyguiry East Dungarvan Waterford Dunne William Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Durner John Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Durner Thomas Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Dwan Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Dwan Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer Edward Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer Edward Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer John Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer Matthew Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer Michael Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer Patrick Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Dwyer Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Thompson's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Dyer George Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Dyer Mrs. Ruth Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Dyer Mrs. Ruth Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Egan Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Ellis Rev. ??? Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Ellis Rev. Edward Coolcormuck Dungarvan Waterford Elsted Lueretia Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Eyers Michael Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Fahy Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Fallon Dominick, Esq. Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Fallon Eliza Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Fallon Patrick Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Farrell Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Still Lane Dungarvan Waterford Ferry William Cushcam Dungarvan Waterford Finnegan James Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Fisher John Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Fishery William Ballycoe Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Anthony Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Bridget Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Daniel Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Deglin Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Garret Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald James Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald James Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald John Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald John Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald John Barranalira Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald John Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Margaret Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Martin Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Mary Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Matthew Monang Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Maurice Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Stuccolane Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Barney Lane Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Clonanagh Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Crussera Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Timothy Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald Timothy Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Fitzgerald William Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Fitzmorris ??? Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flahavan Robert Parklane Dungarvan Waterford Flaherty Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Flannagan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Flannery Ellen Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flannery Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flavan Roger Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Fleming Laurence Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Fleming Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Fleming William Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Floyd Johanne Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Augustine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Bridget Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Edmund Newtown Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Edward Boherard Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Edward Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Edward Twomilebridge Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Eleanor Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flynn James Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Flynn John Coolnagour Dungarvan Waterford Flynn John Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Flynn John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flynn John Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Maurice Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Maurice Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Nilliam Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Patrick Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Patrick Boherard Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Patrick Newtown Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Philip Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Thomas Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Thomas Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Thomas Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Flynn Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Flynn William Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Flynn William Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Foley Anne Croughtanaul Dungarvan Waterford Foley Anne Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Foley Bridget Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Foley Catherine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Foley Catherine Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Foley Charlotte Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Foley David Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Foley David Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Foley Edmond Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Foley Eleanor Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Foley Honoria Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Foley James Ballyguiry East Dungarvan Waterford Foley James Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Foley Johanna Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Foley John Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Foley John Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Foley John Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Foley John Middlequarter Dungarvan Waterford Foley John Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Foley John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Foley John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Foley John Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Foley Lawrence Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Foley Mary Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Foley Mary Town of Dungarvan, Barney Lane Dungarvan Waterford Foley Mary Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Foley Maurice Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Foley Maurice Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Foley Maurice Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Foley Michael Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Foley Michael Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Foley Michael Garrynageragh West Dungarvan Waterford Foley Michael Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Foley Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Foley Michael Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Foley Nancy Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Foley Nhomas Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Foley Nicholas Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Foley Patrick Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Foley Patrick Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Foley Patrick Garrynageragh West Dungarvan Waterford Foley Patrick Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Foley Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Foley Philip Glen Beg Dungarvan Waterford Foley Thomas Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Foley Thomas Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Foley Thomas Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Foley William Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Foley William Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Foley William Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Foley William Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Fowler Catherine Barranalira Dungarvan Waterford Fowler David Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Fowler Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Scammies's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Fowler William Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Fraher Thomas Ballymacmague North Dungarvan Waterford Frehy Edmund Gorteen Dungarvan Waterford Frittin Richard Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Fyan James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Galvan Joseph Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Galway Edward, Esq. Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Galwey Edward, Esq. Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Galwey Edward, Esq. Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Gambon Ellen Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Gannaford John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Garvey Michael Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Geoghegan Mary Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Gibbins Richard Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Gibbons John Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Giery Jeremiah Newtown Dungarvan Waterford Giery John Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Giery Martin Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Giles Miss Catherine Boherard Dungarvan Waterford Giles Miss Catherine Coolnagour Dungarvan Waterford Giles Rev. William G. Monroe Glebe Dungarvan Waterford Giles Rev. William G. Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Gill John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Glanville Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Glavin John Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson Catherine Ballyduff Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson Catherine Ballymacmague West Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson David Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson James Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson John Ballymacmague West Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson John Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson Mary Knockboy Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson Mrs. Mary Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson Patrick Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson Thomas Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Gleeson Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Godkin ??? Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Godkin Longfield Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Godkin Longfield Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Godkin Longfield Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Goff Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Goff Maurice Town of Dungarvan, South Terrace Dungarvan Waterford Goff Maurice Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Gough Maurce Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Gough Maurice Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Gough Maurice Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Gough Michael Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Gough Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Grady Edmund Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Grady Honoria Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Grady John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Grady Marcus Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Grady Michael Ballymacmague East Dungarvan Waterford Grady Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Scammies's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Grant John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Grany John Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Greany Margaret Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Greany Michael Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Greany Patrick Killosseragh Dungarvan Waterford Greany Richard Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Greany Thomas Ballyguiry East Dungarvan Waterford Green John Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Greene John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Greene Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Guiry Daniel Ballinroad Dungarvan Waterford Guiry James Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hacket Eleanor Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Hackett James Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Hackett James Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Hackett Martin Town of Dungarvan, Scammies's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hackett Maurice Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Hackett Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Hackett Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Hackett Patrick Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Hackett Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Hagan Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Hallahan John Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Hallahap Patrick Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Halloran Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Halloran John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hally Anastasia Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hally Johanna Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Hally John Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Hally John Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Hally Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hally Michael Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Hally Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hally Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Hally Rev. ??? Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hally Rev. Jeremiah Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Hally Rev. Jeremiah Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Hally Rev. Jeremiah, D.D. Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Hally William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hamilton John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Handrahan Michael Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Handrahan Michael Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hanly Augustine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hanly James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hanly John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hanly Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hanly Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hannagan John Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan Andrew Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan Darby Currane Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan John Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan Patrick Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Thompson's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hannigan William Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Hannon Daniel Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Harly Hugh Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Harnet Johanna Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Harney Catherine Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Harney John Ballymacmague North Dungarvan Waterford Harney Mary Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Harney Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Harney Michael Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Harrington James Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Harrington John Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Harrington Thomas Coolcormuck Dungarvan Waterford Harris John Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Harris William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hart Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Harton William Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Harty William Town of Dungarvan, New Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hassid Bridget Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Catherine Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Daniel Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Hayes David Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Eleanor Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Hayes James Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Johanna Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Hayes John Fairlane, Dungarvan Waterford Hayes John Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Hayes John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hayes John Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Hayes John Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Mary Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Maurice Fairlane, Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Michael Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Nicholas Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Patrick Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Richard Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Robert Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Roger Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hayes Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Hayes William Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Hayes William Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Heafy James Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Heafy Laurence Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Heafy Thomas Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Healy Margaret Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Healy Mrs. Johanna Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Healy Thomas Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Healy Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Galwey's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hearn Bridget Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Hearn Daniel Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hearn David Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Hearn Mary Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Hearn Mary Town of Dungarvan, Thompson's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hearn Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Hearn Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Still Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hearne John Joulter's Park Dungarvan Waterford Hearne John Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Hearne Mrs. Eliza Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hearne Patrick Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hearne Patrick Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Hearne Peter Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Hearne Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hearns Charles, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Hearns Thomas Town