Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Fews, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Fews, County Waterford
Ardagh Rev. Wm J. Kealfoun Fews Waterford Baldwin John Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Baldwin Patrick Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Baldwin Thomas Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Baldwin William Ballyboy Fews Waterford Barry James Furraleigh Fews Waterford Behan David Ashtown Fews Waterford Behan Patrick Ashtown Fews Waterford Boland Thomas Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Brazil John Graiguearush Fews Waterford Brien Denis Kealfoun Fews Waterford Burke Patrick Ashtown Fews Waterford Butler Eleanor Kealfoun Fews Waterford Butler James Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Butler Thomas Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Butler William Cummeen Fews Waterford Butler William Kealfoun Fews Waterford Butler William Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Cahill John Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Cantwell James Kealfoun Fews Waterford Cantwell Richard Furraleigh Fews Waterford Casey Mary Kealfoun Fews Waterford Casey Pp Rev. John Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Christopher John Graiguearush Fews Waterford Curran Timothy Coummahon Fews Waterford Daly John Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Dee David Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Dee Edmond Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Dee John Graiguearush Fews Waterford Dee John Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Dee Margaret Kealfoun Fews Waterford Dee Thomas Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Dee Thomas Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Donnell Richard Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Donovan Patrick Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Dooley John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Dowd Edward Kealfoun Fews Waterford Dowd John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Dowd Richard Furraleigh Fews Waterford Downey Matthew Kealfoun Fews Waterford Droghan David Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Droghan Edward Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Droghan James Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Droghan Mary Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Droghan Patrick Kealfoun Fews Waterford Droghan Thomas Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Droghan Walter Ballyboy Fews Waterford Dunn James Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Dunn Mrs. Catherine Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Dwyer Edward Graiguearush Fews Waterford Dwyer John Furraleigh Fews Waterford Fenelon David Kealfoun Fews Waterford Fitt Patrick Graiguearush Fews Waterford Fitzgerald James Ballyboy Fews Waterford Fitzgerald Michael Ballyboy Fews Waterford Fitzgerald Michael Furraleigh Fews Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Ballyboy Fews Waterford Flahavan John Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Flahavin James Furraleigh Fews Waterford Foley Michael Graiguearush Fews Waterford Galvin John Ballyboy Fews Waterford Girey John Furraleigh Fews Waterford Gough Philip Ballyboy Fews Waterford Halfpenny Patrick Graiguearush Fews Waterford Hallinan Thomas Kealfoun Fews Waterford Halloran John Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Hannigan Denis Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Hannigan William Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Harris John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Hearne John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Higgins Denis Kealfoun Fews Waterford Higgins James Kealfoun Fews Waterford Higgins John Furraleigh Fews Waterford Hogan Catherine Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Hogan Richard Graiguearush Fews Waterford Hunt Thomas Ashtown Fews Waterford Hurley Matthew Kealfoun Fews Waterford Keane Michael Furraleigh Fews Waterford Keating Alicia Kealfoun Fews Waterford Keiranan John Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Keireran Edmund Ashtown Fews Waterford Keireran John Ashtown Fews Waterford Keireran Patrick Ballyboy Fews Waterford Keirnan Nicholas Kealfoun Fews Waterford Kennedy Richard Kealfoun Fews Waterford Kerrins Michael Furraleigh Fews Waterford Kervin John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Kierinan Michael Graiguearush Fews Waterford Kitt William Coummahon Fews Waterford Lynch Michael Kealfoun Fews Waterford Lynch Timothy Ballyboy Fews Waterford Lyons Michael Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Mc Carthy Alicia Ballyboy Fews Waterford Mechan Margaret Kealfoun Fews Waterford Melvy John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Milican Alicia Ballyboy Fews Waterford Milliken Patrick Coummahon Fews Waterford Mooney Catherine Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Mooney Patrick Cummeen Fews Waterford Morrissy John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Morrissy Michael Cummeen Fews Waterford Mullins Patrick Ballyboy Fews Waterford Mullowney John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Murray Edmund Ashtown Fews Waterford Murray Edward Ashtown Fews Waterford Murray Patrick Ashtown Fews Waterford O'Brien Michael Kealfoun Fews Waterford Pallisser Col. ??? Ballyboy Fews Waterford Pallisser Col. ??? Coummahon Fews Waterford Pallisser Col. ??? Furraleigh Fews Waterford Pigott Thomas Cummeen Fews Waterford Power David Ballyboy Fews Waterford Power David Kealfoun Fews Waterford Power Denis Furraleigh Fews Waterford Power Edmond Kealfoun Fews Waterford Power Edward Ballyboy Fews Waterford Power Eleanor Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Power James Kealfoun Fews Waterford Power John Coummahon Fews Waterford Power John Furraleigh Fews Waterford Power John Graiguearush Fews Waterford Power John Kealfoun Fews Waterford Power John Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Power Martin Kealfoun Fews Waterford Power Mary Kealfoun Fews Waterford Power Maurice Kealfoun Fews Waterford Power Patrick Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Power Richard Ballyboy Fews Waterford Power Richard Graiguearush Fews Waterford Power Richard Kealfoun Fews Waterford Power Simon Ashtown Fews Waterford Power Thomas Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Prendergast Michael Kealfoun Fews Waterford Prendergast Patrick Kealfoun Fews Waterford Quinn Margaret Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Quinn Mary Furraleigh Fews Waterford Quinn Patrick Kealfoun Fews Waterford Raleigh Walter Kealfoun Fews Waterford Reilly Denis Ballyboy Fews Waterford Sarsfield Thomas Furraleigh Fews Waterford Stack Patrick Coummahon Fews Waterford Stack Patrick Furraleigh Fews Waterford Sweeney John Furraleigh Fews Waterford Walsh David Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Walsh Michael Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Walsh Patrick Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Walsh Patrick Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Walsh Thomas Kealfoun Fews Waterford Walsh Thomas Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Kilnagrange Fews Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Rathmaiden Fews Waterford Whelan James Ashtown Fews Waterford Whelan James Cummeen Fews Waterford Whelan Nicholas Ashtown Fews Waterford Whelan Robert Coummahon Fews Waterford Whelan Robert Furraleigh Fews Waterford