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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dysert, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Dysert, County Waterford
Allen William Corragina Dysert Waterford Archer Patrick Coolnamuck Demesne Dysert Waterford Archer Patrick Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Archer Patrick Corragina Dysert Waterford Boland Maurice Toor Dysert Waterford Boyle Mary Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Boyle Mary Corragina Dysert Waterford Bradshaw Rev. Paris Churchtown Dysert Waterford Brien Edward Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Burke Catherine Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Butler James Coolnamuck West Dysert Waterford Butler James Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Cahill Richard Corragina Dysert Waterford Cantwell Maurice Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Cantwell William Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Canty Owen Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Carroll James Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Cavanagh William Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Cleary Patrick Corragina Dysert Waterford Cleary Thomas Corragina Dysert Waterford Coffey Denis Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Comerford James Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Congrave John, Esq. Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Congrave John, Esq. Toor Dysert Waterford Connelly James Churchtown Dysert Waterford Connelly Michael Churchtown Dysert Waterford Connelly Michael Churchtown Hill Dysert Waterford Connelly Patrick Churchtown Hill Dysert Waterford Connolly James Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Connolly John Windgap or Ardmore Dysert Waterford Connolly Maurice Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Connolly Michael Toor Dysert Waterford Crower James Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Cullinan Darby Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Cummingham Thomas Corragina Dysert Waterford Cunningham Thomas Corragina Dysert Waterford Curry John Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Curry Michael Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Curry Patrick Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Curry Thomas Churchtown Dysert Waterford Cusack Bridget Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Cusack Patrick Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Daly Maurice Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Dee John Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Dee Martin Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Disney Sir Moore Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Disney Sir Moore Churchtown Dysert Waterford Disney Sir Moore Churchtown Hill Dysert Waterford Dooley James Windgap or Ardmore Dysert Waterford Dooley Thomas Churchtown Hill Dysert Waterford Droghan David Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Droghan John Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Droghan Michael Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Duff Robert Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Duggan Mary Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Dwan Nicholas Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Fahy Patrick Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Felming James Ballindysert Dysert Waterford Flaherty Denis Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Fleming Edward Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Fleming John Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Fleming Norah Corragina Dysert Waterford Flemong Honoria Churchtown Dysert Waterford Foran John Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Foran Michael Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Foran Michael Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Foran Richard Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Gaffney Rev. Patrick Ballindysert Dysert Waterford Galway James, Esq. Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Gazley Margaret Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Glaskow Thomas Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Golden Mary Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Griffin Patrick Corragina Dysert Waterford Hahesy Edward Churchtown Dysert Waterford Hahesy John Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Hahesy John Corragina Contd Dysert Waterford Hahesy John Scartlea Dysert Waterford Hahesy Michael Churchtown Dysert Waterford Hahesy Patrick Churchtown Dysert Waterford Halloran Patrick Common Dysert Waterford Harney William Kildroughtaun Dysert Waterford Hayes John Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Hayes Michael Scartlea Dysert Waterford Hayes Patrick Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Hayes Patrick Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Hearne Catherine Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Heffernan William Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Hickey Edward Churchtown Dysert Waterford Hickey Michael Churchtown Dysert Waterford Hickey Patrick Coolnamuck Demesne Dysert Waterford Hickey Patrick Corragina Dysert Waterford Hiockey William Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Hogan John Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Holleran Patrick Scartlea Dysert Waterford Honan Laurence Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Houlahan Marty Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Hurley Patrick Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Joy James Windgap or Ardmore Dysert Waterford Joy Richard Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Kane Richard Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Keating Mary Common Dysert Waterford Kelly John Churchtown Hill Dysert Waterford Kelly Thomas Churchtown Dysert Waterford Kelly Thomas Churchtown Hill Dysert Waterford Kennedy Thomas Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Larkin Edward Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Larkin William Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Leahy Catherine Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Leahy Walter Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Lonergan John Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Lonnergan John Toor Dysert Waterford Lonnergan Mary Toor Dysert Waterford Lonnergan Thomas Toor Dysert Waterford Loughlin James Ballindysert Dysert Waterford Loughlin John Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Magrath Catherine Windgap or Ardmore Dysert Waterford Magrath John Toor Dysert Waterford Mc Namara John Coolnamuck West Dysert Waterford Meagher Mary Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Meara Darby Churchtown Dysert Waterford Meara Edward Kildroughtaun Dysert Waterford Meara John Kildroughtaun Dysert Waterford Meara Michael Kildroughtaun Dysert Waterford Molony James Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Molony Mary Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Morrissy Thomas Churchtown Dysert Waterford Mullins John Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Mullins William Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Murray James Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Murray Michael Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Neill Patrick Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Payne James Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Payne James Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Payne Patrick Corragina Dysert Waterford Power Eleanor Churchtown Hill Dysert Waterford Power James Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Power John Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Power John Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Power John Carrowclough Dysert Waterford Power John Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Power John Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Power John Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Power John Scartlea Dysert Waterford Power John, Esq. Scartlea Dysert Waterford Power Mary Toor Dysert Waterford Power Maurice Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Power Michael Churchtown Dysert Waterford Power Michael Churchtown Hill Dysert Waterford Power Nicholas Scartlea Dysert Waterford Power Patrick Ballyclohy Dysert Waterford Purcell James Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Purcell Philip Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Quan John Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Quinn Edmond Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Quinn Michael Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Reilly Thomas Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Rowe Patrick Corragina Dysert Waterford Rownan Michael Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Ryan John Windgap or Ardmore Dysert Waterford Ryan Thomas Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Ryan Thomas Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Slattery Pierce Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Sullivan Daniel Glen Lower Dysert Waterford Thompson Robert Kildroughtaun Dysert Waterford Tobin James Glen Upper Dysert Waterford Torpy Richard Scartlea Dysert Waterford Wall James, Esq. Coolnamuck Demesne Dysert Waterford Wall James, Esq. Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Wall James, Esq. Corragina Dysert Waterford Wall James, Esq. Kildroughtaun Dysert Waterford Wall Mary Coolnamuck East Dysert Waterford Wallesq James Coolnamuck West Dysert Waterford Walsh Edward Scartlea Dysert Waterford Walsh John Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Walsh John Churchtown Dysert Waterford Walsh Mary Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Walsh Mary Kildroughtaun Dysert Waterford Walsh Maurice Ballindysert Dysert Waterford Walsh Maurice Corragina Dysert Waterford Walsh Michael Coolnamuck West Dysert Waterford Walsh Peter Scartlea Dysert Waterford Whelan James Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Whelan Michael Churchtown Dysert Waterford Whelan Patrick Common Dysert Waterford Whelan Thomas Ballyindysert Dysert Waterford Whelan William Scartlea Dysert Waterford