of Dungarvan Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Heaven William Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Heckett Joan Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Heffernan Patrick Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Hennessy Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Heron Bartholemew Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Heron Eliza Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Heron Margaret Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Heron Mary Clonanagh Dungarvan Waterford Heron Thomas Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Heron William Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Hickey Mary Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hickey Maurice Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Hickey Patrick Town of Dungarvan, First Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Hickey Thomas Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Hickey Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Higgins Eneas Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Higgins John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Higgins Maurice Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Higgins Miss Sarah Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Higgins Miss Sarah Monang Dungarvan Waterford Higgins Richard Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Higgins Thomas Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Higgins Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hoalahan John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hoar Thomas Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Hogan Betty Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hogan Daniel Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Hogan John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Hogan John Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Hogan Margaret Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Hogan Michael Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Hogan Patrick Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Hogan Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hogan Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Hogan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Houlahan John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Houlahan Patrick Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Houlahan Philip Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Houlahan Thomas Fairlane, Dungarvan Waterford Houraghan James Tallacoolbeg Dungarvan Waterford Hourahan William Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Howell Robert, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Howell Robert, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Howley P. C., Esq. Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Hubbert James Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Hubbert John Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Hubbert John Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Hubbert Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Mrs. Alice Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Rev. Charles Ringcrehy Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Richard Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Richard, Esq. Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Richard, Esq. Ballycoe Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Richard, Esq. Sligaunagh Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Richard, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Richard, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Richard, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Hudson Robert Parknagappul Dungarvan Waterford Hughes James Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Humble Baronet J. Nugent Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Humble Baronet J. Nugent Ballynaskeha Beg. Dungarvan Waterford Humble John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hunt Nicholas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hurley William Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Hurton Patrick Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Hurton Thomas Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Hurton William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Hyde Johanna Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hyde Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hyde William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Hyland Bridget Town of Dungarvan, Thompson's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Jee John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Jee Margaret Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Jones Robert Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Joyce Margaret Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Kane Bridget Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Kealaher Daniel Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Kean Bridget Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Kean Edmund Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Kean Edward Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Kean Eleanor Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Kean Eleanor Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Kean Garret Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Kean James Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Kean James Cloneety Dungarvan Waterford Kean James Ringnasilloge Dungarvan Waterford Kean Jane Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Kean John Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Kean John Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Kean John Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Kean Laurence Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Kean Matthew Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Kean Patrick Glen Beg Dungarvan Waterford Kean Patrick Knockbrack Dungarvan Waterford Kean Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Kean Richard Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Kean Thomas Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Kean Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Keane Eleanor Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Keane James Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Keane John Town of Dungarvan, Carter's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Keane Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Keating Miss Johanah Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Keefe Margaret Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Keeffe John Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Keeffe Timothy Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Keely Patrick Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Keely Peter Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Kehoe Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Keily Eleanor Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Keily George, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Keily James Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Keily John, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Keily John, Esq. Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Keily Laurence Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Keily Mary Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Keily Mathew Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Keily Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Keily Michael Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Keily Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Keily Nicholas Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Keily Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Keily Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Keily Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Keily Philip Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Keily Thomas Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Keily William Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Keily William Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Kelly Jane Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Kelly Jeremiah Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Kelly Jeremiah Town of Dungarvan, Second Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Kelly John Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Kelly John Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Kelly Michael Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Kelly Richard Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Kelly Thomas Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Kelly William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Kenefeck Edward Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy Andrew Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy John Coolnagour Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy Margaret Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy Miss Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy Mrs. Anne Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Kennedy Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Kenny James Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Kenny Margaret Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Kerly John Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Kett Eliza Barranalira Dungarvan Waterford Kidney Edward Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Beverly Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Beverly, Esq. Lisfennel Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Still Lane Dungarvan Waterford Kiely John Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Mary Town of