Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Guilcagh, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Guilcagh, County Waterford
Boland John Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Brien Edward Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Brien John Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Brien Patrick Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Butler James Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Butler Matthew Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Butler Thomas Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Carberry Michael Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Carty Thomas Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Connell Patrick Carraghataggart Guilcagh Waterford Connors John Guilcagh Guilcagh Waterford Crowley Charles Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Cummins Thomas Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Darby Rev. William A. Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Donnell Mary Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Duggan Patrick Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Dunphy James Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Egan Richard Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Fitzgerald John Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Fitzgerald Margaret Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Foley Michael Carraghataggart Guilcagh Waterford Foley Patrick Carraghataggart Guilcagh Waterford Foley Thomas Carraghataggart Guilcagh Waterford Gough Patrick, Jr. Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Gough Patricl, Sr. Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Gough Thomas, Jr. Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Gough Thomas, Sr. Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Halley John Beallough Guilcagh Waterford Halley Martin Beallough Guilcagh Waterford Hoolahan Edward Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Mannsell James Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Nowlan Thomas Carraghataggart Guilcagh Waterford Power Ellen Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Power John Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Power John G. Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Power Matthew Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Power Nicholas Carraghataggart Guilcagh Waterford Power Richard Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Power Richard Beallough Guilcagh Waterford Quin James Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Rourke Rev. Michael Guilcagh Guilcagh Waterford Shafey Edward Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Shanahan John Knocknacrohy Guilcagh Waterford Smith Nicholas Carraghataggart Guilcagh Waterford Stephenson Edward Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Stones George Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Tasker Andrew Knocknacrohy Guilcagh Waterford Thompson Anthony Beallough Guilcagh Waterford Thompson Francis Beallough Guilcagh Waterford Thompson George Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Thompson George Knocknacrohy Guilcagh Waterford Thompson John Beallough Guilcagh Waterford Thompson Robert Beallough Guilcagh Waterford Thompson William Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Walsh James Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Walsh Judith Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Beallough Guilcagh Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Carraghataggart Guilcagh Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Guilcagh Guilcagh Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Knocknacrohy Guilcagh Waterford Whelan Edward Knocknacrohy Guilcagh Waterford Whelan Johanna Knocknacrohy Guilcagh Waterford Whelan John Kilmovee Guilcagh Waterford Whelan Thomas Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford White Michael Ballyvallikin Guilcagh Waterford Wilson George Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford Wilson Richard Ballycahane Town of Portlaw Guilcagh Waterford