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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Inishlounaught, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Inishlounaught, County Waterford
Allen Jeremiah Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Allen Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Bagwell John, Esq. Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Bagwell John, Esq. Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Barron James Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Barry Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Barry Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Bourke Ellen Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Bourke Michael Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Bourke Patrick Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Brennan Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Brett Alice Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Brett Patrick Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Brett Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Brett Thomas Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Brien Catherine Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Brien John Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Brien Michael Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Brien Roger Glenabbey Inishlounaught Waterford Buckley James Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Butler Catherine Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Butler Edward Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Butler James Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Butler Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Butler Patrick Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Butler Rep. Edward Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Butler Thomas Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Cahill John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Callaghan Cornelius Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Callanan Edward Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Callanan Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Cantwell John Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Carey Garrett Rd, Esq. Glenabbey Inishlounaught Waterford Casey Patrick Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Clancy Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Coghlan John Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Coghlan Mary Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Coghlan Maurice Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Coghlan Patrick Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Collins John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Collins Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Collins Thomas, Jr. Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Condon James Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Condon Parick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Condon Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Condon William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Connelly William Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Connolly Anastasia Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Connors John Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Connors John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Connors Mary Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Connors Mary Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Connors Maurice Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Connors Maurice Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Connors Patrick Glenabbey Inishlounaught Waterford Connors Patrick Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Connors Thomas Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Connors William Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Connory Thomas Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Cooney Catherine Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Cooney James Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Cooney Michael Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Cooney Patrick Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Cooney Richard Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Cooney Richard Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Cooney Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Creane Richard Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Cronin Catherine Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Cummins Richard Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Curreen John Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Curreen William Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Daniel John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Daniel Richard Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Daniel Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Dempsey Maurice Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Dillon Mrs. Mary Angela Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Donoughmore ??? Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Donoughmore ??? Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Driscoll John, Jr. Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Driscoll John, Sr. Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Duggan Margarret Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Dwan Denis Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Dwan Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Dwan Patrick Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Dwyer Edmund Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Dwyer Martin Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Dwyer Michael Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Egan Patrick Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford English William Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford English William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Fahy Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Farrell Mary Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Farrell Michael Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Fitzgerald Michael Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Flaherty Margaret Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Flynn John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Fogarty John Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Fragher David Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Gavan John Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Gearns John Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Gearns Patrick Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Gibbons Catherine Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Gibbons James Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Gibbons James Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Gibbons Mary Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Gibbons Michael Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Gibbons Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Gibbons Thomas Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Gough Catherine Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Gough James Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Gough James Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Gough John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Greans James Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Greene Joseph Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Greene Rep. Nuttal, Esq. Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Greene Rep. Nuttal, Esq. Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Griffin Margaret Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Griffin Mary Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Guiry Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Guiry William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Hackett Denis Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Hackett Denis Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Hahessy Edmund Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Hahessy Mary Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Hahessy Thomas Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Hahessy William, Jr. Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Halahan Lawrence Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Halfpenny Catherine Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Halfpenny James Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Halfpenny Owen Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Hall Mary Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Harney Philip Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Harrington Judith Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Hefernan William Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Hetherman John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Hickey Maurice Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Higgins Joseph Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Hunt Philip Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Keating John Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Keating Richard Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Keeffe Timothy Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Keily Jeremiah, Jr. Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Keily Jeremiah, Sr. Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Keily Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Kelly Andrew Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Kelly Bridget Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Kelly Jeremiah Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Kelly Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Kelly William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Kenedy Michael Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Kennedy Patrick Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Killigrew John Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Kirwan Catherine Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Kirwan John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Kirwan Michael Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Kirwan Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Kirwan Thomas Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Kirwan Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Latore James Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Leahy Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Lewis Sarah Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Lonnergan Catherine Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Lonnergan Edward Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Lonnergan Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Magnier John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Maher Jeremiah Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Mahony James Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Mannix Honoria Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Mc Enery Denis Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Mc Enery Denis Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Mc Glinn Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Mc Grath Margaret Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Meara Lawrence Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Meara Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Mears John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Meehan William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Mills Isaac, Jr. Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Molony John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Morrissy Garrett Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Morrissy Garrett Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Morrissy Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Morrissy Patrick, Jr. Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Morrissy Patrick, Sr. Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Morrissy William Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Murray John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Murray Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Nagle Michael Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Nagle Patrick Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Noonan James Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Noonan William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Palliser Alexander Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Phelan Ellen Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Phelan Jeremiah Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Phelan Michael Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Phelan Patrick Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Phelan Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Phelan Thomas Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Phelan William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Philips John, Esq. Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Power John Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Power Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Power William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Prendergast Eliza Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Prendergast John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Prendergast Lawrence Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Quin Bridget Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Reardon John Glenabbey Inishlounaught Waterford Regan Timothy Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Ryan Catherine Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Ryan James Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Ryan Mary Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Ryan Timothy Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Ryan Timothy, Sr. Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Ryan William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Scully John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Scully Patrick Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Scully Terence Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Scully William Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Shanahan Patrick Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Shee James John Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Shee James John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Sparrow Robert Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Sullivan John Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Sullivan John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Talbot James Greenan Inishlounaught Waterford Talbot Robert Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Tobin John Kilnamack East Inishlounaught Waterford Tobin Judith Kilnamack West Inishlounaught Waterford Tobin Martin Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Tobin Michael Caherbaun Inishlounaught Waterford Tuohill Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Walsh John Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Walsh Patrick Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford Ward Thomas Kilmacomma Inishlounaught Waterford