Dungarvan, First Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Michael Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Michael Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Michael Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Peter Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Robert Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Thomas Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Thomas Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Thomas Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Kiely Thomas Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Kiely William Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Kiely William Ringaphuca Dungarvan Waterford Kiely William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Kiley Beverly Ballinure Dungarvan Waterford Kiley Margaret Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Kiley Thomas Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford King John Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Kinnealy John Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Kinnealy Patrick Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Kinnealy William Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Kinnely Mary Barranalira Dungarvan Waterford Kirby Denis Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Kirby Ellen Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Kirby John Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Kirby Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Kirwan Bridget Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Kirwan Pierce Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Kirwan Pierce Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Lambert Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Landers David Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Landers James Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Landers Johanna Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Landers John Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Landers Patrick Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Landers Thomas Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Landres Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Lane Rev. John Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Langan Eleanor Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Langan John Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Langan Nicholas Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Langan William Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Langly Henry Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Lannan John Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Large William Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Launders Augustus Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Launders Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Lawler Mrs. ??? Town of Dungarvan, South Terrace Dungarvan Waterford Lawton Mary Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Leahy Eleanor Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Leamy Michael Ballyduff Dungarvan Waterford Leamy Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Leamy Miss Anne Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Lee George Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Leeson James Ballymacmague West Dungarvan Waterford Lehy Jeremiah Town of Dungarvan, Scammies's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Lenahan Matthew Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Lenahan Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Lenchan Edward Ballyguiry East Dungarvan Waterford Lenehan John Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Lenehan Laurence Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Lenehan Margaret Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Lennahan Matthew Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Lonergan William Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Longan David Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Longan Edward Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Longan John Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Longan John Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Longan John Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Longan Mary Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Longan Michael Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Longan Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Longan Richard Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Longan Robert, Esq. Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Lough Anthony Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Lucas Maurice Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Lynch James Ballyduff Beg Dungarvan Waterford Lynch James Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Lynch John Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Lynch John Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Lynch Margaret Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Lynch Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Lynch Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Lynch Michael Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Lynch Patrick Clonanagh Dungarvan Waterford Lynch Philip Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Lynch Thomas Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Lynch William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Lyndon James Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Lyndon Michael Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Lyndon William Town of Dungarvan, First Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Lyndon William Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Lyons Henry Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Lyons James Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Lyons Jeremiah Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Lyons Matthew Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Lyons Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Lyons Sylvester Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Lyuns Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Barney Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mack William Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Magrath Michael Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Maher Ellen Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Maher James Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Maher James Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Maher James Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Maher John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Maher John Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Maher William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Town of Dungarvan, Galwey's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Mahony Michael Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Mahony William Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Mann Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Manning Edward Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Mansfield John Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Mansfield Margaret Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Mansfield Michael Killosseragh Dungarvan Waterford Mansfield Thomas Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Marks John Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Mc Canty Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy Catherine Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy Catherine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy James Knocknasalla Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy James Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy Michael Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy Michael Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy Walter Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy William Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Mc Carthy William Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Mc Cowan Francis Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Mc Donagh Batholomew Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Mc Donagh James Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Augustine Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Deglin Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Eleanor Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath James Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath John Barranalira Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath John Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath John Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mary Ballinure Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mary Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mary Barranalira Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mary Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mary Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mary Knockbrack Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mary Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Michael Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Michael Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mrs. M. A. Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mrs. Mary Ballyduff Beg Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mrs. Mary Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Mrs. Mary Anne Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Roger Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Thomas Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath William Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Mc Grath William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Mc Guire Giles Arthur, Esq. Glen Beg Dungarvan Waterford Mc Guire Giles Arthur, Esq. Twomilebridge Dungarvan Waterford Mc Namara Margaret Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Mc Namara Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Mc Namara Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mc Namara Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Mcguire Giles Arthur Coolnagour Dungarvan Waterford Mcguire Giles Arthur, Esq. Carrowcash Lane Dungarvan Waterford Meade Thomas Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Meany John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Meany Philip Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Meara Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Meara William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Meath Eleanor Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Meath Thomas Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Meath Thomas Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Meath William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Meehan Joseph Cloncoskoran Dungarvan Waterford Mergan Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Mernan James Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Merrigan Michael Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Milan John Coolnagour Dungarvan Waterford Milan John Glen Beg Dungarvan Waterford Millan Martin Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mitchell Thomas Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Molloney Peter Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Monaghan Lewis Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Monahan Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Montaigue Michael Town of Dungarvan, Still Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mooney Maurice Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Mooney Richard Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Moore Bridget Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Moran John Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Morgan James Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Morrisey Augustine Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Morrison Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Morrisson Bridget Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Morrisson Stephen Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy ??? Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Augustine Sligaunagh Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Darby Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy James Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy James Town of Dungarvan Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy James Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Jeremiah Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Jeremiah Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Jeremiah, Jr. Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Jeremiah, Sr. Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Johanna Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy John Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy John Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Mary Parkeenaflugh Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Mary Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Maurice Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Maurice Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Maurice Parklane Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Maurice Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Michael Middlequarter Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Mrs. Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Nicholas Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Patrick Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Patrick Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Patrick Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Patrick Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Patrick Skehanard (Humble) Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Patrick Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Robert Acres Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Robert Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Thomas Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Thomas Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Thomas Ballynaskeha More. Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Thomas Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Thomas Garrynageragh East Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Thomas Garrynageragh West Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy William Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy William Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Morrissy William Town of Dungarvan, Thompson's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mortimer Rodolphus Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mountain John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Alice Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Bartholohew Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Honoria Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy James Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy John Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy John Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy John, Jr. Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy John, Sr. Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Margaret Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Mary Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Mary Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Maurice Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Maurice Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Michael Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Nicholas Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Thomas Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy William Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy William Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Mulcahy William Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Mulgan David Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Mulgan James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mulgan John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mulgan Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mulgan Michael Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Mulgrave Michael Ballyguiry East Dungarvan Waterford Mulhall James Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Mullen Johanna Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Mulligan Catherine Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Mullins Michael Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mullomney John Parkatluggerah Dungarvan Waterford Mullomney Michael Parkatluggerah Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney Bridget Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney John Clashmalea Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney Michael Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney Michael Ringnasilloge Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney Michael Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mullowney Patrick Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Mullowny James Ballyduff Dungarvan Waterford Murphy Andrew Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Murphy Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Murphy Catherine Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Murphy Cornelius Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Murphy Edmund Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Murphy Eleanor Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Murphy James Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Murphy John Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Murphy Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Murphy Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Murray Catherine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Murray David Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Murray David Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Murray John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Murray John Knockbrack Dungarvan Waterford Murray John Monkeal Dungarvan Waterford Murray John Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Murray Mary Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Murray Michael Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Murray Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Murray Patrick Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Murray Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Murray Richard Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Murray Thomas Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Murray Thomas Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Murray Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Neagle Marcus Town of Dungarvan, Second Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Neagle Margaret Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Neagle Margaret Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Neagle Margaret Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Neagle Martin Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Neagle Maurice Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Neale Edmond Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Neale John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Neale John Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Neale William Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Neale William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Neill ??? Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Neill Catherine Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Neill Michael Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Nolan Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Noonan Thomas Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Norris James Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Nowlan Bridget Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Augustine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Bridget Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Nugent James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Nugent James Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Mary Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Mary Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Nugent William Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Cloncoskoran Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Currane Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Cushcam Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Garrynageragh East Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Garrynageragh West Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Lisheenoona Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Louchaniska Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet J. Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet M. Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet R. Knockahavaun Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Humble Baronet R. Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Nugent Hymble Baronet R. Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Henry Lacken Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien James Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien James Ballyguiry East Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Maria Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Maurice Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Maurice Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Michael Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Mrs. Maria Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Patrick Duckspool Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Patrick Tourone Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Patrick, Esq. Skehanard (Barron) Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Timothy Town of Dungarvan, Bath Street Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Timothy Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford O'Brien Timothy Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford O'Dell Edward, Esq. Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford O'Donnell Garrett Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford O'Donnell Miss Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford O'Keeffe David Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford O'Keeffe Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford O'Neill Patrick Shandon Dungarvan Waterford O'Neill Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford O'Shea Maurice Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Oakley Kate Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Olden Mrs. Maria Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Olden Mrs. Maria Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Organ Andrew Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Organ John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Organ John Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Organ Philip Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Organ Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Ormond Mary Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Ormond Patrick Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Ormond Thomas Monang Dungarvan Waterford Ormonde Michael Crussera Dungarvan Waterford Orr William Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Orr William Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Palister Col. ??? Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Parks Mary Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Patterson Edward Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Perrin John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Petres John Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Pierce Edmond Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Pone Richard Boheen Dungarvan Waterford Pope John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Pope Richard Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Power Augustine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Catherine Ballymacmague East Dungarvan Waterford Power Catherine Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power David Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power Edmond Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power Edmond, Jr. Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Edmund Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Power Edmund Ringaphuca Dungarvan Waterford Power Edward Cushcam Dungarvan Waterford Power Edward Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Edward Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Power Edward, Sr. Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Honoria Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Power John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power John Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Power John Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Power John Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Power John Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Power John Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Power John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power John Town of Dungarvan, Galwey's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Power John Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Power John Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Power John Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Power John Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Power John Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Power John Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Power John, Jr. Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power John, Sr. Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power Laurence Gorteen Dungarvan Waterford Power Laurence Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Power Laurence Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Power Lorenzo Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power Margaret Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Power Mary Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power Mary Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Power Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Mary Town of Dungarvan, Dirty Lane Dungarvan Waterford Power Mary Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Power Maurice Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Power Michael Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Power Michael Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Power Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Power Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Power Michael Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Power Miss Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Power Mrs. ??? Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Power Mrs. ??? Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Power Mrs. Mary Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Power Nicholas Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Power Patrick Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Patrick Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Power Patrick Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Power Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Power Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Power Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Power Patrick John Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Philip Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Pierce Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Power Richard Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Power Richard Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Power Thomas Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Power Thomas Clonanagh Dungarvan Waterford Power Thomas Croughtanaul (Stuart) Dungarvan Waterford Power Thomas Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Power Thomas Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Power Thomas Terrysstang Dungarvan Waterford Power Thomas Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Power Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Power Timothy Town of Dungarvan, Dirty Lane Dungarvan Waterford Power Walter Town of Dungarvan, Dirty Lane Dungarvan Waterford Power William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Power William Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Prendergast Catherine Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Prendergast James Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Prendergast James Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Prendergast Matthew Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Prendergast Michael Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Prendergast Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Buttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Purcell Michael Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Purser Benjamin, Esq. Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Purser Benjamin, Esq. Town of Dungarvan, Carberry's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Qualey Daniel Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Qualey Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Quarry Catherine Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Quealy Luke Ballymacmague East Dungarvan Waterford Quealy Mary Ballymacmague East Dungarvan Waterford Quinlan Alice Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Quinlan Alice Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Quinlan John Fairlane, Dungarvan Waterford Quinlan Mary Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Quinlan Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Quinlan Mrs. Anne Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Quinlan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Quinn Arthur, M.D. Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Quinn Johanna Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Quinn John Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Quinn Patrick Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Quinn William Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Quirke John Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Ragher Michael Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Raher James Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Raleigh Richard Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Reany John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Regan Mary Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Regan Matthew Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Riordan Eleanor Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Riordan Mary Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Risbill John Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Robinson Mary Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Roche Andrew Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Roche Catherine Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Roche Ellen Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Roche James Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Roche James Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Roche James Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Roche James Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Roche Julia Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Roche Margaret Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Roche Mary Windgap Dungarvan Waterford Roche Maurice Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Roche Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Roche Miss Letitia Bawnabraher Dungarvan Waterford Roche Miss Letitia Monang Dungarvan Waterford Roche Miss Letitia Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Roche Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Roche Thomas Shanahill Dungarvan Waterford Roche Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Roche Thomas Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Roche William Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Ronan ??? Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Ronayne Michael Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Rowan Edmond Fairlane, Dungarvan Waterford Rowan Edmund Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Roynane Patrick Town of Dungarvan Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Cornelius Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Darby Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Ryan James Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Ryan James Tourone Dungarvan Waterford Ryan James Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Ryan John Ballycullane Beg Dungarvan Waterford Ryan John Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Ryan John, Jr. Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Ryan John, Sr. Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Margaret Clonanagh Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Michael Town of Dungarvan. Youghal Road Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Patrick Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Scammies's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Robert Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Thomas Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Thomas Cushcam Dungarvan Waterford Ryan Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Ryan William Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Ryan William Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Sanders Augustine Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Sandford Peter Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Sandford William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Sarsfield Patrick Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Sarsfield Thomas Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Savage Thomas Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Scanlan Edmond Coolcormuck Dungarvan Waterford Scanlan James Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Scanlan James Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Scanlan Michael Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Scanlan Thomas Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Shambles ??? Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Shanahan Rev. John Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Shanahan Rev. John Knockboy Dungarvan Waterford Shanahan Rev. John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Shaw Edward Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Shea John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Shea John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Shea John Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Shea John Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Shea Maurice, Jr. Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Shea Maurice, Sr. Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Shea Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Shea Timothy Buttery West,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Sheehan Edmond Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Sheehan John Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Sheehan Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Sheehan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Sheehan William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Sheehan William Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Sheran Mrs. Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Sheridan Denis Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Sheridan John Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Sheridan Laurence Bawnacarrigaun Dungarvan Waterford Sheridan Laurence Islands (Shandon Island) Dungarvan Waterford Sheridan Lawrence Killosseragh Dungarvan Waterford Sherridan Denis Fairlane, Dungarvan Waterford Sherridan Dennis Fairlane, Dungarvan Waterford Slattery John Carrowcash Lane Dungarvan Waterford Slattery John Ringnasilloge Dungarvan Waterford Slattery John Shandon Dungarvan Waterford Slattery John Town of Dungarvan, Barney Lane Dungarvan Waterford Slattery John Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Slattery John Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Slattery Julia Knockbrack Dungarvan Waterford Slattery Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Sliney John Coolnagour Dungarvan Waterford Sliney Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Smallfield Stephen Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Smallpiece Charles Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Smith Lionel Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Smith Rep. Richard Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Snow Nicholas Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Snow Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Spratt Edward Coolcormuck Dungarvan Waterford Spratt Jacob Coolcormuck Dungarvan Waterford Spratt Miss Catherine Coolcormuck Dungarvan Waterford Stokes Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Stuart Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan Cornelius Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan John Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan Mary Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan Philip Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan Philip Loughanunna Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan Thomas Ballynalahessery, North Dungarvan Waterford Sullivan William Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Sweeny James Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Sweeny James Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Sweeny Michael Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Sweeny Thomas Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Swiney John Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Swiney Maurice Town of Dungarvan. Ruttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Tallon Dominick Town of Dungarvan, Cross Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Tallon Miss Elizabeth Town of Dungarvan, Galwey's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Taylor Michael Town of Dungarvan, Second Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Taylor William Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Terry Catherine Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Terry Eliza Kilminnin North Dungarvan Waterford Terry James Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Terry John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Terry Maurice Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Terry Michael Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Terry Michael Cloncoskoran Dungarvan Waterford Terry Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Terry Patrick Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Terry Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Terry Thomas Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Terry William Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Terry William Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Terry William Cloncoskoran Dungarvan Waterford Tobin Edmond Town of Dungarvan. Second Cross-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Tobin Garret Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Tobin James Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Tobin Michael Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Tobin Michael Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Tobin Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Toohill William Barranalira Dungarvan Waterford Toomy Robert Town of Dungarvan, New Lane Dungarvan Waterford Totty George Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Totty John Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Touhill Margaret Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Touhill William Killongford Dungarvan Waterford Towel Michael Lacken Dungarvan Waterford Tracey Denis Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Tracey James Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Tracy James Town of Dungarvan. Buttery East. Dungarvan Waterford Tracy John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Tracy Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Tracy Timothy Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Travers Patrick, M.D. Town of Dungarvan, Bridge Street Dungarvan Waterford Travers Patrick, M.D. Town of Dungarvan, New Lane Dungarvan Waterford Travers Patrick, M.D. Town of Dungarvan, Quay Street Dungarvan Waterford Treehee Daniel Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Troy Anne Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Troy Mary Town of Dungarvan, Bath Street Dungarvan Waterford Troy Michael Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Troy Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Tuomey Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Tynant Catherine Town of Dungarvan. Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Tynant Edward Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Tynant Patrick Town of Dungarvan. Boreenatra Dungarvan Waterford Uniacke Robert, Esq. Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Usher Kiely Arthur, Esq. Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Veale Laurence Knocknasalla Dungarvan Waterford Veale Wiliam Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Veale William Knocknasalla Dungarvan Waterford Veale William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Veale William Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Vengean Alice Town of Dungarvan, Lrd George's Second Ln Dungarvan Waterford Vengean Patrick Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Wade Daniel Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Wade James Town of Dungarvan, William Street Dungarvan Waterford Wade Johanna Town of Dungarvan, Second Low Cross-St. Dungarvan Waterford Wade John Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Wade John Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Wade Mary Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Wade Patrick Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Wade Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Wade Thomas Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Wall David Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Wall James Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Wall John Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Wall John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Wall John Town of Dungarvan, St Nicholas Street Dungarvan Waterford Wall Patrick, Jr. Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Wall Patrick, Sr. Kilminnin South Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Augustine Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Bridget Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Edmond Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Edmond Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Edward Ballynalahessery, South Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Eleanor Ballyduff More Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Eleanor Cushcam Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Honoria Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Walsh James Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford Walsh James Burgery Dungarvan Waterford Walsh James Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Walsh James Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Johanna Middlequarter Dungarvan Waterford Walsh John Ballyduff Dungarvan Waterford Walsh John Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Walsh John Middlequarter Dungarvan Waterford Walsh John Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Walsh John Town of Dungarvan, Scammies's Lane Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Margaret Ballynacourty Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Margaret Cushcam Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Mary Knocknagranagh Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Mary Town of Dungarvan. Cross Strand-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Matthew Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Matthew Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Maurice Ballymacmague South Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Maurice Joulter's Park Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Michael Boherard Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Michael Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Michael Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Michael Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Michael Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Michael Town of Dungarvan. New Chapel-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Nicholas Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Nicholas Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Patrick Ballymacmague North Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Patrick Tallacoolbeg Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Church Street Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Patrick Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Rep. ??? Barranalira Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Richard Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Richard Town of Dungarvan, South Terrace Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Richard Town of Dungarvan, The Quay Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Thomas Coolnagour Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Thomas Glen Beg Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Thomas Glen More Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Thomas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Walsh Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Walsh William Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Walsh William Kilmurry Dungarvan Waterford Walsh William Monang Dungarvan Waterford Walsh William Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Walsh William Town of Dungarvan Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford Walsh William Town of Dungarvan, Barrack Lane Dungarvan Waterford Walsh William Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Walters Miss ??? Town of Dungarvan, South Terrace Dungarvan Waterford Walters Stephen Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Ward James Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Town of Dungarvan, St Augustine Street Dungarvan Waterford Welden John Knockateemore Dungarvan Waterford Weldon John Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whaley Margaret Town of Dungarvan. First Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Anne Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Bartholomew Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Catherine Town of Dungarvan, Main Street Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Daniel Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan David Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Denis Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Edmond Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Edmund Ballyduff Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Edward Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Honoria Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan James Town of Dungarvan, Lord George's First Ln Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Johanah Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Johanna Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Street Dungarvan Waterford Whelan John Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Whelan John Town of Dungarvan, The Buttery, West Dungarvan Waterford Whelan John Town of Dungarvan. Devonshire Street. Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Margaret Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Mary Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Maurice Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Michael Ballycullane More Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Michael Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Michael Town of Dungarvan, Buttery West Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Michael Town of Dungarvan. Ruttery Lane Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Mrs. Eleanor Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Nicholas Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Patrick Ballycoe Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Patrick Fairlane,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Patrick Skehacrine Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Patrick Town of Abbeyside Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Richard Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Thomas Tallacoolbeg Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Blackpool Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, Old Chapel Lane Dungarvan Waterford Whelan Thomas Town of Dungarvan, St. Patrick-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Whelan William Town of Dungarvan, St Thomas-Street Dungarvan Waterford Whelan William Town of Dungarvan, St. David's-Street. Dungarvan Waterford Whelen David Town of Dungarvan, Third Cross-Streeet Dungarvan Waterford White Andrew Blackpool,(Gallowshill) Dungarvan Waterford White John Blackpool,(Fairlane) Dungarvan Waterford White Maurice Ballyguiry West Dungarvan Waterford White Michael Tourone Dungarvan Waterford Williams William Town of Dungarvan, Devonshire Square Dungarvan Waterford